How to Make Medical Cannabis Extract Oil
Updated Feb 14, 2019
by Nebula Haze – “How to Make Rick Simpson Oil” video uploaded by T.H. Hunt DNM
December 14, 2013. Spain Study Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects ( ) THE Safest Solvent Used TO PRODUCE CANNABIS OIL!
10 Oct 2012 Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition Surrounded by other medicinal anti-cancer substances in a full protocol it’s hard to The Hemp Oil which is from alcohol extraction of marijuana bud is illegal in The Cannabis oil that is curing cancer is known as Rick Simpson Oil or FECO…
December 15, 2013. Confusion of Solvents used for RSO??? New patient information ( )
Medicinal Cannabis Forum at International Cannagraphic Magazine. In case you are wondering, use Grain Alcohol-Everclear/ rum 151, they don’t properly burn off all of the extraction fluid or maybe burn the oil
December 16, 2013. How to Make a Medical Marijuana Oil: 13 Steps (with Pictures) ( )
All these solvents including alcohol are poisonous in nature, so it’s As the level of the solvent-oil mix in the rice cooker drops, keep adding more until you.
11 May 2013 The purpose of the extraction, often followed by a solvent For medicinal purposes in managing electro-sensitivity and chemical sensitivity, I have Alcohol extraction works but doesn’t feel rounded like the olive oil extract.
December 19, 2013. Rick Simpson’s Hemp-Oil Medicine | High Times ( )
13 Nov 2013 For those looking to buy some authentic Rick Simpson Oil legally.
December 22, 2013. Is Rso Safe For Consumption? – Patient Issues: – Michigan Medical
December 31, 2013. Decarb Weed – Incredible, Edible Herb – Grasscity Forum
Decarb Weed – posted in Incredible, Edible Herb: To make Rick Simpson oil. would I need to decarb the Herb? I would suggest a cold grain (drinking) alcohol extraction, using whatever cannabis/material you have
December 11, 2013. EVERCLEAR extraction | Page 2 | FC Vaporizer Review Forum
I would think if you can’t get grain alcohol that you could get grape alcohol, good luck The freshest herb puts off strait white looking residue that when you make some Rick Simpson Oil with Everclear and the absolute best
December 23, 2013. Tincture: Alcohol and Glycerin – 420 Magazine
December 28, 2013. QWISO Extraction with Isopropyl | Skunk Pharm Research LLC ( )
Here is our techniques for producing a pristine oleoresin extraction. It is the alcohol that is extracting the chlorophyll and the alcohol will grab more than with lid and gasket and filled about half full with silica gel kitty litter to dry my herb.
December 27, 2013. Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Medicine: Natural Cure For Cancer Using Concentrated cannabis
26 Jan 2013 This video documentary does a great job explaining the medicinal benefits of Cannabis. Never use pure naphtha, ether, butane, 99% isopropyl alcohol, or even water. Learn why ethanol is becoming a solvent of choice!!!
January 4, 2014. Using Everclear Safest Way To Make FECO –
I have a degree in Botanical Medicine and a Masters in Herbal Medic… Nice extraction and visual, would Isopropyl alcohol be the safest option to use instead? NO. Either Food Grade Alcohol 0r Ethanol
December 17, 2013. (BHO) And Is It Safe? – The Weed Blog!!!
10 Jun 2013 stick to alcohol, Co2 or a solventless extraction of some sort, and live a long time. Extracting the most medicinal part of the plant with out any poisonous solvents.
January 3, 2014. My Experience with Rick Simpson Oil –
99% isopropyl is toxic…
January 1, 2014. Alcohol Extraction Of Cannabis Oil – Cannabis Cure ( )
How to safely make medical cannabis oil by extraction of cannabinoids using alcohol solvent. THE CANNABIS CURE: Making medical grade cannabis oil safely with alcohol extraction RSO refers to the oil promoted as a cure by cancer sufferer Rick Simpson.
December 29, 2013. Tinctures-All About – Medical Marijuana Experts…
Cannabis extraction works best with ninety percent ethyl alcohol (Everclear is done by using the power of ethyl alcohol to dissolve and preserve the herb in
December 20, 2013. How To Make Your Own Canna Caps – Beyond Chronic.
Jan 2011 Canna Caps, medicinal cannabis capsules with coconut oil, are an easy way after a bad alcohol extraction, and that’s what the cause turned out to be. Start Rick Simpson’s oil in the freezer. How to make Herbal Extracts.
January 2, 2014. Phoenix Tears/alcohol extraction/hash oil = MEDICINE – Page 3
The symptoms made me think of isopropyl alcohol poisoning. I don’t know about other medicinal uses for the oil beyond cancer treatment. that no one here seems to understand that rick simpson oil is made with NAPTHA! POISON
December 12, 2013. Easy Living Bud Hash Oil Tutorial — Hashish, Oils & Creams
You will need: Extractor tube- preferably glass (broken bottle with split). Use the same safety precautions as you would for “Rick Simpson Oil”! Heated water (to heat alcohol)- optional, but I think it makes the oils dissolve in seconds Consider the recent popularity of liquid-based natural sweeteners like
December 18, 2013. Decarboxylation & Alcohol Extraction of THC and CBD – Cannabis Growing!!!
3 Mar 2013 1/2 ounce dried medicinal marijuana. We don’t recommend Creating A Marijuana Tincture Using Alcohol Extraction: In the following steps, it is low in Thc concentraition. Rick Simpson oil is 95-98% decarboxylated THC.
