Critical thinker that respects individual thought.
I believe the earth is in a constant climate evolution that we have very little ability to control.
Man has had an effect on the environment, to be sure, however the Earth has naturally gone through climate changes on its own as well. Some a lot more abruptly than others. How much of it is our doing, how much is naturally occurring is the question I have. That said we need to do a better job of being responsible for the care of our portion of the planet. Yes, but the climate has always changed……even long before humans came along.
Are we a factor? Yes, but minimally. For example, CO2. A volcano in one eruption can match our output for an entire generation. We’re not that “mighty” The forests are burning because of mismanagement if you don’t live in the west or play in the mountains –you have no idea the damage the Pine Bark Beetle has done to our western forests. And the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) is a destructive wood-boring pest of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). Native to China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Russian Far East, the emerald ash borer beetle (EAB) was unknown in North America until
its discovery in southeast Michigan in 2002.
Today, EAB infestations have been detected in 35 states and the District of Columbia; Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. APHIS works with State cooperators to detect,
control and prevent the human-assisted spread of the pest in order to safeguard America’s ash trees.
More information about the EAB Program can be found in the documents below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_ash_borer
I believe since the creation of earth the climate always changes.
I also believe we should be responsible & care for mother earth.
I am a huge proponent of managing forest. The West Coast has neglected that, therefore, out-of-control wildfires are easy fuel for the crazy arsonist. The climate has always changed over time. The question is how much change and why. I’ve never seen hard data that I didn’t have doubts about. The best view is that even if there’s a small chance it will be bad – then we have to try change – the problem is who pays and how drastically do we change. The earth has experienced heating and cooling cycles since it’s formation. The Dems version is more hysteria to fit their narrative. And China is not going to follow any unilateral laws or mandates. Climate change is a natural thing. Not man made.
Every 15 to 20 years the climate changes. I believe it’s cyclical, constantly changing.
We had ice ages come and go without human intervention. It’s like people forgot what they’ve learned in school once people start changing about climate change due to mankind. South Dakota was once an inland sea.
Have found shark’s teeth by the James River. So it warmed too without humans.
I believe climate cycles naturally without human intervention.
I believe Humans have very little impact on the climate.
The absolute worst continued human existence could cause us to end up wiping ourselves out, however,
the Earth will keep on spinning. Everything else can adapt. I trust science. Climate Change is real and it’s here. The full effect is baked in. That means what we’re experiencing today was put into the works 40 years ago.
We haven’t seen the worst of it yet, but it’s coming. Also The Earth’s climate — is ALWAYS changing. The Earth cycles through ice ages with warm interglacial periods. It’s the nature of the planet for the climate to change. Our lifetimes are too short to see it, but it’s true.
The Arctic Methane Monster’s Rapid Rise.
Climate change is real, but it’s not man made. 10,000 years ago the earth was covered in ice. Then it disappeared, long before the suv. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991 it spewed more sulfur than had ever been created during the industrial revolution. Check history-Ice age (b4 cars) ice covered half of US, man didn’t cause, but it receded. Lots of frozen places could be farmed tomorrow if it warms more b4 going back cold.
Climate change happens naturally.
BUT the massive changes with the ice shelves and heat from within the earth is part of earth’s life. Climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years and will continue to change for eternity. The mere thought of man having the power or the ability to alter it in any way is narcissistic at best, and quite laughable. The climate is always changing, man doesn’t control it —-the sun and the ocean control climate!
In some places in the Alaskan Arctic, you fly over a swiss cheese of land and lakes formed by ground collapse – Sue Natali
She guaranteed a total ice collapse in 2015/2016 and that didn’t happen.
This is why people don’t believe science, no absolute answers until after the fact.
They use “data” to support their conclusions but when that conclusion doesn’t come
to fruition because they say the data changed.
Methane and CO2 are not the only things being released from the once frozen ground.
In the summer of 2016, a group of nomadic reindeer herders began falling sick from a mysterious illness. Rumours began circling of the “Siberian plague”, last seen in the region
in 1941. When a young boy and 2,500 reindeer died, the disease was identified: anthrax.
Its origin was a defrosting reindeer carcass, a victim of an anthrax outbreak 75 years previously.
The 2018 Arctic report card speculates that, “diseases like the Spanish flu, smallpox or the plague that have been wiped out might be frozen in the permafrost.”
A French study in 2014 took a 30,000 year-old virus frozen within permafrost,
and warmed it back up in the lab. It promptly came back to life, 300 centuries later.
