Want to hear about a messed-up study? Of course you do.
Here’s how scientists measure the will to live:
Separate a young rat from his mother, throw him in a pool of water with no exit, and see how long it takes him to stop optimistically swimming in circles and start sadly treading water as he waits for the inevitable sink to the bottom. It’s a test to measure how long it takes to give up on life.
Don’t worry, the rat lives through it. We’re only bringing this up because in one such experiment in 2010, scientists found if the rat had been consuming probiotics, it was less likely to suffer from that anxiety and despair after being separated from its mother and tossed to its watery doom.
That’s right: Probiotics—the so-called “good” bacteria that are often found in yogurt and help with digestion—might increase our will to live.
The Role of Bacteria in Your Health
One of the most exciting and revolutionary topics in health right now is also one of the least sexy: We’re talking about the bacteria that live in our digestive tracts—what science types call the gut microbiome. Our bodies play host to trillions of these critters, and they make up a mini-ecosystem that helps us break down the food we eat and absorb its nutrients. At least, that’s all we thought the microbiome did.
Recent research has shown that our belly bacteria have an incredible impact on everything from fat loss and inflammation levels to perhaps even our susceptibility to depression and anxiety.
The Value of a Diverse Microbiome
Let’s start with the fat loss. Your gut bacteria has a huge effect on your insulin sensitivity, which controls the way your body responds to carbohydrates—specifically how likely it is to turn them into fat. Essentially, increasing your insulin sensitivity makes it easier to burn carbs.
So how can you manipulate your microbiome into helping you burn more fat?
“You’ve got trillions of bacteria that help you digest food,” says Brad Pilon, a nutrition consultant and lead researcher on Flat Belly Forever, a weight-loss system that cuts body fat by optimizing your gut bugs. “But when you don’t have enough kinds of bacteria in there, it can contribute to a lot of issues with your health, and there’s a real correlation with low gut diversity and obesity.”
In one quirky (if, again, kind of messed up) study, scientists pulled the gut bacteria out of obese mice and put ’em into the bellies of regular mice. Having the gut bacteria of obese mice increased the healthy mice’s body fat even though their diet didn’t change. And multiple human studies have also shown that crummy gut diversity leads to more fat storage and poor insulin sensitivity. A lack of gut diversity is also a really important marker of inflammation, which is linked to obesity, heart disease, arthritis, and even depression.
The Gut-Brain Connection
That brings us back to our water-logged rodent pal from the beginning and how probiotics can make rats (and even humans) less anxious: the so-called gut-brain axis.
The fact that the brain and belly are linked isn’t surprising. (After all, indigestion is a fairly well-known side effect of stress.) But we’re now learning that connection is a two-way street: The mind can affect the gut, and the gut can affect the mind.
Here’s a good example: In 2011, British scientists gave probiotics to both rats and human subjects. After a month, they noted a significant decrease in both the rats’ anxiety-like symptoms and in the humans’ levels of anger, distress, hostility, and depression. More recent research out of Oxford showed that supplements designed to boost the numbers of healthy gastrointestinal bacteria may improve anxiety levels by changing the way we process emotional information. The participants were actually found to pay less attention to negative words and more attention to positive words after three weeks of supplementing.
“Some people think this is a little out there,” Pilon says. “But after all, we accept that your kidneys affect brain function, and there’s evidence the liver might be involved with multiple sclerosis. If you start viewing the microbiome as another organ, it makes a lot of sense.”
What You Can Do
Each day brings new findings about how the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract affect systems throughout the body. And each day we catch a glimpse (and a whiff) of our own GI, er, output. Taking advantage of the many benefits of diverse, healthy gut bacteria isn’t as easy as eating yogurt every single day—but it’s not much harder either. Follow these simple steps:
1. Determine whether you’ve got a problem in your gut.
If you have diarrhea, constipation, or stomach cramping all the time, this isn’t even a question. But there are other signs your gut isn’t as healthy as it could be. “The notion of optimal digestive health can’t be compared from one person to another,” says Pascale M. White, M.D., assistant professor of medicine and director of the gastroenterology clinic at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.
“Everyone has their own baseline.”
That means whether you normally have three bowel movements per day or one every other day, a change from your individual baseline could mean there’s something wrong, White says. Other signs of intestinal issues are increased bloating, heartburn, or stomach pain.
Due to what we now know—or at least suspect—about the microbiome, you might even look to other parts of your body for signs of an imbalance in your GI tract.
