You know you’re a Gerson Person…. when you buy 70 lbs of carrots at a time. I urge everyone to watch the full length Gerson therapy videos or get the books.
Don’t trust these videos
My background in working with researchers who were involved in chemotherapy research on small children showed me the horrors of chemotherapy and its toll on the human body. The more research I did, the more I was convinced that there had to be another way.
Finding the Gerson Therapy 15 years before I was diagnosed with cancer showed me the part that the immune system plays in our health and a focus on building the immune system as the primary cancer killer made sense to me. I was convinced that Gerson was the only option for me.
August 2014 … I knew there was a problem; I just did not know how bad it really was. Final diagnosis October 29, 2014 – Stage 4 Gleason 8 prostate cancer with extensive bone metastatic disease. Including “intense” activity and pelvic “abnormal marrow signal” in the L4 lumbar spine, “markedly intense” activity in the lower cervical region at T1, and other cancer hot spots in the ribs, shoulder, knees and ankle.
I realized (the reality hit me) that I was now in a fight for my life. The physician’s office had already made an appointment to walk me straight down to the chemo lab directly from that diagnosis appointment; I said no and two weeks later I arrived at the Gerson Therapy licensed clinic in Tijuana.
Why go to Mexico for Stage 4 cancer treatment?
Because physicians are not allowed to heal cancer with alternative/natural therapies in the States. The protocol that I am on is the Gerson Therapy; it builds the immune system and detoxes the liver. The goal is to get the immune system strong enough that it can fight the cancer on its own. Because my cancer was already metastasized when diagnosed, I was behind the proverbial “8 ball” in terms of cancer control.
My wife and I spent two weeks at the Gerson cancer clinic … where I met daily with the doctors who would oversight my program for the next two years; underwent extensive lab analysis; learned how to prepare the foods, juices and coffee enema concentrates demanding by the very exacting protocol.
Labs that are specific indicators for the immune system include lymph abs, but they are correlated with quite a number of other labs in the comprehensive metabolic panel with differentials and several other labs. The Gerson practitioner analyzes the labs every month when we get them in; we review them with our primary care physician here; and a decision is then made on what needs to be done that specific month.
December 2014 … “If you insist on doing “that food thing,” you will be dead in 6 to 12 months” … that’s what the chemotherapy oncologist told me in December 2014. He went on to say that with intensive chemotherapy, he could “probably” give me up to 2 years of additional life. I said no.
March 2015 … That pesky cancer activity in the T1 region did me in. The cancer ate through the bone and collapsed the vertebrae – a skeletal crisis event with hypercalcemia syndrome which almost killed me. I was semi-comatose for 2 weeks; and the palliative care physician told my wife to make arrangements for me to be put in a nursing home.
We persevered with the Gerson Therapy despite the objections of every medical provider involved in my care locally, although I had to allow the addition of intermittent allopathic therapies Lupron (to shut down testosterone production) and a bisphosphonate Zometa (to treat the high blood calcium levels and the cancer that was in the bones). I also added a very intense acute dosing CBD protocol for the next 90 days. The single-focused goal was to stop the cancer in its tracks and allow the immune system to strengthen. . . . to the point that it could take over as the major cancer killer.
We look back now at posts my wife made on the Gerson Therapy Support Group Facebook site … and it seems like an eternity ago …
“When we first started the protocol (Nov 2014), it did feel overwhelming! I remember crying right here on this site and Kathleen, George, and others coming to my emotional aid. This is why we are in this support group! I love you guys! The way you are willing to share what is happening along your journey is a huge positive influence in the lives of others. No one in our area understands GT.
They don’t understand why we can’t participate in community organizations the way we have in the past. They don’t understand why mornings are a time they must leave messages and wait for us to return their calls. They don’t understand why we are doing what we are doing: yes, it is ignorance, both on the part of the general public and the medical profession.”
“It is a blessing to be able to turn to this support group with questions, comments, and concerns. Thank you to each of you! We have the books; we use them as guides every day. We know where we want to go; it’s just that we are bombarded on every side by those who believe in traditional therapies. The most disconcerting is when our Gerson practitioners (plural) join in the recommendations for standard therapies. That’s when one’s confidence is shaken. The medical community gave John 6 to 12 months to live, if we continue with Gerson alone. Obviously, we believe in Gerson or we would not be doing what we’re doing. It’s tough, though, when all of the consultants take one stance and we want to follow a different path. It truly is a saga! Hugs to all of you!”
“John is the Gerson patient; we just completed 3 years on GT – he is healing Stage 4 Gleason 8 prostate cancer with extensive bone metastasis. His has been an amazing journey. The mainstream medical community doesn’t give us options … no one is to blame for not knowing what we don’t know … that’s the ongoing battle.
Our background was in the medical community, and every (MD) doctor that we know fought us bitterly every step of the way – they actually wrote into John’s medical records that I was “complicit” in his decision not to have chemo but rather to go alternative.