How does liquid co2 extraction work?
Making Alcohol Free Vanilla Extract:
December 24, 2013. Looking for info on making RSO – Roll It Up He suggests using naptha, ether or alcohol. Quite a few people are selling oil, seems like butane is popular for the extraction. and the same concern applies to whatever herb source the oil is being made from- pesticides!
What is the difference between rick Simpson oil and tincture? Vodka has a much lower alcohol content so it will take longer to extract as many cannabinoids to 11hydroxydelta9thc when ingested, and THAT is smoking ALOT of herb bro !
December 13, 2013. Joe Huxley: I appreciate Rick and his… – CANNABIS CURES!!!
But so many people call it RSO now that we all kind of have to use it, to make sure we are… There is a method to make herbal essential oils using Ravarshi Kashaku …. Is it possible to extract the thc via alcohol, then distill that off
December 26, 2013. Rick Simpson Oil Testimonials | Breezy Kiefair How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol ( Phoenix Tears.) I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist.
This is a step by step video on how to make full-extract cannabis oil with food grade alcohol. This is the process used to produce Mykayla’s oil as shown by Mike Mullins of Stony Girl Garden This is a step by step video how – to – make full-extract cannabis oil with food grade alcohol. This is the process used to produce Mykayla’s oil shown.
March 22, 2015. Papaya Sweet Answer to our Well Being and Health
March 23, 2015. Patients for Medical Cannabis!!! March 24, 2015. How To Make Tinctures – Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.
March 26, 2015. Lindsey: Cures Colon Cancer With Cannabis in 48 days…
March 27, 2015. Genetically Modified Marijuana : The Future of Medical…
( 1.5%) Francois Primeau (949) 824-9435, The ocean interacts with the rest of the climate system primarily at its surface…
March 29, 2015. The Most Underrated Of All Marijuana Products: Weed…
If you’re dealing with cancer pain and symptoms, cannabis can help against pain & help restore appetite and mood in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
How to Extract Essential Oils from Mint and other Herbs
March 30, 2015. Buy Everclear Grain Alcohol 190@ online for less… ( )
March 31, 2015. Eastside Herbal Care Menu – Leafly – Marijuana Dispensary… ( )
April 1, 2015. Cannabinoid and Terpene Info | Skunk Pharm Research LLC ( )
April 2, 2015. Determination of Halal Limits for Alcohol Content in Foods…
Based on the boiling point info it seems like it would be possible to isolate THCV from the other most significant psychoactive cannabinoids…
Learn how to make medical-grade (edible) cannabis extract oil, also known as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), Phoenix Tears or edible hash oil.
April 4, 2015. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) – MERCY – the Medical Cannabis…
Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Medicine: Natural Cure For Cancer Using Concentrated Cannabis Oil And Medical Marijuana
April 21, 2015. My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid…Potent, Effective.
Papaya Health Benefits and Papaya in Medicine for cannabis & cancer.
April 22, 2015. What Should I Be Paying For My Weed? (And Oil). – UKCSC
Welcome! I have been studying Phoenix Tears oil for almost 5 months now. My partner was diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2012. Hangin’ With Rick
April 24, 2015. TetraLabs :: PureGold: a detailed look at our proprietary…
If you’re dealing with cancer pain and symptoms, cannabis can help against pain, and help restore appetite and mood in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
April 25, 2015. How to make cannabis oil used to treat cancer
PureGold: a detailed look at our proprietary process for creating pure cannabinoids. PureGold’s exact composition is best exemplified by a gas chromatogram.
April 26, 2015. Recipe To Make Cannabis Oil For Chemo…
April 27, 2015. How To Make Full Cannabis Oil Extract | The Weed Blog
April 29, 2015. Natural Cures for Liver Damage – Earth Clinic – Holistic… )
RSO How to: Cannabis Hot Extraction Process Filmed at Genesis Pharms’.
Alcohol Extraction of double zero and caramello (hashish) to produce cannabis oil extract
May 16, 2015. Decarboxylating Cannabis: Turning THCA into THC
May 17, 2015. Matt Rize – What is BHO and is it safe? – Medical Marijuana
How To Make A Marijuana E-Cig / Vape Liquid – Herbal eLiquid
May 19, 2015. Polishing extracts | Skunk Pharm Research LLC ( )
The Super Flower Tower is very easy to use, just place up to 4 oz. of your favorite herb.
How to Make Rick Simpson’s Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely by Rick Simpson
May 20, 2015. How to Make Hashoil, Hashoil Extraction Techniques
June 13, 2015. A Recipe To Make Cannabis Oil For A Chemotherapy…
******** Essential Cannabis Hemp Oil Making Tutorial Distiller & Frozen Alcohol
June 14, 2015. The Complete List of Cannabis Delivery Methods – Leafly
How to make alcohol garlic extract–EDU
June 15, 2015. Portable Pen Vaporizers | Skunk Pharm Research LLC Page 1 of 172 – BadKat’s CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna ‘Bombs’ & more!
High Vacuum Evaporative Process Ethanol Extraction of Cannabis
June 16, 2015. Seattle Medical Marijuana – Medicine – SMMA This is an advanced approach to alcohol extraction of THC from cannabis.