“The gut is like our second brain; it’s very predictive of the other things that happen in our body,” says Deepa Verma, M.D., AIHM, an integrative health physician. “Eczema, rashes, psoriasis, depression, anxiety, migraines, headaches… concerns that manifest outside the gut can be linked back to it.”
2. Keep a food diary.
We’re not always paying the best attention to the cause and effect of what we do to our bodies, so this is where White often starts with her patients.
“It can help them look at what they are eating in relation to what they are feeling,” White says.
Often, people are surprised by patterns they find, she says, and this gives them a much clearer idea of what foods to eliminate from their diets. You may find, for instance, that you’ve developed a lactose intolerance, which is something that often happens in adulthood.
3. Eat more fiber.
Isn’t it nice to think about adding foods to your diet rather than eliminating them? That’s the approach Amy Gannon, M.Ed., R.D., L.D., department manager of eCoaching at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, takes to improving the gut microbiome.
“The easiest dietary fix across the board would be to include whole foods that have dietary fiber—even better if those foods can be a source of prebiotics,” she says.
Gannon suggests eating more of all kinds of fruits, vegetables, lentils, and whole grains to get fiber, which ferments in the intestines. Prebiotics are foods that break down into chemicals that feed good bacteria. Onions, garlic, leeks, and oats fall into this high-fiber, prebiotic category.
While you’re at it, you should also know that your gut will benefit from having an extensive menu, because variety, apparently, is the spice of microbiota.
“Foods have different benefits that promote different kinds of bacteria—so apples, artichokes, and pistachios benefit a certain kind of bacteria,” Gannon says. “Then other foods, like yogurt, have a different kind of bacteria.”
4. Eat fewer inflammatory foods.
“I don’t expect all my patients to be plant-based or vegan, but I do expect them to at least limit the amount of animal products that they consume because meat and dairy are very inflammatory,” Verma says.
Studies have shown that the staples of our “Western” diet (high in sugar, starch, and saturated and trans fats) cause an inflammatory response. Inflamed intestines lead to poor absorption of nutrients and more serious conditions such as Crohn’s disease and inflamed bowel syndrome. Verma suggests limiting meat and dairy to about 20 to 25 percent of your diet, with the rest being plant-based. That gives you plenty more opportunities for adding those high-fiber foods too.
5. Eat (the right kind of) fermented foods and yogurts.
If you know nothing else about good bacteria, you probably at least know they’re in yogurts. Fermented foods such as kimchi, tempeh, and miso are also excellent sources of probiotics. But you have to pay attention to the labels: The yogurt should say it has “live active cultures,” and the fermented foods should be the refrigerated kind, not the shelf-stable versions that have been pasteurized—a process that kills off bacteria.
“The beauty with these food sources is that you’re getting probiotics, and you’re also getting other nutrients along with them,” Gannon says.
By the way, there’s no prescribed amount of these foods you should eat—the science is still too new for that kind of precision. For now, Gannon says you can let your taste buds guide you rather than treating them like medicine.
“With some of those foods, they do have benefits, but if you don’t like them, then I definitely wouldn’t force yourself to eat them,” she says. “It really is important to go with things you like and can include day to day.”
Also, probiotic supplements can be beneficial, but there’s no magic pill here—adding probiotics blindly without fixing other issues isn’t a good solution.
6. Look at the FODMAP list.
After doctors have ruled out organic or structural GI disorders (such as infection, colitis, cancer, colon polyps, Crohn’s disease), they turn to the much more vague diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. White says the priority for IBS is to treat the symptoms (diarrhea, cramping, constipation, gas). The food diary is one way to begin identifying IBS triggers, and another is looking at the list of foods high in fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyols, a.k.a. the high-FODMAP foods. The way these foods break down produces gas, which is problematic to those with hypersensitive systems.
“Each patient is different, so some patients may look at the FODMAP-eliminating diet and say, ‘Apples never bothered me, but when I have corn syrup, it does bother me,'” White explains. “It’s not as if they have to completely avoid those foods. It’s more like you look at the list and determine which ones you’re eating more of that you didn’t realize could be contributing to your symptoms.”
7. Sleep more.
There is conflicting evidence about whether sleep deprivation actually negatively impacts the human microbiome.
What we do know, however, is that lack of sleep does increase levels of cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone) in your body and that stress affects your gut in a number of ways.
“Some studies say that chronic stress can induce a dysbiosis, or abnormal growth pattern of gut microbes,” White says. Her patients with IBS also often identify stress as a trigger for their symptoms.
Cortisol also causes inflammation, which can be another source of problems in digestion and beyond. “Inflammation impedes natural processes like digestion and metabolism that are crucial for us to thrive and survive,” Verma says.