“Stressful” doesn’t even begin to do it justice. It has been an incredible journey, to say the least. There is only one way to get around the mainstream medical community – a laser like focus on the end goal and an absolutely unequivocal determination to do it your way.
“We hired a CNA to come in 4 hours a day 5 days a week – she was with us for most of the first 2 years. She made sure that John had his morning and noon supplements, fixed the morning oatmeal, made hippo soup, did the morning juices, made the coffee concentrate, etc. That allowed me to continue working from home, source/buy/prep the veggies, make sure we had everything we needed. John’s job was to rest and heal … especially after his T1 vertebrae collapsed, he was hospitalized for 2 weeks, and almost died. I cannot say enough good things about that CNA – she was a huge help during the most trying times during this process.
I know that others have had help from local high schools or colleges (students who must have x hours of volunteer work in the community); from church groups who will rotate help. Seek help … it will make all the difference in the world! And, keep in mind, that as you heal, the process does get easier; a routine develops; and you can schedule almost everything that needs to done fairly easily – we have been on GT for 3-1/2 years – without the CNA for the last year – and you find that you just automatically “do” what you need to do!”
June 2018. Where am I today? I had a CT and a bone scan in late April. The CT scan shows, “no pathologically enlarged lymph nodes; no pulmonary nodules; diffuse metastic disease appears stable to slightly decreased.” The bone scan shows, “no new suspicious foci; widespread metastases seen on CT is not apparent on bone scan.” I am strong enough to work outside in the garden (including splitting firewood for the winter months.) I am able to return part-time to my electronic technical work.
While no one can tell me that I no longer have cancer (there are no definitive tests), I am absolutely certain on one thing. . . . thanks to the Gerson Therapy, I am healthier today than when I was diagnosed with metastatic disease 3-1/2 years ago. I know that, even if. . .I died tomorrow, I won this battle! Thanks to God and to Gerson for this gift I have been given.
The Gerson Therapy also consists of consuming 10 to 13 organic juices, and 3 to 5 coffee enemas per day. There are also natural supplements and a special diet that is an integral part to the therapy. To learn more about the therapy, please read “Healing the Gerson Way,” which can be purchased by visiting, or on Amazon. The book is very thorough and it give you explicit instructions relative to the protocol.
We would also suggest that you watch “Dying to Have Known” and “The Gerson Miracle” on Netflix (or YouTube). My wife and I now are mentors to others considering alternative therapies and are happy to answer questions about the details of journey with GT, once one understands the basics of the therapy.
We can offer a “B&B for Gerson patients” (sitting room, kitchenette, one or two bedrooms) with private bath on the main level and a very large guest suite with private bath upstairs. Both would easily accommodate the need for space for Coffee E’s . . . and also the use of a common kitchen with a PURE juicer would allow someone to stay on protocol.
Staying with a GT family that understands what your needs are could be a huge plus in any part of the country!
To help save money on organic produce!!!
October 2016 we are building an in door garden. . . . with LED grow lights that will be attached to the tubing. Two timers – one for the lights, ~14 hours a day and off at night – one for the small water pump (which will be housed in the white bucket at the bottom of the stack), preliminary guesstimate 5 minutes 3 times a day – still a work in progress. There are 5 tiers of plants game plan is chard, beet leaves, kale, lettuces, parsley.
We are hoping that the freezing temperatures scheduled here this weekend don’t wipe everything out of the summer garden and we will be able to move some of the plants into this indoor garden. Otherwise, we will use seeds.
John put a small submersible pump in the bucket on bottom. The water is pumped up through the PVC piping in the center and a small watering device/hose goes into each of the individual (four) planting “cups” on the top level. There are holes in each of the planting cups and the extra water not absorbed on one level drips through to the level below. That’s the concept … now for the project to become reality.
If It works as visualized, we plan to add a second tower as well.
We have been amazed at the interest in John’s project and are working on a step-by-step tutorial – if someone in your household has handyman skills, they should be able to replicate what he is doing.
Our beet leaves are starting to peek out at us from their compartments … crossing fingers! As Chard and other seeds will be sewn in the empty compartments. The watering system and the grow lights seem to be working well. The bucket, pump and central pipe… all make sense… the frame, for lights… straightforward…
We hope it answers our prayers. It should AT LEAST pay for itself, if not turn a savings! We moved parsley and lettuce in from the outside garden before the freeze got to them. That’s exactly why we are doing this … it’s very difficult to find the organics that we need during the winter months. Plus the difference in freshness and also flavor between “just picked” and bought at even the best store (with too many days after being picked, stored, shipped).
We are re-designing Phase 2 now … we will be updating through this thread as the second unit goes online. John is an electrical engineer/physicist; he is also currently redesigning components he wasn’t satisfied with in the first unit. Creativity and engineering design at work — LOL
John & Jean, Concord NC Gerson Therapy for Cancer Patients June 2018