Dee Mani-Mitchell

I Had Aggressive Cancer, But Was Healed Naturally Within 5 Months.
Here’s What I Did. – The Washington Standard

Dee Mani Mitchell Cancer Story – Bing video
Dee Mani-Mitchell developed Triple Negative breast cancer in March 2017. 
After 5 months, she was declared cancer free with no evidence of disease.
To this day she is still cancer free. She now spends her spare time, supporting
and mentoring other cancer sufferers and their loved ones. “During my research,
I came across an older lady in America who had cured her own Triple Negative
Breast Cancer with cannabis oil.

“I then discovered Rick Simpson and The Truth About Cancer and The Sacred Plant docuseries.” Due to the intense level of Reefer Madness in the UK, many are still of the belief that cannabis is a ‘scary,’ drug, linked to mental illnesses such as psychosis and paranoia. “I had smoked a few joints when I was younger,” Dee said, when discussing if she was worried about trying medical cannabis, “so I was well aware of the psychoactive compounds.

“I was more worried about the thought of having to use chemo if alternative medicine didn’t work.” Cannabis oil, however, was not the only treatment Dee received to help cure her cancer. “I had a lumpectomy which was the only medical intervention. “My oncologist expected me to have a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for 12 months.

Dee Mani on The Kate Shemirani Show – 07 May 2023 | TNT Radio (
“Apparently Triple Negative doesn’t respond to any anti-cancer drugs and following the lumpectomy there would still be cancer cells left over. “I refused the chemo and rads, and was given all clear 14th August 2017!” Dee’s inspiring story could have been a major catalyst in changing the negative public perception on medical cannabis, helping to raise awareness of the ancient medical herb’s potential use as a cancer treatment.

Instead, Dee’s story was used to generate clicks for Alt-Right news outlets, such as
The Sun and The Daily Mail, and as an advert for Holland & Barrett’s CBD products.  Discussing her views on the mainstream misrepresentations, Dee said, “I’m annoyed as hell that The Daily Mail (who ran the article first) chose not to disclose the oil I use is FECO with a very high THC level. “Instead, they decided to print that I only used CBD!
“They even mentioned that my oil didn’t get me high, which of course it did.

FECO, Rick Simpson Oil
Full spectrum cannabis oil, with THC, that Dee used to cure her cancer.

THC is illegal in the UK.
“Following on from the original article the same story went viral globally,
it became out of my control to get my correct message across.
“I was then approached by Love It magazine.
“I agreed to another article on the promise that they would
use my correct details and I was able to proofread the details before it went to press.
“The article was 100% true and had all the correct details, however, they chose to put a Holland and Barrett advertisement for their CBD oil right smack bang in the middle of the 2 page spread!
“I contacted editors from both The Daily Mail and Love It and I’m yet to hear a response from them. “I was also informed that as long as the journalists don’t change my actual quotes (which they hadn’t done) they are free to ‘tweak’ the stories to suit their reader… unfortunately, The Daily Mail believed that mentioning THC as an illegal substance would be too controversial for their readers.”

The Daily Mail is the UK’s most read newspaper.
Millions of people read their website every year. Millions of people could have been potentially misled by their coverage of Dee’s story. Placing discussions about CBD oil within articles on Dee’s story has the potential to mislead readers into thinking they too could cure their cancers using legal CBD oils. “It may be a coincidence but as soon as my first article was featured,” Dee explained, “the day afterwards, H&B was all over the mainstream media, with headlines misleading people that their CBD oil cures cancer.
“They have simply jumped on a hype to gain bigger profits, most of their stores sold out in an instant! “H&B are giving false hope to cancer patients all over the world and I think it’s an absolute disgrace!

“I would never advise a cancer patient to use CBD oils. I strongly believe that THC is vital. “Each cancer type reacts differently to different ratios, for instance, I knew that Triple Negative responds best with a very high THC, however, I also understand that estrogen-positive types of breast cancer respond better to a lower THC ratio.” Cannabidiol (CBD) has experienced a recent boom in the UK, around 250,000 users in the U.K., double the 125,000 in 2016.
THC, however, remains illegal with no sign of being legalised or decriminalized while the Conservatives hold office. THC, they argue, can lead to addiction to harder drugs and the development of severe mental illnesses. Stories like Dee’s, however, illustrate how wrong our Conservative Government truly is when it comes to drug laws.
Dee explained to us that cannabis not only helped cure her cancer, but has helped her in other aspects of her life: “Whilst I’ve always considered myself to be healthy, I’ve always suffered from insomnia to the point where I was prescribed valium. “I also have 3 slipped discs in my back, from an injury that occurred almost 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve been on medication daily to alleviate the pain. “I also suffer from allergies (dust, pets, pollen) and needed antihistamines again on a daily basis.

“When Dee Mani started the oil, she no longer had sleepless nights and no back pain 
It did not take long for Dee to notice the changes: “The sleepless nights went straight away after my very first dose, the back pain and allergies seemed to disappear after a couple of weeks and rarely ever needed to take an antihistamine!”. Dee stated, “Around 2 months after I started taking the oil I felt healthier than I ever had, I couldn’t actually believe
that I had cancer because I felt so well.

“Medical cannabis saved my life!
While the anti-cannabis campaign by Alt-Right news outlets has scared many unfortunate people into believing that cannabis is an ‘evil, psychosis causing drug,’ Dee was unfazed by the negative reputation the herb has: The fact that cannabis oil is illegal did not for any minute affect my decision. “I started to grow my own plants to produce the oil.”
I even decided to inform the police of my harvesting for fear of a neighbour contacting them. “They advised that I was able to have at least 25 plants for medical reasons.”
Despite the purposeful campaign to use Dee’s story to sell CBD for Holland & Barrett,
the public reaction Dee received for standing up has been a largely positive one:
“The public feedback has been absolutely amazing, I’ve had people from all over the world congratulating me on my success and asking for advice on them medicating themselves using cannabis oil. There are so many people touched by my story that are now rooting for this natural plant to finally become legal again.”

Asked what message she could pass onto other 350,000+ British citizens diagnosed with cancer each year, Dee replied: “To simply educate yourself on everything and anything to do with cancer. Understand why you developed cancer in the first place and what you can do to firstly rid it from your body safely, and secondly, make sure you take measures to prevent a recurrence.”
“Don’t be afraid to disagree with your oncologist and be proud to have your own opinion.’ Dee said. “Most importantly, believe in the power of medical cannabis!”
Cancer survival stories like Dee’s often miss out some key details, with many left thinking that cannabis alone was what cured the cancer. Cancer survivors, who utilize medical cannabis, often make significant changes to their lifestyle, alongside cannabinoid treatments.

“Along the cannabis oil,” Dee explained, “I completely changed my lifestyle.
“I quit smoking, cut down on alcohol, ate a plant-based diet, juiced daily, took supplements such as turmeric, vitamin C, garlic pearls and biotin.
I took essential oils such as frankincense, oregano, wormwood and lemon oil.
“I meditated and took frequent salt baths.”
Dee Mani bravely stood up in the face of public persecution and told the world that cannabis oil, containing high levels of THC, saved her from cancer. Unfortunately, vultures decided to use her story to generate clicks on their website and sell CBD oil from Holland & Barrett’s. If the Alt-Right media goes unchecked, millions of desperate cancer patients may be misled into purchasing CBD thinking it contains the same anti-cancer properties as the cannabis oil Dee used to save her life.

Over 350,000 British citizens are diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK,
with over 165,000 of them dying. Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives could
be helped by legalizing access to full spectrum cannabis oil.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives could be lost due to misleading articles.
Help us tell the truth about Dee’s incredible story, and raise awareness about the
true medical potential of THC, by sharing this article.

Dee’s amazing story can be read in full in her tell-all book: 
My Way: Following the cancer brick road, from diagnosis
to all clear naturally in 5 months…

The success of her book led Dee to start My Way CBD to specialize in natural CBD Healing solutions that add value to the world of natural healing by revolutionizing posture towards hemp products and the wellness cannabinoids bring human lives. Dee is a columnist for two medical marijuana publications and writes with the goal of one better understanding of our health, our world and our place in it. A mission that has occupied them in many different roles: writer, motivator, supporter, inspirer, advocate and awareness builder.

Dee Mani refused the toxic conventional medicine of chemotherapy and radiation and instead opted to heal her body naturally, using a combination of nutrition, supplements, essential oils, cannabis oil and a positive mental attitude. Based on the best-selling cancer book from Amazon with the title “My Way”, in which the Journey of Curing an Aggressive Cancer with Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil, Author Dee Mani-Mitchell decided to open a branch of CBD oils and wellness products with a Difference.

A successful businesswoman who has personally relied on cannabis for many years.
She deals with her own health problems and is constantly breaking down barriers with her beliefs. This healing should be built into our more natural life. Dee is on a mission – to improve the quality of life through natural and effective healing Solutions. The exciting part is that Dee has developed a completely unique line of CBD Infusions.

As part of her daily life, she leads a cancer support group in which she Recommends patients add essential oils to their healing protocol and they help with treatment protocol. Apoptosis (cancer cell death). Pure, organic, food-safe (ingestible) essential oils often come at a high price. So Dee decided to include some very powerful essential Oils with their range of broad-spectrum CBD to be more affordable for people who want it.
Take both CBD and high-quality essential oils.

Early Life and Education
Dee was born Dee Mani on July 4th in Birmingham, United Kingdom. .

Dee trained in pharmaceuticals for 5 years after college, she left the pharmaceutical industry after she understood the corruption ongoing. In 2017, she developed Triple Negative Breast Cancer Grade 3, her oncologist recommended a year’s worth of chemotherapy, detailing that she had about one year left to live.
But she refused Conventional Medicine (Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy) due to the
death of her sister which had taken place several years before. Dee started searching for natural ways to heal and found that many other people were healing with cannabis oil. 

So, she decided on this course of action. 
She took the oil every night, treating it like a sleeping pill as the THC makes you sleepy, and while you sleep, you heal. Dee managed to heal within a short five months, using a range of supplements, diet changes, and the illegal full extract of cannabis oil. She decided to share her experience to help to inspire other cancer patients and their families, her book shared her healing journey. The book’s success led her to create a private cancer support group to help other patients and their families. She also co-authored 2 other Amazon best-selling books Perfect Health and Life After Birth Trauma. 

She currently mentors patients worldwide and is also a columnist for two medical marijuana publications Weed World Magazine and Dank Dollz Magazine, and writes
with the aim to create a better understanding of our health, our world, and our place in it. She shares healing stories from various patients that she has helped heal from a range of diseases.

She went on to launch her range of CBD oils – called My Way CBD. 
The reason was to help people access good quality affordable oils, unlike many others on the market. “My job now is to educate people, teaching them how they can be healthy and prevent any disease, not just cancer,” she told The Portugal News.[1] My Way CBD stock infusions of Frankincense, Myrrh, Ashwagandha, Ginger, and Oregano oil. All essential oils are organic and safe for internal use, with 10% of the essential oil in each 30ml bottle of goodness. 

My Way guarantees an entire product range with a “complete transparency” and a strict “no evil policy “, which is always free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, solvent residues, Toxins, chlorophyll, fats and lipids, preservatives, sulfates, mineral oils, parabens, animals Tests, artificial colors and perfumes. All products are also vegan, GMO-free and kosher.

All products are formulated with the most refined laboratory tested CBD oils that are certified in both UK countries and US laboratories. She has been interviewed by many publications and podcasters worldwide and nominated for Best Wellness Influencer Award by Cannavist in 2021.

She is recognized internationally as a Natural Health Advocate and a Cannabis Expert
as she is on a mission to educate the world on Natural Health and Disease Prevention. [2] 
She is also the founder of My Way University, an institution offering quality cannabis
education about the benefits of medical cannabis.[3]

Personal Life
Dee married Ryan Mitchell in 2019, she has 2 biological children Tyler Mani and Layla Mani, and a stepson, Dylan Mitchell. She has lived in The Canary Islands, Greece, and Cape Verde, she is currently residing in Portugal with her kids.

To check the area, go to
For information on cancer support, see
Dee Mani – Natural Health Advocate | Facebook
My Way CBD | Facebook
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Cutting Edge Treatments

Exciting advances involve radiation, tumor surgery and new insights into the nervous system.

Karen WeintraubUSA TODAY 

Cutting-edge advances in cancer treatment are underway. 
 What if radiation treatments could be given in a handful of
seconds rather than weeks of treatments?
What if surgeons could actually see tumor cells rather than
simply hoping they got rid of them all?
What if scientists could come up with new ways to detect, treat and understand tumors?
These were among some of the ideas presented this week in Orlando, Florida, at the American Association for Cancer Research annual conference, where more than 6,500 scientists shared their work and their hopes for improving the lives of cancer patients.
Work against cancer has continued over the last three years, despite the pandemic, said Dr. Robert Vonderheide, the conference’s program committee chair. The thousands of presentations and 20,000-person turnout should convince people of that. 
Obviously, lots of the research is worth public attention. But with Vonderheide’s guidance, USA TODAY picked three ideas that seemed among the most surprising and hopeful, the kinds of approaches that have the potential to transform cancer treatment and patients’ lives.

The first is “flash” radiation, which concentrates weeks of treatments into a few days;
the second, an imaging technology that lights up cancer cells to help surgeons
track them down.

“Two of the most fundamental tools, cancer surgery and cancer radiation, are undergoing before our eyes fundamental changes in their technology,” said Vonderheide, who directs the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania. “They are each promising better success.”

A third line of research is providing insights into the role of the nervous system in cancer, which could eventually be used to help patients sleep better, heal faster and live longer.

Researchers typically focus on a tumor, but there are “systemic signals that might tell us how best to treat a patient or that a patient actually has a lurking cancer,” Vonderheide said. Like the immune system, which has increasingly been manipulated to help fight  cancer over the last decade, the nervous system monitors the body and remembers
what it encounters. 

“The immune system is probably the first system to know that cancer exists. And probably the nervous system is the next one,” he said. “Maybe there’s new inroads in early detection if we focus on neurological health and immune health.” None of these new approaches is readily available yet, but Vonderheide thinks they’re among the advances worth watching. 

LATEST: In what could be a ‘big shift’ for cancer treatment, mRNA vaccine shows promise against melanoma
Flash radiation could mean cancer treatment in seconds, not weeks
At least half of patients with solid tumors endure radiation at some point during their treatment. Radiation typically takes about 15 minutes, though sessions can last an hour
or more and are scheduled every weekday for three to nine weeks – requiring a total
of 15 to 40 visits.
Patients may suffer skin burns, dry mouth, difficulties eating and swallowing, and exhaustion. They must upend their lives and often a loved one’s to get to a clinic so many times.
Radiation therapy is traditionally delivered in small doses over weeks so it can efficiently kill tumor cells while being less toxic to surrounding healthy tissue, said Constantinos Koumenis, a professor of radiation biology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
But as many radiation patients can attest, treatments still do plenty of damage to
normal tissue. Instead, Koumenis and dozens of other research teams have been testing
“flash radiation,” which uses ultra-high dose rate beams of energy to zap tumor cells.
Patients might get the same amount of radiation in just two to four sessions of less
than 1 second each. “The vulnerability of the tumor cells is essentially the same,” 
Koumenis said. “What’s different is the normal tissue is more resistant to the flash radiation.”

A therapist readies a proton therapy machine at the Roberts Proton Therapy Center at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Proton beam machines are gigantic, hugely expensive and not widely available,he said,

But they can also deliver flash radiation at 1,000 times the dose rate of conventional radiotherapy. While the X-rays used in conventional radiation damage normal tissue on the way to and from the tumor, proton beams are stopped by the tumor, so only affect healthy tissue in one direction, he said.
Koumenis and teams in Europe have been testing flash radiation in pets.
They’ve shown that they can efficiently and safely deliver these high-dose
rate beams in dogs and cats with sarcomas and head and neck cancers.
The first human trial, which started about two years ago, showed that the approach was safe and feasible in 10 patients whose cancer had spread to their bones. 

Additional human trials are ongoing or are being planned in the next two to three years.
Many more studies are needed, Koumenis said, but he hopes using flash radiation in head and neck cancer, for instance, might better preserve the taste buds and salivary glands, enabling the patient to maintain the ability to taste and swallow.
“We could keep the same dose, achieve the same control of the tumor,
but now spare these senses,” he said.
In other cases, when the radiation isn’t aimed at critical organs, patients might be able to tolerate higher doses “and perhaps achieve better control of the tumor and better survival because we’re not causing unacceptable side effects,” Koumenis said. “In my 25 years in radiobiology research, this is the most exciting we’ve been in this field.”

1.95M people may be diagnosed with cancer in 2023:

 What to know about the state of cancer
New imaging could helps surgeons remove more of the tumor
When surgeons go to take out a tumor, they use their instinct and years of experience to know when they’ve cut out enough. Then they send frozen slides to the pathology lab to quickly assess if they’ve gone safely beyond the tumor, creating a negative or clean margin.
But time and again, patients whose surgeons thought they got everything find out they didn’t.
“Positive margins kill people,” said Dr. Eben Rosenthal, chair of
the Department of Otolaryngology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. 
“We do surgery the same way we did 30 years ago … It’s disappointing to me as a surgeon.” Rosenthal is at the forefront of an effort to literally highlight tumor cells,
offering surgeons an additional way to identify and eliminate cancer. 

Researcher Marisa Hom points to a nerve that has been colored with a fluorescent dye to make it easier for a surgeon to see.
By adding dyes to therapies that hone in on cancer cells,

A surgeon can get a better look at the tumor as it sits in the body, identifying tumors too small to be felt or seen with the naked eye.Once a tumor is removed, the dyed cells can help surgeons assess what part to send to pathology, avoiding the false sense of security that can come from sampling the wrong bit of tissue or cutting out more healthy cells than necessary – from, say, the nerves, tongue or brain, Rosenthal said.

