Heart Smart Plan

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Body Warns 1 Month Before Heart Attack – 7 Warning Signs YOU MUST KNOW (msn.com)

A nurse and Cross fitter who had a stroke at age 29 is urging young people to know the signs: ‘If I can have a stroke, so can all of you’ (msn.com)

High blood pressure can become a dangerous health problem: What you need to know to lower it (msn.com)

Cardiologists Say These Are The Worst Foods For Your Heart, And There Goes My Whole Diet (msn.com)

Why Cardiologists Say A Heart-Healthy Breakfast Should Include the ‘Big 2’ Nutrients

Eating carbs could keep your heart healthy — just pick the right ones, a cardiologist says.

What exactly is atrial fibrillation, and who are its celebrity sufferers? (msn.com)

The FDA Now Says Eating DARK Chocolate May Reduce Your Heart Disease Risk

2 Easy Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels, According To Experts (msn.com)

Tips to find the best supplement to lower cholesterol – Sidney Daily News

The Heart, Part 1 – Heart Throbs: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #26

Sudden death in young people: Heart problems often blamed (msn.com)

Could This Be the Root of All Heart Disease? | Principia Scientific Intl.

Try the sit-to-stand test to see how healthy your heart is (msn.com)

The Impact of Butter Consumption on Cholesterol Levels (msn.com)

The 20 Worst Habits That Are Destroying Your Heart (msn.com)

A New Way to Protect Against Heart Attacks (msn.com)

Vitamin D and heart health – Sidney Daily News

Why Doesn’t CPAP Reduce Heart Disease?

What are the names of all the heart problems?

20 Worst Foods for Your Heart (msn.com)

Cardiovascular  disease  including  heart disease and stroke account            for more than one – third  (33.6%)  of  all  U.S. deaths.  In 2010, the total          cost  of  cardiovascular disease  in  the United States  were  estimated to       be  $444 Billion. Treatment of  these diseases accounted  for about $1 of every  $6  spent  on  healthcare  in  this  country.  As the U.S. population  ages,  this economic impact  of  cardiovascular disease  on  our  nations health care system will become greater.    M y  H e a r t  M y  L i f e.org                   C. P. R.  I n s t r u c t i o n s

The stroke shot called Tissue Plasminogen Activator, or TPA, reverses the effects of stroke if given within three hours of the first symptoms. That’s why it’s so important to act fast. “The signs that I would suggest we look for with someone who has stroke signs are what we call FAST,” Acute Stroke Medical Director Jitendra Sharma said.

True to Your Heart  About Cardiovascular Risk | True to Your Heart

“True to Your Heart” – Mulan (2020)

Each Year about 950,000 Americans receive angioplasty and heart stents costing health care $150 billion.  This  potentially  life  saving  procedure  allows  blood  to  flow through previously blocked arteries.  Limiting damage to the heart muscle from a heart attack is already in progress or preventing a heart attack from happening altogether.

Widow maker is an alternate name for the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of the heart. This term is used because if the artery gets abruptly and completely occluded it will cause a massive heart attack that will likely lead to a sudden death. The blockage that kills is made up of platelets streaming to the site of a ruptured cholesterol plaque.

Even a small amount of plaque in this area can rupture and cause death; bypassing  chronic blockages or trying to open them up with angioplasty does not prevent heart attack but it can restore blood flow in case of a sudden blockage or heart attack. An example of the devastating results of a complete occlusion of the LAD artery was the sudden death of former NBC News Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert. From the minute a widow maker hits, survival time ranges from minutes to several hours.

Rapidly progressing symptoms should signal the need for immediate attention.

Symptoms of initial onset may include nausea, shortness of breath, pain in the head,     jaw,  arms or chest,  numbness in fingers,  often of a novel but imprecise sensation     which builds with irregular heart beat.

A heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), is the death of a portion of the heart wall when there is an interruption in its blood supply. The heart wall is composed of three layers – the inner lining (endocardium), middle muscle layer (myocardium) and outer lining (epicardium) – and has its own supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood via the coronary arteries.   https://www.healthhype.com/heart-damage-with-a-heart-attack-permanent-and-irreversible.html

There is usually underlying disease of the coronary artery, like atherosclerosis, where    fatty plaques build up in the arterial wall.  This is known as coronary artery disease and reduces the blood flow to portions of the heart wall. It’s often asymptomatic if the extent  of occlusion is less than 75% of the diameter of the arterial lumen.

     Heart attack can happen differently to different people; in men they can have crushing pain that radiates to their arm or jaw. While in women the feeling may be vague with over whelming fatigue, weakness, nausea or a sense that they just don’t feel right. Also when it comes to the heart what kills one might just be a minor irritation to another.
    Whether the chest pain is associated with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is due to a heart attack or unstable angina. Which is also caused by the buildup of waxy plague that narrows the passages and impedes blood flow. Clot prevention isn’t the only goal after post stent therapy.
     If you weren’t on a statin prior you will be on one now. Ideally aim for a total cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL ; a LDL level   of less than 100, an HDL of 60 or above and triglycerides of less than 150. If your blood pressure is high you will need either an ACE inhibitor (angiotensin- converting enzyme) or an ARB angiotensin II receptor blocker. These types of medications may raise blood levels of potassium which can affect heart rhythm.
   Along with an ACE inhibitor or ARB your doctor may prescribe a beta blocker to block the affect of the hormone adrenaline. This will reduce the amount of work the heart muscle does and lower blood pressure. You may also need a calcium channel blocker (CCB) that help vessels relax, improving blood flow.
  Both stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG often pronounced “Cabbage.”) are used to open block arteries with a pop of your chest. Cracking open your  chest allows the surgeon to use arteries and veins from other parts of your body — grafts – to reroute blood flow around the blockage.
    Preventive measures for heart events should be taken NOW. Physical exercise can reduce your risk for a heart attack tremendously. For every hour of regular, vigorous exercise daily, you can add two hours to your life expectancy. Increasing daily activity often means reducing caloric consumption. Most foods high in calories are also high in saturated fat. Also filling up on high fiber foods — such as grains, vegetables and fruit – helps you feel fuller on fewer calories.
   Makeover your menu to a heart friendly diet: the best way to do this is reduce sodium which reduces blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends that you consume no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day.
   The best diet should limit saturated fat to no more than 6 percent of your diet. Avoid trans fats, typically found in fried food and processed package sweets and snacks. Also watch out for salt substitutes — sometimes continuing potassium instead of sodium. Dining Out doesn’t mean not going heart healthy. Thanks to goodfoodnearyou.com they find restaurants and select menu items by fat, calories, carbs and protein made east for you.
   Also most people don’t know that smoking harms nearly every organ in your body. And the cardiovascular system isn’t immune. Smoking can constrict arteries and veins and producing heart attacks. I know someone that had an angioplasty that showed a normal size artery that should had been the size of her thumb reduced to the diameter of a pencil.
    For free, accurate information and professional aid in supporting the immediate and long -term needs of people trying to quit smoking, go to smokefree.gov  you will find advice on building a plan, ways to identify and master cravings. A service that sends supportive text messages — and much more.

Supplements and their impact on cholesterol


PICT Leanne McCrate Dear Dietitian Leanne McCrate, RDN, LD, CNSC, is an award-winning dietitian based in St. Louis, Missouri. Her mission is to educate consumers on sound, science-based nutrition. Do you have a nutrition question? Email her today at deardietitian411@gamail.com. Dear Dietitian does not endorse any products, health programs, or diet plans.

