The American public largely supports the legalization of medical marijuana.
At least 84% of the public believes the drug should be legal for medical uses, and recreational pot usage is less controversial than ever, with at least 61% of Americans in support.
States around the country — 29 of them, plus Washington DC — have legalized medical marijuana.
Cannabis Fact & Fiction.
75 Medical Studies About the Anti-Cancer Effects of CANNABINOIDS(2013 – 2018)A frightening story: Chemotherapy was discovered during the Second World War, when the doctors noted that soldiers exposed to gas mustard had low levels of white blood cells in the blood. Simply it happens that white blood cells behave in a similar way with that of the cancer cells and both proliferate rapidly. Considering that the low levels of white blood cells in the blood were result of mustard gas, doctors began experimenting with cancer patients by injecting them with mustard gas into one trying to kill their cancer..The results of the experiment revealed a significant improvement to cancer patients, although the improved condition did not hold much. While modern chemotherapy uses advanced pharmaceuticals substances ( poisons with a softer name) that are definitely proven safer than mustard gas 70 years ago, the idea behind this approach remains the same: “You drink” them cancer patients with chemicals and radiation to such a level that they cancer cells can no longer bear it and die, eliminating the spread of the disease and possibly putting it on recession. Oh, and in the process you should not kill the patient with the cure: Cannabis for chemotherapy
(Reproduced by: MassRoots, “Cannabis for Chemotherapy” ., By Gooey Rabinski, October 07, 2015, at cancer, conditions) Most people realize that chemotherapy is one a common cure for cancer [1], a disease that affects 1.6 million people Americans every year, killing 600,000 also every year. However, many do not fully understand exactly what chemotherapy is about (also known as “chemo”) and the side effects it brings to patients.[1] “Cancer and Medical Marijuana” (Cancer and medical use of cannabis) This is particularly important because of the fact that, for them more Americans, chemotherapy is used for treatment patients for many diseases other than cancer. These include multiple sclerosis [2], Crohn’s disease [3], Lupus [4], rheumatoid arthritis [5] and even psoriasis [6], among others.-cancer [2] Cannabis For Multiple Sclerosis (Cannabis For Multiple Sclerosis) -sclerosis/
[3] “Cannabis Cures Crohn’s” (Cannabis Cures Crohn’s Disease)
[4] “Does Cannabis Treat Lupus?” (Does Cannabis Treat Lupus?) upus THC and CBD are in the rescue)[5] “Cannabis and Arthritis: THC and CBD to the Rescue” (Cannabis and Arthritis:THC and CBD are in the rescue)
[6] “Cannabis Topicals: Getting Under Your Skin” Cannabis: Getting under your skin) es/ From a medical point of view, the side effects of chemotherapy include decreased blood cell production in the bones (myelosuppression), inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract (mucositis) and loss hair loss (alopecia). As for what patients suffer, the chemotherapy causes severe nausea [7], vomiting and persistent tendency in addition to a number of other adverse side effects.[7] “Cannabis for Nausea and Vomiting” miting/ However, when completing the chemotherapy with cannabis in any form, can reduce considerably the suffering of a patient as a result of side effects who have these powerful drugs while using them cannabinoids [8] and cannabis terpenes [9] to fight the disease which requires its treatment with chemotherapy.
[8] “Understanding the Endocannabinoid System” intranasal system) em/ [8B] Understanding Cannabinoid Receptors: Why Cannabis Affects Humans rs/
[9] How to identify terpenes nnabis/
Cannabis Terpenes Offer Therapeutic Efficacy” (Cannabis Terpenes Offer Therapeutic Efficacy provide therapeutic efficacy)
In many ways, chemotherapy is a very crude one reatment. It is given to patients already suffering from severe and ventually terminal illness, along with the stress and anxiety associated ith such a reality. Many patients when faced with ymptoms of cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy that sed so often to fight, can not ork, socialize or care for their children. hey are often lost in depression or alcoholism [10], exacerbating it their condition and reducing the chances of overcoming the disease.