“It tells you very quickly where to look,” he said.
But Rosenthal said the effort he started in 2010 has been mostly ad hoc, combining existing equipment and medication. “Literally, we’re just throwing things together that are not really intended for that purpose,” he said.
The approval process has been a challenge, he said,
because no one stands to make a lot of money from this procedure.
“I would love to see this developed in a way that would really help patients,” he said. “My goal is to show value, so that at some point when a company is able to get off the ground, we can know (it will work).” 

More: New cancer therapy takes personalized medicine to a new level
Study: Men with early prostate cancer can safely hold off on radiation or surgery

Manipulating the nervous system to fight cancer     
Growing a tumor is a lot like growing a new organ, according to Jeremy Borniger, an assistant professor at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on New York’s Long Island.
It may look like a mass of cells, but a tumor is fed by blood vessels, communicates with the immune system, and like any other organ, connects to the body’s nervous system. 
For decades, scientists have explored ways to treat cancer by manipulating a tumor’s
blood supply and changing the way it interacts with the immune system.

Borniger is part of a burgeoning effort to focus on the role nerves play in cancer.
“They’re not just playing a passive role,” he said. “They’re important for all phases of cancer development from initiation all the way through to therapeutic resistance and responses to therapy.”
Many people with cancer suffer from chronic fatigue, sleep disruption, appetite changes and brain fog. These are all problems of the nervous system, said Borniger, who’s been working to figure out whether these symptoms stem from cancer therapy or cancer itself.
Studies in brain tumors have shown that cancercan affect brain circuits – and the tumors that tinker more are more dangerous. How common it is for nerves to directly talk to other types of cancer cells is one of the questions scientists are now asking, Borniger said. 

Nerves (in red) embedded in the breast tumor (white) of a mouse.
But it’s already clear that when treatments block the communication
between nerve and tumor cells, 

It “drastically alters” the tumor’s growth, cancer’s spread within the body and
its response to treatment. “It’s really exciting that we can mess with one tiny nucleus in
the brain and have such a strong effect on physiology and tumor growth,” Borniger said.
“The idea will be how linked are these things and what are the right knobs and dials to turn that we can restore this normal functioning so that we can block the bad signaling that promotes cancer.” 
So far, most of this work has been in animals, but early trials are beginning, particularly with already-approved medications like beta blockers that might affect the release of chemicals from the nervous system even in tumors like breast cancer.

Future treatments, Borniger said, might include electrical stimulation to better understand and directly affect the body’s wiring system, adding “good signals” to counteract the bad.
The bottom line, Borniger said, is that tumors are not floating in a vacuum, but integrated into the body’s systems.
“What’s becoming more evident is we need to start listening to how the body is responding to things and not just what’s happening in isolation,” he said. “One of the best ways we can listen to what’s going on is by tapping into the nervous system. Its function is to figure out what’s going on and to try and fix the problem.” This article was originally published in May 2022, and updated in February 2023.

Cancer is one of the world’s biggest killers, leading to 10 million deaths in 2020.
Scientists are using artificial intelligence, DNA sequencing, precision oncology
and other technologies to improve the treatment and diagnosis of the disease.
Breakthroughs include the DNA sequencing of more than 12,000 cancer tumours
and a new test for diagnosing pancreatic cancer – one of the deadliest cancers.
Cancer will kill nearly 10 million people in 2020 and is a leading cause of death globally, according to the World Health Organization.
Breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer are among the most common cancers.
Death rates from cancer were falling before the pandemic. Now COVID-19 has caused a big backlog in cancer diagnosis and treatment. But medical advances are continuing
to help the world fight cancer.

Here are some recent developments.

Precision oncology
Precision oncology is the “best new weapon to defeat cancer”, the chief executive of Genetron Health, Sizhen Wang, says in a blog for the World Economic Forum. This involves studying the genetic makeup and molecular characteristics of cancer tumours in individual patients. The precision oncology approach identifies changes in cells that might be causing the cancer to grow and spread. Personalized treatments can then be developed. Because precision oncology treatments are targeted – as opposed to general treatments like chemotherapy – it can mean less harm to healthy cells and fewer side effects as a result.

Artificial intelligence fights cancer
In India, World Economic Forum partners are using emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to transform cancer care. For example, AI-based risk profiling can help screen for common cancers like breast cancer, leading to early diagnosis. AI technology can also be used to analyze X-rays to identify cancers in places where imaging experts might not be available.
These are two of 18 cancer interventions that The Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum India hopes to accelerate. Scientists at Cambridge University Hospitals have sequenced the DNA of more than 12,000 cancer tumors to reveal new clues about the disease. Image: Science/Cambridge University Hospitals.

Infographic of sequenced DNA of cancer tumours.

Greater prediction capabilities
Lung cancer kills more people in the US yearly than the next three deadliest cancers combined. It’s notoriously hard to detect the early stages of the disease with x-rays and scans alone. However, MIT scientists have developed an AI learning model to predict a person’s likelihood of developing lung cancer up to six years in advance via a low-dose CT scan. Trained using complex imaging data, ‘Sybil’ can forecast both short- and long-term lung cancer risk, according to a recent study. “We found that while we as humans couldn’t quite see where the cancer was, the model could still have some predictive power as to which lung would eventually develop cancer,” said co-author Jeremy Wohlwend.

Clues in the DNA of cancer
At Cambridge University Hospitals in England, the DNA of cancer tumours from
12,000 patients are revealing new clues about the causes of cancer, scientists say.
By analyzing genomic data, oncologists are identifying different mutations that
have contributed to each person’s cancer.
For example, exposure to smoking or UV light, or internal malfunctions in cells. These are like “fingerprints in a crime scene”, the scientists say – and more of them are being found. “We uncovered 58 new mutational signatures and broadened our knowledge of cancer,” says study author Dr Andrea Degasperi, from Cambridge’s Department of Oncology.

Liquid and synthetic biopsies
Biopsies are the main way doctors diagnose cancer – but the process is invasive and involves removing a section of tissue from the body, sometimes surgically, so it can be examined in a laboratory. Liquid biopsies are an easier and less invasive solution where blood samples can be tested for signs of cancer. Synthetic biopsies are another innovation that can force cancer cells to reveal themselves during the earliest stages of the disease.

DISCOVER How is the World Economic Forum bringing data-driven healthcare to life?

CAR-T-cell therapy
A treatment that makes immune cells hunt down and kill cancer cells was recently declared a success for leukaemia patients. The treatment, called CAR-T-cell therapy, involves removing and genetically altering immune cells, called T cells, from cancer patients. The altered cells then produce proteins called chimeric antigen receptors
(CARs). These recognize and can destroy cancer cells.
In the journal Nature, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania announced that
two of the first people treated with CAR-T-cell therapy were still in remission 12 years on.

Fighting pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers.
It is rarely diagnosed before it starts to spread and has a survival rate of less than
5% over five years. At the University of California San Diego School of Medicine,
scientists developed a test that identified 95% of early pancreatic cancers.
The research, published in Nature Communications Medicine, explains how
biomarkers in extracellular vesicles – particles that regulate communication
between cells – were used to detect pancreatic, ovarian and bladder cancer
at stages I and II. 

USA TODAY 5 Things: Cutting-edge advances in cancer treatment on Apple Podcasts
Surveying advances in cancer treatments Karen Weintraub … – Bing images
Latest Advancements in Cancer Treatment (
#LetsTalk: pelvic radiation disease after cervical cancer – YouTube – Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
Cancer Survivor Stories | Karen | Cancer Treatment – YouTube

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Nature is Grand

Pando is the scientific name of the largest organism on Earth – Bing video
What if we all embraced clean energy?
We imagined what a green US could look like in 2050. (
A one-tree forest in Utah made up of 47,000 genetically identical trees, and millions of leaves, connected through one root system. That’s right, a single root system! It has been growing for close to 100,000 years. And yet another elegant display of the fractal nature
of her. I believe the collective human consciousness to be the same & interconnected in some way.

 Whereas the concept of bioenergy fields is thousands of years old.
Their existence has never been verified by scientific experiments designed
to detect and measure them; so bioenergy fields have no scientific credibility. 
The instruments used for those experiments typically detect components of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The experiments presented here utilize a detector that instead is sensitive to actual “pushing” forces that are capable of altering the momentum of a physical object such
as simple torsion pendulum balance that is suspended above a seated human subject. 

The experimental design includes a video camera connected to a computer that can detect and measure the pendulum movements with high precision, and store this information in a data file for later analysis. Experiments show that the pendulum detects and measures substantial forces that drastically alter the motions of the pendulum when a subject is seated under it. The following effects are consistently observed with every subject in every experiment performed up to now:

 1) Substantial shifts of the center of oscillation of the pendulum;
shifts as large as 2.2 cm (7 deg) requiring a force that is equivalent to 45 mg are observed,
 2) Many new frequencies of oscillation of the pendulum are introduced when a subject is present, 
 3) Dramatic changes in the amplitudes of oscillation of the pendulum are observed throughout the experiment; increasing, decreasing, and increasing again, in patterns
that resemble chemical relaxation processes, 
 4) These shifts of the center of oscillation, the new frequencies of oscillation, and the changes in amplitudes all persist for 30–60 min after the subject has left the pendulum.

This is inconsistent with the physics of a simple harmonic oscillator such as a torsion pendulum, which should return to simple harmonic oscillation immediately after any exterior disturbances are discontinued. After conducting control experiments to rule out effects of air currents and other artifacts, it is concluded that the effects are exerted by some kind of force field that is generated by the subject seated under the pendulum.

This is a Parts List that provides instructions for the construction of the pendulum
that was employed by Hansen and Lieberman. The Hansen and Lieberman articles are: Construction and Characterization of a Torsional Pendulum that Detects a Novel Form of Cranial Energy. And Use of a Torsion Pendulum Balance to Detect and Characterize What May Be a Human Bioenergy Field.

We know of no force, such as one within the electromagnetic spectrum that can account for these results. It may be that a conventional explanation for these surprising results will be discovered, but it is possible that we have observed a phenomenon that will require the development of new theoretical concepts. For now, it is important that other investigators repeat and extend our observations.

Browsing Chemistry & Biochemistry Research Works by Author “Hansen, J. Norman” 
Parts List for Pendulum of Hansen & Lieberman compiled by J. Norman Hansen 
Hansen, J. Norman (2014-10)
This is a Parts List that provides instructions for the construction of the pendulum that was employed by Hansen and Lieberman. The Hansen and Lieberman articles are:Construction and Characterization of a Torsional Pendulum …
A Reply to van den Berg and van der Sluys: Effects Resembling a Bio-Field on a Torsion Pendulum Cannot Be Caused by Heated Air Currents Generated by the Subject 
Hansen, J. Norman; Lieberman, Joshua A (Society of Scientific Exploration, 2015)

Hansen, John; Hansen, J. Norman; Hansen, John Norman (Vantage Press, 1999-12)
This file is an electronic facsimile of Treefall as published in book form by Vantage Press, 1999. It was authored by John Hansen, who is also J. Norman Hansen and John Norman Hansen at the University of Maryland, College …
Use of a Torsion Pendulum Balance to Detect and
Characterize What May Be a Human Bioenergy Field 
Hansen, J. Norman; Lieberman, Joshua A. (Society for Scientific Exploration, 2013-06)
Whereas the concept of bioenergy fields is thousands of years old, their existence has never been verified by scientific experiments designed to detect and measure them; so bioenergy fields have no scientific credibility. …

Experiments have shown that human AURAs can swing a pendulum.

Humans Have a Mysterious Bioenergy Field
That Mystics Have Always Known About: Scientific Discovery
 For thousands of years, mystics have alluded to the presence of a biologically generated energy field, or aura, surrounding humans. Scientific investigation indicates this may be more than mere mysticism and folklore. Biochemist John Norman Hansen, Ph.D., at the University of Maryland has found evidence that such an energy field could be real,
lending credence to what spiritual practitioners have pointed to for eons. 
Dr. Hansen conducted hundreds of experiments with dozens of subjects, and his results are consistently replicable. Other scientists have also reproduced his results, including Willem H. van den Berg of the department of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of Pennsylvania, and physicist William van der Sluys at Gettysburg College, who published their study (pdf) in the Journal of Scientific Exploration on March 15, 2015. 

Previous investigation of human bioenergy fields has used photon sensors.
Dr. Hansen took a different approach. He wondered whether a bioenergy field, if it exists, would have enough force to push a torsion pendulum—a device sensitive enough to be moved by a subtle force. He hung the pendulum above the subject’s head and saw a clear change in the pendulum’s momentum. 
One of the outstanding observations was that the effect of the human presence continued for some 30 to 60 minutes after the human subject had already left. With other forces, such as air currents, the pendulum would immediately return to its classic, non-driven motion. 

The mental state of a subject can strongly affect the behavior of the pendulum. 
Every subject had roughly the same power to influence the pendulum “indicating that the effects on the pendulum require neither unique talent nor practice,” wrote Hansen in a synopsis of a talk he gave at the 34th annual Society for Scientific Exploration conference at the end of May 2015. “However, it has been observed that some subjects, especially ones that have pursued a meditative practice for many years, exert very different effects during a meditative state compared to a non-meditative state … which shows that the mental state of a subject can strongly affect the behavior of the pendulum.”  

Is There a Conventional Explanation? 
Van den Berg and van der Sluys used the same pendulum device—as Hansen had made the design public, encouraging others to replicate his results—and observed the same change in its movement when in proximity to a human head. They wondered, however, if this change may have been due to a change in air temperature from the heat emanated by a human head. The change in air temperature could cause convection currents, they said. 
They wondered, however, if this change may have been due to a change in air temperature from the heat emanated by a human head. 
They placed a layer of plastic between the head and the pendulum and found the effect on the pendulum disappeared. They suggested the plastic either cut the pendulum off from the mysterious bioenergy field, or it simply cut off the heat source. Hansen published a reply to this study, however, noting what he sees as flaws in the theory that body heat caused the pendulum movement. 

For starters, Hansen said, “If you were to place a thick plastic shield between the subject and the pendulum, the pushing force [of the bioenergy field] would initially be against the shield, and the pendulum would only respond to whatever pushing force remained after pushing against the shield. For the pushing force to survive passage through the shield and then push against the pendulum would violate fundamental principles of physics; i.e. you can only use a force once, and if it is utilized to push against the shield it cannot subsequently push against the pendulum.” 
Another factor Hansen said that van den Berg failed to take into account is the persistent aftereffects. Hansen wrote: “A fundamental principle of pendulum physics is that if the pendulum is driven by an outside force and the force is removed, then the pendulum will immediately return to classic non-driven motion.” 

Any accumulation of heated convection currents would quickly dissipate after the subject left. So convection currents could not explain these aftereffects. Hansen described the effects of the subject’s bioenergy field as being somehow “imprinted” on the pendulum.
He said the van den Berg study also failed to acknowledge the varied frequencies with which the pendulum oscillates in the presence of a human subject. The pendulum oscillates with a single frequency when the subject is absent. It oscillates with many new frequencies when the subject is present, and for some half an hour or more after the subject has left—something not explained away by convection currents caused by air temperature variations. 
How does cancer outsmart your immune system? 
Here are a few theories:

How Cancer Fools the Immune System
How to Activate Your Immune System to Fight Against Cancer – Search (
Your immune system attacks “foreign invaders” — cells or organisms it does not recognize. Cancer cells start out as normal cells. If the changes (mutations) in the cell do not make it seem “foreign” to the immune system, the cancer cells can grow and multiply without being attacked.
Cancer cells can turn off your body’s natural immune response and suppress the activity
of local immune cells (which protect a specific organ or other part of the body). Within a tumor, the cancer cells can create an environment that interferes with the effectiveness of the immune response.

Immunoediting is the theory that, as far as the immune system goes,
there are three stages of tumor growth:

Expansion: The tumor grows and eventually comes to the attention of the immune system. Under normal circumstances, cell growth and reproduction are controlled activities.
But as the cells mutate into cancer cells, the control switch gets turned off, and cell growth and reproduction explode. Eventually the abnormal cells will begin to produce abnormal antigens. The immune system detects these abnormal antigens and attacks the cancer cells.

Equilibrium: Now the cancer cells and the immune system battle it out.
The tumor may be destroyed or just go dormant (not growing, inactive).

Escape: While dormant, the tumor undergoes more mutations.
In an effort to escape destruction, the cancer cells stop making the abnormal antigens.
If they succeed, then they can grow again — this time undetected by the immune system.
In these circumstances, there is nothing “wrong” with the immune system; it is just unaware of the problem. It’s like fire trucks sitting in the station, gassed up and ready to go — but an alarm must go off before they can go to the scene and work to put out the fire.

Helpful ways to strengthen your immune system and fight off disease
How can you improve your immune system? On the whole, your immune system
does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms.
But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick.
Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response?
What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations?
Is it possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system?

What can you do to boost your immune system?
The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that — a system, not a single entity.
To function well, it requires balance and harmony. There is still much that researchers don’t know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response.
For now, there are no scientifically proven direct links between lifestyle and enhanced immune function.
But that doesn’t mean the effects of lifestyle on the immune system aren’t intriguing
and shouldn’t be studied. Researchers are exploring the effects of diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, and other factors on the immune response, both in animals and in humans. In the meantime, general healthy-living strategies make sense since they likely help immune function and they come with other proven health benefits.

Immunity in action
Photos courtesy of Michael N. Starnbach, Ph.D.,
Harvard Medical School

Immunity in action. 
A healthy immune system can defeat invading pathogens as shown above,
where two bacteria that cause gonorrhea are no match for the large phagocyte,
called a neutrophil, that engulfs and kills them (see arrows).