Dear Dietitian,
Lately, my cholesterol level has gone up, and my doctor wants to put me on medication for it. I am hesitant to take medicine because of the side effects. I’ve read about a supplement, Citrus bergamot, that claims to lower cholesterol naturally. What do you know about this product?KathrynDear Kathryn,Citrus Bergamot is a fragrant citrus fruit. Its color is yellow or orange, depending on its ripeness. The fruit originated in Southeast Asia but was named for Bergamo, Italy, where it first gained popularity.In a review of 12 studies, bergamot was associated with a significant decrease in total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. The reduction in TC varied from 12% to 31%, and the decline in LDL was as much as 41%. The authors pointed out that the studies had limited scientific quality (1).

In a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study of 60 participants, those given a bergamot supplement for 30 days showed a substantial decrease in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Total cholesterol decreased from 262 to 196, and LDL went from 175 to 116. This study was small; however, a randomized, double-blind study is the gold standard of scientific studies (2).

Garlic is an inexpensive way to treat high cholesterol, but is it effective? Studies are mixed. A study using a mixture of fresh garlic and lemon juice showed an impressive 41-point decline in TC and a 30-point decrease in LDL. The study consisted of 112 volunteers and lasted eight weeks (3).

In another well-designed study conducted at Stanford University, garlic did not have any effect on cholesterol levels. The results were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. In this six-month study, 192 patients who had elevated LDL levels were given a sandwich or supplements with the equivalent of 4 grams of garlic per day.

Participants were closely monitored to make sure they didn’t gain or lose weight, affecting cholesterol levels. At the end of six months, LDL levels were unchanged. Senior author Christopher Gardner, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Stanford Research Center, said, “If garlic was going to work, in one form or another, then it would have worked in our study. The lack of effect was compelling and clear.” (4)

If you have high cholesterol, talk to your doctor before adding a supplement to your medicine cabinet. Supplements may produce side effects and can interact with other medications.

References: Dear Dietitian – Using supplements to manage cholesterol levels 

1. Lamiquiz-Moneo I, Gine-Gonzales J, Alisente S, Bea A, Peres-Calahorra S, Marco-Benedi V. Effect of bergamot on lipid profile in humans: a systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2020 60 (18): 3133-3143. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1677554

2. Nauman M, Johnson J. Clinical application of bergamot (Citrus bergamia) for reducing high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease markers. Integr Food Nutr Metab. 2019 Mar; 6(2):10.15761/IFNM.1000239.

3. Aslani N, Entezari M, Askari G, Maghsoudi Z, Maracy M. Effect of garlic and lemon juice mixture on lipid profile and some cardiovascular risk factors in people 30-60 years old with moderate hyperlipidaemia: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Prev Med. 2016; 7:95. Published online 2016 Jul 20. doi: 10.4103/2008-7802.187248.

4. Stanford study drives stake through claims that garlic lowers cholesterol levels

(2007 Feb 26) Stanford Medicine News Center.

Until next time, be healthy!

To learn more about heart healthThe National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 

can answer questions you may have regarding stent and  heart health in general.  http://www.secondscount.org/treatments/stents


Research  has  found  that  emotional  stress  created by Post Traumatic Stress  Disorder  (P.T.S.D.)  can  worsen  heart  disease.   Depression  for instance,  increases your risk of  heart trouble by increasing low – grade inflammation,  which in turn, leads  to artery clogging.  It also activates platelets which  makes them more sticky,  and  likely  to  clump  together  into deadly blood clots. http://www.dailyrx.com/cancer-survivors-who-had-radiation-may-have-increased-risks-following-heart-surgery

   Which can alter the rhythm of  your heart beat while increasing blood pressure,  insulin,  cholesterol  and stress hormones.  Leave  it  untreated and your risk of  death during the next  four months increases  four times higher than  someone without depression.  It’s also important to practice good habits  like eating right,  exercising,  and refraining  from smoking.    http://www.world-heart-federation.org/cardiovascular-health/cardiovascular-disease-risk-factors/stress/   

     With  some  of  the  best tips  for  avoiding  heart disease  are reducing saturated  fat to  fewer than  7 percent of  your caloric intake,  eliminating   trans  fats  that were invented to increase  the shelf life of  processed  foods and  nearly  77 percent of  sodium content coming  from processed  foods it   is important to limit them in your diet. Sodium causes your body to retain water, which makes your heart work harder to pump blood ( if  your  on  a  diuretic any sodium can encounter medication…. be leary.)

