The Akashic Field: “Like the The Akashic Field, the aurora borealis flows with energy and brilliance as charged particles from the sun interact with atoms in the earth’s atmosphere.
Those who live at or visit high latitudes might at times experience colored lights shimmering across the night sky. Some Inuit believed that the spirits of their ancestors could be seen dancing in the flickering aurora. In Norse mythology, the aurora was a fire bridge to the sky built by the gods. This ethereal display – the aurora borealis or aurora australis, the northern or southern lights – is beautiful. What causes these lights to appear?
Our sun is 93 million miles away. But its effects extend far beyond its visible surface. Great storms on the sun send gusts of charged solar particles hurtling across space. If Earth is in the path of the particle stream, our planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere react.
When the charged particles from the sun strike atoms and molecules in Earth’s atmosphere, they excite those atoms, causing them to light up.
What does it mean for an atom to be excited? Atoms consist of a central nucleus and a surrounding cloud of electrons encircling the nucleus in an orbit. When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth’s atmosphere, electrons move to higher-energy orbits, further away from the nucleus. Then when an electron moves back to a lower-energy orbit, it releases a particle of light or photon.
What happens in an aurora is similar to what happens in the neon lights we see on many business signs. Electricity is used to excite the atoms in the neon gas within the glass tubes of a neon sign. That’s why these signs give off their brilliant colors. The aurora works on the same principle – but at a far more vast scale.
When charged particles from the sun strike air molecules in Earth’s magnetic field, they cause those molecules’ atoms to become excited. The molecules give off light as they calm down. Image via NASA
The aurora often appears as curtains of lights, but they can also be arcs or spirals, often following lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field. Most are green in color but sometimes you’ll see a hint of pink, and strong displays might also have red, violet and white colors. The lights typically are seen in the far north – the nations bordering the Arctic Ocean – Canada and Alaska, Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Greenland and Russia. But strong displays of the lights can extend down into more southerly latitudes in the United States. And of course, the lights have a counterpart at Earth’s south polar regions.
The colors in the aurora were also a source of mystery throughout human history. But science says that different gases in Earth’s atmosphere give off different colors when they are excited. Oxygen gives off the green color of the aurora, for example. Nitrogen causes blue or red colors.
Jennifer Khordi captured this aurora over the Catskills of New York. Visit Jennifer Khordi on Facebook.
Bottom line: When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth’s atmosphere, they cause electrons in the atoms to move to a higher-energy state. When the electrons drop back to a lower energy state, they release a photon: light. This process creates the beautiful aurora, or northern lights.
The 93 million miles from the sun to the earth is nothing compared to the limitless consciousness of the Akashic Field. All information, power, energy, and experience vibrate within this realm of unending truth and possibility – and every bit of it can be yours. Eternal inspiration is always vibrating around you, but until you calm down and rein in the emotional intensity, you will be like a radio station tuned to the wrong frequency and picking up only static. The Field – and the world – is filled with potential solutions to the very problems that are making you upset. So stop, take a step back, and try to get a new perspective on things. It may be advisable to look into past-life influences, for they vibrate in the Akashic Field as well.”
Your life-force energy resonates with Universal synchronicity now, so you can explore the Records and receive exactly the information that you need and the energy that can help. Engage in this pursuit with a conscious focus. Write your intentions and ask for inspiration. Meditate on the Akashic Field and visualize your goals.
The Universe is ready and willing to align with your heartfelt desires, and now is the time to make them happen.” “The Akashic Field as challenger indicates a time of fragmentation and agitated energy within or around you. You may be going through some sort of crisis, or you may be on the receiving end of some grief or hostility, which is really throwing you for a loop! Your worry and panic is splitting your energy and causing a frantic vibration.
Again I ask, what do you wish to create? Now is the time to create it! A new moon ritual is in order. It is really important to get clear on what it is that you are desiring to manifest now. What inspires you? Why do you dream the dreams you dream? How would it feel to live the life you wish to create? Focus on these feelings now. Write them down. Make an altar. Light a candle. Meditate. Contemplate. Breathe deeply and Create.
Make a vision board, a collage or paint a picture of what you would like. Write about it in bright detail. Make a wish and know that it will be fulfilled. See for yourself walking through the Akashic Field, dancing through the stars and pulling the magic down from
the unmanifest realm to the physical plane through the portal of energy that is today. Know that this is the point of creation and the manifestation is to come. Expedite the process by having faith, surrendering to the process and knowing that what is yours will come to you.