(To read more, see BBC Earth’s piece on the diseases hidden in ice.)
Many scientists are now stating It should be called a Climate Cycle.
Earth has gone through cycles forever. Can we as humans be more friendly to Earth?
Yes, absolutely but we are experiencing naturally occurring cycles that have been going on forever.
Just my two cents – Airborne CO2 is something like 400 parts/million. At 150 ppm, plants cannot survive.
We have been as high as 2000+ ppm in the ancient past. We would be better off if it doubled to 800 ppm making crops and organic biomass growth much easier.
The arrogance of men thinking they can do something about it. The word of God makes no mention of man destroying the planet by abuse. Only almost doing it by war, which Christ steps in and stops. The climate changes all the time…the Earth goes through cycles. People, we are like fleas on a dog…when Mama Earth gets tired she’ll shake us off like a dog with too many fleas. She’s done it before… If climate change is real it would have happened more than two centuries ago. During the Industrial Revolution which started in 1760 until about 1840 factories operated primarily on coal. Back then there was no EPA, no Green New Deal and no AOC.
I don’t believe in “doomsday” scenarios where the Earth is being damaged beyond recovery. We all know pollution is real because we’ve changed it and reduced it. But that’s a long way from believing the Earth is being all out destroyed. We get 4 seasons rotating around our Sun. God’s word said: while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest, cold & heat, summer and winter and day and night will NOT cease Genesis 8:22
What he said it shall stand!
I call it seasons:
– Winter / Invierno https://www.bing.com/videos/
search?q=Winter+%2f+Invierno&FORM=HDRSC3 –
Spring / Primavera https://www.bing.com/videos/
search?q=Spring+%2f+Primavera&FORM=HDRSC3 –
Summer / Verano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebXbLfLACGM –
Fall / Otoño https://vimeo.com/2276797 https://vimeo.com/18091337
Facts: – climate changes; it’s not catastrophic – likely humanity has contributed to CC
over time; if unchecked, that’d be catastrophic Climate change ≠ end of the world ≠ basis
to redistribute wealth Solutions incl: – 4th generation nuke – China, India reducing their emissions.
It has always been changing for 100s of 1000s of years. It’s not anymore now than any other time.
What’s changed is the ones that want to dictate to you how to live your life!
Of COURSE it’s real. The climate has been changing since the world was formed.
It’s a natural, cyclical change over geological time that can be measured in the earth’s strata.
I’m 60 years old now. I’ve been hearing the Earth is going to ‘ice over’/ ‘burn up’ or other
versions for over 40 years now.
I believe in God & the Bible. He has a plan. This Earth is finite.
How long it’s here is up to him – but GOD is in control. It’s a natural process that has been happening
since the creation of the planet. THE EARTH IS FINITE. The growth of population over the last half century was for a time matched by similar world-wide increases in utilizable resources.
However, in the last decade food production from both land and sea has declined
relative to population growth.
However, the pertinent question is, how much is due to the activity of man?
Humans and nature have been adapting to everything imaginable. We’ve helped bring safe water to countries with none. We have engineered rice with vitamin A so children do not go blind. Climate change is a natural process which has happened since the planet earth began.
Man made climate change is largely a myth and a scam.
Earth’s weather is chaotic and cannot be programmed.
There are more trees, vegetation, on the planet now, than thirty years ago.
I do Agree with the ‘Milankovitch Climate Cycles’
Those cycles have been doing it for billions of years and are nature’s way & cannot be controlled by man.
To think of the arrogance of those who say it can be changed by giving money to the government,
is truly a slush fund, it has zero accountability/auditing & lines the pockets of the elites!
Does man play a part – of course we do, just as any other living thing on this planet plays a part.
Is it some man made catastrophic thing that’s going to kill us all – no, not even close.
I believe much of it is human cause is the belief that democratic politicians are foaming at the mouths over the money they say will “help”. They just want to shovel big piles of it at the problem so they can line their pockets and not make one percent of difference.
I believe the Earth is a living environment. If (wo)men think he has that much influence over this planet he has a Big Ego. God asks us to be good stewards of the planet but when mans dollar gets involved they will screw it up. If the climate is changing, the best way to respond is to identify where the potential problems may be and prepare for the change. I think it’s a natural process that’s been happening forever. From the ice age till now.. I’m older so I’ve heard the worlds going to blow up or freeze over for what seems forever! I am Still here!
I believe nature to be natural. I believe that there is a human footprint that has the biological capabilities to create carbon?