June 17, 2015. Industrial process technology for biodiesel production… ( )
Cannabis Alcohol Tincture Marijuana Tips & Tricks #19 Marijuana Moonshine
July 15, 2015. Connecticut CONTACTs, LINKS and More | a Medical Cannabis… ( )
July 16, 2015. Cannabis Research Studies – Top Documentary Films
July 17, 2015. ommp pay it forward ( )
July 18, 2015. Ways Marijuana is Used: A Guide for Parents – Partnership… ( )
July 19, 2015. Herbal Choice Caregivers | Marijuana… – CannaCentral
July 20, 2015. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Quotes and Testimonials – Whale
July 21, 2015. Amazing Herbal Creations
No Butane, No Hexane, a special kind of process. Sold at
September 29, 2015. DOPE Magazine August 2015 “The Hempfest Issue” #48 ( )
September 30, 2015. Hemp Oil Cancer Cure – HubPages
October 25, 2015. Holy Annointing Oil and Holy Shit. | Skunk Pharm Research LLC
Easy Herbal Medicine ~ Elder Berry Tincture
Tesla – Edison’s Medicine
January 7, 2016. Extraction of THC Oil from Cannabis – Kind Green Buds
Here is assembly of the Weed… Hash Oil w Ethanol 4 Assembly of the Witch Herbal Extractor… RSO TYPE oil w ETHANOL...
January 8, 2016. Herbal Extracts Are Easy To Make In Your Kitchen | Use…
Cannabis Oil Extraction w Ethanol WITCH still, Hash Oil Extract Isopropyl Alcohol Hash Oil Extract Isopropyl Alcohol part 2 Hash Oil Extract Isopropyl Alcohol part 3
Cannabis Oil Distillation 7- 3rd option, RSO TYPE oil w ETHANOL, Cannabis…
Simpson Oil Vs Bho/hho – posted in Patient Issues:: I have a question for all the oil experts here (pb in particular). What is a Tamisium Butane Extractor.
January 10, 2016. Cannabis Oil Extraction With Alcohol
Extraction of THC Oil from Cannabis… The alcohol should have turned a dark green color and when shaken should form colorful, oily bubbles on top.
January 11, 2016. Which is the best solvent for herbal extraction…
January 12, 2016. Plant Medicine: Herbal Extraction Methods
January 13, 2016. Why Use Alcohol in Herbal Liquids – Equine Herbals
What Is an Herbal Extract?… Pure alcohol may not be as effective and is often mixed with a specific quantity of water depending on the herb.
January 14, 2016. Herbal Plant – Herbal Extraction Plant, Solvent Extraction… Why Use Alcohol in Herbal Liquids. There are a range of herbal products available. Some people prefer dry herbs, but liquids are usually more effective.
January 16, 2016. Herbal Extraction: Alcohol Extracts – Affordable Health Cures
An extract is a substance made by extracting a part of a raw material… Dapoxetine is generally accomplished by steeping in alcohol, as vanilla beans.
February 6, 2016. Co2 Extracts, Supercritical Co2 – Wholesale Essential Oils
FloraGenics is committed to quality and innovation. We have 5 Distillation Systems to choose from. Our distillation equipment…
February 7, 2016. Hash oil – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How does liquid co2 extraction of cannabis work?
CO2 extracts, also known as supercritical CO2 extracts or supercritical fluid CO2 extracts, extremely pure plant extracts produced from a relatively new technique…
February 8, 2016. How To Make Cannabis Tincture For Electronic Cigarette Use…
Composition. The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content of hash oil varies tremendously, since the manufacturers use a random assortment of marijuana plants and…
February 9, 2016. How To Make Your Own Vape Pen Oil | The Weed Blog
Methods to make marijuana tincture for e-cigarette, e-joint use. BHO THC extraction to cannabis tincture.
February 10, 2016. How To Make Your Hash Honey Oil From Marijuana February 11, 2016. Solvent Extraction – The Aromatherapy and Herbal Health… February 12, 2016. Full Extract Cannabis Oil Made Easy – Weedist
How To Make Cannabis Oil in 7 Easy Steps:
Small Batch Oil Making with Uncle Pete: Success Story Updates
February 13, 2016. Hexane Honey Oil | Skunk Pharm Research LLC
Solvent extraction is used to extract Essential Oils from plants that cannot withstand the high heat used in steam distillation.
February 14, 2016. How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)
The Super Flower Tower the finest essential oil extractor on the market for home use. It’s is very easy to use, just place up to four ounces of your favorite herb in…
CO2 Solvent Less Extraction:
February 15, 2016. Distillation Equipment | The Essential Oil Company
Phoenix Tears Alcohol Extraction Tutorial The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to make Phoenix Tears Therapy. Make the tears with Mr. Ronnie…
February 16, 2016. How to Make Non Alcoholic Extracts (with Pictures) | eHow
February 17, 2016. How to Remove Alcohol From Tincture
A video showing the operation of the essential oil extractor I designed and built for the purpose of extracting marijuana oil and recovering most of the…
February 18, 2016. bubble bags | eBay
How to Remove Alcohol From Tincture. Alcohol is used to extract the oil from herbs; and it also acts as a preservative. Tinctures are created when herbs are steeped…
March 31, 2016. Alcohol for Herbs –
Cannabis oil solvent extraction using alcohol, acetone, naphtha: One pound of buds produces two oz. of oil
April 1, 2016. Herbal Extracts – Alcohol-Free Base | Stakich
April 2, 2016. Terpp – Closed Loop Butane Extractors | BHO Extractor ( )
Extraction of THC Oil from Cannabis… The alcohol should have turned a dark green color and when shaken should form colorful, oily bubbles on top.
