Biden Was Bought Off

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Joe Biden has been a failure his entire career: Mark Levin | Fox News Video

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July 21, 2024 3:40 PM

U.S. President Joe Biden, who announced Sunday that he would not seek reelection in this year’s presidential race, has served in Washington for nearly half a century — in the Senate, as vice president and, lastly, in the Oval Office.

When Biden leaves the White House in January, he will have spent almost his entire career in national politics. Turning 82 in November, Biden will have been in public life longer than some of his Democratic colleagues have been alive.

Questions about Biden’s age have bookended his Washington career.

In 1972, he surprised Democrats by winning a long-shot Senate race at the age of 29, becoming the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Now his advancing age is one of the key reasons that led Democratic leaders to urge him to withdraw from the November presidential race, with polls showing that most Americans believe he is too old to serve another presidential term.

Biden’s decades as a public elected official have led to a long record of both career successes and setbacks. Here is a look at key moments in his career.

Presidential years

Biden’s years as president were marked by numerous global challenges, among them the grueling COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a newly emboldened China and the economic and social fallout of all of those.

Domestically, Biden struggled to address rising inflation — the highest in four decades — that sharply boosted the cost of living for Americans, as well as deal with rising migration along southern U.S. border and issues of social, racial and gender justice.

Biden, as a presidential candidate in 2020, promised to restore civility to the White House after former President Donald Trump’s administration, marked almost daily by his vitriolic tweets targeting Democrats, his political foes in the Republican Party and the national news media. Biden pledged to work across the political divide in Congress to achieve legislative success.

To an extent, Biden was successful, winning a smattering of Republican votes for key pieces of legislation to spend billions of dollars to repair the country’s aging and deteriorating roads and bridges, promote the American production of computer chips, and install new gun controls — the first enacted in nearly three decades in the United States.

FILE - President Joe Biden speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, March 3, 2022.

FILE – President Joe Biden speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, March 3, 2022.

In separate legislation, Democrats, over unified Republican opposition, approved a coronavirus economic relief bill and later, a $369 billion plan to help control the effects of climate change, the biggest such U.S. allocation ever to help protect the environment.

The substantial government spending, however, has proved problematic, with some economists blaming it for the rampant increase in U.S. consumer prices that have yet to totally recede.

In perhaps his biggest foreign policy achievement, Biden led a coalition of Western nations that sent billions of dollars’ worth of armaments to Ukraine to help Kyiv’s military fend off Russian forces that had initially been expected to overrun the capital within days of their February 2022 invasion. However, even with Biden’s unwavering support, the war has become a stalemate with no easy end in sight.

Also on the foreign front, Biden’s approval ratings declined sharply after 13 U.S. soldiers were killed in the withdrawal of U.S. and allied forces from Afghanistan.

The Israel-Hamas conflict also led to challenges for Biden, who stood by Israel even after pro-Palestinian protests erupted on U.S. college campuses. As the war has dragged on, now in its 10th month, Biden has called for it to end and has grown critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct of the conflict.

Vice presidency

Before Biden ran for the White House in 2020, he was a top adviser to President Barack Obama during his eight years as vice president, beginning in 2009.

Biden was put in charge of many large projects, including the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the distribution of hundreds of billions of federal dollars to state and local governments to help the economy recover from the Great Recession, while working closely with the-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to avoid government shutdowns and debt defaults.

When Obama surprises Biden in 2017 with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Obama described him as “the best vice president America ever had.”

FILE - President Barack Obama laughs with Vice President Joe Biden during a ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Jan. 12, 2017.

FILE – President Barack Obama laughs with Vice President Joe Biden during a ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Jan. 12, 2017.

The two men were famously affectionate, chronicled in countless internet memes, and their families were also close, including a friendship between first lady Michelle Obama and second lady Jill Biden as well friendships between Obama’s daughters and Biden’s granddaughters.

Obama chose Biden as his vice presidential running mate in large part because of Biden’s long experience on the international stage as a U.S. senator, which Obama hoped would balance his own limited experience in that area.

Biden was long thought of as a possible successor to Obama, but he did not run for president in 2016, citing his family’s grief following the death of his son, Beau, from brain cancer at the age of 46. However, reporting in 2019 by The New York Times said Obama had discouraged Biden from running for president in 2016 because he believed then-front runner Hillary Clinton had the best chance of winning the general election.

Senate years

After Biden won his Senate race to represent Delaware in 1972, he spent the next 36 years in the chamber, commuting by train most days over a hundred miles between Wilmington and Washington. He rose through the Democratic ranks and twice served as the head of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee and once as the chairman of the coveted Senate Judiciary Committee.