[10] “Medical Marijuana and Alcoholism” (Medical use of cannabis and alcoholism) ism/ Killing the good and bad cells …
The problem with chemotherapy, of course, is that it uses heavy medicinal substances for the purpose of killing cancer cells rapidly growing and growing their area (such medicines
are designated as cytotoxic). Unfortunately, these are not some “smart” medicines that can distinguish good body cells from the cancer cells that threaten life. Due to blind cellular slaughter caused by conventional chemotherapy drugs, also damage healthy cells to others parts of the body, including the bone marrow, of the body gastrointestinal tract and very obvious, the hair follicles of a patient. While hair loss, especially for women, is characteristic of around them that they are undergoing chemotherapy, what they do not see around them is the damage done to their bones, their blood and to them various organs of their body from the “cure” of chemotherapy.A new class of anti-cancer drugs has emerged, called targeted therapy, which is not so blind and without discrimination in the destruction of rapidly proliferating cells.New drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies, target proteins that are they are abnormally expressed in cancer cells (and are critical to success their development and their preading). Despite the potentially fewer negative ones side effects such as bone marrow destruction and the subsequent reducing blood, patients entering the world chemotherapy through these drugs still suffer from weakness with nausea, vomiting and tendency to vomit, often for many hours.
How can hemp help? Cannabis can help relieve often debilitating negative side effects of chemotherapy. First of all, it is one of them best anti-nausea medicines known to humans.
According to oncology social worker Wendy Gwinner: “[OR cannabis] is by far the best medicine we have for years cachexia and to increase appetite in cancer patients “.
Dr. Jack Hensold [12] is an oncologist who recommends cannabis to cancer patients as a last resort when conventional opiates do not work and its patients suffer from extreme nausea from chemotherapy. “There is probably nothing that works and for stimulating the appetite we have from cannabis, “he said, stressing that while there are effective anti-cancer drugs for which it is powerful promoter, no medication is so good at stimulating it appetite than cannabis.
[12] “Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis” (Clearing the Subject: cannabis science), the cannabis acts as an anti-inflammatory, which means it can to reduce pain due to inflammation of the digestive system. To learn more about how cannabis can be used for treating conditions that involve gastrointestinal inflammation, see them “Cannabis Cures Crohn’s” [13] and “Does Cannabis Treat IBD?” [14]
[13] (Cannabis treats Crohn’s disease)
[14] (Can IBD treat cannabis?) -inflammatory-bowel-disease/
Except the successful reduction of nausea and vomiting and its stimulation appetite, cannabis is also effective in helping cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to deal with pain [15] and diarrhea. Does medical pot help treat chronic pain conditions? If so, what strains of marijuana are best to use? If you’re new to the world of medical cannabis, or even if you’re not, we’ll provide you with information to help you make an informed decision on whether or not medical cannabis for chronic pain could help treat you. .com
But perhaps more important is it how to effectively cure depression [16] and anxiety [17],two potentially serious situations that may be a blow to knock out a patient who already suffers from psychological and physicaldevastating effects of cancer – not to mention it agony of chemotherapy.
[15] Postoperative Pain and Medical Marijuana (Postoperative Pain and Medical Marijuana) -treat-post-operative-pain/ [16] “Depression and Medical Marijuana” (Depression and Medical Use cannabis) t-depression/
[17] “Cannabis for Anxiety: A Safer Solution” .Patients who prefer not to smoke have the choice to take hemp or with hemp [18] (bleeding) of hemp or condensates [19] such as oils (BHO, CO2 and live resin [20]). Another
a popular choice is the edible [21]. Some companies are helping the patients to explore new ways to allow their body to absorbs cannabinoids from hemp, to them including topical application [22] creams and ointments; sublingual sprays (which are characterized by faster absorption from edible) and suppositories.[18] “Vaporization: The Science of Harm Reduction” (Science: The Science of Harm Reduction) reduction of damage)
[19] “Cannabis Concentrates: What You Need To Know” (Concentrates Cannabis: What You Need to Know) es [20] “What is Cannabis Live Resin?” (What is Live Resin] cannabis?) -cannabis
[21] “Black Market Cannabis Edibles Pose Safety Concerns” (The Black Market edible hemp poses security issues)
[22] “Cannabis Topicals: Getting Under Your Skin” (Local Cannabis: Under the skin) Cannabis for cancer This article does not describe in detail how different things are cannabinoids and cannabis terpenes have been shown to kill him cancer from shrinking tumors (for information, see “Cancer and Medical Marijuana “[23],” CBD-A: Cannabidiol Acid Cannabinoid Profile “[24] and “Pinene: Cancer-Killing, Memory Enhancing Terpene” [25]). However, each a week, more and more cancer patients – many of whom have processed cannabis themselves and produce cannabis oil with or without the approval of their doctors – provide personal testimonies for how cannabis not only helped them alleviate the symptoms from conventional therapies like chemotherapy, but also their tumors shrunk or they put their cancer in full and long-term recession.