How to make medical cannabis oil – Safe & Easy
Herbal extract is an extraction of herb made in water and alcohol. It is strong medicinal dose of herbs. It consists of active ingredient of a particular herb.
April 5, 2016. Extract – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia April 6, 2016. QWET Extraction With Ethanol | Skunk Pharm Research LLC An extract is a substance made by extracting a part of a raw material, often by using a solvent such as ethanol or water. Extracts may be sold as tinctures or in… There are several different methods for extracting compounds from plants. The most important thing I have learned lately is that water extractions and alcohol extractions bring out different constituents of the plants . This means that depending on what method of extraction we use, much of the efficacy of the final product is determined as well as which compounds it contains . We are all scientists together, so share what you know! Blue lotus and kratom…Extract methods and herbal alchemy
April 7, 2016. ( )
April 8, 2016. Best 190, 200 Proof Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol for Herbs… ( )
How to safely make medical cannabis oil by extraction of cannabinoids using alcohol solvent
How to make Cannabis Oil at Home with Isopropyl Alcohol (poison) and a Smartstill
The Ultimate Guide to Making Cannabis Oil
August 9, 2016. Understanding the Different Types of Cannabis Oil and How…
Grey Wolf at skunkpharmresearch publishes this recipe. Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Shit. : 10 grams BHO (98% THC) Cannabis oil
December 13, 2016. Moonshine Stills ( )
December 14, 2016. How to Make Herbal Tinctures from Dried Herbs ( )
How To Make CBD Oil… natural plant oils are an effective way to extract the cannabinoid-laden resin… Easy Grain Alcohol Cannabis Oil Extraction Method.
December 15, 2016. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) – Medical Cannabis Resource Center ( )
What is Rick Simpson Oil or RSO? by. Owen Smith. posted on. August 29… (i.e. alcohol)… you have to eat this gooey extract or apply it directly to your skin.
Jorge Cervantes stops by Trim Scene Solutions and talks to Anthony about alcohol extraction machines. This method of extracting cannabis produces a more fluid concentrate, popular with the vape pens. ( )
RSO Grain alcohol cannabis Rick Simpson extraction techniques testimonials questions discussion... I’ve been making herbal extracts and salves for over thirty…
December 17, 2016. Making Medical Grade Cannabis Oil | Medical Marijuana…
Learn how to make medical-grade (edible) cannabis extract oil, also known as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), Phoenix Tears or edible hash oil.
Which is the best solvent for herbal extraction? We are aware of the fact that some type of solvent is required for isolating a compound from herbs.
December 19, 2016. How to make Marijuana Tincture
Percolation, standardization and infusion are just a few of the various extraction methods used for producing herbal salves and herbal tinctures.
Cannabis Extraction 101: How to Make Cannabis Oil with Alcohol at Home with Everclear ===>
The Super Flower Tower is the finest essential oil extractor on… just place up to 4 ounces of your favorite herb in the strainer basket and add Grain Alcohol…
December 21, 2016. – ( )
Advanced Alcohol Extraction of… How to make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), Cannabis Oil – Duration: 41:41. Follow The Dart
December 22, 2016. CULINARY SOLVENT – America’s Best 190 proof grain alcohol… Designed for botanical extracts, tinctures, evaporated oil concentrates, and THC infused vape juice and e-liquid. Organic non…
December 23, 2016. Welcome to Extractohol – Extracts it All!
January 11, 2017. Home – Kleenxtract ( )
Tamisium High Performance Extractors WA i502 Certified Botanical Extractor or Herbal Extractors solve the problems of closed loop extraction processes.
January 12, 2017. MB2e 110V –
Choosing Herbal Products. Q:… The alcohol-free herbal extracts are suspended in glycerin to make alcohol-free extracts or suspended in olive oil to create a liquid…
January 13, 2017. Herbal Manufacturing | Herb Pharm
Intro: Build Your Own Essential Oil Extractor Distiller. OK Essential oil’s has been extracted for 1000 years. Its done pretty easily but does take a lot of time and…
Dragon’s Blood Elixir is a cinnamon flavored marijuana tincture with a sweet and tasty THC kick. Get the full recipe here:
January 14, 2017. Herbcraft – Herbal Preparations…
Kleenxtract can achieve maximum extraction from their… of the cannabis Ethyl Alcohol for reducing the… Natural Extractor or Butane Honey Oil is…
January 15, 2017. Cannabis Extraction Methods | Marijuana Concentrates
CLassroom Extraction
Glycerites are sweet herbal tinctures which use vegetable glycerin to extract the medicinal constituents and flavor from an herb. Herbal tinctures are typically
January 16, 2017. How to use iso 2 hash oil extractor – Herbal Health…
Extraction of THC Oil from Cannabis… The alcohol should have turned a dark green color and when shaken should form colorful, oily bubbles on top.
How to Make Hash Oil Using the Rick Simpson Method (RSO): Cannabasics #11
January 18, 2017. Rick Simpson Hemp Oil Medicine May Help Treat Cancer
How to use iso 2 hash oil extractor – Using Isopropyl Alcohol for Oil extraction… (RSO), Phoenix Tears, Hemp Oil .)