Gannon adds that melatonin, the hormone that makes us sleepy, is produced in the gut, which adds to this particularly nasty cycle.
8. Exercise regularly.
This is another way to decrease the stress that could be disrupting your gut, thanks to those endorphins it gets pumping through your brain.
“Exercise is awesome in that it’s one of our most underutilized antidepressants and anti-anxiety agents,” Verma says.
Just last year, scientists at the University in Illinois looked at the gut microbiota of lean and obese people when they were exercising regularly and when they were sedentary. During periods of exercise, both the lean and obese groups had an increase in the kind of microbes that produce the short-chain fatty acids our bodies need for a whole host of functions, including digestion.
9. Check up on yourself.
Everybody’s body is different, and that’s true for our guts, as well. If you want to learn more about your own body’s ecosystem and its particular needs, a home microbiome-testing kit may give you personalized insight into what steps to take to optimize your gut health.
10. Be careful about antibiotics.
Downing antibiotics can be a doctor’s first response to conditions as common as bronchitis, sinus infections, and sore throats. But these pills kill off massive amounts of both “good” and “bad” gut bacteria (“anti-biotic” is literally the opposite of “pro-biotic”). Worst of all, exposure to antibiotics at a young age may even influence whether a person will develop diabetes or Crohn’s disease later in life. Try to explore alternatives whenever possible.
11. See a Naturopathic care doctor regularly.
Most young adults visit a doctor only when something is wrong. That means you never have a doctor who knows what you look like when you’re healthy and therefore they won’t be as helpful in diagnosing your problems.
“Having that person keep an eye on you on a continual basis is your first line of defense,” White says. “That primary doctor is, over time, going to know you. Then when you step out of that normal boundary, they will be able to direct you to more testing they can do or to a specialist like me.”
12. The Takeaway
We weren’t kidding when we said practically every facet of your health is affected by an invisible alien ecosystem in your gut that you’ve probably never given much thought to. It’s kind of crazy, but it’s also important: At a time where there are rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes across America, we need to start thinking more about the microbiome and the role it can play in managing those health issues. Luckily, tending to your gut bugs doesn’t have to be complicated: Eat fermented foods, sleep a lot, fill up on fiber, and maintain a healthy weight.
Four Secrets of the Subconscious Mind You May Not Know …
How to EXPERIENCE the spirit in your body.
For that, you need to understand that there are 3 types of you. Yes, you read that correct – There are 3 of YOU.
First, there is the Physical YOU. Your body, your eyes, your ears. Physical you is the tangible you which can be experienced in the physical world.
Second, there is the Mind. This is the interface between your Physical Body and the spiritual body. You constantly have thoughts going on in your mind as if you are narrating something to someone. When you stop to think about it, you will realize that your mind is a continuous commentary of the PHYSICAL world to the SPIRITUAL self.
Third, there is the Spirit you. This is what I refer to as the REAL you. Your mind is constantly dictating physical experiences to the spiritual you. The real you is which has been existing through many births and deaths and is collecting experiences.
To realize the spirit in your body, you need to first understand the mind. Understand that your physical body is controlled by the mind. Whatever order you give to your mind, your body follows. Gain control over your mind so that you can have control over your thoughts.
When you have gotten control over your mind, you will be able to stop it from thinking. Because consciousness can only be EXPERIENCED when you stop your thoughts from translating the experience of the physical world. When the mind has stopped, the consciousness interacts directly with the physical body and you experience total bliss and the real spirit in your body.
I hope it helps !
You are the spirit on a Spiritual Journey.
Body is inferior than mind.
Mind is inferior than spirit.
Inferior one cannot experience the superior to the full extent, but the superior does.
We forget our original state of spirit and adopted the mind body complex.
As a mind you’re able to realize the body.
As a spirit you should be able to realize the mind. That is, the one capable of seeing the full structure of mind is spirit. Isn’t?.
But you don’t know to have the shift from mind to spirit. Imagination will not help. Observe the mind with the help of mind. Reduce the flow of thoughts. Witness the mind. When the witness, witnessing and witnessed come together as one, the shift occurs to your original state.
Context: The eyes see everything other than them.
Your subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and you can leverage its strength to create permanent health if you simply take the time to understand how it works. This knowledge will empower you with the tools you need to direct its incredible power in any direction you desire, not just towards health, although this is certainly a worthy use.
Most people believe that health is a purely physical process — simply exercise, eat right and take care of your body and you will live a long life free of disease or illness. While feeding the body properly is important, true health comes from the mind.