[23] (Cancer and medical use of cannabis)
[24] (CBD-A: The Profile of Cannabinoid Cannabidiol Acid) lp-you/
[25] (Pinin: The Terpene Killer of Cancer and Memory Booster) In other words, unofficial reports from patients across the NorthAmerica, the UK and Europe show that cannabis, especiallywhen it is processed into a concentrate (usually oil or tincture), it can in manypatients to cure cancer. It should be noted that many who they choose to cure their cancer with something like hemp they do this only after they have exhausted all other therapeutic approaches, often after their doctors have told them the scary news that no one cancer patient does not want to hear: “There is nothing else to do
we can do”.
The Story of Sharon Kelly
Sharon Kelly [26] is a 54-year-old woman from Britain in 2013 suffered from lung cancer. The doctors informed Kelly that the her cancer had advanced to her lymph nodes and to his lining her stomach, was already in Stage 4. He also had a 5 cm volume in left lung. They told Kelly that chemotherapy and radiation are not indicated as treatment options for a patient with cancerlung at this stage of development and would just make her sick. The doctors predicted that he had six to nine months to live. They said they did notthey could do nothing else. [26] “The Sharon Kelly Story: How She Beats Her Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil”(The Sharon Kelly’s story: How he defeated lung cancer with oil cannabis) -she-beat-her-lung-cancer-with -cannabis-oil.html
In her research on the disease, Kelly’s daughter learned about her the effectiveness of cannabis oil and how it worked for many other cancer patients. Kelly began to take the oil into daily basis, consuming two grams a day and adopting a healthy alkaline diet (without red meat, dairy, bread or sugar). After a few months, Kelly’s volume had dropped to less than half of its original size and its lymph nodes returned to normal.After continuing treatment with cannabis and diet for seven months Without any other medical treatment or medication – Kelly was diagnosed as free from cancer in September 2014. That’s how it remains until today.
Why chemotherapy patients should use cannabis.Those undergoing chemotherapy for any reason, be it cancer or severe arthritis can receive significant relief if they do nothing more than to smoke, to smoke or to consuming cannabis before their sessions. Because most patients with chemotherapy treat cancer, cannabis gives it double advantage of eliminating nausea and vomiting while at the same time fights cancer cells and reduces tumor size. While it is difficult and illegal for those who live in states that are banned cannabis and is not offered to their citizens medical or recreational legalize cannabis and so do not have its many strong benefits cannabis for cancer and the most common treatment for it, for her chemotherapy, benefits that are undeniable. All patients with cancer and chemotherapy should seriously consider the benefits of the plant and the how they can dramatically improve their quality of life by giving them renewed energy and a positive attitude to better combat it their illness.The sad reality is that extra research, especially in the form clinical trials in humans is necessary to learn more about how wonderful molecules in cannabis, cannabinoids and terpenes, are able to relieve the symptoms of a variety of therapies for cancer and even put cancer in recession. Until the cannabis leaves the list of substances in Table I maintained by it the federal government and the DEA as part of the obsolete law controlled substances since the 1970s, valid studies will are blocked in the US and will only appear in other countries.HIV / AIDS on cannabis is suppressed by the status of Table I)
Relevant Articles:
* American Cancer Society, “Marijuana and Cancer” (Marijuana and Cancer) /complementary-and-alternative -medicine/marijuana-and-cancer .html
Endoca, “Cancer, Cannabis and Chemo” (Cancer, Cannabis and Cannabis)
* Green Rush Daily, & quot; New Research: Cannabis Enhances Effects of Chemotherapy & quot;
(New research: Cannabis strengthens the effects of chemotherapy)
* National Cancer Institute, “Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) -Patient Version”
(Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) – Version for Patients) nnabis-pdq