Percolation, standardization and infusion are just a few of the various extraction methods used for producing herbal salves and herbal tinctures.
January 21, 2017. Study: What Is The Best Cannabis Oil Extraction Method?
May 8, 2017. Dabzpro – Closed Loop Extractor- Closed Loop Systems So, can this unit be use to make small batches of RSO that are as effective or more effective than the technique shown in the video? I want to be able to make more…
May 9, 2017. Essential Oil Distiller: Lab Glassware | eBay
Cannabis Extraction… dry cleaning and herbal supplement industries… Be sure to do your research before making/buying any RSO products.
May 10, 2017. How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey
Liquidizer Herb2Vapor: Safety BHO (Butane Herbal Oil) Extractor and EJvape mini-vaporizer system… AND RSO OIL WITH A VAPORIZER PEN – )
May 13, 2017. Alcohol Extraction | THCFarmer Community
May 14, 2017. Extracts: Vegetable Glycerin is a Better Solvent than Alcohol
Cannabis alcohol extraction (QWET) using the Source by ExtractCraft. Easy to follow how to demo, sharing what I have learned to keep you from wasting good meds while trying to learn how to do it!!
May 15, 2017. Herbal alcohol extractor rso –
June 26, 2017. Evaporating alcohol from tincture. : CannabisExtracts
June 27, 2017. Terpp – Closed Loop Butane Extractors | BHO Extractor ( )
America’s experts at distilling pure, neutral, food grade ethanol. Shop now, ships fast. 190 Proof. 200 Proof. Organic Corn Alcohol.
June 28, 2017. 5lb Stainless Steel Soxhlent Extractor...
The Art of Extraction with Roxy Striar:
June 29, 2017. Grain Alcohol 96% Rectified Spirit Solvent for Herbal… Heating the alcohol just makes it easier to dissolve the oleoresin… I am going to provide a cancer patient with RSO using ethanol as solvent.
Legal intoxicant – (Leonurus sibiricus + extract + grain alcohol)
December 14, 2017. Cannabis – Rainier Distillers (
December 15, 2017. How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey
QWISO Extraction with Isopropyl… (although it might have been about producing RSO oil for oral consumption… Isopropyl Alcohol is based on the simple Alkane Propane Atom…
Tindersticks – Medicine (official video)
December 16, 2017. Is 99% alcohol nessecary for making hash oil or is 75.5%… This Marijuana industry is going to be bigger than Alcohol and… under Rainier Distillers… the Witch Herbal Extractor Still. Then there is the RSO…
December 17, 2017. Turning straw into gold: Cannabis extracts – Marijuana Venture
December 18, 2017. How to Make an Herbal Tincture – WikiHow I was taught herbal medicine from some of the best “old timers” around and I studied around the… RSO, Grain alcohol, cannabis, Rick Simpson, extraction…
December 19, 2017. Ethanol Extraction ( )
How to Make an Herbal Tincture. Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that are made using alcohol and chopped herbs. The tincture is especially…
There are emerging radical technologies that have the potential to change the way we live. This animation on regenerative medicine is part of a series for a session at the Adelaide Festival of Ideas exploring the contribution of enabling bio- and nano- technologies and their associated socio-cultural, health, safety and environmental impacts. We ask what excites you about this? What frightens you? And explore how they may change the way we live. See more at:
Turning 1oz of Durban Poison to Rosin: Watch as an ounce of Bud becomes about 6 grams of A+++ Rosin!
December 20, 2017. Cannabis Alcohol Extraction at Home: Process & Equipment.
The alcohol comes out green… This is controlled by the liquid management tap on the Witch Herbal Extractor Still. Then there is the RSO… The 5 Gallon Big Witch…
December 21, 2017. Making Cannabis Oil | Medical Marijuana Treatments ( )
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The Green Rush is real. From lawmakers and investment bankers, to also CEOs and investors, we will look at how people are transforming cannabis from the shadows of the illicit market into a cash crop that draws in entrepreneurs from Hollywood to Wall Street. Hosts Lewis Goldberg and Anne Donohoe help you navigate the business of cannabis.
Denver, Colo., has more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks, but the budding business defies federal laws. Steve Kroft reports. Air Date: Dec 22, 2013
Lily Rowland receives a dose of an oil derived mainly from cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive substance in marijuana. She used to suffer hundreds of seizures with violent convulsions every day. Her family moved to Colorado, which voted to legalize marijuana in 2012, so that she could begin a daily regimen.
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Marijuana directly interacts with the central nervous system. While many people assume this interaction is limited to a psychoactive “high,” cannabis does more than create a sense of euphoria . Cannabis provides a wide range of neurological benefits, such as relieving pain, reducing inflammation and suppressing seizures. Understanding how marijuana works in your body will help you decide whether medical cannabis is a good treatment option for you or a loved one.
LIVER AND BILIARY DISEASE – The Pathology Guy (Liver cancer herbal)
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This sympathetic documentary looks at the issues confronting one group of Northern California pot growers and articulates the frustrations they face in a unique business that many regard as the most practical way to feed their families. For decades, outlaw marijuana cultivation has been a huge “hidden” industry fueling much of the region’s economy, but pot farmers have remained subject to harassment and arrest by federal law-enforcement agencies. Watch The Green Rush For Free on 123Movies PodCast
Check out Ben and Jerry as they discuss the potential for cannabis infused ice cream to hit grocery chains near you.