But I believe climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the world began. What many don’t know is scientific measurements prove warming trends were happening on earth BEFORE man started using CO2. Therefore they can take their hyper regulation and shove it.
I believe that the earth continues to evolve by itself.
I think that it would be foolish to say that humans haven’t had an impact.
Coal and Car’s do make an impact but are just scapegoats. But The weather changes all the time. And climate change is a look at changing weather expanding back at 30 year increments. The weather changes, of course !Just as the seasons do. But do I think humans have a big impact on it? Hell No! All the science is correlative! 10,000 years ago North America was buried under a very thick sheet of ice, now it’s not.
Climate must have changed….. like it always has and always will.
“Global Warming propaganda is an attempt to destroy capitalism, nothing more.
If you mean that our Climate is different from one year or place to the next then yes.
We have rainy seasons, dryer years, mild winters, wild winters and always have:
The Ice Age carved out Yosemite. Our earth is ever changing. Smog is a manmade issue.
Climate changes are Normal.
I believe climate change is real but it is natural. Humans have no control over it whatsoever.
It’s nature and NO AMOUNT OF MONEY is going to stop it.
Who is going to get all that money that they want to tax us? It will go right into the back pocket of a select few liberals. They renamed global warming to climate change because no one can refute it. That’s political science. Same thing with COVID. Now we’re supposed to have problems in November.
Of course, that too is unprovable. I believe in provable science. Climate is always changing.
The thought that the average human has some sort of effect on climate and if we are taxed more will help keep the climate from changing is a lie. Does anyone know the ideal temperature for earth? Maybe it’s changing for the better. Humans have some affect, sure. But (1) how much and (2) what would COMPLETE stoppage of carbon do (very little… less than 1 degree over 10 years and (3) what about all the other countries… who are MUCH worse polluters.
Let the free market invent new things to address to see if they can control climate.
Honestly, everything changes, but to the extent the Green Project, World Economic Forum, & Agenda 2030, professes – if you ask me if fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes etc. are the works of HAARP, DEW, and military operations using satellites or stealth.
Ionospheric Heaters: How HAARP really works
I don’t believe in our ability to have any control over it though.
I mean think about it, if Florida will be underwater in 10 years, why are insurance companies
still ensuring new condos on the beach? It’s because The Climate of the Earth has been going through cyclical change since the dawn of the universe. This is mostly due to the elliptical nature of our transit around the Sun, as well as the Earth’s rotation on its own axis. This is why the Poles move. We can all see that our climate is always changing. Some can see that the phrase, as used politically, is a weapon of control, not a concern for our environment. Fewer still can see that the weather is being controlled, and it is being used
against us in a global war. Humans are so egocentric that our species is sooo important that we can change evolutionary processes.
There will be an earth without humans. There is an earth without dinosaurs.
We could change one million things and not be able to stop a cataclysmic event.
It’s bullshit as presented. Climate changes all the time is driven by the sun and the planet.
If you think we can influence it by tinkering with a gas that is 0.4 % of the atmosphere and
we make 0.3 % of that amount you have a pretty big ego .
It’s a constantly changing universe. Nothing remains the same and that includes climate.
So yes, it is always “changing”. But it’s like labeling a Marxist movement “black lives matter…”
you can’t disagree with the term even if it represents something totally different.
I’m old enough to remember when the Ozone had a hole in it that was going to fry us all
into cinders if we didn’t outlaw aerosol hair spray. Does that answer your question?
It’s real but not in the way the leftist environmentalists want you to believe.
Climate change is a natural phenomenon. Nothing we do or have done has or will change it.
Just like winter follows fall. Climate has seasons too. The earth will warm up & it will cool down in cycles.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
2 Peter 3:10 –
The earth will always go through heating and cooling cycles, humans aren’t going to stop anything.
She has a way of healing and cleansing herself. Humans may not survive a severe climate shift. The earth, yea she’ll be fine. Yes but gradual, not catastrophic or apocalyptic. There has been only 1 degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature since 1920. CO2 is food for plants and a fire retardant. A decrease in atmospheric CO2 could be catastrophic. Of course. The climate is changing all the time. We have to learn to live with the adjustments. Remember the mini Ice Age in the 1500s? It’s been happening since the world was born. 7 ice ages proves that. Rotational wobble also affects change. But the earth knows how to deal with it.
Yes I believe this planet along with the rest of the known and undiscovered universes
are in a state of change. As we humans are also changing. I think humans can really affect the climate. More so by diverting water from natural paths into arid deserts for urban sprawl.
