It doesn’t matter who we choose at this point, imo. The system is broken.

🗣️ “Will We Remain Silent as Our Republic Falls?” 🇺🇲

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance. 🙂

Insurrection Barbie on X: “There was a very important study done by the Media Research Center called Law and Disorder. It was a deep dive into how George and Alex Soros have transformed the American criminal justice system in just eight short years. This received barely any press coverage. Our criminal” / X

Harris weighing where to put more distance between her and Biden – Search (bing.com)
Vice President Kamala Harris’ team has been discussing ways to clean up her responses to questions this week about how she would differentiate herself from President Joe Biden, NBC News White House Correspondent Monica Alba reports.

Our “Democracy”??? Hahaha. Hahaha.

They keep tossing that word out! What ever happened to our Republic??

I know… It gave its last death gasp in the 1920s and then was replaced with a Democracy! And then that was replaced with an Oligarchy! And now we’re on our way of losing our Constitution to the Socialist Matrix—with the likes of the Transhuman Prophets, at the helm!

“A passionate plea. The importance of civic engagement and informed decision-making can’t be overstated” That’s a strong sentiment and reflects a perspective that many share regarding political choices and their implications for democracy. Your dedication and hard work will pave the way to success.

Keep pushing forward.

History has shown us time and again that when power concentrates in one hand, it leads to societal catastrophe. From the fall of the Roman Empire to Weimar Germany, whenever democracy weakened, dictatorships swiftly followed. “If one person alone is expected to defend democracy, how secure is that democracy?”

…the question shall be: how secure is that democracy?” It seems like it’s already eradicated given the power of lobbyists to influence the policies. Democracy is just an illusion sold to the masses. When has it ever functioned as a true representation of the people’s will?

Democratic voter registration raises red flags for Harris (msn.com)

The choice is a new Golden Age: Trump, J.D. Vance, RFK Jr, Nicole Shanahan, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Elon Musk leading the way or a new Dark Age with Cackling Kamala Harris all the way down to the abyss.

It’s important to remember that democracy is about the power of the people, not just one individual. Every vote counts, regardless of who it’s for. Let’s focus on voting for what aligns with our values and beliefs, ensuring a strong democracy for all.

Philosophers from Plato to Montesquieu:

Have emphasized the importance of balancing power. As Montesquieu stated: “Power should be a check to power, or it will corrupt.” Today, we see how unchecked power threatens democracy everywhere. Across the globe—from Venezuela to Hungary—we witness the decline of democracy and the rise of authoritarian leaders. These leaders, instead of safeguarding democracy, manipulate it for their own interests, curtailing the people’s rights. Democracy should be upheld by the people, not by a single leader. 

As Desmond Tutu once said: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Now is not the time to remain neutral—it’s time to raise our voices and defend democracy. Strong leadership isn’t just about protecting democracy; it’s about defending justice and human rights too. As the Quran reminds us: ‘Whoever saves a life, it is as if they saved all of humanity’ (Quran 5:32). Democracy is not merely a form of government; it’s the protection of human rights, justice, and freedom.


Donald Trump Erases Kamala Harris’ Lead in New National Poll (msn.com)

Democracy is a fragile masterpiece, and without the right leadership, it could crumble!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke).Now is the time to stand up! 

A gov with open borders in today’s society betrays the fundamental responsibility to the American people. Remember, democracy is not only defended at the ballot box,

in everyday life! 🇺🇲💓🇺🇲🤍🇺🇲💙🇺🇲

Concerns about the direction of democracy can lead to passionate discussions about political candidates and their policies. It’s essential to consider various viewpoints and engage in dialogue about what democracy means and how it can be preserved. What aspects of Trump’s policies or approach do you think are most crucial for this debate?

Is voting for Trump truly a safeguard for democracy, or a capitulation to fear that overlooks the complexities of our political system. While it’s important to voice concerns, democracy thrives on diverse opinions and fair elections, not just supporting one candidate.


The country’s going to end up with nothing!
I get the appeal of wanting someone like Elon Musk’s so-called “efficiency” to streamline things, but the government isn’t a business. You don’t get to waltz in and run it like one. You need Congress on board, you need consensus, and you need leaders willing to act in the interest of the country, even if it goes against their own interests. That’s the major issue with our government—it’s packed with people who care more about reelection and their wallets than what’s good for the nation. 

Now, Kamala Harris isn’t perfect, that’s for sure. But Trump? He’s not the answer—he’s a whole new problem. Believing Trump will somehow fix the dysfunction is a fantasy. He’s only going to create more chaos, tear down what’s left of trust in the government, and leave us sifting through the wreckage. The Bolsheviks overthrew the corrupt czars, but what did they get in return? 