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American Weed S01 – Ep07 Mile High Showdown Green Rush HD Watch
Weed the People |F.U.L.L. Movie O.n.l.i.n.e★FREE★
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1999, Drugs – 80 min
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David Casarett, Professor of Medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine and Chief of Palliative Care for the Duke Health System, challenges our mainstream healthcare system to look for inspiration in a setting often considered taboo: the medical marijuana dispensary.
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Magic Weed: The Truth About Cannabis Sativa (Part 1/5)
Marijuana Documentary – Best Cannabis Documentary!!!
Watch this amazing cannabis documentary. Weed is also widely regarded as harmful, therefore it is illegal in most countries. Still, using marijuana has some health benefits, as you can see in this documentary film.
Doctors Review CBD Oil for Diabetes and how it can help!
Not a documentary, but he’s seen more weed than we’ve had hot dinners and its funny
Medical Cannabis Documentary Impact on Human Health
Searching for a Good Cannabis Documentary?
“Educate yourself.” and no better way than a good documentary. With over 7 pages of the best pro-cannabis documentaries on this website alone I thought it was time to have a top ten type blog post to guide any newbies down the right rabbit hole. Each documentary listed here has educated me in one way or another about cannabis, the people who fight for it and those who fight to prohibit it (they’re losing by the way). So if you’re looking for a good documentary about cannabis then you’ve come to the right place. Roll one up, kick back and check out my top ten cannabis documentaries.
Each documentary listed here has educated me in one way or another about cannabis, the people who fight for it and those who fight to prohibit it (they’re losing by the way). So if you’re looking for a good documentary about cannabis then you’ve come to the right place. Roll one up, kick back and check out my top ten cannabis documentaries.
“The Scientist” – The Story of Dr Mechoulam (2015)
Emperor of Hemp: The Jack Herer Story
Grass – The History of Marijuana
Run From The Cure – The Rick Simpson Story
What If Cannabis Cured Cancer – Documentary
The Union – The Business Behind Getting High
The House I Live In
Medicinal Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health
Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis
Marijuana in Canada : Pot Fiction – the fifth estate (2015)
The Best Documentary Ever – The Cannabis Cancer Cure with Rick Simpson
Best Marijuana Documentary you will ever watch!
(Listed From Best At Top)
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007)
High – True Tales of Marijuana (2008)
High: The True Tale of American Marijuana (2008) (V)
American Drug War: The Last White Hope (2007)
Marijuana | It’s time for a conversation
The Magic Weed: The Truth About Cannabis Sativa (2005)
Adventures In Cannabis Hemp (2008)
The Marijuana Conspiracy (2006)
Natl. Geographic – Marijuana Nation (2009)
Explorer | Marijuana Nation | National Geographic Channel
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Hemp Heals You – Cannabis Health Benefits Documentary – Best Marijuana Documentary
Marijuana Documentary – Northwest Trees (2016) – YouTube
An independent documentary film by Ben Grayzel.
The 19 year old university student spent only 6 weeks to produce this project. This documentary examines marijuana use and culture after legalization in Oregon and Washington. Weed has become far more prevalent in certain communities, while pot has not changed at all in others. The documentary also looks at dabbing, mole bowls, driving high, the gateway drug theory, addiction, and the current state of cannabis research. University of Washington, University of Oregon, Rural Oregon and inner-city Portland are all featured. Marijuana may be relatively harmless compared to other drugs, but what is dangerous is the culture of marijuana use. It is very socially acceptable to use marijuana all day everyday, whereas other drugs it is not at all. There needs to be more research put in to marijuana and the findings of that research should dictate the future of marijuana culture.
This is a documentary we found on marijuana, possibly the best one we have seen to date. It’s informative and goes very in-depth about weed, but most importantly it just makes you want to go roll a blunt and smoke it
Weed – The Truth About Marijuana – Cannabis Documentary
Cannabis, likewise referred to as cannabis and also by many various other names, is a planning of the Marijuana plant planned for usage as a psychedelic drug or medication. The primary psychedelic part of cannabis. . . is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); it is one of 483 well — known compounds in the plant, consisting of at least 84 other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), and also tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).
Marijuana is frequently taken in for its psychological and physical effects, such as heightened state of mind, leisure, and also an increase in hunger. Possible side-effects consist of a decrease in short-term memory, completely dry mouth, damaged electric motor abilities, red eyes, and also feelings of fear or anxiousness. Beginning of results is within minutes when smoked and regarding HALF AN HOUR when consumed. They last for between two and six hours.
Marijuana is mostly utilized recreationally or as a medicinal drug. It may additionally be made use of as part of spiritual or spiritual rites. In 2013, in between 128 and 232 million people used marijuana (2.7% to 4.9 % of the international population in between the ages of 15 and 65). In 2015, regarding fifty percent of individuals in the United States having attempted marijuana, 12% have actually utilized it in the past year, and 7.3% have actually used it in the past month. Use has actually boosted given that 2013.
Here are five programs about medical marijuana.
1. “Weed”
Narrated by CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, it features the Figi family of Colorado, whose daughter Charlotte suffers from Dravet Syndrome, characterized by seizures. The family credits treatment with cannabiniol, a compound in marijuana, with greatly reducing her seizures. Gupta cites the Figi story, together with the rest of his coverage that went into “Weed,” with changing his mind about medical marijuana. “Weed” eventually became a three-part series.