Known as someone who could work across the aisle with Republicans such as John McCain and Chuck Hagel, Biden had always advocated for bipartisanship. However, despite his ties with Republican lawmakers, he struggled to parlay his relationships into legislative successes when he came to the Oval Office.

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FILE - U.S. President Bill Clinton talks with Senator Joseph Biden at a meeting with law enforcement officers at the Alexandria, Virginia, Jan. 14, 1999.

FILE – U.S. President Bill Clinton talks with Senator Joseph Biden at a meeting with law enforcement officers at the Alexandria, Virginia, Jan. 14, 1999.

Biden’s successes in the Senate included sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act, which made it easier to prosecute domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. He was also instrumental in helping to pass the Brady Bill, which required background checks for the purchase of most firearms.

Critics say that in retrospect, some of his votes were failures. Biden has expressed regret for several of his Senate decisions, including supporting the 1994 crime bill that contributed to higher incarceration rates of African Americans and his vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

He was also criticized for his role as chairman of the 1991 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, who was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. In 2019, Biden offered an apology — not his first — about the situation, saying “To this day, I regret I couldn’t come up with a way to get [Hill] the kind of hearing she deserved.” Hill and her supporters have blamed Biden for not doing enough to protect her from being vilified during the hearing.

Presidential runs

Before his successful presidential run in 2020, Biden had twice earlier run for the presidency, failing in 1988 and 2008, to gain the nomination of his Democratic party.

He eventually won the national election in 2020 against Trump, who has refused to recognize Biden’s victory and continues to claim falsely that he was cheated out of reelection by voter fraud and vote-counting irregularities. Biden won the election by narrowly capturing several political battleground states to win the Electoral College by a 306-232 margin, the same total that Trump declared was a “landslide” when he won the presidency in 2016.

Biden won 7 million more votes than Trump, but U.S. presidents actually win office in state-by-state elections, with the most populous states having the most votes in the Electoral College and thus the most sway in the determining the national outcome.

When he took office as president on January 20, 2021, Biden, at 78, became the country’s oldest chief executive, surpassing Trump, who was 70 when he entered the White House in 2017.

  1. CNN…Promises Kamala Harris has made so far in her campaign – CNN WEB Sept. 29, 2024 · In policy proposals, speeches and rallies, Vice President Kamala Harris has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, but Harris is expected to put her own stamp and …

VIDEO: Capito Highlights Three Years of Failure from President Biden and his Administration

“Our country cannot continue to accept the level of failure that this administration has made normal over the past three years.” – Senator Capito

Click here or on the image above to watch Senator Capito’s floor speech.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, delivered remarks on the Senate Floor highlighting the failures of President Biden’s three years in the White House. Saturday, January 20, marked the third anniversary of President Biden’s inauguration.

During her remarks, Senator Capito outlined the consequences of the Biden administration’s border policy, weak foreign policy record, and disastrous action regarding the economy.

Senator Capito’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are included below:

“Mr/Madam President—

“This past Saturday, January 20th, marked three years since President Biden took his oath of office. Since then, President Biden has had nearly 1,100 days in the White House to enact the policies that he campaigned on and I can tell you what is clear:

“The lives of Americans are not better now than they were three years ago. Our country is not safer than it was three years ago. And, the state of our union is not stronger than it was three years ago.

“Time and time again, President Biden has let his tenure be defined by weakness instead of strength. This lack of leadership has had negative implications across a variety of sectors of American life, and left millions of people across our country and world in situations that were avoidable.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Mr. President.

“Perhaps none of the Biden administration’s failures is as glaringly obvious as the southern border and the continued fallout we’re seeing as the result of a president who is asleep at the switch on the issue.

“There have been 6.7 million illegal encounters at the southern border under President Biden’s watch. It’s hard to imagine the scope of 6.7 million encounters – but think of it this way: Only 17 U.S. states have a population higher than 6.7 million. This massive flow of humanity is the equivalent of adding another state to our country that is nearly four times the size of my home state of West Virginia.

“But, President Biden’s border failure doesn’t stop there. Since Fiscal Year 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has seized 536,000 pounds of meth, 256,000 pounds of cocaine, and 56,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl.

“With hundreds of thousands of admitted got-aways, it’s impossible to know the amount of illegal narcotics that have made it across the border and into our homeland. When it comes to the southern border, the only thing that President Biden has improved is the business of cartels, who are receiving cover to continue their crimes every day that we don’t respond to this crisis.

“The list of consequences as a result of President Biden’s inaction on the border is long and it has led to everything from violent crimes committed by individuals not lawfully in our country, to our hospitals and health clinics being pushed to the brink. To our children forced to vacate their schools and remote learn to make room for migrant shelters, and even calls from the leaders of blue states, who sent a letter on Monday asking for federal assistance to handle this crisis.