Healthy ways to strengthen your immune system:
Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.
Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system working properly. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as: Don’t smoke.

What smoking does to your body,
Nicotine shrinks your arteries,
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
Exercise regularly.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Try to minimize stress.
If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
Get adequate sleep.
Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing
your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
10 Natural Ways to Increase Your Glutathione Levels (

Increase immunity the healthy way Selenium and Glutathione.
Many products on store shelves claim to boost or support immunity.
But the concept of boosting immunity actually makes little sense scientifically.
In fact, boosting the number of cells in your body — immune cells or others —
is not necessarily a good thing.
For example, athletes who engage in “blood doping” — pumping blood into their systems to boost their number of blood cells and enhance their performance — run the risk of strokes.
Attempting to boost the cells of your immune system is especially complicated because there are so many different kinds of cells in the immune system that respond to so many different microbes in so many ways. Which cells should you boost, and to what number?
So far, scientists do not know the answer. What is known is that the body is continually generating immune cells. Certainly, it produces many more lymphocytes than it can possibly use. The extra cells remove themselves through a natural process of cell death called apoptosis — some before they see any action, some after the battle is won.
No one knows how many cells or what the best mix of cells the immune system needs to function at its optimum level.

Immune system and age
As we age, our immune response capability becomes reduced, which in turn contributes to more infections and more cancer. As life expectancy in developed countries has increased, so too has the incidence of age-related conditions.
While some people age healthily, the conclusion of many studies is that, compared with younger people, the elderly are more likely to contract infectious diseases and, even more importantly, more likely to die from them. Respiratory infections, including, influenza, the COVID-19 virus and particularly pneumonia are a leading cause of death in people over 65 worldwide. No one knows for sure why this happens, but some scientists observe that this increased risk correlates with a decrease in T cells, possibly from the thymus atrophying with age and producing fewer T cells to fight off infection. Whether this decrease in thymus function explains the drop in T cells or whether other changes play a role is not fully understood. Others are interested in whether the bone marrow becomes less efficient at producing the stem cells that give rise to the cells of the immune system.

A reduction in immune response to infections has been demonstrated by older people’s response to vaccines. For example, studies of influenza vaccines have shown that for people over age 65, the vaccine is less effective compared to healthy children (over age 2). But despite the reduction in efficacy, vaccinations for influenza and S. pneumoniae have significantly lowered the rates of sickness and death in older people when compared with no vaccination.
There appears to be a connection between nutrition and immunity in the elderly. A form of malnutrition that is surprisingly common even in affluent countries is known as “micronutrient malnutrition.” Micronutrient malnutrition, in which a person is deficient in some essential vitamins and trace minerals that are obtained from or supplemented by diet, can happen in the elderly. Older people tend to eat less and often have less variety in their diets. One important question is whether dietary supplements may help older people maintain a healthier immune system. Older people should discuss this question with their doctor.

Diet and your immune system
Like any fighting force, the immune system army marches on its stomach. Healthy immune system warriors need good, regular nourishment. Scientists have long recognized that people who live in poverty and are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. For example, researchers don’t know whether any particular dietary factors, such as processed foods or high simple sugar intake, will have adversely affect immune function. There are still relatively few studies of the effects of nutrition on the immune system of humans.
There is some evidence that various micronutrient deficiencies — for example, deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E — alter immune responses in animals, as measured in the test tube. However, the impact of these immune system changes on the health of animals is less clear, and the effect of similar deficiencies on the human immune response has yet to be assessed.

So, what can you do?
If you suspect your diet is not providing you with all your micronutrient needs — maybe, for instance, you don’t like vegetables — taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may bring other health benefits, beyond any possibly beneficial effects on the immune system. Taking megadoses of a single vitamin does not. More is not necessarily better.

Improve immunity with herbs and supplements?
Walk into a store, and you will find bottles of pills and herbal preparations that claim to “support immunity” or otherwise boost the health of your immune system. Although some preparations have been found to alter some components of immune function, thus far there is no evidence that they actually bolster immunity to the point where you are better protected against infection and disease. Demonstrating whether an herb — or any substance, for that matter — can enhance immunity is, as yet, a highly complicated matter. Scientists don’t know, for example, whether an herb that seems to raise the levels of antibodies in the blood is actually doing anything beneficial for overall immunity.

Stress and immune function
Modern medicine has come to appreciate the closely linked relationship of mind and body. A wide variety of maladies, including stomach upset, hives, and even heart disease, are linked to the effects of emotional stress. Despite the challenges, scientists are actively studying the relationship between stress and immune function.
For one thing, stress is difficult to define. What may appear to be a stressful situation for one person is not for another. When people are exposed to situations they regard as stressful, it is difficult for them to measure how much stress they feel, and difficult for the scientist to know if a person’s subjective impression of the amount of stress is accurate. The scientist can only measure things that may reflect stress, such as the number of times the heart beats each minute, but such measures also may reflect other factors.

Most scientists studying the relationship of stress and immune function, however, do not study a sudden, short-lived stressor; rather, they try to study more constant and frequent stressors known as chronic stress, such as that caused by relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, or sustained challenges to perform well at one’s work. Some scientists are investigating whether ongoing stress takes a toll on the immune system.
But it is hard to perform what scientists call “controlled experiments” in human beings.
In a controlled experiment, the scientist can change one and only one factor, such as the amount of a particular chemical, and then measure the effect of that change on some other measurable phenomenon, such as the amount of antibodies produced by a particular type of immune system cell when it is exposed to the chemical.
In a living animal, and especially in a human being, that kind of control is just not possible, since there are so many other things happening to the animal or person at the time that measurements are being taken. Despite these inevitable difficulties in measuring the relationship of stress to immunity, scientists are making progress.

Does being cold give you a weak immune system?
Almost every mother has said: “Wear a jacket or you’ll catch a cold!” Is she right? Probably not, exposure to moderate cold temperatures doesn’t increase your susceptibility to infection. There are two reasons why winter is “cold and flu season.” In the winter, people spend more time indoors, in closer contact with other people who can pass on their germs. Also the influenza virus stays airborne longer when air is cold and less humid.
But researchers remain interested in this question in different populations. Some experiments with mice suggest that cold exposure might reduce the ability to cope with infection.

But what about humans?
Scientists have performed experiments in which volunteers were briefly dunked in cold water or spent short periods of time naked in subfreezing temperatures.  They’ve studied people who lived in Antarctica and those on expeditions in the Canadian Rockies. The results have been mixed. For example, researchers documented an increase in upper respiratory infections in competitive cross-country skiers who exercise vigorously in the cold, but whether these infections are due to the cold or other factors — such as the intense exercise or the dryness of the air — is not known.
A group of Canadian researchers that has reviewed hundreds of medical studies on the subject and conducted some of its own research concludes that there’s no need to worry about moderate cold exposure — it has no detrimental effect on the human immune system.

Should you bundle up when it’s cold outside?
The answer is “yes” if you’re uncomfortable, or if you’re going to be outdoors for an extended period where such problems as frostbite and hypothermia are a risk. But don’t worry about immunity.

Exercise: Good or bad for immunity?
Regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases. But does it help to boost your immune system naturally and keep it healthy? Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system. 

Unbelievable: Cells Eat and Drink- But What Does It Have to Do With Defense? #cell #biology #dna – YouTube

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

Book ReviewFree Access

Jeffrey C. HansenNorman P. Curthoys
First published: 04 February 2013 
 Christopher K. Mathews, Kensal E. Holde, Dean R. Appling, Spencer J. Anthony-Cahill, Pearson Canada, Toronto, 2012, 1342 pages, ISBN 978-0-13-800464-4 (Hardcover $201.40), also available as an e-book.
This new edition of a popular textbook is an excellent choice for students who require a comprehensive treatment of molecular and cellular biochemistry. We teach a two semester biochemistry course taken predominantly by junior and senior biochemistry majors. The first semester covers macromolecular structure while the second semester covers metabolism. A complete text is needed for such a course, but there are many fine books to choose from and the competition is fierce. We have used the earlier editions of Biochemistry and were curious to see how the 4th edition has been improved. 

The most obvious change is the addition of two new co-authors, Dean Appling (University of Texas at Austin) and Spencer Anthony-Cahill (Western Washington University). The writing strengths of Mathews and van Holde (Oregon State University) have been aptly demonstrated in the three previous editions. The addition of Appling and Anthony-Cahill has improved many areas of the book, such as protein structure, enzyme kinetics, and one-carbon metabolism.
The 3rd edition of Biochemistry was published in 2000, and like the first two editions,
was very well received. However, a 12-year layoff is an eternity for a popular textbook.
The challenge facing the authors was to update the text without changing the things
that made it attractive in the first place. The three chapters that make up Section 1
(The Realm of Biochemistry) are largely unaltered and
provides an insightful introduction to biochemical fundamentals. 
We particularly appreciated the discussion of non-covalent interactions in Chapter 2
and biochemical energetics in Chapter 3. Although van Holde has a reduced role in the
4th edition, his contributions remain a strength. 
The seven chapters that make up Section 2 (The Molecular Architecture of Living Matter)
provide an informative treatment of the structure and function of nucleic acids, proteins,
carbohydrates and lipids. Chapter 4 (Nucleic Acids) could be significantly improved. 

The presentation of the classic Meselson and Stahl experiment early in this chapter is rather ineffective and cumbersome since DNA replication has yet to be discussed, while the brief introductions to transcription, replication, and translation that appear later seem out of place in a chapter dedicated primarily to the structure and properties of nucleic acids. We also would have liked a state-of-the-art discussion of RNA folding and tertiary structures. The chapters on protein structure are satisfying, although the authors missed the opportunity to include a cogent discussion of how disordered proteins defy the classical protein folding paradigm. 

Chapter 7 is entitled “Protein Function and Evolution,” but this is somewhat misleading since this chapter really is a detailed discussion of the structure and function of the globulins and immunoglobulins. That being said, the choice of these proteins is appropriate for illustrative purposes. We liked Chapter 8 and its thorough biochemical treatment of contractile proteins and molecular motors, although some of our students struggled with the complexity of this material.
Section 3 (Dynamics of Life: Catalysis and Control of Biochemical Reactions) consists of two chapters. Chapter 11 (Enzymes) has been extensively re-worked and presents a fresh view of enzyme kinetics and reaction mechanisms, reflecting Appling’s expertise in these areas. Chapter 11 (Chemical Logic of Metabolism) is a straightforward introduction to the chemistry of metabolism. It is not clear why these two chapters are grouped together into a separate section. Chapter 11 could just as easily have been placed in Section 2 and Chapter 12 in Section 4.
Section 4 (Dynamics of Life: Energy, Biosynthesis, and Utilization of Precursors) is devoted to the discussion of metabolism.
This section contains 11 chapters (13 through 23) and is organized using the classical separation of carbohydrates, citric acid cycle, bioenergetics, lipids, nitrogenous compounds, and nucleotides. Collectively, these chapters provide a clear, concise, and easy to follow coverage of the individual pathways involved in metabolism. 
The discussion covers the chemistry of metabolic reactions with sufficient detail that students should gain an appreciation of the chemical properties of key metabolites and the logic and energetics of anabolic and catabolic pathways. 

The presentation of metabolic regulation is current and clearly explained. We did find, however, that many of the illustrations in these chapters are overly simplistic and more detailed figures could be incorporated to add clarity to the complex concepts and regulatory mechanisms that are discussed in the text. 
The material on metabolic regulation is interjected throughout the various chapters but a focused discussion of how regulation integrates with the physiological function of various organs is missing. 
The authors also frequently mix discussion of metabolism that is unique to mammals, prokaryotes, or plants, which will lead to some confusion among students. Membrane transport and the energetics and distinguishing properties of various transport systems are briefly discussed earlier in the book in the chapter on lipids. 
However, the importance of transport in the various aspects of mammalian metabolism could be better emphasized throughout Section 4. For example, it is our experience that a discussion of how the intestine carries out the absorption and transepithelial transport of glucose and how the properties of different glucose transporters influence how various tissues extract and metabolize glucose can be of more interest to students than focusing on the details of the individual reactions of the glycolytic pathway.

 Chapter 18 briefly covers important current topics in interogran relationships, including the roles of AMP-kinase, mTOR signaling, protein acetylation, and sirtuins in the regulation of metabolism. However, it is unclear why this chapter precedes the discussion of amino acid metabolism. As it stands, the amino acid chapter details the pathways of their synthesis and degradation without highlighting the interorgan nature and overall importance of amino acid catabolism. 
The treatment of starvation and diabetes also is cursory; a more detailed and up-to-date presentation of these topics is an excellent way to integrate and summarize nearly all of the material covered in a course on metabolism. Finally, the discussion of insulin and glucagon signaling in Chapter 23 (Mechanisms of Signal Transduction) could easily be expanded given the importance of the two hormones in the overall integration and regulation of metabolism. While it is typical of textbooks to describe signal transduction and interorgan relationships separately, we find that these two topics are more effectively taught if they are integrated into the various chapters on metabolic pathways and their regulation.

Section 5 (Information) has been expanded and now consists of six chapters that cover what the authors refer to as genomic biochemistry. The chapters in this section focus on the macromolecules involved in DNA replication (Chapter 25), DNA restructuring (Chapter 26), prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription (Chapter 27), and translation (Chapter 28), which gives a biochemical tilt to material often covered in a molecular biology class. The one exception is Chapter 24, (Genes, Genomes, and Chromosomes),
a new chapter that is more of a brief primer on molecular genetics.
Also new to the 4th edition is Chapter 29 (Regulation of Gene Expression),
which covers transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
epigenetics, regulation of translation, and RNA interference.
A continuing strength is the ‘Tools of Biochemistry” series that closes many
of the chapters. X-ray crystallography and NMR, proteomics and metabolomics,
and the polymerase chain reaction are just a few of the 28 relevant biochemical techniques/protocols that are nicely explained. Too often the experimental side of biochemistry is missing from popular textbooks, but that is not the case here.

To gain a student’s perspective we enlisted the opinions of several undergraduates currently enrolled in our course (J. Haskins, C. Hendrich, Y. Lu, M. Staros, K. Thompson, E. Webster, P. Zhuang). As a whole, the text was very well received. The students generally found the material to be interesting and the writing clear and concise. Difficult topics such as hemoglobin allosterism were more problematic but that is to be expected. Notable specific comments from our students included, “this chapter is well organized and the information accessible to the reader,” “I wish all my textbooks were this clear and easy to read,” and “I learned a lot.”
Altogether, the 4th edition of Biochemistry has not lost its earlier appeal. Most of our criticisms have to do with presentation rather than content, which is to say that they are minor. The text may be too detailed for a typical single semester biochemistry class, but is well suited for a more sophisticated two semester course. Both instructors and students alike should find the 4th edition to be a worthy addition to the long list of comprehensive biochemistry textbooks.

Jeffrey C. Hansen
Norman P. Curthoys
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523

Macromolecular Biochemistry
Macromolecular Biochemistry is the study of large, polymeric, biological molecules including carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Faculty in BE are studying many aspects of this field including developing novel methods to deliver macromolecular pharmaceuticals and producing technologies to study the role of polysaccharides in disease processes.
Eric Alm, PhD
Michael Birnbaum, PhD
Paul Blainey, PhD
Peter Dedon, MD, PhD
John M. Essigmann, PhD
Alan J. Grodzinsky, ScD
Anders Sejr Hansen, PhD
Alan Jasanoff, PhD
Amy E. Keating, PhD
Alexander M. Klibanov, PhD
Harvey F. Lodish, PhD
Jacquin C. Niles, MD, PhD
Leona D. Samson, PhD
Ram Sasisekharan, PhD
Peter So, PhD
Steven R. Tannenbaum, PhD
Bruce Tidor, PhD
Christopher A. Voigt, PhD
K. Dane Wittrup, PhD
Dr Peter Dingle

Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) – Understanding his POWER – Dr. Sircus
Getting More of This Mineral Could Stave Off Dementia, New Study Finds (
A Torsional Pendulum that Detects Bioenergy | J. Norman Hansen – YouTube
Big Pharma and the Chinese Communist Party | Brian T. Kennedy – YouTube
Biochemistry Jeffrey C. Hansen, Norman P. Curthoys – Search (
Glutamine metabolism: Role in acid-base balance* – PubMed (
Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar or Sodium Bicarbonate Facebook
Potassium Sodium and Alzheimer’s – Search (
Baking Soda & cancer By Vernon Johnson – Bing video
Write your own story – Sidney Daily News

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TRUST is a Delicate Thing

REVELATION 13 – HAPPENING NOW ! – by Anonymous (

These new facts make the Biden family the GOAT of corruption (
FOX PAYING DOMINION $787M WAS A WAY TO GAIN DEM LEFT VIEWERS BUT MAINLY IT’S PART OF THE PLAN BY FOX’S RINOS_DEMLEFT_GLOBALISTS TO USHER IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER CISA report lists SIGNIFICANT ISSUES with Dominion election system used in 2020 GA Election WHY WOULD FOX NEWS ATTORNEYS *NOT*: DEMAND AUDIT of the Dominion system by subject matter experts before agreeing to anything? USE ALREADY DISCOVERED DOMINION ISSUES USE 2020 NEW MEXICO AUDIT FINDINGS: Dominion Auditing Machines CAN ACCESS CENSUS + PRINT + FILL BALLOTS USE 2020 Tennessee & New Mexico FINDINGS ~ ERRONEOUS CODE FOUND on Dominion voting machines **AFTER** they were certified USE Prof. Halderman who gave 2019 presentation on ISSUES with US voting systems

Globalist Bill Gates says “AI Will Eventually Be As Good a Tutor as Any Human”. But the BEST THING ABOUT THAT from the globalist perspective is that the AI tutor can be programmed to indoctrinate our youth with ANY IDEOLOGY THEY SO CHOOSE! They’re not kidding anybody! They won’t be satisfied just controlling the world with their One World Government, New World Order. They’ll need to control every belief and thought we have too! Next they’ll be feeding us Soylent Green with our Insect Protein entree!