A corrupt system that starved 30 million people to death. You can want change, but if you don’t think carefully about how that change happens, you can end up with something much worse. As Aristotle wisely put it: “Anyone can become angry—that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everyone’s power and is not easy.” 

It’s easy to be angry at the state of things right now, but letting that anger drive decisions without thinking through the consequences is how you end up burning the house down. If you want real change, you need people willing to do the hard work—speaking up, building consensus, and voting against self-interest for the betterment of the country. Voting for Trump is just trading dysfunction for disaster. What’s left in the ashes of his chaos is anyone’s guess.

‘The Black Swan’ author is really afraid of what’s happening to the U.S. dollar (msn.com)


I remember this pic. Abe (Japan) appears to have a good relationship with POTUS#45.

Europe is in more trouble than they want to admit. multiple layers of government, endless regulation, infighting, immigration, climate malarky…they’re balkanizing themselves. The astronomical forces will resist in full force because there’s Trillions at Stake!

President Trump is the first President ever to make me interested in trade and how the economic pieces all come together. He is the GOAT! I’m so glad I lived to see a man like him in the office. That explanation was excellent.

Under the pilfered regime of Squatter Biden, The Dollar Tree (a store where everything was $1.) inflated to the $1.25 Tree. Filled with what I call Commie Process Foods. Now, their dubious merch is even chintzier! No one seems to care…I can see this going on for yonks…
Trump hasn’t forgotten what China had done to the world, by releasing the Wuhan Virus. As soon as he takes office Trump is going to drop the MOAB on the Chinese economy!

Then BRICS would do preemptive(s) economic damage control. This Xi & Vlad and company, we are talking about. 

Some way, somehow…they’ll get theirs. 

Rand Paul (subject matter) is already pushing for legislation so that Congress can reclaim their constitutional authority over trade. I expected higher import prices to create jobs since American products would be the cheaper alternative to imports, requiring US manufacturing jobs. If status quo’s kept and import costs fall, no job growth? Cheap prices are nice, but more income(s) to pay for things is better.

While Trump has strong supporters, the essence of democracy lies in healthy debates and ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.

And then we need to keep voting for whoever will work to preserve our constitutional republic at every election after that. Communists will just keep trying. A Constitutional Republic is a Law of the Land instead of being ruled by a MOB!!!


This is a truth that every American citizen should be aware of. Recognize reality.

This was never about the Democrats vs. the Republicans. This was always about the people vs. the globalists. Understand that the globalist agenda involves destroying the United States and turning control over to the United Nations. No more constitution. No more rights and no more elections.

All countries will be at risk, what happens in the USA actually affects all of the world.

We need a role model for governments in Europe, this role model is the American People. Democrats are ruining our democracy for power…and doing it in front of our faces in real time. Wake up America. Eventually this will not be good for anyone…

VOTE Trump ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

Drill Baby Drill until we build a grid that cab handle the demand: 

We need to pump our own oil and stop funding our enemies’ military. 

This is exactly why Trump must and will redesign the military to a peace keeping force from the bullshit we have now … to a strong, strong fighting force designed to protect the homeland. When it comes to the use of economic leverage to create U.S. national security outcomes, we are a commanding lead and an economic master player. As The Fake media will do everything, they can stop people from realizing how effective President Trump is…


Here. Bookmark this for when Trump wins. 
Everyone who is a pragmatic critical thinker knows that China will devalue their currency to lower the impact of exports to the USA. Beijing controls the banks and they did this before. As a result, the dollar value increases and imports cost less. The Chinese imports then enter the USA at a lower price consistent with their cost estimate as a tariff offset. China takes in a lower price, but retains access.

That’s just how it works.

The importers pay the tariff with a lowered price and a higher valued dollar. Essentially statis for the time being. Then….. EU industrial products to Chinese manufacturing plants start to contract, due to China’s aggressive cost cutting initiatives. The EU gets angry about the impact on their economy. The EU then follows the same path and devalues their central bank currency; further pressuring the dollar to an upward price. 

Exports to the EU are now more expensive, and imports from the EU to the USA are now cheaper. Again, the EU goal is statis. Both scenarios create cheaper USA imports despite the tariffs. However, on the EU side Trump then ends the Marshall plan and executes “tariff reciprocity” against the EU. More frustration and gritted teeth by Brussels. 

[NOTE: Avoiding this squeeze also explains why U.K PM Starmer was all snuggly to Trump at Trump Tower a few weeks ago – he’s hedging.] Exports from the USA ultimately cost more because the dollar is stronger against EU and Asia currencies. 