I believe the earth’s climate changes on it’s own. Not to say we don’t have an affect on it.
But a volcano erupting does more damage than all the people can do. I think the issue is pollution.
That hurts the animals and fish and plants. We all need to do our part.
All the planets are experiencing change, Change is normal. People did not create this change. We could be more concerned about species that we see going extinct. I think the climate has been changing all the time.
It’s not like the climate was always the same until a few years ago, but it’s starting to change all the sudden.
I don’t think people who are saying “Climate change” know this more than you and me. Yes, it’s been going on since the planet was formed and will continue till the planet ends. They blame man made CO2 but as far as a greenhouse gas it’s the least abundant, water vapor is over 90%.
Plants need CO2 and then they release O2 which we need.
Yes but there’s nothing we can do about it good or bad. The poles of the earth aren’t supposed to have ice on them. Liberals want to stop the end of an ice age and that’s not possible. I was EVP of an environmental engineering firm in the 90s. We cleaned soil, water & air of pollutants, mostly working for big oil companies cleaning LUSTs (leaking underground storage tanks). America’s air is vastly better than in 1969.
Ditto water & soil. /1
The earth’s climate evolves as the earth & solar system age. Massive forces on earth and off, including cosmic rays, change in periods of time far longer than humans have existed. In terms of earth’s life-span, climate has never been unchanging & never will be. /2
Everything in the known universe changes, but God.
But I don’t believe in the fear being spread in so very many areas of life in 2020.
It’s all hype, a means to an end. An End that I personally don’t want any part in!!!
Climate change is real but it’s not man-made, it’s the earth doing its own thing and no nothing we can do can change it. Here’s the thing, the climate has been changing since the planet began. Whether we are currently causing irreversible harm? That depends on who you talk to. I’ve read reports that contradict each other all over the place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s a money grab. The earth’s climate has changed numerous times since it has been in existence. Is pollution bad for living things on the earth, yes. The oceans can only do so much to clean carbon.
I agree with too much pollution but disagree that it’s the cause of climate change.
Yes I do, since the beginning of time it can’t be addressed in this comment and
the ideas of today is not about climate change instead it’s about using climate change
as a tool to manipulate the masses. Climate Change is on the thermometer and barometer. Catastrophic damage is considered climate change. It’s inevitable by Science Technology and the hands of God.
The 4 seasons of the year is another definition for climate change.
Weather is term life, why isn’t politics? Your best guess!!
Climate change is a loaded term!
The climate continually changes. Temps rise & fall and ice caps melt & re-freeze. NOTHING mankind has done has sped it up or slowed it down. Climate cycles will happen with or without all of us!
I looked at rainfall where I live for the past 100 years. We have had years of drought in there, but on average, it’s exactly the same. Declaring imminent anything is irresponsible.
The earth’s climate is naturally, constantly, changing. “Get over it…” There’s nothing we can DO to prevent it; and there’s nothing we can stop doing, that will prevent it. Climate history is covered with warming, and cooling trends. Of course climate change is real , what is fake is the Media and political spin and the denial of the massive geo-engineering the rat deep state traitors have done to our planet! I keep hearing about this person named “Climate Change” and his older cousin “Global Warming”.
I Saw pictures of them setting fires in eastern Oregon and western Washington. Yep, they’re real.
Yes. It’s real. The climate changes (cycles) all the time. But it is very minimally, but actually, impacted by man’s (can I still say that?) behavior. So there are a few things we could do to affect the atmosphere to a lesser degree But nothing to get our knickers in a twist about.
The Climate on this plant is cyclic and has existed since the earth was formed.
Climate change is not caused by people but by the normal, regular cycle of this planet’s “life”.
Exactly! Like the song says we ain’t nothing but “The Third Rock From The Sun.”
Eventually, this rock will crumble like it never existed.
Define climate change. Earth’s climate has changed constantly over eons; sometimes warming sometimes cooling. It’s natural. Man’s impact on cooling or warming is poorly established. CO2 is only part of the equation. I believe that in the entire lifespan of the planet, we’ve been documenting climate patterns for a fraction. To say that something definitely will or definitely will not happen is, at best, suspicious.
Never mind how politicized it’s become.
There is climate change. The earth is always changing just like any living thing.
I just don’t believe it’s something we should fear or be blamed for.
If anyone is to blame for issues to our environment it’s the ones poisoning everything.
This is how I feel, as well. Mother Earth has endured many natural disasters & is still standing.
It doesn’t seem much different than when I was a kid & I’m 60.