The Akashic field or Akashics is a field of life force which permeates and structures the Universe in its entirety, from the smallest particle to the largest star field and all the laws that govern it. From the beginning of all things it has existed. Scientists from a multitude of fields who currently work on aspects of the Theory of Everything are coming to realize that this field exists and is as ever-present and necessary as gravity or electromagnetics.
Their studies and theories and conclusions are leading more and more of them to an understanding of its existence which indigenous cultures all over the planet have known for millennia. This life is not all that exists in the Universe and being physical is only part of what we are.
The Akashics is a physical field which sets the stage for the Universe to function, but it is also a place. Just as light is both a particle and a wave depending on how we interact with it, the Akashics can be either a field or a place. Most people, if they have heard about the Akashics at all, have heard them called the Akashic Records. This is because people most often experience the Akashics through the Akashic Records, that part which is most closely related to humans as they live physical lives.
The Akashic Records, or the Library, is a place where records about everything exists or has ever existed are kept. Just as we contain the memories of what we have been and where we have come from, the Akashics… too keeps a memory of everything. Each soul, each being has a record of all they have been and all they are now. This is what most medicine people, psychics, and spiritual beings reach out to when helping people to seek help or guidance from other realms. Each soul’s record, what I term a Soul book, contains the entire historical record of the experiences they have had, their plans for their current incarnation, and an ongoing record of their life in this physical form.
The Akashic Records is a place of study for those who wish to reconnect with an understanding of who they truly are through their Soul Book, for those who wish to learn more about specific subjects, and for those who wish to continue their education in how to embody more of their full potential. It is also a place where people can reconnect with their guides and teachers, with specialists and masters, where soul groups can reunite and where souls can rediscover the knowledge that they are unconditionally loved and wanted and accepted.
The Akashic Records is not a place beyond the reach of mere mortals, but is available to everyone. It is normal for people to go there often during sleep in order to process experiences that they have had and receive more training and support. But this must be interpreted through dreams and most often disappears from conscious memory once the waking mind returns to the fore.
To reach the Akashic Records with the conscious mind takes training and practice, but can open doors to wisdom and healing that people never thought they could possibly achieve. Whether you work with someone who can access the Akashic Records for you or you learn how to reach them yourself, reconnecting with your true self and experiencing who you truly are will change your life.
Once you feel someone or something has control over you, you’re right.
In merely thinking this and operating from this place, you’ve already given your power away.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering” – you guessed it, Yoda’s wisdom once again.
When you feel powerless, you’ve already presented the illusion that your external reality has control over you. From there your actions can become fear-based that create a ripple effect showing you where you are giving up power.
Only you have the strength and ability to change this.
Being in your power is having an awareness to your own truth.
But sometimes we need the tools to help us get there.
Every jedi needs to be armed. Just as Luke had his lightsaber, you can use your personal Akashic Records to bring out the power within.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are the energetic records of your soul that holds all information about the cosmic truth of who you really are. It records every word, thought, action, event, emotion and belief systems.
By accessing your Akashic Records you will receive information to understand your blocks and limitations in life, insights and possible choices in co-creating a better outcome. This automatically brings awareness in providing you an opportunity for deep transformational healing in all dimensions, planes and times by embracing in a new reality that is of high service to you and to your soul’s journey.
Connecting to your truth is the deepest level of mastery.
But be aware:
Connecting to your wounding is the deepest level of misery.
All of us have intuition and powers like Jedis, but sometimes we just need a bit of help to awaken them, understand their strength and learn how to use them – as a source for good.
Once we can understand our own power, we can deepen intuition, awakening the force within each of us.
“You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path, and you will do it again for the galaxy.”
Curious about awakening the intuition and force within you? Let your personal Akashic Records guide you. Find out more here.
About Baljit Rayat
Baljit Rayat is an Akashic Records Consultant and the founder of Lotus Destiny™. Committed to raising the vibration of humanity, Baljit has worked with thousands of women some men worldwide to uplevel their lives by uncovering the truths of who they are to the core, creating profound results in their businesses and relationships. She believes everything is this world is energy and getting to the root of desire causes a powerful ripple that spans all areas of life. To access your personal Akashic Record and align to your Soul Blueprint visit
Before partnering with Jennifer my life was filled with anxiety and fear and I felt like something was missing but didn’t know what. I was motivated to live my life joyfully with Freedom and Power, but had no idea in how to access it or what my soul’s purpose was. Since working with her, my life is 100% better. I’ve noticed powerful results after just 2 sessions with her, and I even noticed changes in my physical features and my confidence. With her empowering guidance, I took ‘the leap’ and moved across country to live in the location of my dreams and opened my own full-time healing practice.
For the first time, I can now envision living beyond my wildest dreams and that feels absolutely liberating!”
Baljit Rayat