However, a stronger dollar is an offset to BRICS leverage and allows Trump to play economic chess. Trump uses part of the tariff income to underwrite agriculture exports, but… here we have fun… if agriculture exports are impacted, domestic foodstuffs drop in price. Into this dynamic Trump turns to Mexico. We have a strong dollar, all those Western Union transfers to Mexico are more valuable. Leverage is created: 

The economic situation then overlays the secure border dynamic and if Mexico wants to retain trade access within the USMCA agreement, the part that no one discussed comes into play.

(1) DogeDesigner on X: “”If we don’t vote for Trump, I think we’re at a serious risk of losing our democracy.” https://t.co/iAtCWCT9fT” / X Unbeknownst to all those except those who watched Robert Lighthizer do it, the USA has first right of refusal to any trade agreement made by Mexico or Canada. That’s correct, Trump now controls a veto on trade agreements within USMCA partnered countries. 
Suddenly Xi Jinping is vulnerable in Mexico if Trump nixes the EV production. Beijing is financially exposed and vulnerable. Big Panda is not happy. How do we know this will happen? Good question. Answer: #1) This is what Trump did in 2017. #2) Because he said this is what he is going to do.

Don’t forget to bookmark: Fantastic 2-minute explanation of Trump’s economic policy and tariff strategy as leverage. – Search (bing.com)

Make America Great Again!!!

 Now couple this with energy abundance domestically and the threat of tanking global energy prices by supplying through cheap exports and you not only get EU and overseas business but also decouple EU dependence from Russian gas. So, you hit Russia two ways- by reducing gas revenues by threatening credibly of reducing price per MMBTU or by cutting off their demand from the EU. Economic strength as the foundation of leveraging foreign policy. – Search Videos (bing.com)


Illegal immigration is costing taxpayers billions! 

Yet Democrats shout “open borders” with no regard for the burden it puts on American families and states. How’s that for insanity, young man? When will they stop turning a blind eye? Time to put America first and protect our communities. Let’s stop the madness and fix this mess.


Cost of illegal immigrants per state in 2023:

Thread by @DefiyantlyFree on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Total: $97.9 billion !Think of all of the school programs that could have been funded Aging bridges replaced Roads resurfaced Veterans housed Cancer patients treatments paid for Homeless people housed and retrained for the workforce

Imagine if this was spent on education, infrastructure, veteran services,

social services, public safety, or economic development…

Add up all of that, plus all of the money we are sending to other countries. Can you imagine what each state could have done with that money?! Meanwhile we have homeless vets and people without food.

Crystal Davis @CrystalDav8301

And this is why our property taxes went up over 50% in Illinois

Why does our government hate us?

Imagine what these BILLIONS could do for veterans, survivors of hurricanes, or just for healthcare, infrastructure for citizens….

No one voted for this….The dollar figures disclose the state governments that are heavily involved in the plan!

Is this counting how much it costs to keep foreign felons incarcerated?

It’s your money, America! “The government” doesn’t generate money, they take it from YOUR PAYCHECK. Did you want to spend your hard earned money this way??

California is the model to observe. Go to any SoCal town the first week of the month and visit shopping centers, banks, restaurants. I could try to describe it in detail, seeing it is the only way. Go to banks, stores, restaurants and parks and recreation areas. See who has ample money to spend while everything they have is new. Big vehicles, all have cell phones, everyone in new clothes, shoes, hats etc. with bags of new stuff. Every month.

Do you know how much a board-and-care costs for the elderly who are legal citizens and have paid taxes all their lives? And it is all out of pocket. Medicare does not cover a penny of it. Our government has NO MONEY FOR THEM!

TOTALLY Unacceptable for illegal immigrant invaders replacing American citizens, when there is natural born citizens homeless in the street, lack of their medical care, education of citizens children with negative learning effects and the cost of living rising for everything and anything American CITIZENS need …. etc. etc. etc. !!!

Randy Jones Jr @FR88DOMF8GHT8R

· Harris Left Canada at 18. She Doesn’t Often Look Back. (msn.com)

Me and my family in NY are a perfect example of American citizens going without. We are struggling and hit rock bottom. Car is broke down. Lost a job. Got behind and now looking at eviction before winter. Went to the state for help and they are giving us $883 a month for rent and bills/

This is not sustainable.

#Kamala, that would have been a lot of fixed and new bridges, roads, high-speed trains, schools, people out of tents, rehabilitation facilities. Instead, you turned America into the third world and now ask what can only be described as schmucks to vote for you.

Kamala Harris accused of plagiarism in co-authored 2009 book on criminal reform (msn.com)

After Trump is back in office, we must start with those illegals who have committed heinous crimes and continue from there. Deportation is the only way…Never was. Those who permitted this are globalists bent on destroying America. Trump to the rescue.

Wake up American voters. We can take our country back.

Toughest Times in United States History – Search (bing.com)

It’s never too late. 💓🤍💙

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