The climate has always changed over the millennia. The question should be, do you think man impacts climate change? I say yes, to such a degree that it’s practically immeasurable! Not worth thinking about.
Yes, but the climate has always changed. That’s how we got the Great Lakes.
Colorado was once under water. Etc. Although we can certainly lessen our environmental impact, it’s hubris to think we can stop a cycle that’s been going on since the beginning of time. I believe they are performing weather Engineering and it is affecting the weather. Geoengineering and Weather Modification Exposed. Most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, articles, maps & timelines.
They need climate change to defend population control. This is what is coming to your Neighborhood very soon. They have to take the guns first. Yes, the climate has continually changed over the last 4.5 billion years. Humans have no actual impact. The dinosaurs lived in a far warmer environment with far more oxygen in the atmosphere. That’s why critters and bugs were so much larger. Wasn’t almost the entire planet covered by a sheet of ice that has been naturally melting for centuries. And didn’t something happen to all those dinosaurs? The only consistent thing in the world is change. With or without our help.
It’s scare mongering and it raises fear in people. That’s all it is! Granted people are stewards and have a responsibility to care for surroundings, but a label does not help anyone. It makes it into something it is not! Climate change is not on. Of course not. Quick science lesson.
As the earth makes its yearly trip around the sun, it does not always take the same path.
That gives us floods for a couple of years droughts other years.
Cold winter’s, mild winter’s & Hot summers Mild summers. Etc. etc.
Remember in the 60s it was nuclear war and the doomsday clock.
Then in the 70s it was a coming ice age. Then in the 80s it was the world would run out of oil! Anything to keep us compliant! Of course climate changes. Always has. Can humans do anything about it? Very little. I don’t believe in paying billions in taxes to other countries so that rich leftists can get richer with their climate-hoaxes. Did that answer the question?
Yes, just like it has been changing since the beginning from the very beginning, dinosaurs, and early man.
BTW how’d OIL make it underground in ALASKA? Because at one time there was a subtropical climate. NOW that is real science. It’ll change with or without us. It doesn’t care! I know Obama/Brennan sprayed aluminum/ barium aerosol in the form of Chemtrails into our atmosphere. That reflected the sun’s powerful ray’s back at the sun which disturbed the natural things that are supposed to happen. But, Trump is fixing it.
Climate Change is very real. Climate Change is a different name for Season Change.
Climate Change for Winter. Climate Change for Spring.
Climate Change for Summer. Climate Change for Autumn. So yes, Climate Change is real.
As real as an Arsonist with gasoline and matches.
Climate will change as it has from the beginning of time.
To be so arrogant as to claim you can predict that change, & propose “solutions” to it’s delusional. We don’t have enough data, or even a complete understanding of all the variables involved,
that’s why they predict both Ice Ages and Green House effects, with the same data. People need to understand,
there’s nothing scientific about generating assumptions with models, created from other assumptions,
which can neither be tested nor confirmed. Climate Change is not science, just politics.
No. More needs to be done to conserve, but no to climate change.
Nationalism (not the Nazi kind) will help as a byproduct. Why are our fruits and veggies being imported from all over the world? Why are we not growing here? No, not anthropogenic climate change, which is what they mean when they use the term. men don’t cause the climate to change. The Climates change constantly,
If it didn’t we’d still have dinosaurs. The Green New deal is not about climate change it’s about control.
The earth’s climate has been changing since the beginning of time.
Where’s the reliable evidence that says otherwise?
Now in an interglacial period. We have moved out of a smaller (decades) grand solar maximum and
are now entering The Eddy Minimum (Grand solar minimum) = crazier weather next 50 years,
cooling more seismic activity. Trick question. Of course there is climate change.
Climates have changed multiple times over eons of years.
Humans cannot and should not be forced to try to stop climate changes.
Climate change is always happening. Not going to stop.
I believe in keeping our planet as “clean” as reasonable, not recklessly polluting or abusing the wonderful things in nature that make this all work. Common sense and ingenuity will win over hysteria, greed and politicizing. Yes, but not the hype in the climate movement. In the 70’s they were talking about global cooling and a mini ice age. Now global warming and rising sea levels. The climate fluctuates and each time some group tries to exploit it for gain. Glaciers used to cover the land where my house currently sits with almost a mile of ice less than 20,000 years ago. Of course the climate changes.
Humans did not make those glaciers go away. Humanity’s impact is negligible.