Urgent: Should Marijuana Be Legalized in All States?
2. “Medical Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health”
Sponsored by Americans for Safe Access, CBD Oil Review, Legal Cannabis Institute, and San Diego Herbal Alternatives, the documentary features interviews with physicians and researchers. The movie’s website touts the documentary: “This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date. . . . of the real science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant.” The full 47.5 minute documentary is viewable online, though its website asks for donor support and offers help arranging screenings.
3. “Waiting to Inhale: Marijuana, Medicine and the Law”
This documentary focuses on the conflict over legalization of medical marijuana as the debate existed in 2010, from the patient’s point of view. Filmmakers interviewed patients who talked about the pain relief marijuana gave them, and examines claims the government resists studies of marijuana’s medical effectiveness. According to a summary on, the film “takes the viewer from underground pot clubs to the United States Supreme Court, and from Israeli science labs to government-approved marijuana gardens outside London.”
4. Here on Cannabis Documentaries
You can find an outstanding selection of Classic Cannabis Comedy, old Reefer Madness Films, archived Documentary Films, Interviews, Lectures and the new (and newest!) Cannabis Documentaries of 2013 and 2014! Browse through the category list, or use the Archive Search box to retrieve the documentary that you are looking for.
5. “Marijuana Country: The Cannabis Boom”
Though this documentary is more about marijuana use as a whole in Colorado, filmmakers talk to families who moved to Colorado “because that’s the only way to get drugs they feel represent a last and/or best hope for their children,” according to the description on YouTube.
Marijuana Documentary – Northwest Trees (2016) – YouTube
Jan 09, 2016 · Marijuana documentary 2016 – An independent documentary film by Ben Grayzel. I made this marijuana documentary in 6 weeks during a break from University. I decided to put the project online for …
A Life in Hashistan…
This was shared by another member and I found it to be very interesting. It’s about this fascinating dude and his trips to Afghanistan and the hash culture behind it. There are five parts to it, just look the others up on youtube.
The Botany of Desire.…any-of-desire/
Not just about cannabis but very informative and interesting.
If you’re a Republican you might consider reviewing Reefer Madness to get your facts straight.
Since the Kog videos were mentioned…
These guys actually do decent documentaries-
Documentaries / Emperor Of Hemp.avi 698 MB
Documentaries / Grass. History Of Marijuana.avi 235.5 MB
Documentaries / Hemplands Conspiracy. E01. Hemplands.avi 700 MB
Documentaries / Hemplands Conspiracy. E02. The Hempire Strikes Back.avi 700.8 MB
Documentaries / Hooked. Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way.avi.avi 414.9 MB
Documentaries / Marijuana Inc. Inside America’s Pot Industry.avi 350 MB
Documentaries / National Geographic Explorer. Marijuana Nation.avi 478.7 MB
Documentaries / Penn And Teller’s Bullshit!. S02E17. War On Drugs.avi 227.5 MB
Documentaries / Should I Smoke Dope.avi 699.9 MB
Documentaries / Super High Me.avi 699.9 MB
Documentaries / The Hemp Revolution.avi 244.7 MB
Documentaries / The Magic Weed. History Of Marijuana.avi 700 MB
Documentaries / The Union. The Business Behind Getting High.avi 700.3 MB
Documentaries / Timeshift. The Cannabis Years.avi 123.2 MB
Miscellaneous / The Dutch Coffeeshop Experience.avi 696.6 MB
Miscellaneous / Cannabis Cup 2003.avi 699.8 MB
Miscellaneous / Cannabis Cup 2007.avi 701 MB
Miscellaneous / Howard Marks – A Video DiaryPart1.avi 697 MB
Miscellaneous / Strain Hunters. Episodes.avi 67.4 MB
High Times. Ready-Set-Grow. E01.avi 646.3 MB
High Times. Ready-Set-Grow. E02.avi 698.7 MB
Mister green I Grow Chronic!.avi 685.5 MB
Jorge Cervantes’ Ultimate Grow DVD. E01.avi 831.4 MB
Jorge Cervantes’ Ultimate Grow DVD. E02.avi 701.4 MB
Jorge Cervantes’ Ultimate Grow DVD. E03.avi 449.9 MB Andrea Nagy Just Say Grow.avi 272.7 MB
Sea Of Green. Volume 01. How To Flower Cannabis Clones.avi 1.1 GB
Sea Of Green. Volume 02. Closet Cultivation.avi 582.6 MB
Sea Of Green. Volume 03. Hydroponic Cultivation.avi 1 GB
Sea Of Green. Volume 04. Growing Sinsemilla Marijuana.avi 348 MB
SeeMoreBuds. Volume 01. 15 Pounds In 80 Days.avi 518.5 MB
SeeMoreBuds. Volume 02. 6 Times The Knowledge.avi 698.6 MB
SeeMoreBuds. Volume 03. The Perfect Garden.avi 684.8 MB
Top Quality Home Growing. Indoor Soil Marijuana Cultivation
Terence Mckenna – Trust Yourself
National Geographic Documentary 2017 Marijuana Documentary (2016)
Marijuana Inc. Inside America’s Pot Industry
Hooked. Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way. Marijuana
Strain Hunters India Expedition (FULL HD MOVIE) – YouTube
Oct 17, 2010 – Uploaded by Green House Seed Co
For educational purposes only. Visit and …
Lighting – Grow Room Videos
Grow Closets – Grow Room Videos
Ventilation – Grow Room Videos
Hydroponics – Grow Room Videos
Dr. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal – Cannabinologist
This is the official website of. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, MD, PhD, FAAPMR Physician-Scientist and Medical Geographer. I’m interested in the scientific study of Cannabis hemp flowers and its implications for health and society. In this interview. . .Dr. Sunil Aggarwal from SageMed, located in Bellevue, Washington. Visit Dr. Aggarwal personal website @ During this is the interview, Dr. Aggarwal talked at length about how he supports people growing their own and he believes there should be public libraries dedicated to people learning how to grow their own cannabis. .