The mind controls the body and holds ultimate power over all of its processes and functions and if ones mind is working against oneself through limiting beliefs or self-defeating, negative or contradictory thought processes, these will eventually manifest as physical symptoms in the body that no amount of nutrition, diet or exercise can correct. Until the root cause in the mind is dealt with, the problem will persist.
And herein lies the key to lifelong wellbeing… By understanding that this is where true health originates, you can then begin to focus your efforts on healing those parts of it that may be keeping you from experiencing it in some way. This article will help you to understand exactly what parts need to be healed to create health and how the subconscious mind works so that you can know exactly what needs to be done in any situation to solve whatever problem it is you are facing.
The Power of thought is incredible.
Every time you think you are emitting a unique electro-magnetic unit going into the ether – to The Universe. It´s a vibration – a personal vibration.
We have to be aware of our thoughts – they are powerful cosmic waves in the universal sea of energy we live in.
The most potent form of energy is thought because thought-waves are cosmic waves penetrating all time and space.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
A man is but the product of his thoughts – what he thinks, he becomes. ~Mahatma Gandhi
A positive mindset is very powerful
‘Self awareness’ has a simple definition: the mental activity that reflects back on itself, the mental process of being aware of oneself being aware. Is self-awareness a uniquely human trait? Some animals seem to disagree. The deep significance of self-awareness is how on earth can physical processes in physical brains generate self awareness?
Click here to watch more interviews on self-awareness http://bit.ly/2jlHjos
Click here to watch more interviews with Roy Baumeister http://bit.ly/1OaPM6J
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
Realization is possible only within the limits of mind as confirmation is possible by externalization this means using the gross sensation of the 5 sense organs.
On the other hand experience is becoming aware of the feelings and emotions which is basic nature of the consciousness.
Spirit is beyond the mind. Understanding is limited to words and language. Language is limited till mind beyond mind there is only emotions and feelings.
The uncorrupt feelings and emotions is love pure love this cannot be defined in words in any language on earth.
Spirit is like alcohol. Our body is generated the alcohol through the food we eat and the air we breath. It is called self- generated alcohol. It is like a fuel in the car. So we are energetic.
Whenever the food we eat entered into our stomach, fermentation takes place with the help of yeast in our stomach. Right amount of oxygen and heat is necessary for fermentation, which are the cause of production of alcohol (Energy).
We can see the spirit by blowing the exhaling air on a clear mirror.
Self generated Alcohol (11%) and how different it is from regular alcohol products like Beer, wine etc. Self generated alcohols are prepared from natural products. They are produced using fruits, roots and some others. They require a lot amount of days to prepare it. They are good for our health other than the beer and wine which are manufactured using machinery.
How to Heal Yourself With Thoughts Your prejudices will affect the outcome of your patients results. Change Toxic thoughts.
Spirit, Soul and Body – How God Designed Us
Tripartite or Bipartite
One way to view our nature is that we have a material part, our body, and an immaterial part, our soul and/or spirit. A frequently held view is that we have a bipartite nature where the “soul” and “spirit” are taken as different terms for the same entity. In a 1931 issue of The Evangelical Quarterly, A. McCaig wrote a comprehensive 17-page review of scripture in an article titled “Thoughts on the Tripartite Theory of Human Nature” in which the author makes the case that we are bipartite.
Many other theologians suggest that our immaterial nature has two distinctly different parts – a soul and a spirit. This is known as a tripartite view. Information to include scripture references are at this website and the site of Andrew Wommack Ministries.
We tend to lean towards those who hold a tripartite view and the following is my understanding of our design and how the spirit, soul and body are interconnected.
Indeed, we are very, very complex beings and only a living God could have created us as we are. I urge you to study the scriptures to arrive at your own understanding of man’s design.
Our Body
It is by our body that we function. It’s comprised of organs and cells which consists of protein carbohydrates and fats. Our body contains our nervous system with nerves and the brain. It’s through our bodies that we connect to the physical world with our 5 senses.
Psalm 139:14 says that “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Open this document for examples of how marvelously God made our bodies to function as they do.
Our Soul
Our soul is what gives us our personality and it’s through our soul that we live out our relationship with God, with other people and with our self. Our soul likely has three major components — our mind, will and emotions. Our mind has a conscious part and a subconscious part. The conscious mind is where we do our thinking and reasoning.