Yes. The climate changes. We have had many “ages” of climate change. Humans are polluting the earth but not causing climate change. That’s natural and cyclical. As always, we need to adapt or we will go extinct.
No but I managed to live through the global freezing of the 70’s so I’m kind of biased.
I think they use the same science. With that being said if we can get cleaner air and water…. why not.
Climate is always changing, sun spot trends for one thing.
The Solar system climate is changing. Earth climate change is far too great for man made;
called not anthropogenic Weather changes, but Gaia compensates the weather changes, it heats and it cools.
The earth goes through its life cycle naturally, it’s supposed to happen! Ice ages have happened before and they will happen again, the government “Climate change” is rubbish.
I believe the Earth has undergone & continues to undergo a cycle of weather patterns that our activities probably have an impact on, but I do not think it’s the kind of impact they are trying to say it is.
Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity.
By examining the polar ice cores, scientists are convinced that human activity has increased the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which has skyrocketed over the past few hundred years.
Yes, human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, which a large majority of climate scientists agree is the main reason for the 1.5°F (0.85°C) rise in average global temperature since 1880.
Sure climate change is real, but not because of humans. However, the ever so slight changes of the Earth’s orbit of the Sun, volcanic eruptions, & typical ever changing weather patterns DOES. Nevertheless, humans do have a responsibility to be good stewards of the Earth. Climate change is probably real but it would still be changing if there were no humans ever on our planet because our planet is aging every year, getting older and older!
There are more trees, vegetation, on the planet now, than thirty years ago.
As a brand, planting trees is a high priority for us. So far, we’ve planted 40 million and intend to plant 1 billion by 2030! But how many trees are in the world? Are there more trees now than 100 years ago?
How many trees are cut down a year? It’s a big question to ask.
The number of trees in the world has been historically pretty difficult to pin down.
But are there more trees in the world today? Are there more trees in America?
Thomas Crowther, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
from 2012 to 2015, is the leading force behind why we know the approximate number of trees on the planet.
At the time his friend was working with a UN youth organization seeking to plant 1 billion trees to combat the effects of climate change.
But nobody at the time knew what the likely effect of 1 billion trees would have on climate change,
what percent of the world’s trees 1 billion would account for, or even how many trees there were on the planet in the first place. We had rudimentary estimates based on satellite imaging technology, but estimates based on satellite imaging varied. The lazy estimate at the time was that there were approximately 400 billion trees on the planet–not based on particularly good or well-documented science.
Long story short, Crowther sent members of his crew to go out to muck it in the dirt of forests and count the number of trees in given geographical areas and compare the number to the estimates of the same geographical areas garnered from satellite imaging. With the estimated numbers and the numbers from his friends on-the-ground, he was able to calculate the total number.(Drum roll please.) Crowther found that there are approximately 3.04 trillion trees on the planet today–a mind-boggling number, especially compared with previous estimates that had not yet guessed the Earth had even a half-trillion trees.
Climate Change is the new Global Thermonuclear War(GTW.)
The world is doing what it does and we just live here. No one denies there was an ice age
and it’s over so the world had to have warmed. Do humans have an effect? Probably.
Do the people who holler the loudest about it go and buy beachfront property? Absolutely. Yes but not at all a catastrophe. We shouldn’t be panicking about emissions, paying more taxes towards expensive alternatives with unrealistic goals when China and India are the main problem. But in the Reagan years Hollywood created propaganda to support liberals: The Day After (1983 Full, Original – 1:75:1 Aspect Ratio) “Testament”, etc.
The Day After is an American television film that first aired on November 20, 1983, on the ABC television network. More than 100 million people, in nearly 39 million households, watched the program during its initial broadcast. With a 46 rating and a 62% share of the viewing audience during its initial broadcast,
it was the seventh-highest-rated non-sports show up to that time and set a record as the highest-rated television film in history—a record it still held as recently as a 2009 report.
The film postulates a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact countries that rapidly escalates into a full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union. The action itself focuses on the residents of Lawrence, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri, and of several family farms near nuclear missile silos. The cast includes JoBeth Williams, Steve Guttenberg, John Cullum, Jason Robards, and John Lithgow. The film was written by Edward Hume, produced by Robert Papazian, and directed by Nicholas Meyer.
It was released on DVD on May 18, 2004, by MGM. Uniquely for a Western movie made during the Cold War,
it was broadcast on the Soviet Union‘s state TV in 1987.
The Massive Flood That Triggered an Ice Age (w/ PBS Eons!) YouTube
The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】 YouTube ·
Climate variability includes all the variations in the climate
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