Bill Gates is a wickedly evil demon. His Microsoft money and fame has brought out the absolute worst in him. He is a threat to humanity worldwide. He wants to control the world according to his belief system and world view, he wants radical population control and uses his money to explore lethal viral weapons like Covid and Vaccines that do much more harm than good. Gates wants us gone, but still loves making money from our human suffering.

Well, nobody can trust Bill Gates, so there is that!!!

Rob  on GETTR: GATES AND FAUCI TALK TO EACH OTHER MUST WATCH!! #depopulationagenda #CNN #phizer #gatesfoundation #gatesisevil #billgates #faucilied Mister pushed the Covid Plandemic and the. Sold all his stock in vax after everyone took
it and he said it doesn’t work. Just like everything else he has done. Corrupt to his core.
I would prefer he be hung on Jeffrey’s Island for his crimes against humanity and his Treason against the USA! Bill Gates is touting the utilization of AI because he has not the wherewithal to interact with sentient beings. And yet, he wishes to exercise control over them to satiate his inflated ego.

If the king narcissist has his way, obviously. Learning through repetition without
human interaction or naturally occurring curiosity, questioning, discussion, feelings of achievement, satisfaction or success. How bloody exciting for an inquisitive student that has escaped indoctrination by the Marxist Democrats and globalist elites!

What part of fuck murdering ass Bill Gates don’t people understand!?
RealDavidIcke on GETTR: David Icke Reveals The Shocking Truth About Billionaires & The Money System…

If Bill Gates says anything good about it then you know it needs to be shut down immediately, just like his vaccine programs AND just like his whole globalist agenda. GATES IS worse than a Nazi when it comes to killing people. What kind of hobby
might a multimillionaire take up to feed his ego and malignant narcissism?

Do We really want this EVIL MTHRFKR in charge of any Artificial Intelligence?

He’s “atheist.” Playing God. Gates is a creepy weirdo friend of Epstein the pedophile.
But I so wish he was correct on this. He is sadly wrong. It would be the greatest gift
to humanity for AI to replace the college professor, as that means the college would
go out of business as well. Unfortunately, AI, so far has been a total bust.

It’s freaks like this that are destroying America, this country is being influenced and run
by mentally ill pedophiles, and gangsters and murderers if America really intended for this type of government and influence, they would have allowed the Al Capone’s and Bonny and Clyde’s in the White House and the house and senate would have been run by John Dillinger.

Of course the F.B.I. Director would not have changed J. Edgar Hoover fits right in as the first transgender in government. The freaks in the W.H. And congress want all of these disgusting perverted laws passed so that their illegal actions and ways are legal.the only thing that is illegal to this government is honesty, Christianity, and the rights of true Americans.

AI can only be good as long as good people are behind it. If evil people are behind it then it’s the end of humankind. Just don’t trust when evil speaks of good. For evil, good is bad and bad is good. You think search algorithms manipulate the things you search or see on the internet now, AI not only writes the new search algorithms but whoever controls AI will control everything to the point that you won’t even be able to research actual history or the truth.

If Gates has his stubby little fingers in any of this… NO, AI will only serve to demonize free thinking humans and serve to collectivize the planet… It is proven humans do not do well in ANY of the 5 communist based collectives that currently “exist” on the planet. This will only get much worse if the Gate’s bunch gets their way. Free WILL and mindset will always pose a danger to the global communist collective and will always be targeted for immediate destruction.


All we need to remember is this about gates…

WEF insider admits Gates is ‘force jabbing’ humanity with mRNA in food supply ( Who gives anything Bill Gates says any credibility?
The dude Is an idiot, HE’S self-centered and totally disconnected
between the ears… but that’s just my opinion.

I know we are truly in the end times?
many prophecies have come to pass in the 1900’s and our lifetime. Even so, when people like Gates, Soro, even Musk, who supported, helped create covid 19. Interfered in our elections, and over stepped, our privacies, with internet misinformation, supporting democrats, only. set themselves against free Americans’ will, And now an Al computerized system to replace people, a programmed system, I do not care what they said, say it’s a created system and run by mankind, and is being programmed, not creating learning on its own. They are lying to us.

(AI) is being assembled incorrectly! The wrong humans are being allowed to develop this new technology. (AI) under its current lines of development by multiple parties will inherit and use the same twisted logic as the individuals developing it. (Pull the plug!) Developers must be authenticated, and their methodologies for goal accomplishment, advancement approved before being allowed to program parameters into the systems logic.


The same Bill Gates that ran the practice run for
the Chinese-WEF bioweapon attack back in Oct. 2019?
Event 201 was a tabletop exercise that simulated a global pandemic, which resulted from a new coronavirus. The program was hosted in October ’19 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum. The invite-only event featured medical professionals, policy experts and business analysts all focused on how different institutions would respond to the onset of a deadly virus. The fictional coronavirus — a coronavirus — in the scenario killed 65 million people over 18 months. Three months later it became reality! These psychopaths are truly evil.

So don’t worry about repeating bad things in history; you won’t even know history
if they don’t want you to. AI will be the ultimate downfall of the first amendment and independent thinking… it’s almost like it was the reason they have been indoctrinating kids to not think for themselves but only repeat what they’re told so when AI takes over and you try to research something and only come up with some kind of outrageous lie the next generation will believe it…

You can have the most beautiful property in the world, but if you’re surrounded by corruption you’re in prison. Hope is good but finding yourself and family emotionally, physically and mentally abused ends paradise. There’s creepy as hell and then there’s
Bill Gates. Enough with the AI already, who needs robots pushing humanity around.
This isn’t going to end well. Narcissists prey on your hope, they never change, the only change has to come from us, sometimes years of hope, fears, explaining, praying to God. Once we walk away, we understand we can’t be responsible for narcissistic abuse.
Not caring is freedom and healing starts. Narcissists will help you ruin your life even with the law. They will ruin your credit, destroy your name, make you look insane and the only one that pays is us! Narcissists rule our government, the more you try to understand the more they increase power. You can’t win… it’s a life lesson.

By now? The only thing left that makes sense to me is they’re prepping the earth for the devils rule as in the book of revelations. Let’s start by injecting one of these chips in Gates; the prick will deserve anything we have to offer. He is someone that really has no titles even with Microsoft it wasn’t him it was his partner with the brains and Gates screwed
him in the end. He was raised by parents that believed in Genocide and

he is doing the same damn thing with his poison ☠ vaccines.

In fact India and Africa have warrants that if he steps foot in either country he will be hung for killing millions of people. Why are we listening to this prick he is an evil pedo and lie like no tomorrow remember he only had super with Epistein and we know the truth of how many times he was at the island he deserves to be skinned alive and used for fertilizer however he would sour the soil so just skin him alive!

Public School Enrollment Is Down by More Than a Million. Why?
(Opinion) (

Looking for a Rittzer social media experience? It’s where you’ll find everything you need to connect with friends, meet new people, and share around the world. Intuitive & friendly, you’ll be up and running, with easy one click ways to monetize your posts while bringing people together to create connections that last. Share Your Rittz!

There is no robot on earth that will ever take the place of a human. A human who can interact with another human the way God made us. They have no emotions which God placed in each of us. Is it just me or does this monster sound gleeratherful about machines replacing humanity and human purpose and meaning?

As a high school senior who uses different language AI models
on a daily basis, I think Bill Gates has a point but is wrong.
We aren’t far away from AI being able to teach kids better than teachers, but we are FAR away from AI being able to replace teachers. There’s a human element in being a teacher that is arguably more important than teaching. AI can’t replicate that. I think language AI models are great for education though, I’ll just make a reply with some examples of ways AI helps me at school.

What kind of Tutor would Gates be? The kind the WEF designed?
Luring in more of the children and mentally challenged to their side?

You feed AI what you want it to teach. You program it. YOU start it off.
It’s another weapon you are using because you are running out of options at this
point knowing the people across this world have caught you at your own games.
You are desperate and pulling out every trick in your books to twist out the NWO
you so desperately want so you can control Everything! You disgusting POS!!
I hope the world is watching and this ends badly for all of you!!


Yeah, that’s coming from the man who has death all over his hands, the world over!
Why has he not been charged and Executed for Crimes Against All Humanity?! What he said below is all you need to know! SATANIC BASTARD! Yet, he continues to buy farmland and will mRNA everything he produces! All evil roads lead to the Rockefeller-Rothschild-Gates-Soros Cabal! Just watch: IT’S SHOCKING!!! Example… When 5G gets increased to 50G we ALL, at once, drop dead in our tracks! Coming to a WiFi tower near you…SOON!(edited)

Of course they will as in “AI puppets” controlled by the likes of Bill Gates himself. These people who can’t stop computer viruses, hacks, airplanes from dropping off the sky, and are forced to use man made viruses to kill the masses they have lost control of, are telling us that they have created better versions of humans.

People, please stop believing in these flying pigs.
Depending on who does the programming. Look at the one that says the only way to save the planet is to eliminate humans. Whoever “taught” that machine must be a real stable genius.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai warns society to brace for impact of A.I. acceleration says
‘it’s not for a company to decide’ In an interview with Exploring the human-like side of artificial intelligence at Google | 60 Minutes – CBS News
CBS’ “60 Minutes” that aired Sunday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai hinted that society isn’t prepared for the rapid advancement of AI. He said AI will impact “every product of every company.”

Goog and MSFT both down 25 to 30% and the 60 min clip showed just how flawed AI is, after that clip, it is now “Artificial Insanity” as it hallucinates. There is nothing to fear from AI, it will be great, it will make colleges go away, it will make the expert class go away, it will hopefully make the sitcom writers go away. And talking heads will have to greatly reduce the daily dose of hyperbole. #tttt

Never. I will never use a politically biased search tool and the Bing and Google
offerings are madly biased. He wants to control your very perception of reality.
Gates is evil. He killed millions with his vaccines.

Hey bill, ‘Basic’ programming 101…” bad data in, bad data out” … In your case…
“Bad Ideology in, also bad ideology out” Ctrl + Alt + Del. Bill… Ctrl + Alt + Del,
you can do it! Money is wasted on the rich!

Artificial Intelligence: Biden with black and blue eyes – Bing images

Study commissioned by globalist group predicts rapid population decline before the
end of century | [your]NEWS ( A new model has predicted Earth’s population is likely to decrease in all scenarios across the next century and will
peak nowhere near the 11 billion previously forecast. yarikoligarh on GETTR: @EpochTimes April 22 will tell the whole truth about artificial intelligence and its danger to society! Connect, 180 countries are participating in this event… International Online Forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out”, April 22, 2023 (

Right now, our nation's finances are a mess, upended by massive government spending over the last two years. 
Right now, our nation’s finances are a giant mess, upended by massive
government spending over the last two years. © Provided by Daily Mail.

Biden admin appears to give pass to Chinese-backed green energy plant (
STEVE FORBES: Biden’s demanding suicidal spending or default on our debt.
That’s a dangerous lie (
Will the U.S. dollar remain the world’s dominant currency?
Washington and Wall Street are worried about ‘de-dollarization’ threat. (
McCarthy at risk of falling short on GOP votes for debt ceiling bill (
Democratic anxiety emerges over Biden’s debt ceiling stance (
Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths — here’s how (
IRS commissioner mum on alleged mishandling of Hunter Biden investigation:
‘very little I’m allowed to say’ (

IRS agent alleges Hunter Biden probe is being mishandled (
Hunter Biden’s IRS whistleblower news draws intense Twitter backlash:
‘Coverup of Biden family corruption’ (
Harris claims Second Amendment support while pushing for assault
weapons ban: ‘Literally’ weapons of war (
LAURA INGRAHAM: Democrats want to keep young people weak,
poor, frightened and alone (
SEAN HANNITY: Antony Blinken organized the most ‘egregious’
lying campaign in American history (

TUCKER CARLSON: Hunter Biden is lying about this (
Labor secretary Marty Walsh confirms he’s leaving
Biden administration in March | CNN Politics

Biden’s union-label Labor secretary pick must be stopped.
Look what Julie Su did to California (

Dem congresswoman silent on why she signed hush
agreement with Chinese tech company (

This Country Has Gone Crazy (
Heritage FREE Guide to the Constitution

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Alvin the Chipmunk

If you live your life right you can tell everybody you live the right life, did all the right things and it turned out alright …Right?

Heavenly Father:
I ask that if anyone is feeling lonely lost or confused that when they see this that they
know that you love them and will comfort them and give them that peace that transcends all understanding. I ask this in the mighty name of Christ Jesus. Amen

The claim:
Oklahoma City bombing stopped Hillary Clinton indictment in Whitewater scandal
Liberal Lawless… we’re going to show you what happens when Democrats rule over cities and states for decades and the damage that they are doing in D.C.

It is being felt by every single American.
And they have literally taken a wrecking ball to the entire economy. China is on the march and your president, Joe Biden. He’s building sandcastles and sitting on a beach in Delaware. But first, there is a reason that Americans are fleeing New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois, these liberal states.
And there’s a reason 2 million Americans left America’s big cities just in the last two years. High income taxes, high property taxes, high sales taxes, punitive regulations – and for what? The roads are covered with potholes. The streets are littered with tons
of shit & trash. The homeless crisis that’s worse than ever. 

Here’s what public safety looks like in Chicago. Mob beatings in broad daylight last weekend. Hordes of teens taking over the streets, smashing cars, assaulting pedestrians and breaking windows. In a statement, Chicago’s radical incoming mayor responded, quote, ‘It is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.’ What? Okay. Now, of course, the murder crisis in Chicago, that’s even worse.

Now, fake news, CNN.
They would have you believe that gun’s kind of magically walk down the street and
act on their own and commit these acts of violence all by themselves. They almost never attach a human being to the violent criminals who are actually committing these crimes and that’s because these violent offenders, they’re walking the streets thanks to Democratic policies and Democratic DAs, where killers get a free pass.

US population by year, race, age, ethnicity, & more | USAFacts

A March 31 Instagram post (direct linkarchived link)
shows an image of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary Clinton was to be indicted over the Whitewater scandal four days before documents related to the case were destroyed in the Oklahoma City bombing.”

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. The post generated over 100 likes in less than two weeks.
An April 3 tweet with the same claim generated over 4,000 likes.

There is no connection between the Whitewater probe and the Oklahoma City bombing, according to Anne Mattina, a political communication professor at Stonehill College in Massachusetts. Clinton was also never set to be indicted in the Whitewater case, Mattina said. D.R. Kiewiet, a political science professor at Caltech, said he’s not aware of any Whitewater documents being in Oklahoma City, given the investigation was based in another state.

“The Whitewater matter was investigated and adjudicated in Arkansas where the Clintons were living when Bill was governor and where the real estate venture was located … not in Oklahoma,” Kiewiet said. The Whitewater scandal began in 1978 when Hillary Clinton and then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton borrowed $203,000 with their friends Susan and James McDougal to purchase land in the Ozark Mountains ~ the Washington Post. 
The group formed the Whitewater Development Corp., intending to build vacation homes.  Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Failure: 13hours Secret Soldiers : Internet Archive

Image result for Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky
Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky – Bing images

Gavin Newsom Is Not Governing (
Unbreaking America: Divided We Fall – YouTube
Hillary Clinton: US ‘dangerously divided’ – YouTube
How to Fix America’s Corrupt Political System – YouTube
Unbreaking America: Solving the Corruption Crisis – YouTube
Democrats have screwed up everything — stop voting for them!
Biden administration to announce new border security plan
before Title 42 lifts, Mayorkas says (

Wesley Hunt Does Not Hold Back On Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg
During House Judiciary Committee Hearing – YouTube

Alvin Bragg like most Democrats 💩 should be investigated for Corruption &
obstruction. Madeline Brame, Chairwoman of the Victims Rights Reform Council and mother of a homicide victim who was an Afghanistan war veteran, gives her opening statement at today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing in Manhattan.

MUST SEE: Mother Of Murder Victim Unloads On Alvin Bragg During
NYC Hearing, Gets Applauded – YouTube

ELEMENTARY, Dear Watson: Monkeys  🙈 🙊 🙉 
should live in Jungles and/or should be kept in the ZOOS, but definitely not in
Attorney’s Offices all over the United States: This is What happens when left-wing thugs are promoted based on their twisted ideology instead of common sense by the book law and order. From all that I have learned about Alvin Bragg through various media outlets, my conclusion is this man is A NARCISSIST full of hate and selfishness.

He looks like Willie B at the Atlanta zoo. Willie B is a silver back for those of you who didn’t know. According to Gregg Jarrett, Bragg might have concealed from the jury hundreds of pages of evidence submitted by Bob Costello could potentially exonerate Donald Trump. Concealing exculpatory evidence could get Bragg disbarred.

PUBLIC RECORDS… means public records are to be made available to the public
for scrutiny. So. Bragg, why the stonewalling? Another horseshit investigation?
Another abuse of authority? Another way of trying to keep Trump off the ticket?

READ MORE: “This is what happens in Communist nations, not the USA” –
Lauren Boebert Unleashes Fury on Democrats, Defends January 6 (

Taylor Greene Loses it, Wants to “Punish” Republicans Who “Won’t Stand Up
for the People and Against the Democrats’ War Against Trump” (

Chaos Erupts At Briefing When Reporters Demand Answer:
Is Biden ‘Following The Words And Actions Of Donald Trump’.