   Facts about the Heart:  while only having 6 quarts of blood running through  it.  It’s  one  of  the  hardest  working  muscles  in  your  body…. pumping 2 ounces  of  blood every time  the heart beats  which  happens 100,000 times daily. Sending 2,500 gallons of blood through your body. With 60,000 miles of  blood vessels which “if” laid out would track 2 1/2 times around earth… that’s an amazing  fact. These  vessels  feed  every organ,  tissue  and  the trillions of  cells in your body.

    Heart disease inflicts between  8 & 10  million people +65 years old  every year in the United States. There are 2600 heart attacks a minute each year in America ….with 160,000 being between the ages of  35 – 64  years of age. While 50% of these patients happen without warning and 300 known risk  factors with  35  being  well  known. Cholesterol  is  one of them that gets to much attention and is over stated to often.

    Research  identifies two  types of  LDL:  fluffy  particles  (harmless) and  small, dense particles  tiny  enough  to penetrate the blood vessel  lining  and  become  oxidized. These  particles  alone don’t cause heart disease, chronic inflammation, oxidation and stress also weakening cells lining inside of  your blood vessels. Stress is bad  for every cell in your body  and has been linked  to practically every disease  known to mankind.

    With some researchers believing: chronic stress is as bad  for your health as smoking.  When  your under stress  your  nervous system will  respond by releasing stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause you your heart to beat  faster,  muscles to tighten,  blood pressure to rise. With most work situations being pressure packed today it’s important to get away  from it.

    When you get yelled  at  by other people, a human’s reaction is to go  into a stew over it.  This is a coping strategy you should try to overcome because  it really isn’t  healthy  for you.  You ever notice when you yell at a dog their immediate response is racing around like a maniac. Which is a natural way of  unloading stress  from  their system  in  a healthy way. Not saying you should immediately go racing around like a maniac,  but a great technique  is  riding a bicycle  that can expel tension,  stress  and help lower cholesterol. 

     Cholesterol  acts as a repair patch to the damaged areas, which can, not only,  protect them in short term, but also, leads to future  problems, including arterial plaque buildup.    If  inflammation continues, plaque can break off and  form a dangerous blood clot. As their name implies, antioxidants prevent cholesterol  from oxidizing, thereby, dampening the entire inflammatory process.

     Therefore,  enjoying these  five antioxidants superstar to improve cholesterol function and reduce chronic inflammation. Consume Wild Alaskan Salmon  which  contains  omega – 3   fats  for fluidity  and also cholesterol  for structure.  Your  body  pulls  this  cholesterol out of  the bloodstream into the cells,  thus  reducing cholesterol  that’s  subject to oxidation. Another item you might want to consider in your diet is Extra – virgin olive oil with it’s monounsaturated  fat that reduces LDL oxidation, triglycerides, inflammation reducing blood pressure. 

     Additionally  many  types  of  beans  are  rich in  folate,  a B vitamin that  lowers  homocysteine,  a  heart disease risk  marker  that  damages blood vessels. Also beans are an excellent source of  lean protein contain  soluble  fiber that reduces heart disease risk by binding with cholesterol in the digestive tract, aiding it’s excretion and the liver’s ability to use it. In addition beans also improve  insulin sensitivity which reduces insulin sensitivity, cholesterol – molecule damage and increases satiety.

      Green tea offers epigallocatechin gallate  (E.G.C.G.) a polyphenol that  helps  liver cells  capture  circulating LDL,  essentially  pulling  it  from  the bloodstream. In addition look for green tea blended with tulsi  (also called holy basil), an apoptogenic herb shown  to  relieve  heart  damaging  stress.   Think Goodness: dark chocolate may reduce heart disease risk by one third boosting HDL ~ reducing LDL cholesterol.  Containing beneficial flavanols, just be sure it contains 60 percent or more cocoa content.