The sub-conscious mind is where we hold our deep beliefs and our attitudes. It’s also where we have our feeling, our emotions and retain our memories. Our will is what gives us the ability to make choices. Through a very complex way, our mind, our will and our emotions are connected to the body through our endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
“The mind and body communicate constantly. What the mind thinks, perceives, and experiences is sent from our brain to the rest of the body.” Herbert Benson, M.D., The Benson – Henson Institute for Mind Body Medicine
Our Spirit
It’s in our spirit that we have meaning and purpose in life. At the deepest level our spirit gives us meaning and purpose and our spirit enables us to love one another, our self and God. It’s through our spirit that we have communion and fellowship with God. Our spirit gives us intuition between right and wrong. For in-depth reading about the distinction between spirit, soul and body consider material written by Watchman Nee, especially The Spiritual Man which is a book online and free.
Our spiritual health will have a significant impact on our emotional health which will have a major influence on our physical health. The inter-connection between the spirit, the soul and the body is certainly a complex connection, nevertheless, the connection is very real. The apostle John was inspired by God to write in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” This is an indication of the importance of attending to matters of the soul as it relates to being healthy.
The Interaction Between Spirit, Soul and Body
Many of us are affected by how we handle the stress that life brings us. If chronic stress is left unchecked, over a period of time our bodies will take a toll. A strong faith can help us to cope with the stress that we experience in our life and enable the impact of that stress to be less significant. Without a strong personal faith we must resort to our own resources to cope with the stress present in our life. Often we attempt to cope with this stress through addictions and other methods of escape. This behavior can further exacerbate the effect of stress on our physical health. A strong personal faith can be a resource that helps to manage stress. Read more at Stress, Health and Faith.
Our beliefs and attitudes, determined in large degree by our faith, will play a major role in our thinking patterns. Our day to day thinking will have an impact on our emotions and feelings, and our emotions and feelings will have a major impact on our behaviors. In this regard, our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health. In the page on Spiritual Exercises we address the importance of our thinking patterns and how we can change our thinking which can transform our life.
Caring for our heart – our ‘spiritual’ heart as well as our physical heart – is a huge part of being healthy.
Why You Do What You Do – A video screencast by Carey Green, founder of Christian Home and Family, that explains how our spirit, soul and body interact and the impact of our flesh, or our old sinful habits.
Read more about spirituality and health to better understand why this connection between one’s faith and their health exists
“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23
On Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Pert describes her efforts over the past two decades to actually decode the ‘information molecules’, such as peptides and their receptors, that regulate every aspect of human physiology.
Her model of how these biochemicals flow and resonate, distributing information to every cell in the body simultaneously, has unlocked the secret of how emotions literally transform our bodies – and create our health. Easily shifting from a bench scientist s view to a spiritual one, she relates her research to past and present mind/body topics
The mind–body problem in philosophy examines the relationship between mind and matter, and in particular the relationship between consciousness and the brain.
Science, Metaphysics, Mindbody ●
Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (PART 1 of 4)
Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (PART 2 of 4)
Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (PART 3 of 4)
Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (PART 4 of 4)
Join Transformational Dialogue radio host Craig Weiner, DC as he interviews Dr. Candace Pert in this fascinating exploration of her groundbreaking work in straddling the fields of science and emotions. She is internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over 250 scientific articles, is the author of the book Molecules of Emotion: The Scientific Basis Behind Mind-Body Medicine (Scribner, 1997), appeared in the feature film.
What the Bleep Do We Know!?? and Bill Moyer’s TV program Healing and the Mind. She is a forerunner in the field of Mind-Body Medicine and PsychoNeuroImmunology and has served as Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry of the Clinical Neuroscience Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and other key positions. Currently she is working in a private company developing an AIDS vaccine in addition to treatments for other diseases.
More information on Dr. Pert can be found at www.candacepert.com and more about these dialogues at www.efttappingtraining.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=AsLU0VAcUT8
Wake up world! Ben Fuchs delivering an awesome lecture on health, nutrition, biochemistry and how the human body is a magnificent healing system. Ben is a nutritional pharmacist from Boulder Colorado. He specializes in using nutritional supplements where other healthcare practitioners use toxic pharmaceutical drugs.
That’s because he looks at the human body as a healing and regenerating system, designed divinely to heal and renew itself on a moment to moment basis. But it needs the raw materials to do its work.
The raw materials we call nutrition and nutritional supplementation. Ben Fuchs is a very well informed and dynamic speaker. He teaches the use of vitamins and minerals in a way anyone can comprehend. The human body is amazing. The potential to be strong and healthy, given the raw materials to do so.
It’s a shame that more people don’t watch listen to this
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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