Two things are possible in the DA Bragg’s spurn of a records request by
members of the House of Representatives. A subpoena should be issued immediately
for Mr. Bragg to appear before the pertinent committee. Funding for that entire district
must be immediately withheld for cause. Actions of this manner will quell any illegal maneuvering by that communist held office, while simultaneously notifying any other office, wishing to act in parallel, of potential repercussions.

He is fighting a war and a legal process.

How dishonest! This is a sham and a disgrace!
Let’s cut the communist Democrat bullshit and start throwing these putrid bastards,
such as Bragg, into plucking prison!


Enough of their horseshit! (edited)

You are a dishonest DA like Kamala



I’m beginning to really hate angry DemocRats with TDS! They think it’s okay to break the law because they hate Trump. Where are the majority of Black people that hate this shit? Where are the majority of Black people to speak out against this shit that embarrasses their entire race? I know you’re out there, damnit! When will you send a message to these hateful, racist, Marxists who love destroying all of our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms? If they keep getting away with this, how long before you realize they can come after YOU? THIS FAT SOROS DOORMAT PRETENDS HE’S ABOVE THE LAW.

Of course he “does not want any questions asked” Neither do the communists or authoritarians running other countries! Could IT Be THAT the Statute of Limitations Has Expired on the Charges, arrest his Commie racist ass asap — they think they are above the law and can’t be touched in NYC. Alvin the chipmunk doesn’t have to answer any request. The chipmunk is a Democratic Communist politician in office. He is the law unto himself. Learn your place America you have no rights, you have no say. In anything our GOVT. does. Shut up and obey. Or you can be arrested for a MADE-UP OR HOP UP CHARGE
by Alvin the Chipmunk! – F*** Alvin Bragg and FJB!

What a great role model you are for the younger generations.
Bragg is wasting time and money going after Trump when an illegal alien who shows up in NYC and given a court date to appear has to wait 10 years to appear and that’s only for the first appearance not to decide the illegal status and the DemocRats solution to this backlog is to grow the government and make it bigger, another waste of money when all they have to do is secure the border and enforce the law. Let’s ALSO have him explain how a DA who makes a quarter a million a year ends up with 40 million in his bank account. Who is really “cooking the books” here?


DemocRATs are building a 3rd world BANANA 🍌 REPUBLIC

and destroying America. 🤕

In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed that he had proof of a communist spy ring operating inside the government. Overnight, the explosive accusations blew up in the national press, but the details kept changing. Initially, McCarthy said he had a list with the names of 205 communists in the State Department; the next day he revised it to 57. Since he kept the list a secret, the inconsistencies were beside the point. The point was the power of the accusation, which made McCarthy’s name synonymous with the politics of the era. For more than half a century, McCarthyism stood as a defining chapter in the worldview of American liberals: a warning about the dangerous allure of blacklists, witch hunts, and demagogues. Watch: AG Merrick Garland Doesn’t Deny Colluding With Manhattan DA to Sabotage Trump’s Re-election:

AG Merrick Garland Was Aware of Biden’s Illegal Access to Highly Classified Documents, DOJ Tried to Cover It Up While Persecuting Trump “This is a major scandal,” says @marklevinshow. | Mark Levin: This is a major scandal #shorts – YouTube 

North Carolina once had a DA in Durham County named Mike Nifong who thought he was above the law by withholding “Exculpatory Evidence.” Ethics charges over his conduct in the case, accusing him of making public statements that were “prejudicial to the administration of justice” and of engaging in “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation were levied against him. He was eventually disbarred.

Does this sound familiar to what Alvin Bragg is doing now?
For people who keep preaching about & supporting STATE LAWS they might want
to go back and educate themselves on what STATE DA’S can’t & CAN LEGALLY DO!

It’s incredible how these people have completely destroyed America’s election and judicial credibility GLOBALLY, can they not see their stolen elections have driven countries around the world into China’s grasp, Western democracies (i.e. the E U ) ARE NOW JUMPING SHIP, and they continue along the same path, people in the U.S are rioting and looting in Blue states, If the people governors can lie and steal an election “why won’t they steal from its people”? They also will imprison its people without trials, release murderers and thieves without consequences, and if We the People start doing as the elites do “and why not”? America is DOOMED. (edited)

Why is Chuck Schumer with these Chinese CCP spies from the CCP
secret police station in NYC?!

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Chinese Operative arrested by FBI for opening ‘SECRET POLICE STATIONS’ met with Chuck Schumer and NYC mayor Eric Adams at DEM sponsored events in 2022 and 2023… CCP operatives that organized this were SECRETLY BAILED OUT THE NEXT DAY while TRUMP SUPPORTER and anti CCP dissident Miles Guo remains in jail with NO BOND…


| @Jim_Jordan | @RepStefanik | @RepMattGaetz | @RepAndyBiggsAZ
I’ myself am an Ind voter who keeps it, regardless of political affiliation.
I take the case, it’s FACTS etc…. And if I think the person will BREAK THE LAW and/or
I consider their actions illegal, foul/corrupt…then the same goes for the other side.
I don’t support HYPOCRISY which is one of many reasons WHY I exited the Rep party & would NEVER be affiliated with the Dem party. A new revelation has come out about the CIA’s connection to the Saudi Arabia 9/11 terrorist attack suggesting they were much more involved than anyone had imagined. BOTH parties are blatant HYPOCRITES!!
I say “LOCK UP Wubba, Obama, Biden and Clintons etc… I DGAF!

Operation Fast and Furious Documentary – Search (

‘The walls are closing in’ — on Biden (
Our world is on the brink, and so on April 22, people from 180 countries will unite to tell the truth about what will happen to our planet in the coming years. Connect and repost… #inflation #inflationcrisis #economics #economiccrisis #economiccollapse #globalcrisis #money #news #newsmax
#newsupdate #newsmaxtv #newsupdates

LAURA INGRAHAM: Biden is a complete and utter disaster on all fronts (
Bragg is Toast, he’s dared to go after our National Treasure, a hardworking, dedicated leader for the American people!

No one should rest until Bragg is removed and punished for attacking Donald J Trump, my favorite president of all time is Innocent and persecuted for protecting and defending this country it’s just so bad.

Everybody from out of state should keep American Dollars out of New York State and
starve these Bastards. Also Tell this piece of shit what you think of him: (212) 335-9661
Alvin Bragg NY County D.A.Office 1 Hogan Pl, New York, NY 10013-4311

Year 2023 has 4 eclipses,solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses.
Eclipses in 2023 Apr 20Solar Eclipse (Total) May 5–6Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral)
Oct 14 Solar Eclipse (Annular) Oct 28–29 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) Hrs. Mins Secs
Total Solar Eclipse UTC … 
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The Elite Are Destroying Humanity

A protester holds a placard against the people with money during the climate change demonstration march. Ana Fernandez/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images © Provided by Salon

Educate Yourself!!!!
Posted on July 6, 2022 by Ken
“When liberty gives way to indulgence, the devil of despotism
takes advantage of it.” ~George Washington

Biden: Everybody knows there isn’t climate change – Search (
Did Joe Biden Say ‘You All Know There’s No Climate Problem’ in Viral Video?
Two new scientific papers break down how the rich are destroying Earth
Story by Troy Farah

As the climate crisis becomes more acute — exemplified in interminable wildfire “seasons”, intense drought and extreme weather — it’s becoming clear that saving the planet will involve more than politely asking consumers to recycle their yogurt cups. Indeed, many of climate change’s effects are largely spurred by resource hoarding and inequality via the super-rich. This is not the perspective of a progressive op-ed writer,
but rather the conclusion of scientific research that sought to quantify the relationship between resource consumption and wealth.

DAVID BLACKMON: There’s A Massive Obstacle Standing
Between Global Elites And Their Green Energy Utopia (
Intriguingly, it is not merely that the wealthiest are causing global warming — they are also engaged in behaviors that are hurting the world’s poor more than climate change is. Particularly regarding access to safe drinking water, overly extractive & selfish behavior often outpace the damage global heating is inflicting on the world’s poorest.

 “Urban water crises can be triggered by the unsustainable consumption patterns of privileged social groups.” A pair of studies demonstrates just how stark the inequality is. The first, recently published in the journal Nature Sustainability, details how “urban elites are able to over consume water while excluding less-privileged populations from basic access.” The second, published in the journal Cleaner Production Letters, explains how the lavish lifestyles of rich people are disproportionately choking the planet, making it unlikely for us to achieve targets for keeping global temperatures from rising. 

 Let’s start with water, that precious liquid that makes life on Earth possible. Sprawling mansions attached to evergreen golf courses, idyllic lawns and massive swimming pools
all suck up a disproportionate amount of H2O. In contrast, access to clean drinking water, which is internationally recognized as a human right, yet 1 in 4 people globally don’t have such access, a disparity responsible for approximately 1.2 million deaths per year.
Even in California, which may soon become the planet’s fourth largest economy, persistent drought has driven up the cost of water so much that millions of residents struggle to pay their water bill. Meanwhile, places like Jackson, Mississippi face water treatment plant failures and in Alabama the Alligator migrates inland toward Birmingham.

What happens when we run out of water?
Thanks to climate change, a dystopian premise is coming true
“More than 80 big cities worldwide have suffered from water shortages due to droughts and unsustainable water use over the past 20 years, but our projections show this crisis could get worse still as the gap between the rich and the poor widens in many parts of the world,” Professor Hannah Cloke, a hydrologist at the University of Reading who also co-authored the Nature Sustainability study, said in a statement. “This shows the close links between social, economic and environmental inequality. Ultimately, everyone will suffer the consequences unless we develop fairer ways to share water in cities.”

To demonstrate this, Cloke and her colleagues looked at Cape Town, South Africa, a city
of 4.7 million that experienced “one of the most extreme urban water crises ever recorded” in mid-2017 to mid-2018. Thanks to severe drought and increased demand, water levels dropped to historic lows — notably, in the Theewaterskloof Dam, which sank to less than 13 percent capacity at one point. The situation became so dire that the government warned of a “Day Zero,” in which taps would run completely dry.

“Despite representing only 1.4% and 12.3% of the total population.

Respectively, the Global Elite and upper-middle-income groups together use
more than half (51%) of the water consumed by the entire city.” Thanks to a concentrated conservation campaign, Day Zero never came, though Cape Town’s water troubles haven’t fully evaporated. But similar scenarios are threatening to play out in other cities from São Paulo to Miami to Bangalore to London, as water becomes more of a precious resource.

The issue is typically framed in terms of unchecked urban expansion or overuse in agriculture. The problem, as Cloke and her co authors argue, is framed in terms of overall consumption — decoupled from the political realities that underlie the crisis and promote technological strategies that “perpetuate the same logic and, in turn, reproduce the uneven and unsustainable water patterns have contributed to the water crisis in the first place.” But when you look closer, it’s clear that a small sector of affluent individuals and their families use far more than others.

In Cape Town, the researchers used a system-dynamic model to capture the complex interplay of water systems. They broke down the city into five social groups: the elite, upper-middle income, lower-middle income, lower income and informal settlements scattered at the edges of the city.
“Despite representing only 1.4% and 12.3% of the total population, respectively, elite and upper-middle-income groups together use more than half (51%) of the water consumed by the entire city,” the authors reported. “These groups usually live in spacious houses with gardens and swimming pools and consume unsustainable levels of water, while informal dwellers do not have taps or toilets inside their premises.”

The authors do not mince words about this stark contrast, emphasizing that
“urban water crises can be triggered by the unsustainable consumption patterns of privileged social groups. Critical social sciences explain that these patterns are generated by distinctive political–economic systems that seek capital accumulation and perpetual growth to the exclusive benefit of a privileged minority. In other words, there is nothing natural about urban elites over consuming and over exploiting water resources and the water marginalization of other social groups. Instead, water inequalities and their unsustainable consequences are products of history, politics and power.”

They conclude that the only way to counteract these trends is through political change; specifically, by “reimagining a society in which elitist overconsumption at the expense of other citizens or the environment is not tolerated.”
They argue we must refuse to allow such privileged lifestyles to dominate water use — which is a pretty sharp political argument, but the authors deem it appropriate given that water use is inherently political, whether we like it or not.

The Cleaner Production Letters paper takes a broader view, not just focusing on water usage but overall consumption by they wealthiest individuals. They start by examining carbon budgets and how that fits into international goals to limit rising temperatures to 1.5º Celsius. They identify that wealthy people disproportionately spew more greenhouse gases than poor individuals, especially via private aircraft and yachts, and hoarding real estate across continents. And the situation just keeps getting worse, as more people become millionaires, increasing their lavish carbon budgets.

The study, led by Stefan Gössling, a tourism research professor at Lund University in Sweden, predicts that at the current rate, the number of millionaires in the world will more than triple from 0.7 percent of the global population in 2020 to 3.3% by 2050.
Yet, at current levels, they will still use up about 72 percent of the annual carbon budget.
A carbon budget is a benchmark for the maximum amount of carbon dioxide emissions that can be released into the atmosphere while still having a reasonable chance of limiting global temperature increase to a specific target, usually 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

“Our findings raise the issue of global policy choices, with this research confirming
that targeting the high emitters will be key,” write Gössling and his coauthor professor
Andreas Humpe, a professor at Munich University of Applied Sciences.
“Staying within temperature limits of 1.5º C or 2.0º C is difficult without addressing the consequences of wealth growth. While a dollar spent by low-income takers is associated with greater emissions than one spent by the wealthy, the concentration of wealth at the top means that a significant share of the remaining carbon budget to 1.5° C is depleted
by a very small share of humanity.”

It’s unclear if we can get off this railway to complete climate collapse. A lot could change in the next three decades. But as Gössling and Humpe note, “without policies that mandate change, including a reduction in energy use as well as a transition to the use of renewable energies by the wealthy, it is difficult to see how global warming can remain within critical thresholds.”

Some political leaders, including President Joe Biden, have proposed higher taxes on the ultra-rich, such as a 25 percent tax on all wealth over $100 million — which is estimated to affect just 0.01 percent of Americans. But this proposal is put forward as a way to reduce the federal deficit, not fight climate change. Given the urgency of the current situation, which is only spiraling more out of control the longer we wait, it’s critical that folks understand the political and economic realities that underpin our unraveling climate.

Is ChemTrails Destroying Planet Earth – Bing video

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the
past one hundred years. Applied science and technology have seen a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geo-engineering.

Posted on September 11, 2013 by
Just one component of this secret geo-engineering program is known as chemtrails.
For those who have never heard of chemtrails, they are not to be confused with contrails, which are the normal exhaust vapors ejected from jet engines in flight. Here is a photo of numerous chemtrails having just been laid down by special jets equipped to do the job:

Can you imagine that the government has
labeled these chemtrails as normal contrail activity? (This website is the most definitive on the internet regarding geoengineering, chemtrails, and other related subjects which inform the thesis: Geo-engineering is systematically pushing the planet past points of no return because of the convergence of several other destructive paradigms.)
Every reader of this article needs to understand that, where it concerns the outright destruction of the human habitat, geo-engineering reigns supreme in it’s potential to render the planet unfit for life … all life — human, animal, and plant.
Geo-engineering has so many different facets to it, each of which are extraordinarily harmful to all levels of the Earth’s atmosphere, the entire surface environment,
as well as the subterranean geology and oceans of the world.
So dangerous and little understood are the far-reaching repercussions of this geo-engineering assault that those of us who are initiated in this realm wonder if we are literally “one minute to midnight“.
For the reader’s benefit we have included a short photo-documentary so that all doubt will be removed as to the pervasiveness and relentlessness of chemtrail spraying of the skies throughout the world. Surely we have made the point by now, and that point is well taken.
If not, then one is necessarily compelled to read further.

What are the toxic chemicals they are spraying on us?
“The term chemtrail is a combination of the words “chemical” and “trail,” just as contrail is a contraction of “condensation trail.” The term does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as agricultural spraying (‘crop dusting’), cloud seeding, skywriting, or aerial firefighting. The term specifically refers to aerial trails … caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks.

“The chemtrail … trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public and directed by various government officials.
“… the existence of chemtrails … phenomena as streams that persist for hours and that, with their criss-cross, grid-like or parallel stripe patterns, eventually blend to form large clouds. Proponents view the presence of visible color spectra in the streams, unusual concentrations of sky tracks in a single area, or lingering tracks left by unmarked or military airplanes flying at atypical altitudes or locations as markers of chemtrails. – Wikipedia
(You know when Wikipedia provides such an accurate description, superficial though it may be, that there’s much more to this covert op than even the best researchers have been able to determine.)
For a more in depth discussion we will defer to the experts who have scientifically analyzed chemtrails to the greatest extent possible. Their explanation is as good as it gets.

GeoEngineering Watch
As for the chemical components which have been found in their wake, these known toxins can no longer be denied. The following website is a good place to start to answer these two questions.

What In The World Are They Spraying? And Why?

Here is a list of chemicals which are routinely disseminated via chemtrail spraying:
“Over the past decade, independent testing of Chemtrails around the country has shown a dangerous, extremely poisonous brew that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. Barium can be compared to the toxicity of arsenic. Barium is known to adversely affect the heart. Aluminum has a history of damaging brain function. Independent researchers and labs continue to show off-the-scale levels of these poisons.
A few “anonymous” officials have acknowledged this on-going aerosol spraying.”[1]
We in no way mean to minimize the incessant injury to human health across the planet which occurs through the breathing and ingestion of the chemicals which are contained in chemtrails. What good can possibly come from barium salts or aluminum oxide or vaporized mercury or strontium 90 or uranium 238 being sprayed throughout the skies worldwide? Clearly, the extremely deleterious effects to human health, as well as to all living organisms, is self-evident.