   While cholesterol is a vital risk  factor…. it can simply be stated the over  usage  of  statin  drugs  should  be  carefully  considered.  Driving cholesterol lower presents an added risk for cancer,  and  “if”  driven to low can present quality  of  life issues  (muddled headed,  with unclear thought,  aches  and  pains…. et cetera.)  Statin  drugs  can  have  an   impact on CoQ10 levels in your body as well.

   With  heart  beat  arrhythmia  being one of  the main causes of  fatal heart attacks. Omega 3’s  helps  with  chronic  inflammation,  lowering blood pressure and opening blood vessels. Those that eat fish 5 times @   week or start supplementing with Omega 3’s,  start to see a significant reduction in the  side effects  of  heart  disease.  The  eskimo  population   that  consume  fish 2 or 3 times @ day usually have outcomes  of  2 or 3 out of 100 Eskimos that get heart disease.  Low Vitamin D Levels!!!

     Secondarily  of  importance  for  prevention  of  heart  disease  is  the master mineral,  Magnesium which has a  co enzyme factor that effects  300  enzymatic actions in the human  body,  Along with  D-Ribose  and L-Carnitine  making  for heart  attack reducers.   Also  the  more  health conscientious  you are  can  be  determined  by  engaging  in  preventive behavior. Such as exercising, eating well with routine check ups,  while also finishing what you start, controlling impulses & depression  plays a significant role in  determining  longevity. While  having  the  ability to cope with the lost of  a love one… et cetera…. Gotta Lose Weight!!

Cardiologists Agree: This Is the One Processed Snack You Have to Stop Buying ASAP — By Olivia Avitt (shefinds.com)

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women, according to the CDC?
Heart related health issues are unfortunately very uncommon in the United States. While things like genetics and certain medications can make them worse, or even be the source, it can be exacerbated by things like your diet and lifestyle.
One way to invest in your heart health is to eat a balanced, healthy diet, and know what foods you should avoid or cut back on. One thing that is especially problematic for heart health is processed foods. Most processed foods have excessive amounts of sugar added in the process of being made, and high sugar diets have been shown to be direct links to increased risk of heart disease. But are there some that are worse than others?
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women, according to the CDC? Heart related health issues are unfortunately very uncommon in the United States. While things like genetics and certain medications can make them worse, or even be the source, it can be exacerbated by things like your diet and lifestyle. One way to invest in your heart health is to eat a balanced, healthy diet, and know what foods you should avoid or cut back on. One thing that is especially problematic for heart health is processed foods. Most processed foods have excessive amounts of sugar added in the process of being made, and high sugar diets have been shown to be direct links to increased risk of heart disease. But are there some that are worse than others?

© Provided by SheFinds
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women, according to the CDC?
Heart related health issues are unfortunately very uncommon in the United States. While things like genetics and certain medications can make them worse, or even be the source, it can be exacerbated by things like your diet and lifestyle.
One way to invest in your heart health is to eat a balanced, healthy diet, and know what foods you should avoid or cut back on. One thing that is especially problematic for heart health is processed foods. Most processed foods have excessive amounts of sugar added in the process of being made, and high sugar diets have been shown to be direct links to increased risk of heart disease. But are there some that are worse than others?

Pork deli meat are some of the worst, particularly because they are usually very high in added sodium. Another processed meat that is high in sodium is jerky. As a matter of fact, Health.com reports that “A 1-ounce portion can pack nearly 20% of the daily advised sodium limit for adults.” While sodium is a necessary mineral for your wellbeing, too much of it can be harmful. Excessive sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is one of the biggest risks for heart disease and stroke. All in all, you should consider avoiding processed meat, especially beef jerky, as they can have dangerous effects on your heart health.  Physical wellness involves a lot of moving pieces, and making changes to your lifestyle don’t happen overnight. Everything from diet, exercise, staying hydrated, and getting good sleep are essential components. Making small changes and adjustments every day is the best way to see sustainable change, and invest in your long term wellbeing. Balance is key, so focus on enjoying junk food in moderation, while making sure to take in healthy foods regularly as well.