GreenMedInfo – The World’s Natural Health Resource …
Sayer Ji is the founder of, the world’s leading open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative health modalities. He is Vice Chairman of the Board for the National Health Federation — and also — Fearless Parent, a Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO-Free Coalition (GGFC), and also a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Dr. David Bearman – Cannabis and Cancer Interview…
Jun 05, 2017 · Dr. David Bearman, one of the leading physicians in the field of medical Cannabis in the United States was visiting Nimbin, Australia for the 25th MardiGrass event, where he shared his knowledge and experience about Cannabis and cancer.. Dr. Bearman has 40 years experience working in substance and drug abuse treatment and prevention programs and he promotes the clinical …
Allan I. Frankel, MD. – GreenBridge Medical…
About GreenBridge Medical. In 2007, Allan I. Frankel, MD, established GreenBridge Medical in Santa Monica, California, with the mission of treating patients living with chronic pain or illness through a combination of traditional treatments and medical cannabis. Dr. Frankel MD is an internal medical doctor and 1 of the world’s leading authorities on dosed cannabis medicine. With over 35 years experience in Internal Medicine,
Natalya Kogan and Professor Ruth Galilli
Israeli researcher develops cannabis compound with unique anti-cancer action, as well as some other cannabinoids, were found by Natalya Kogan and Prof. Ruth Galilli of the Hebrew University to have anti-angiogenic properties. ….Her research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Michael Schlesinger at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical
Cannabis Conversations: Dr. Dustin Sulak on Cannabis Dosing
May 23, 2016 · Dr. Dustin Sulak, director of Integr8 Health and cofounder of, discusses cannabis dosing regimens. . . .a sensitization protocol for chronic users, and the potential health benefits of THC ’s psychoactivity. With cannabis, more isn’t always better.
Dr. Dustin Sulak is a renowned integrative medicine physician that is based in Maine. He has helped 18,000+ patients and is nationally regarded as an expert on medical cannabis.
Dr. Jahan Marcu, Ph.D | 2018 World Medical Cannabis…
Dr. Jahan Marcu, Ph.D is the Chief Auditor for Patient Focused Certification, a company that offers third-party certification and support to companies cultivating, manufacturing, analyzing, or distributing medical cannabis products. DR Marcu Ph.D., has over 15 years of experience in academic research, industry, and government relations. Dr. Marcu also is presently the Chief Operations Officer, Director of Experimental Pharmacology and Behavioral Research at International Research.
Greg Gerdeman, PhD |
Greg Gerdeman, Ph.D. & The Chief Scientific Officer Three Boys Farm Ruskin, Florida. Dr. Gerdeman a neuroscientist and educator with expertise in the physiological actions of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This PhD dissertation in Pharmacology from Vanderbilt University was one of the 1st studies to discover endocannabinoids acting as “retrograde messengers” that regulate synaptic plasticity in the brain, findings that have become a foundation to modern understanding of the ECS and the neuroprotective actions of cannabis.
Jeremy Plumb | to Deliver Keynote Address at Cannabis…
Apr 02, 2019 · Jeremy Plumb, director of production science for Pruf Cultivar, will be delivering a keynote presentation at Cannabis Conference 2019, taking place April 1-3 at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dr. Christina Sanchez Scientist Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer | Herb
Dr. Christina Sanchez is a molecular biologist working on cannabis and cancer research. She is a part of a larger team which has discovered that THC effectively kills tumors in both cultured cells and animal models.
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam – Clear Choice Cannabis
A Researcher on an (Accidental) Mission. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a Bulgarian-born Israeli chemist, began studying cannabis in the early 1960s, but his approach had nothing to do with the countercultural movements then reaching full flower. Raphael Mechoulam, a professor and researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has dedicated more than 50 years to the study of the compounds derived from cannabis and their effects on the body. Known as the ‘father of marijuana‘ he was the first to isolate THC!!!!
In Loving Memory of Corinne Malanca
I am deeply saddened to share the news that my best friend, my wife, my business partner, but most of all, my soulmate, Corinne Malanca, passed away from cancer on October 19th, 2017. Corinne was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the end of June. With our faith, belief system and also medical cannabis knowledge, there was no doubt in our minds that we were going to beat this horrendous disease. The cannabis protocols that we used were incorporated daily, along with other healing treatments to fight this terrible disease.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the fastest spreading cancers with a low percentage outcome, and the diagnosis simply came too late. Corinne and I embarked on this mission together nearly 7 years ago when medical cannabis saved her father Stan’s life from stage four lung cancer and METS to the brain. Corinne devoted her life to helping others. United Patients Group was formed to guide, educate and inform others (patients, families, pharmacists, medical institutions and governments) about the healing benefits of medical cannabis.