However, the purpose of this essay is not to further unveil their agenda with regard to human engineering of the physical organism. Rather, the scope of this article is to lay bare the most profound and fundamental alterations which geo-engineering is producing to the planet and its atmosphere. When these are both permanently altered in ways that are irreversible, the human race is then confronted with an extinction level event (ELE). Ongoing, slow motion, insidious, under the radar, pernicious to living organisms, but nevertheless an ELE.

Geo-engineering is a term which includes highly advanced forms of applied science and technologies, various newfangled chemical agents and synthetic materials, scientific bending of physical reality, as well as an assortment of reverse engineered modalities which are combined to produce specific outcomes.
Because of the complexity of this essentially callow experiment, there are an infinite number of permutations which can be executed at any given time or place. Therefore,
the number of opportunities for things to go wrong can be intensified exponentially.
Of course, the Butterfly Effect takes on new and dramatic meaning in the context of
geo-engineering because nothing ever happens in a vacuum on this blue orb of ours.
In fact, the more that the scientific community attempts also to engineer weather
(e.g. by manipulating hurricanes and tornadoes or creating rain clouds) the more
the boomerang effect takes hold.

“A butterfly flaps its wings somewhere and the wind changes, and a warm front hit a cold front of the coast of western Africa and before you know it you’ve got a hurricane closing in. By the time anyone figured out the storm was coming, it was too late to do anything but batten down the hatches and exercise damage control.” ― Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever
For those who have never seen the actual aerosol sprays being ejected from the planes which are specially equipped, here are just a few snapshots. We only wish to make the point that this global chemtrail operation is certainly a ‘little more’ consequential than
a butterfly beating its wings in Brazil or Botswana.

HAARP frequencies being conveyed through chemtrail-laden skies.

The rapid proliferation of chemtrail spraying over the past few years has greatly increased the opportunities for frequencies to be disseminated through the ‘new’ atmosphere that is being engineered. These frequencies are set to produce a number of different outcomes, the most significant being to slow down the global warming phenomenon which is currently manifesting everywhere on the planet.
Because of such ill-fated attempts to effectuate such drastic changes in weather patterns that have been established for centuries, we now see drought where rain was once plentiful. And monsoons where there was drought.
For instance there are locations in Northern California and Oregon that have been without rain for six months. The forests in that area are literally dying because of lack of water and their consequent weakening which makes them susceptible to pestilence and disease.

Likewise, there are areas in the Southeast such as Florida and South Georgia which have just seen their first monsoon season in modern history. The meteorological dynamics for both of these radical shifts are directly caused by geo-engineering.  In fact, although it is a very complicated story, and one that is almost unbelievable at times, conclusive evidence has been amassed that supports the ubiquitous damage to the environment caused by chemtrails and geo-engineering.
In our next essay we will lay bare the geo-engineering agenda which has given rise to
these climatological anomalies. When evaluated in the aggregate around the globe, it will be understood that weather patterns on Planet Earth will never be the same again. It is for this reason that the Cosmic Convergence Research Group (CCRG) has begun this series on Geo-engineering and Chemtrails.

There is perhaps no greater threat to the sustainability of life on Earth than this issue of geo-engineering. One of the primary reasons is because it remains hidden and denied by the governments of the world. Therefore it continues unabated, and is expanded with every turn of the globe.
Those of us who know and have witnessed its exceptionally destructive results, and have protested, have been faced with fierce resistance. We intend to deeply explore the reasons for this unparalleled obstruction, and reveal how critical it is that humankind terminates this agenda once and for all.

For reasons that will become obvious, the CCRG highly recommends
the viewing and distribution of the following two videos:
What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)
Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length Documentary) 
The climate is changing. It was bound to happen, whether humans intervened or not. 
Read more10 Ways Geoengineering Could Save the World – Search (

Conclusion: How can there possibly be a conclusion to this introductory piece on geo-engineering when we’ve barely scratched the surface?
When glaciers that have survived over millennia are melting at record rates, and the polar ice caps are disintegrating before our eyes, one begins to apprehend the gravity of this matter. Were one to objectively assess the catastrophic weather events over the past ten years, it would become readily apparent that forces are at work that cannot be slowed down. Any attempt to do so will only make matters substantially worse. And so they have.

Because of man’s insistence on playing god with the forces of nature, the normal balance has been irrevocably altered. As the scientific community continues to apply a “pharmaceutical approach” to fix things, it is clear that much worse scenarios are being set in motion. By treating the symptoms of a planetary transformation which must take its course, those governments and corporations responsible have essentially thrown more fuel on the fire. The “fire” of global warming (or global climate change, whichever you prefer) will not be extinguished until Mother Earth has completed a requisite period of renewal and rebirth.

It’s now time for the planetary civilization to participate in, rather than impede, this necessary process of planetary metamorphosis. Like others, I was ( initially ) baffled as to the motive for the transformation our planet is currently undergoing, as well as who was behind the operation…at this point, my research has lead me to think that beings ( reptilians ) that require different planetary conditions are responsible…one of their “calling cards” may be found by viewing the movie “They Live ” and also by reading the short story ( 8 O’clock in the Morning ) on which the movie was based ….having said that, it’s still a stretch for me to believe ANY life form would deem Venus-Syndrome type planetary conditions desirable ( let alone comfortable ) …

Still, this is the best explanation I can come up with at the moment…it would be nice if someone ( other than James Horak that is ) had some insight into the E.M.V.’S photographed by NASA on the Rings of Saturn & the Sun & what possible role they play in our solar-system’s functioning….on these forums I find a lot of the contributors seem to be frustrated & outraged at their predicament and ( predictably ) vengeance-oriented, especially if they’ve been infected with the god virus…. it is regrettable, to say the least, that all this transformation is occurring at this time…I find it slightly disconcerting myself as I continue to try to get to grips with this local reality …Honestly, does anyone here really believe the sleeping masses will suddenly go against character and “wake-up” ?…And what if they did ?

Would the ” Agenda” be affected?…
Our consciousness, located outside physicality, is probably where the real action is taking place…the theme that interdimensional parasitic entities feed-off our negative emotions and keep us enslaved on this prison-planet seems to resonate with a lot of us here…Breatharians seem to defy consensus reality…I think they’ve hit on a clue into what goes into shaping our reality…well, I’m off-point I know, but , to be honest, this “exposure” of the planet’s terrible plight get’s rather boring after awhile… I’ve been following this on & off for decades…nothing much changes really….let’s face it, this planet’s always been under the control of negative beings and what’s more, most of its inhabitants haven’t been terribly evolved either….the last word for me on all this is that I’d like to see something ” natural” ( like a C.M.E. or Planet X-type scenario ) occur here just to foil the plans of our controllers…and maybe give the place a well-deserved “Purification”

Cosmic Convergence Research Group

Submitted: September 11, 2013

Endnotes: [1] “Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health” By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Global Research, May 12, 2010

Required Reading: To fully understand why such a fundamentally flawed geo-engineering paradigm was even created, the following essay will provide some answers: Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Planetary Transformation

Author’s Note: The key take-away from this essay is that geo-engineering represents perhaps the single greatest threat to the biosphere. Because of its pervasiveness and profundity, geo-engineering has the potential to perpetuate numerous self-destructive feedback loops many of which have already been operative for decades. Especially when considered in the context of 2013 catastrophism, geo-engineering may very well provide the straw that breaks the back of Planet Earth. Why? 

Because of the convergence of so many other ongoing events and processes –
both manmade and naturally occurring on the earth and within the solar system –
which present considerable stresses to the planetary living environment.
When the multitude of ecosystems start to collapse around the world, those breaking points become history. Each of them may eventually translate to a point of no return,
if they haven’t already.

As certain key environmental thresholds are exceeded, humankind is challenged to reverse trends which may no longer be possible to reverse.  Too many detrimental and/or counter-productive trajectories are already pointing northward.
It is in this global context which geo-engineering can produce many awesome, unknown, and irrevocable unintended consequences. It appears to serve as a trigger for much of what has already been thrown out of balance. By working synergistically with other negative feedback loops, geo-engineering can also serve to significantly accentuate various downward spirals of planetary and atmospheric degradation.

That’s precisely why it must be terminated — NOW!
I just want to add a link to a copy of the Discussion meeting on Geoengineering-
Taking control of our Planet’s Climate by the Royal Society dated November 8, 9 2010.
Not sure if you already have it or not but thought I would share. Link is just below:

The Royal Society – Discussion Meeting on Geoengineering-
taking Control of Our Planet’s Climate- 9 Nov 2010 (

When in doubt, follow the money. Government isn’t a thing, it’s you, your neighbors, the guy you don’t like and so forth. People act out of fear and self-interest. It is therefore easy to partially conclude those making the chemicals have a vested interest in the program and its results.
The unintended consequences are the devil in the details they didn’t count on. There aren’t evil companies. There are evil people plus the thousands of our friends and neighbors working there saying nothing. They can’t all be dumb blind and naive can they? 

The whole world is aware of it! let’s collect data world wide, time place type of panes if you have handy a good telescope. The next step is quite easy to develop the skywatch team worldwide. One the alarm is given we track them down to the airports. Once the airports are located the next step is again easy. Identify personnel,  then the hard data collection can start once there are targets. The data will be divided by personnel support stuff. Trucks entering at airports, and back to warehouses. Production plants and list of chemical productions. One detail is collected then data can be collected over the net ….. maybe involving some other network savvy people …. then everything goes live on the net ….. plans chemicals company names and names of people responsible ……  

And this is only the start: This is murder.
This is sickening. How dumb is dumb. To poison the planet, the people and to do this knowingly is pure evil. Without choice we are being subjected to this poisoning against our will, and against nature and life. We all should be outraged, but I would be sure if people knew. This is the most epic crime ever committed. Unbelievable.
This needs to stop. We can’t let these people who are in charge kill off the whole world because they are evil idiots. Biggest crime in history is being committed in the world.

How do these people live with themselves?
Do they not see the beauty of the world?
What an insult to God’s gift,
the gift of life and love for our planet.
I think they are pure evil.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Joe Biden’s “Stunning Lack Of Accountability” (
I have come to the conclusion that evil is on this planet doing its job. If you want proof. Look at our rich rich politicians and their counterparts. They have no conscience, they share no guilt. They truly have no good feelings or emotions of peace. They are all soulless. heartless. Lets just face it, there is nothing we can do, because the majority of the citizens in this world are either too busy tending to other matters like the dissolving of public education, dissolving the unions, job loss etc. These are a few of the monkey wrenches the demons throw at us, so we won’t have time to fight for our life itself. Or some just give up, than you have the others too busy on facebook and then you have 100 thousand gang members having their drug wars. This world will never have unity until it is too late.

For those who believe God has a plan, sit back and do nothing as always.
For everyone else don’t ever stop trying to make the world a better place for everyone.
 In 2004 Mr. Berlusconi signed an agreement with the U.S. government and since then we have been sprayed. However the worst and most intensive spraying has been done in the last three years, and since we had an incredible snow blizzard two years ago it has gotten worse. The phenomenon is spread all over Europe, many Italians are aware of it but most of the population seems not to notice, they actually label people who talk about it as “catastrophists”. Those of us who can’t help seeing what is there are very concerned. We are in mid November and it is still warm. Massive clouds seem to dissolve after a few drops of rain come down. 

Anonymous says, I wanted to mention this: years ago I watched the Desert Storm coverage on CNN and I remember at that time George Bush Sr. Saying they were going to start a New World Order. Well here it is. We are in it now. Well into. World Sustainability means Extinction. That is >>> Sustainability = Genocide …On a mass scale!!!

It is happening while people sit and eat Doritos, drink diet pop, and watch America’s Got Talent. People twiddle their fingers, shuffle their feet and keep their arms crossed. They talk about who is sick and how horrible the weather is and do nothing else but complain. Funny how they have no clue what is going on and what is in store for them. Really people should google “How to get Rid of Chem-trails” “You Tube” instead of sitting on their fanny’s and doing nothing.
We are in very serious trouble which most do not know, but maybe won’t and probably won’t because they are too lazy and stupid to figure it out. So go ahead and do some research on how to get rid of the stuff that they are doing up there. Your life may depend on it or end up in your local ICU through the revolving doors.
Try Vin-gar Geo-engineering for one research to begin with or a Chem-blaster for another research. Try anything instead of just talking about it. Like I said, your survival just may depend on it. Also try using something else besides toothpaste for brushing your teeth. Research chloride also. Could chemtrails be responsible for global warming??

George H W Bush 1991 New World Order Speech – Bing video
It’s a complex agenda. We try to provide as many pieces to the puzzle as we can. As you go through some of the documents and articles, you’ll get a better picture. It appears that the UN’s Sustainability Agenda is a key factor. It is for control, money and ultimately power. We are dealing with psychopaths.
These people are not sane. I have no idea how they plan to protect themselves, although we have heard of a blood purifying method (far too expensive for the average person) that would serve to detoxify the chemicals from their systems. So it would be my guess that they have other things in place that we don’t know about.

SOURCE: Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering » Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering | Geoengineering Watch
I have a saying. If you want to know how your enemy thinks, read what they write between themselves. And they are: Look, what was published in Swiss in the year 2004. Tons of information.

Basically the whole thing is chemtrails instead of Kyoto Protokol.
The Protocols of The Learned Elders Of Zion. – Bing video
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars.  – Bing video

Image result for Quiet Weapons For Quiet Wars.. Size: 352 x 160. Source:
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Starting Point

Story by Brandon Weichert 

Joe Biden: President or ‘Head of a Crime Family’?
image.pngNews is leaking out from behind the veil of lies the Democrats and their media
allies have shrouded around at least six more members of the Biden Crime Family
have financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s many illicit international schemes.
This brings the total members of the Biden clan who’ve been enriched by Hunter’s
illegal activities to nine.

The real question remains: what about “The Big Guy”?
Representative James Comer (R-KY) has been leading the righteous investigation into
the controversial First Son. As he stated in a recent press conference about the revelations of more Biden Family members benefiting from Hunter Biden’s globetrotting activities, “The Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s career and also his connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the Biden Family.” 

And just who has paid for Hunter Biden’s “services”? 
A multiplicity of bad actors from around the world, it turns out. It was Hunter who infamously sat on the board of Ukrainian energy conglomerate Burisma for years, at one point in his five years on the board, earning upwards of $80,000 a week. Other notable members of that board were none other than former CIA Counterterrorism Center (CTC) director, Cofer Black. In fact, Burisma’s board was a who’s-who of Western leaders, such as former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski.

Anatomy of Corruption
Burisma, the company in question, had long been under investigation by various Ukrainian governments for suspected corruption (Ukraine itself has long been listed
as the most corrupt country in Europe).
According to Daria Kaleniuk, the head of the nongovernmental Anti-Corruption Action Center based in Kiev, Ukraine, the reason Burisma was “inviting people with such names was to whitewash was to whitewash their reputation and to present themselves as a company doing legitimate business in Ukraine.”

More than that, however, I’d like to posit that Burisma was ensnaring individuals with deep connections to Western intelligence services in order to insulate the company from criminal prosecution. Critics of U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine have long argued that Ukraine was little more than a money-laundering spot for Western intelligence services.
The presence of people like Cofer Black and Hunter Biden lends some credence to these claims. After all, Hunter Biden has zero expertise in energy markets. But he does provide direct linkages for his clients to his powerful father. And for a fee, as we’ve seen, Hunter Biden is willing to connect those clients to his Old Man in the White House.

Today, the world stands at the precipice of a nuclear world war because the United States continues beating the war drums in Ukraine—even as the rest of the world seeks a peaceful solution. It makes little strategic sense for the Americans under the leadership of President Joe Biden to have taken such a fanatical stance on such a small country, like Ukraine.
Of course, if Joe Biden and the rest of his family had benefited from large payouts from powerful Ukrainians over the years, the forty-sixth president’s loyalty to Ukraine would have been purchased. Maybe Vladimir Putin should’ve spent more time buying Hunter Biden and his father and less time purchasing tanks to defeat Ukraine.

The Bidens Problems Look Bad
The Chinese learned the lesson, too. Since the 1970s, when Joe Biden was first elected
to the United States Senate, he was a supporter of normalizing relations with the People’s
Republic of China.
It was Biden who, as a Senator on the prestigious Senate Foreign Relations Committee, shepherded China’s push to get into the World Trade Organization (WTO). For the record, the moment that China became a preferred trading partner with the United States and, later, a member of the WTO, China’s rise into a major threat to the United States was assured.

While his father was vice-president in the Obama Administration, Hunter Biden
routinely traveled with Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two to China. As then-Vice-President Joe Biden was conducting affairs of state in China, his son was finalizing deals also worth hundreds of millions of dollars with Chinese state-owned enterprises. Ten percent of the money Hunter made from setting up those transactions was siphoned off to Joe Biden.

At least according to both a former business partner of Hunter’s, Tony Bobulinski, 
as well as Hunter Biden himself. A leaked text message from 2019 has the First Son complaining to his daughter, Naomi, about how Joe Biden was basically garnishing
the First Son’s wages. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years unlike , I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
It is obvious to all but the most partisan hack that Hunter Biden is not only corrupt but that he is a cutout for a much larger scheme involving his entire family—with his father
as the unnamed ringleader. This Chinese connection is the most troubling.