Scientific studies D.I. Abrams, MD. Integrating cannabis into clinical cancer care. (Integration
Cannabis in Clinical Cancer Care) Current Oncology, v.23 (Suppl2); 2016 Mar cannabis varieties have been used as a drug for thousands of years. only since the 1940s the plant is not widely available for medicine use. However, a growing number of states allow patients to obtain the herb for medical use. For the cancer patient, cannabis has many potential benefits, especially in managing symptoms. Cannabis is useful in fighting it
anorexia, nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy,pain, insomnia and depression.Cannabis can be less stronger than other available antiemetics, but for some patients it isthe only factor that works and is the only antiemetic that increases also the appetite. Inhale hemp is more effective than placebo to improve peripheral neuropathy in several situations and could prove to be useful in the induced by
chemotherapy neuropathy. A pharmacokinetic study interaction of evaporated hemp in patients with chronic pain in stable doses of sustained-release opioids did not show
clinically significant change in plasma opiates, while indicating cooperative analgesia.In addition to managing symptoms, a growing set of studies in vitro and animal models supports a possible direct anticancer result of cannabinoids through various mechanisms
include apoptosis, angiogenesis and metastasis inhibition. Despite the absence of clinical trials, ample unofficial reports circulate which describe patients with remarkable response to cannabis anticancer agent, especially when taken as a high concentrate oral absorption. Studies should be conducted in humans for addressing critical issues related to the above
Results”.* Bar-Sela G, Vorobeichik M, Drawsheh S, Omer A, Goldberg V, Muller E. The Medical Necessity for Medicinal Cannabis: Prospective, Observational StudyEvaluating the Treatment in Cancer Patients on Supportive or Palliative Care. (OR medical need for medicinal cannabis: Perspective, observational study evaluating treatment in cancer patients in supportive or palliative care)
Evidated Complement Alternate Med. 2013; 510392. Epub 2013 Jul 16.…/PMC3…/pdf/ECAM2013-510392.pdf
Summary Cannabis cancer patients report better effect than plant extract …[Caution rather than synthetic products!!! Caution]LINKS FOR ARTICLES / SURVEYS / WEB SITE:
Conversations with Cristina Sanchez Ph.D
source=hp&ei=pqTEWoriJILwzgL6u 41g&q=The+Highly+Conversations +with+Cristina+Sanchez+Ph.D+%E 2%80%94+discussing+the+antitum oral+effects+of+cannabis+and+c ancer%2C+with+practical+advice +for+patients.&oq=The+Highly+C onversations+with+Cristina+San chez+Ph.D+%E2%80%94+discussing +the+antitumoral+effects+of+ca nnabis+and+cancer%2C+with+prac tical+advice+for+patients.&gs_ l=psy-ab.12…1844.1844.0.3722 .….0…1 c.2.64.psy-ab.. 9k1.137.HAENdRfHM-s Cannabis oil kills cancer cells?
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source=hp&ei=7tjCWu2fB6bX5gLf3 IDgAg&q=How+Cannabis+Cures+Can cer&oq=How+Cannabis+Cures+Canc er&gs_l=psy-ab.13..0j0i22i30k1 l3j0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1.2385 .2385.0.3802. 39.0j1.2.0….0…1c..64.psy-a b.. VBX-Jns Library of the Medical Cannabis Group
search?source=hp&ei=i9fCWp3MKc iN5wLx677IBQ&q=Library+of+the+ Medical+Cannabis+Group&oq=Libr ary+of+the+Medical+Cannabis+Gr oup&gs_l=psy-ab.12..33i22i29i3 0k1l2.2567.2567.0.4668. .….0…1c ..64.psy-ab.. 1.145.Xnp3mPdbxuc Effective Medical Cannabis Dossier, Dr. Dustin Sulak (eng.)
source=hp&ei=gtjCWt6pNczl5gKC6 ZfYCg&q=Effective+Medical+Cann abis+Dossier%2C+Dr.+Dustin+Sul ak+%28eng.&oq=Effective+Medica l+Cannabis+Dossier%2C+Dr.+Dust in+Sulak+%28eng.&gs_l=psy-ab.1 2…2370.2370.0.6588. .….0…1c.. 64.psy-ab.. 122.HbS1sy8HaOA
Documentary treatment of cannabis cancer nabis+cancer&source=lnms&tbm=v id&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim9qjn7Z3aA hVR2FMKHfFVAyMQ_AUICygC&biw=13 66&bih=597 Integrating cannabis into clinical cancer care – NCBI – NIH baQAQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi…%2FPMC479114 8&…%2FPMC4791148&g s_l=psy-ab.13..35i39k1.1842.18 42.0.3438. 0j1.2.0….0…1c..64.psy-ab..…106.yAX26etW8N0 Cancer Information: Cancer and Medical Marijuana Treatments cal-Marijuana-Treatments/ VIDEO: (With subtitles)
How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer Cells
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