© Provided by SheFinds

Pork deli meat are some of the worst, particularly because they are usually very high in added sodium.

Another processed meat that is high in sodium is jerky. As a matter of fact, Health.com reports that “A 1-ounce portion can pack nearly 20% of the daily advised sodium limit for adults.” While sodium is a necessary mineral for your wellbeing, too much of it can be harmful. Excessive sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is one of the biggest risks for heart disease and stroke.
All in all, you should consider avoiding processed meat, especially beef jerky, as they can have dangerous effects on your heart health. Physical wellness involves a lot of moving pieces and making changes to your lifestyle don’t happen overnight. Everything from exercise, diet to staying hydrated, and getting good sleep are essential components. Making small changes and adjustments every day is the best way to see sustainable change and invest in your long-term wellbeing. Balance is key, so focus on enjoying junk food in moderation, while making sure to take in healthy foods regularly as well.
According to Dr. Raed Bargout, a cardiologist at Dignity Health-Glendale Memorial Hospital in Glendale, California, processed meat is one of the worst, especially processed deli meat. “Processed deli meat is on the top of the list for food that can increase the risk of cardiovascular events including heart attacks and stroke.” He says. If you like adding deli meat to your sandwiches, consider cooking turkey or chicken fresh instead.  Caitlin Policastro, a nurse practitioner at the New York Center for Innovative Medicine, says that eating too much pork specifically could be especially tricky. “Besides the fact that [it’s] is loaded with saturated fat—leading to cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, weight gain and more—most pigs are given high doses of antibiotics to keep them alive prior to being slaughtered,” she says, “In addition to being loaded with antibiotics, pigs have a difficult time eliminating toxins because their digestive systems are extremely basic, which compounds the problem.”

© Provided by SheFinds
According to Glendale Memorial’s Dr. Raed Bargout Discusses Heart Health Month with KTLA states processed meat is one of the worst, especially processed deli meat.
“Processed deli meat is on the top of the list for food that can increase the risk of cardiovascular events including heart attacks and stroke.” He speaks. If you like adding deli meat to your sandwiches, consider cooking turkey or chicken fresh instead.  Caitlin Policastro, a nurse practitioner at the New York Center for Innovative Medicine, says that eating too much pork specifically could be especially tricky.
“Besides the fact that [it’s] is loaded with saturated fat—leading to cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, weight gain and more—most pigs are given high doses of antibiotics to keep them alive prior to being slaughtered,” she says, “In addition to being loaded with antibiotics, pigs have a difficult time eliminating toxins because their digestive systems are extremely basic, which compounds the problem.”

Cardiologists Say These Are The Worst Foods For Your Heart, And There Goes My Whole Diet (msn.com)

Unhealthiest Foods for Your Heart After 50 (msn.com)

Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 2 Vol Set – 9780323722193 (elsevierhealth.com)

ekg-braunwald.pdf (wordpress.com) 8th Edition

Braunwald’s Heart Disease Review and Assessment 9th Edition

Guide To Heart Failure Stages – HealthPrep.com







A 63-year-old woman had a heart attack. Her advice could save your life. (msn.com)






How The Heart Heals Itself   https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8#q=how+your+heart+healing+disease&tbm=vid


Catheter Ablation

Widow Maker Heart Attack



   Brain  Aneurysm’s occur when part of a blood vessel (artery) or cardiac chamber swells,  either  the blood vessel is damaged or there is a weakness in the wall of a blood vessel that causes it to split?      RISK FACTORS!!!!