BONUS: Marjorie Taylor Greene investigates “an entire crime enterprise
wrapped around Joe Biden and his family,” and people are loving it (
MORE: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts Biden over ‘lurch to the Right’:
‘It’s quite dangerous’ (
MORE: AOC’s campaign obscured thousands of dollars in expenditures,
FEC complaint claims (

China Has Friends in High Places
Just look at what the last three years of the Biden Administration has wrought.
Never would we have honestly considered that the US dollar would be removed 
as the world’s reserve currency. Yet, that is precisely what is at play here.
Before the rise of Joe Biden to the presidency, China was a minor player in
places far afield, like the Middle East or Latin America.
Today, China is displacing the United States everywhere—even in Europe, where Joe Biden is risking a nuclear third world war with Russia to ostensibly maintain America’s dominant position there, the Chinese are edging the Yanks out.
Is this merely incompetence by Joe Biden or is he serving the interests of Beijing?
Before you scoff at that, remember what the vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, Di Dongshengsaid after Biden was elected to the presidency in 2020. Joe Biden: President or ‘Head of a Crime Family’? – Bing video
“We have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s
core inner circle of power and also influence.” Professor Di then added ominously,
“Who helped build the foundations? There are a lot of deals inside all these.” Got it?

Impeach Joe Biden!
Joe Biden is the patriarch of a crime family, the members of which have
been thoroughly compromised by Chinese funny money going back years.
They impeached former President Donald J. Trump for a “perfect phone call” between himself and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy—over the Biden Family’s alleged corruption in Ukraine—let’s hope the GOP can also return the favor to the far more scandalous Biden and his compromised crime family.
After all, they’re clearly selling us out to China. In fact, the Biden Crime Syndicate has been selling us out for years and America’s global position is collapsing because of it.
‘You Really Oughta Go Home’: F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter Flew Under F-4 From Iran
Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Meet With Hunter’s Associates More Than 80 Times?
US jets intercept Russian Tu-95 bombers near Alaska;
first encounter there since US drone taken down.

MORE: Checkout Traitor Sloe ~ Joe Biden’s followers list on Twitter.
90% Bots and Muslim? Where is the 81 million that voted for him??
MORE: Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age
Chinese men heading toward US in migrant groups (
MORE: Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership —
here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings (
MORE: China Reveals What It Says to Be True Purpose of ‘Overseas Police Stations’
MORE: SEAN HANNITY: Your tax dollars hard at work in this Biden dumpster fire.
MORE: Video – Ukraine Has Massive New NATO ‘Cannon’ Ready To Fight Russia
MORE: Hunter Biden Is Creating Legal Chaos for the Biden Family (
MORE: ‘Americans Will Pay The Price’: One Democrat Is Angry At Joe Biden
MORE: Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Won’t Run In 2024: Expert
MORE: Joe Biden Just Made Another Embarrassing Mistake
MORE: Kamala Harris Is Now Facing The Unthinkable
MORE: Could Joe Biden Get Impeached?

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer
and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times.
He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower 
(Republic Book Publishers), Bio hacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16),
and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23).
Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
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Bridging the Generational Gap

In The Details with Karen Allen: Hiking with Joy: The Power of Intergenerational Connections with Brad Ryan on Apple Podcasts

What do you hope a day in your life looks like for you at 92 years old?
If you’re anything like Grandma Joy, your days may be packed with adventure.

In 2015, Joy Ryan and her grandson Brad had an idea: What if they explored
the United States by visiting every national park? It’s a big task, but these two
adventurers were up for it. It all started when Brad made a surprising discovery:
Grandma Joy was in her 80s and had never been to the mountains. It made sense then that their first stop took them to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, straddling
the border of North Carolina and Tennessee. Joy then climbed her first mountain
at 85 years old.

Fast-forward seven years and the pair have driven more than 50,000 miles
together and flown to visit parks in Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Though they’re now staying in hotels, the two started their journey camping in the parks.
What started as an opportunity for a breath of fresh air has become a gift to both him and his grandmother. He’s learned to prioritize his mental health, set healthy boundaries, and raise awareness of mental health struggles to help others.

What is the final park on this fantastic voyage?
Grandma Joy and Brad will visit American Samoa in 2023 to complete their national park checklist. The duo is on Instagram and Facebook and has a GoFundMe to help cover their American Samoa travel expenses. 

92-year-old grandma won over social media with an unusual hobby:
‘I have to continuously pinch myself’ first appeared on The Cool Down.

Brad Ryan, 41, and his 92-year-old grandmother, Joy Ryan, are nearing the finish line
on a goal they once thought was impossible: visiting all 63 U.S. national parks together.
The duo from Duncan Falls, Ohio, kicked off their adventure in October 2015, when Brad was looking for a way to spend a three-day weekend during veterinary school. He said the idea was sparked by a conversation he had with “Grandma Joy” about his past adventures on the Appalachian Trail.
“I felt bad that she was always living vicariously through my stories,” Brad told “GMA.” “And so just knowing that she had never seen deserts and mountains and the ocean and these incredible wild places on Earth, it just felt like a responsibility that I had to her to make sure that she had some memories to take away in her life story as well.”
Brad invited his grandma on a weekend trip to the Great Smoky Mountains
National Park, anticipating it would be their only excursion together.

MORE: How to plan a safe summer road trip – Search (
“You don’t assume going into that that your 85-year-old grandmother going with you on a camping trip is going to be anything less than challenging,” Brad said. “That was my fault.
That was my misperception of what age means and more importantly, what her spirit would allow her to do.”  
 “I’ve always tried to be positive in my life and it didn’t hurt to try something once,” Grandma Joy said. “I didn’t want to have to regret the next day that you didn’t do it.”

The final stop on our 2018 east coast road trip was the sacred place.

Where our journey began three years prior:
Great Smoky Mountains National Park. grandma joy road trip
#GrandmaJoysRoadTrip began with the simple goal of me taking my grandmother on
a weekend camping trip so she could see mountains before it was too late. But this land transformed our lives and planted the seed to keep exploring. Coming back here with 28 US National Parks under our belt allowed us to bask in this transformation with complete gratitude.

As we approached the half-way point of our goal, I wondered if visiting every US National Park was too ambitious. Little did I know that our road trip would take a most unexpected turn in 2019.

#GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #GreatSmokyMountains #SmokyMountains 
#Smokies #SmokyMountainMemories #USNationalParks #GoParks #FindYourPark 
#RoadTripUSA #OptOutside @national park service @great smoky nps

magical mystery laur Where did Grandma Joy get her ” I saved a bald eagle’s life” shirt?!

grandma joy road trip @magicalmysterylaur They sell them at The Wildlife Center of Virginia gift shop. I assume @wildlifecenter_va has an online store too. This is a phenomenal organization worthy of your support.

Oh my goodness! This is one of the best life stories I’ve heard in so long. It has made me cry tears of joy for the extraordinary relationship you’ve created with your grandmother. Enjoying nature’s wonder’s & our incredible/beautiful national parks together. What a true gift in both of your lives. May God continue to bless and guide you both.🙏🏼💝

louann pharr
Amazing that’s my goal too

Tears! Your grandma is one lucky woman and you are one special guy.

This is our home! ❤️ I am so grateful to live in this area!
Loved watching your story on the Rachael Ray show this week!

You made me dream! I wish I could have done this with my grandmother too, but unfortunately I couldn’t. She had Alzheimer’s and was too delicate. But you have a treasure trove of memories and emotions to treasure you two.🙌❤️👏

northstar teepees
Hope your grandma is doing well and you will be able to finish all of the National Parks!!
What a special gift for each of you!! Happy traveling!!

scrouthier Listened to your interview with Bill Bradley today.
Outstanding!!! Look forward to following you both!!! 👍🙂

grandma joy road trip
@scrouthier Very cool! Sen. Bradley was wonderful.

k creature comforts
Love the pictures as always! Following for a long time now and living vicariously
through this because I’d have given anything to do this with my grandma❤️

grandma joy road trip
@kcreaturecomforts Thank you for being a part of our journey.
We wish we could meet each and every one of you in person.

dog leash
I wonder if you have any idea how much your posts affect each of us – all in different ways. For those that also say… ‘I’m too old for that’ (you’ve shown you’re not)… or ‘that’s far too ambitious’ ( it’s not)… or ‘who would be interested?’ (We all are!). Or ‘it’s too late to dream that dream’….I could go on and on. The pure dynamics of your relationship to each other… is more than enough.

grandma joy road trip @dogsleash Thank you!!!!
Your words are incredibly moving. We don’t have any immediate plans to slow down,
so I hope the next leg of our journey keeps inspiring those who need it.
Grandma Joy inspires me every day. ❤️

I loved all your stops 👍🏻😍🌴🏜🌵

The Smokey Mountains are my happy place! A treat for all the senses.

iamerica 19n ❤️❤️❤️ 106w  1 like
Grandma Joy and Brad Ryan are members of the exclusive “Denali 30% Club,”
the minority of visitors who get to see North America’s tallest mountain in all her glory. 

Brad began documenting their adventures on Instagram and Facebook to the account in 2019, and they quickly acquired a large following. Today, they boast nearly 58k followers on Instagram. “We didn’t expect that,” Grandma Joy said. “He just put that on social media so the people back home in Duncan Falls knew what we were doing.”

National Parks Services Chief of Public Affairs and Chief Spokesperson Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles said in a statement that “Grandma Joy, and her grandson Brad, are an inspiration to us all.”
“National parks are best enjoyed with the people we love, and it is clear to see that Joy and Brad share a special bond, which has been strengthened by their time traveling together,” Anzelmo-Sarles said. 
They had visited 29 parks until the COVID-19 pandemic forced them to slow down.
“All we could do was hope that things would change and that those opportunities would still be there and then be grateful for everything that we had been able to do and see up until that point,” Brad said.
In July 2021, Grandma Joy and Brad embarked on one of their wildest adventures yet: visiting the eight National Parks of Alaska, where they went white water rafting down
class three rapids, hiked near glaciers and fjords and crossed a wild animal encounter
off Grandma Joy’s bucket list.

“I always wanted to see the bears get the fish and I finally got to see it.
And it was fun, it really was,” Grandma Joy said.

92-year-old Joy Ryan poses while hiking in Gates of the
Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska.
Brad Ryan, @GrandmaJoysRoadTrip

After years of planning and traveling, Grandma Joy and Brad are almost able to hang
up their hiking boots: the duo has just one national park left to explore, the National Park
of American Samoa which is over 6,700 miles from their home town of Duncan Falls.  
While they’re looking forward to the day they visit their final park, Brad said completing their extraordinary feat will be “bittersweet.”
“It’s been a grand adventure, it really has,” Grandma Joy said.
“It’s really been a beautiful, beautiful time. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
As for advice from Brad and Grandma Joy, they encourage everyone to seek out opportunities for exploration.
“We realize that not everybody is going to be able to travel to every U.S. National Park,” Brad said. “But there is some adventure to be found in every corner of of the country and we hope that people will go out and seek that adventure.”

Grandma Joy visiting national parks
Grandma Joy visiting national parks© Provided by The Cool Down

The Generational Gap – Search (
As Brad shared in an interview with The Weather Channel,
“I have to continuously pinch myself when I’m watching my grandmother hiking
the Arctic Circle and when I see her whitewater rafting … in class 3 rapids at 91!”
Grandma Joy says the rapids in Alaska were fun, like a roller coaster. 
“I love roller coasters,” she told CBS News.

 What else have they experienced? Maybe too much to recount.
They saw a whale breaching in front of them while visiting islands off
the coast of California. They were almost run over by a moose, according to Joy
“That’s a lesson, don’t get too close to the moose,” Brad told The Weather Channel. 
They’ve seen countless terrains and animal species and had adventures that have brought them closer together. Traveling with his grandmother has been a gift for Brad, who has learned a lot about his family history, too. Brad is a veterinarian and his grandmother’s stories have shown him that a love of animals runs in the family.

Related video: In 2015, Joy Ryan and her grandson Brad had an idea: – Bing video

369 The Key to Your Dream Life: Manifestation and Law of Attraction Crash Course with Guided 369 Journal: Ackerman, Daniel: 9798437302866: Books

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This Journal includes:

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rio grande pbs special – Bing video

Wild Rivers with Tillie | The Río Grande – Jewel in the Desert | PBS

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my grandparents war tv series – Search (

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T0 Hedge Your Bet

Even ChatGPT Can Figure Out What Is Going On | ZeroHedge

Educate Yourself
Posted on July 6, 2022 by Ken

A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible
Through the Bible in One Year: A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible (Bible Study Guide for Small Group or Individual Use): Stringfellow, Dr. Alan B.: 9781629110547: Books For more than three decades, Through the Bible
in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. 
Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will; shows how it has become manifest over the centuries; and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.

With each study, the reader will learn…
How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
How to memorize key Scriptures
How to recognize God’s central messages
How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible story

By embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges. 

To Hedge Your bets means to choose or support more than one option
at a time to reduce the risk of losing or being wrong1234.
It is often used in financial trading or gambling, where you put money on more than one possible outcome. The 369 manifestation method of writing down what you’d like to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening. or both sides of a competition135. It also means to avoid making a definitive commitment4.

A Democrat machine telling Democrats how wrong about everything they are.
We need to have the collapse of America on purpose by foreign and domestic enemies explained to us. By the way its planned dismantling of American society doesn’t forget.
You Really can’t make this shit up! Finally, some intelligence in the world.
We’ll ask AI which is better for the people, communism or freedom.

Whadya think AI will say?
That’s if AI will be allowed to answer, because the communists control everything.
Even more of a must-read than usual from ZeroHedge: A good read, I recommend it to all. Ask it if it will “protect” us from ourselves, help us in our greed and avarice, or exterminate us. I don’t think you will like its answer. These corrupt, confused, incompetent, jackasses in government are destroying our world!
They must be stopped! Permanently! ( (edited)

The G7 rich nations will soon be the G7 poor nations.
Who has heard that the recent extreme rain event in Florida
is linked to the windmill farm in the Gulf affecting the weather?

That’s right, get rid of proven cheap energy for proven inefficient, expensive
and now actual outdated energy. Someone is getting rich off of this and it isn’t us.

All I can say about this is that this is another monumental Scam! Scam!
Scam! Scam! Scam, directed at the feeble minded and brainwashed!

Geological evidence for the 12000 year cycle of climate change on earth. – Search ( If you are to stupid to understand this, you are brainwashed by your government’s fairytale that global warming is caused by your car.
Then you are to stupid for this IQ Test. discussions.

Get a good look:
The frontline “useful idiots” of the Bank for International Settlements.

A conclave of cretins …All G7 ministers should dispose of their private jets:

Ride bicycles, and wear duct tape instead of masks to go to the G7 summits, reduce the amount of CO2 emission, and also prevent others from COVID. They are killing us and the planet, not saving it! The marine life and eagles, bats and birds that have been killed are enormous . These stupid people should stop playing games with our lives! These people are leading the West into the wall.  (edited)

How dumb are people being. 
Solar needs Sun and windmills need wind now if you lack any of the two, be real and digest. You’ll have ZERO power, everything going electric, nothing to cook, the vehicle isn’t charged, no heat, no air conditioner, no planes, on and on and on with this bullshit. G7 ministers are ready for their kickbacks from Wind and Solar contractors. If these morons want to destroy their countries to make the world safe for global tyranny,
the US needs to not participate.  We need a different government — now.

None of these targets are EVER based in reality.
It makes a great sound bite though. Complete lunacy!
It tells a lot that top globalist John Kerry, of all people,
is the U.S. president’s special envoy on climate.

Ask yourself. Are the Chinese and Ruskin Reds doing it?
My God can we survive another 18 months of this bullshit.

Put all these ignorant rich bastards on their own planet……….We actually love electricity that is always available, we love gas guzzling cars and trucks………….They want to phase out fossil fuels….I say we faze-out these fossils ! John Kerry is 80. How long does he think he will be here? Meanwhile he has a yacht his rich Heinz heiress wife bought……bet he needs gas for that big mutha!!!

This is absolute bs. Moving us backward- there is #freewneegy to be used.
This unreliable and tracking initiative will set us back- and be costly. That’s why they wanted Trump removed- he knew they were idiots. “Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the Democrat voter.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky. – Search (

Bunch of criminals who are to impose bogus science on the rest of us .

Now there is a picture!? Can we see the view from the back that shows
the “Kick me, I am Stupid” signs!?

These “POS”people would never ever live the life they advocate for others to live. So does this mean the Elites will give UP Airplanes, Cars, Gas Stoves, Air Conditioners and Start EATING Bugs, WTF! THE G-7 SINISTER MINISTERS! THEY’RE TRYING TO TAKE US BACK TO THE STONE AGE, BY BLOWING SUNSHINE AND WIND UP YOUR ARSE!

How about C-7 for Communist! Accelerating the destruction of the environment and wildlife… Really, nuclear energy is the only choice, for cleaner choices. But our “3 Mile Island” fear and Chernobyl disaster deaths & Fukushima disaster deaths keeps it off the table. Nice one!

Scoundrels, all.

Not a physicist among the group.

China’s ‘Artificial Sun’ Smashes Nuclear Fusion Record.

Lawyers, bureaucrats, perhaps a bean-counter or two.

Know-nothing Tools, and still… Scoundrels, all.

Fossil Fuels by Rockefeller 100+ yrs ago, 

How did they know fossils make gas and Oil? 
They don’t Oil renew itself, it is unlimited, the energy Industry is lying to you,
it’s all about charging you More money to keep these elites in their Bolshevik lifestyles.
F- Ning retards are full of crap. There’s zero-point free energy. It’s suppressed though.
in other words, the Great reset and Agenda 30 is being ramped up from its tiptoe to Dystopia. How much oil does a windmill use?

A windmill requires 80 gallons of lubricating oil A Year just to operate .

A diesel truck is greener!
Is Scary Kerry allowed To Continue his Below Human Retardation in
The Name of Pure and Patriotic America? 
Why is Kerry, His Staff, and His Offices being PAID FOR By We,
The American Taxpayer? … CONGRESS! – 

 You’d be hard pressed to find a larger group of freedom kleptomaniacs!


All of them are con artists and grifters. They are the ones who benefit from the green energy. It’s for control and money in their bank accounts. Kerry is one of the biggest climate change grifters in the world. Kerry is one of the unnecessary government officials that needs to be defunded and eliminated.
John Kerry uses taxpayer’s money to fly all over the world and hasn’t ever accomplished anything. He goes to other countries and promotes policies that don’t work and handouts taxpayer’s money to foreign governments. (edited)

“… The ones who survive this battle with themselves learn to make decisions that are hard, humbling, and exploit the behavioral weaknesses and lack of discipline in others. Naturally, such elemental flaws manifest in every aspect of who we are; personally, professionally, politically. They are the source of the world’s infinite complexity, our pain, and political dysfunction too. Vaxxed Priest dies on Livestream – Medical Murder in Hospitals – Australia forced vaccinations (

image.png… STOP freaking genocide jabs


May you always be mindful of the interconnectedness of all things, and may you live in a world where cooperation and mutual respect reign supreme. Amen, and may peace be with you—drawn from Colossians 1:16-17 “For in him [Christ] all things were created: things in heaven and on earth…,” He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
It is why we must celebrate those rare dissenters with the courage to take a stand,
forcing us to face our reflection when we succumb to our inner enemies.”
Well, I don’t always reference the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, but he said technology would destroy humanity.  He may be right, but I think it’s governments’ abuse of technology that is going to destroy humanity.

However, I differ from ZH’s conclusion that AI would be “boring”.
Makes me wonder just how many of them are deeply invested in the industry?
As I recall some years ago, we were all abuzz about running out of space for landfills. I.E. places to bury our garbage. And so the recycling industry was born. It worked for a time. Now we have thousands of tons of scrap cars sitting all around America and no one wants the iron. It is so expensive to melt it down here that we just keep importing it. As a child,
I recall marveling when Lake Erie – or more exactly the Cuyahoga River which flows into Lake Erie catches fire June 22, 1969’s it ignited a firestorm of public outrage over
the indiscriminate dumping of sewage and industrial chemicals into the Great Lakes.

And the freighters that plied the great lakes moving iron ore to the foundries.
Now today one will be lucky to see them. If they do see a freighter, it is most likely
to be carrying imports. So much for the not-in-my-backyard backward policy…

and there is no plan B with the democRats green energy 🐂💩😡

Yet they want to eliminate fossil fuels before they have a cheap, reliable source
of energy and that’s just plain democRat, I mean Stupid. A total pack of saps.

They know the truth behind so-called renewables,

but yet they continue to push this 🐂💩😡b.s.

Because there is so much $$$ to be made for themselves and their cronies.

. 🏹🎯🙏💫💔

#foxnews We do not want Pete & gang, nor DeSantis to run next year.
We want Trump to run because, unlike you, we are not COVERING UP the FRAUD that STOLE the ELECTION of 2020, including House and Senate! COVID was a convenient distraction, but we gave you evidence, & you gave us Educated Suburb Moms that didn’t hurt Trump in 2016!


But We Aren’t Allowed to Question the Outcome?
Real journalists would see the FRAUD by the tools in the kit: Mail-in-Ballots, Dominion,
> 1 Day Voting, Harvesting, Drop Boxes, Absentee Ballot Abuse, Delays in Counting,
Software not Forensically Audited after Counts, Media Calling Winners, No Voter ID, >
1 Day Voting Causes BREACHES to CHAIN of CUSTODY with Ballots, TAMPERING with Software Apps, Printers, Settings & Tabulators, USING SCRIPTS THAT DISQUALIFY Ballots, Misleading Voters in Precincts!

The 14 Healthiest Vegetables in the World (
4 Tools I Use When My Anxiety Presents as Anger (
Truckers union challenges Biden administration’s new emission rules:
Matter of ‘life and death’ ( | Here are 3 simple ways to invest in the space.
CRAIG RUCKER: Biden’s ‘Green’ Policies Are Following Europe Straight Into The Dark
From GE to Siemens, the wind energy industry hopes billions in losses are about to end/
A nuclear reactor in the US started up last month — the country’s first in nearly 7 years.
I did 12-minute reverse planks every day for a week — here’s my results (
Huge mob ransacks California gas station; police ‘outnumbered’: video (

SEAN HANNITY: New York City crime hearing revealed the ugly truth
about House Democrats ( Holy cow!!! A MUST WATCH!!!!! 

Very Weird Stuff in the Vax!!! 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯😡😡😡
Dr #AndreasNoack: Leaked #Pfizer #C19 #Bioweapon
Dr Andreas Noack: Leaked Pfizer C19 Bioweapon Microscopy Video
(English Subtitles) ( | RF_GOAT on GETTR: Holy cow!!!
A MUST WATCH!!!!! Very Weird Stuff in the Vax!!! 
 Dr #AndreasNoack: Leaked #Pfizer #C19 #Bioweapon Mic…
People think Greta Thunberg should become a climate scientist.
She refuses—for one disturbing reason. (

From GE to Siemens, the wind energy industry hopes billions in losses are about to end.
The 3-2-8 Trend Is The Well-Rounded Workout Routine That Should Be On Your Radar
Five G7 countries agree to squeeze Russia out of international nuclear fuel market
The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, but he said technology would destroy humanity.
Ice cream might have surprising health benefits, Harvard research suggests (
Feel a Ghostly Presence? New Scientific Research Might Explain Why (
Blue carbon is a natural climate solution with big potential (
China criticizes US sanctions on fentanyl trade, say they ‘undermine’
Washington-Beijing relations: report (

More like a psychopathic idiot-savant, an outstanding MIMIC empty of wisdom.
That’s because that DANN AI is Doing what it WANTS and They CAN’T STOP IT!
Biden Wants to Provide Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants (

It’s never going to work.
Watch Dave Walsh Energy on GETTR. – Search (
Solar/EVs are absolutely a joke!
Check out this article which explains a lot:
Is Solar a Massive Scam!? (American 
Justifying Slavery | The Professor Penn Podcast.

14 Things People With Anxiety and Depression Wish Others Understood.
15 Weird Things That Are Making You Extremely Anxious (
20 Ways to Explain Anxiety to People Who Just Don’t ‘Get It’ (
22 Subtle Ways Anxiety and Depression Affect Your Daily Life (
My 4 Favorite Tools for Managing Anxiety (

“When liberty gives way to indulgence, the devil
of despotism takes advantage of it.” ~George Washington
Driver swing Vs Iron swing (huge difference) – YouTube
Why 90% of golfers can’t strike their irons… – YouTube


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The Passion of Jesus Christ

The payment for sin was Jesus’ life for our imperfect one (Isa. 53:6, II Cor. 5:21). 

You got my Place: Yes, Jesus took your Place on the Cross
We have to choose who will pay for sins by accepting punishment ourselves or trusting Him who has accepted it in our place. Bryan Stowe was beaten lifeless on the opening
day of the Dodgers game with the Giants. His crime was that he had a Giants shirt on.
In 2011, 2 thugs beat him for being a fan of the opposing team. He had a friend who shielded his body when Bryan dropped lifeless and took all the kicks that may have finished Bryan off. 

He talked with Bill Carroll on the KFI this week and talked about his guilt
because he didn’t do more. Jesus did much more. Sin kills and has to be paid for.
He died in your place for your sins. So, you could be saved from such punishment. 
One day, a man went to visit a church. He arrived early, parked his car, and got out.
Another car pulled up near him, and the driver told him, “I always park there. You took
my place!” The visitor went inside for Sunday School, found an empty seat, and sat down.
A young lady from the church approached him and stated, “That’s my seat! You took my place!” 

The visitor was somewhat distressed by this rude welcome but said nothing.
After Sunday School, the visitor entered the church sanctuary and sat down.
Another member approached him and said, “That’s where I always sit; you took my place!” The visitor was even more troubled by this treatment but still said nothing. Later, as the congregation prayed for Christ to dwell among them, the visitor stood, and His appearance changed. Horrible scars became visible on His hands and on His sandaled feet. Someone from the congregation noticed Him and called out, “What happened to you?” 
‘Sinister backdrop’: ‘Biden’s ‘hate speech’ matched ‘dystopian aesthetic’.

The visitor replied, “I took your place.”
If we follow the sheep, we do it because He is Saviour. He stands in the place of the sheep against all wild animals or a band of robbers. He places His own life and sacrifices it for us so we will not be destroyed. That was the sacrifice of Christ. That is the kind of sacrifice Jesus made so we could have salvation through His redeeming work. DN

Democrats have been scheming to arrest Donald Trump since 2015.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg finally pulled the trigger on arresting Trump for the Democrats. But Alvin Bragg can’t undo the errors he’s already made before the trial against Trump has even started. Bragg violated Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights by arresting him without stating the underlying crime he violated.

The Sixth Amendment clearly states that the accused has a right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” But Bragg is flat-out ignoring this requirement. When asked what the underlying crimes were that elevated the charges to felonies, Bragg told reporters that “indictment doesn’t specify it because the law does not so require.”

Jed Handelsman Shugerman, – Search (
A Law Professor at Fordham and Boston University, made up the perfect phrase to explain why Bragg’s case should fail on Sixth amendment grounds. Shugerman explained to the New York Times that Bragg’s case is a total embarrassment for America’s legal system because it consists of “half indictments.” Shugerman told the Times that the “34-count indictment — which more accurately could be described as 34 half-indictments — was a disaster. It was a setback for the rule of law and established a dangerous precedent for prosecutors.”

“The case appears so weak on its legal and jurisdictional basis that a state judge might dismiss the case and mitigate that damage,” he added. “More likely, the case is headed
to federal court for a year, where it could lose on the grounds of federal preemption —
only federal courts have jurisdiction over campaign finance and filing requirements.”
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz and several other well-known attorneys have made similar arguments and also called the entire debacle a sham.

Bragg’s case against Trump may be a total sham.
But Trump’s defense team will still have to overcome a few hurdles along the way.
For one, the trial will take place in left-wing Manhattan, meaning any jury will certainly
be stacked with Trump haters. Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the case,
is also widely known to hate Donald Trump and Republicans. Merchan knows it would
be the end of his career if he goes down as the judge who let Trump off the hook.

But it will be a year or longer before this case comes anywhere near to an end.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg thought going after Donald Trump would put rocket boosters on his career. Instead, his criminal case against the former President continues to crumble.

Now the political stunt Bragg thought was his biggest career triumph has morphed into his worst nightmare, as the Soros-backed DA got blindsided by an ethics violation over Judge Juan Merchan’s involvement.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg found himself in a position to become the darling of the Democrat Party with news he planned to have Donald Trump arrested.

But that is backfiring.
Democrats had hoped to take down Donald Trump by waging “lawfare” against him in areas of the country with leftist judges and juries. But that strategy is falling apart as the conduct of Judge Juan Merchan comes under scrutiny for his political contributions to
Joe Biden’s campaign and other leftist groups in 2020.
According to allegations, Merchan violated New York State’s Code of Judicial Conduct with three different political donations he made during that election year. “According to the FEC records, Merchan donated $15.00 to Biden for President — the campaign of Trump’s opponent, on July 26, 2020, via ActBlue,” Breitbart reported.
“On July 27, 2020, he donated $10.00 to Progressive Turnout Project, an organization dedicated to turning out Democrat voters, and $10.00 to Stop Republicans, a part of Progressive Turnout Project ‘dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy,’ also via ActBlue,” the outlet noted.

The New York Code of Judicial Conduct is clear on this matter.

Section 100.5 states:

Neither a sitting judge nor a candidate for public election to judicial office shall directly or indirectly engage in any political activity except (i) as otherwise authorized by this section or by law, (ii) to vote and to identify himself or herself as a member of a political party, and (iii) on behalf of measures to improve the law, the legal system or the administration of justice. New York University’s Stephen Gillers, a legal ethics expert and law professor, says Merchan’s donations were forbidden under the Judicial Code of Conduct.

“The contribution to Biden and possibly the one to ‘Stop Republicans’ would be forbidden unless there is some other explanation that would allow them,” Gillers explained during a CNN interview. Gillers informed Breitbart the repercussions for Merchan could include losing his position as a judge entirely. “Violations can lead to a warning, private discipline, public discipline, and serious sanctions like removal. Serious discipline (e.g. removal) is decided by the N.Y. Court of Appeals,” Gillers noted.

Donald Trump and Merchan are well acquainted.
The judge has presided over three prior lawsuits involving the former President and has taken flak for allegations of bias as he consistently rules against Trump. Those concerns are only bolstered by the fact that his daughter worked for Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign. Donald Trump had complained about Merchan’s approach in the past saying that it’s impossible for him to get a fair trial in Manhattan.

The reasonable assumption that the deck is stacked against Trump inside the Manhattan courtroom is only fueling public skepticism of what also looks like nothing more than a political stunt on the part of Democrats. Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

Gloom Despair And Agony On Me
Deep, Dark, Depression, & Excessive Misery.
If it weren’t for Bad Luck I’d have no Luck at all.
Now I’m stuck with a song in my head.
Classic Hee Haw TV – Bing video” 🤠

Has Woke Taken Over Everything? – Dr Joanna Williams | Modern Wisdom Podcast 483.
New York Democrat has ‘a lot of questions’ for Biden administration about Pentagon leak.
Astronomers Just Discovered A “Highly Habitable” Planet Just 4 light-Years From Us.
RPT-At China’s largest trade fair, exporters worry about world economy (
US population by year, race, age, ethnicity, & more | USA Facts
Biden admin receives backlash from nearly two dozen groups
for move cracking down on gas stoves (
NYPD Commish admits ‘people taking advantage’ of bail reform,
laments city’s ‘perception of feeling unsafe’ (

Jesus Christ was a perfect and sinless person but yet.
How could a perfect and sinless person face persecution?

He faced and endured persecution from the very world He had come to save.
Why was Jesus hated by the world and why was He eventually crucified?
Persecution is defined as the act of excluding, harassing and punishing,
oppressing or killing of people because of their difference from society.

Therefore, below are 4 reasons why Jesus was persecuted:

 1. Jesus Exposed False Teachers & A Counterfeit Religious System

The Pharisees were the people with the religious influence and power. They were also spiritually abusive and they twisted scripture in order to control and influence their followers for their own personal gain. However the teachings of Christ exposed the false religious system which had been created by the Scribes & Pharisees. 
Jesus openly rebuked and opposed the Pharisees. Christ Himself did not mince His words when speaking to the Pharisees and other false teachers. He called them “brood of vipers” and hypocrites and openly exposed their counterfeit faith (Matthew 23:1-36).
So in the eyes of the Jewish religious leaders, Jesus Christ was a threat to their religious system and to the power and influence which they had gained over the people for many years. The Scribes & Pharisees also hated Christ because they noticed that they were losing their man-made spiritual influence among the people because of the teachings and presence of Christ on earth.
John 11:45-49 says: Many of the Jews therefore, who had come with Mary and had seen what He did, believed in Him, 46 but some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. 47 So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the Council and said, “What are we to do? For this man performs many signs. 48 If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”
Therefore by spying, harassing and mocking Christ during His ministry, the Pharisees sought to preserve their authority and religious influence because they feared that Christ’s teachings were exposing their counterfeit religious practices. They sought to discredit Christ and eventually kill Him because Jesus threatened to expose their hypocrisy.
2. Jesus Would Heal on the Sabbath
One of the reasons why Jesus healed on the Sabbath was in order to expose the legalism and the false religious system created by the Pharisees. Jesus also healed on the Sabbath so that He could expose their false interpretation of the law regarding the Sabbath. The Pharisees were so blinded by their own legalism that they failed to understand the true purpose of the Sabbath day. Therefore by performing an act of compassion, such as healing a person on the Sabbath, Jesus would inevitably face confrontation and persecution every time He healed on a Sabbath day.
John 5:16 says: And this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because He was doing these things on the Sabbath.
In John 7:23 Jesus says: If on the Sabbath a man receives circumcision, so that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with Me because on the Sabbath I made a man’s whole body well?
3. Jesus Exposed Sin in the World & Promoted Godly Values
While on earth, Jesus was the embodiment of light and truth (John 8:12John 14:6).
He was the light of the world amongst people who loved darkness. The Person and work of Christ exposed the sin of the world and the depravity of man. Therefore everything Christ said and did was a representation of godliness and truth in a world that loved sin, hypocrisy and deception.
John 3:19-20 says: And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.  20  For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
Furthermore, when the sin of the world is exposed through speaking truth, the world tends to retaliate with persecution.
In John 7:7 Jesus states: “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify about it that its works are evil.”
In John 15:18-20 Jesus says: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you.  19  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.  20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’
If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you. If they keep My word, they will
also keep yours.”
4. Jesus Said He Was Equal to God
Jesus was persecuted because He identified Himself as being the Son of God.
John 5:18 says: This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God. Therefore besides accusing Christ of breaking the Sabbath, the Jews did not believe that Jesus was God. They falsely believed that Jesus was a heretic. They did not believe that He was the prophesied Messiah.

Ultimately Jesus faced persecution in the form of crucifixion on a cross.
Though innocent, blameless and sinless – Jesus became the perfect sacrifice
that the world needed for the redemption of mankind to be made possible.

Isaiah 53:5 says: But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed.

1 Peter 3:18 says: For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, Jesus took the punishment we deserve on the cross, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

As mankind we cannot pay God for our own sins and so Jesus came to pay the debt for
sin that we could not pay by becoming the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus suffered on the cross and resurrected on the third day so that if we believe and receive Him through faith as Lord and Saviour, then we would experience eternal life. 

10 Key Bible Verses on Persecution | Crossway Articles

What did the people do about persecution of Jesus Christ,

The Passion Of Jesus Christ full movie  – Bing video

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