“Rather than properly defending our homeland, President Biden has incentivized a crisis that urgently needs a solution. “Unfortunately for this administration, when it comes to failures, the border is just the beginning. Let’s look at the economy, and where the unrelenting pursuit of ‘Bidenomics’ has taken us.

“President Biden and his supporters want the American public to believe that some positive trends are a sign that his policies are working. But, if you have spent any time in middle-class America over the past three years, you would know that our families are continuously being squeezed by high prices and businesses are being taxed and regulated out of operation.

“The quality of life for American families is defined by their ability to put food on the table, to earn an honest living, and to put a roof over their heads, not by broad macroeconomic indicators and unfortunately, there is no relief in-sight for American families under ‘Bidenomics.’

“Since January 2021: Cumulative overall prices have risen 17%. Food prices have increased 20%. Energy prices have increased 32%. And, rent prices have increased 19%. All while average weekly earnings for all employees decreased by 4.5%. The basic truth is that under this president: Americans are spending more and getting less.

“Additionally, these policies defined by ‘Bidenomics’ are failing our small businesses and manufactures as well. Small and medium manufacturing companies continue to have historically lower levels of optimism. And, 23% of small business owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem to their business operations.

“Another area in which this administration has continued to fail is our national security, and the standing of our country on the world stage. The same president who vowed that ‘America is Back’ in one of his first addresses has instead come to own a foreign policy record that is marred by botched withdrawals, open displays of weakness, and regretful decision-making.

“Look no further than the United States’ disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, which undoubtedly has damaged the trust between our allies, broadcasted weakness on the world stage, and displayed a lack of resolve that emboldened our adversaries.

“When it comes to Iran and the Middle East, President Biden has made disastrous decisions: Like the decision to de-list the Houthis as an FTO, the same Iranian-backed terror group that has perpetrated more than 30 attacks on vessels transiting the Red Sea. Or the administration’s willingness to be strung along by Iran on fruitless nuclear negotiations. Today, it is clear that these negotiations were a waste of time – with Iran now rapidly increasing its production of highly enriched uranium. And how could we forget the decision to unfreeze $6 billion in assets to Iran, and to do so on 9/11 of all days.

“The foreign policy of President Biden has been defined by skyrocketing attacks on U.S. troops by foreign adversaries, a large scale ground war in Europe, and the unprecedented buildup of China’s military amid concerns about the health of our own defense industrial base here at home.

“While there is an undeniable lack of American leadership in our executive branch, we must remind ourselves that it is not too late to reverse course. And while Congressional Republicans did not create these issues at hand, we accept the responsibility of attempting to solve them.

“That is why Republicans stand for solutions that change the border policies that have allowed this crisis to thrive, rein in wasteful Washington spending, support our small businesses, manufactures, and middle-class families, unleash American energy, and that prove the true strength and standing of the United States of America on the world stage.

“Our country cannot continue to accept the level of failure that this administration has made normal over the past three years.

“With that, I yield the floor.”

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The American People Are Smart They Know Joe Biden Is A Failed President

Washington, January 26, 2024 Tags: Biden’s National Security Crisis , Biden’s Culture Crisis , Biden’s Economic Crisis , Biden’s Border Crisis , National Security , Foreign Affairs , An Economy That’s Strong , A Government That’s Accountable , A Future That’s Built On Freedom , A Nation That’s Safe

Biden Failed on All Accounts to the American People.

Joe Biden’s average job approval rating during his third year in office was the lowest of any president since Jimmy Carter. This is unsurprising given the numerous crises Americans face because of Biden’s failed Far Left policies. 

According to Gallup: 

During President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance. Among prior presidents in the Gallup polling era who were elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter fared worse in his third year.”

MAKE NO MISTAKE: The American people know that Joe Biden is a failed president. Biden’s reckless Far Left policies are directly responsible for our historic border crisis, which has resulted in over 3 million illegal immigrants being released into our country in FY23 alone by the Biden Administration. Bidenomics continues to fail the American people, costing the average American worker a paycheck and a half per year and the typical American household over $11,400 more a year to buy the basics. Joe Biden’s weakness on the world stage has plunged the world into chaos as our adversaries in Beijing, Moscow, Tehran, and around the world have become emboldened. 


  • Since Joe Biden took office:
    • There have been 8 million illegal crossings nationwide. 
    • There have been OVER 6.7 MILLION illegal crossings of our Southern Border.
    • There have been 1.7 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol.  
  • In November, there were 242,418 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    • This is a 236% increase from November 2020. 
    • November was the 33rd straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump. 
  • In November, 18 more individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. 
  • So far under Biden, 312 of these individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border.
  • In FY23, 169 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border, an all time record.
    • This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined. 
  • Biden’s Far Left open border policies are to blame for this historic crisis.
    • During Biden’s first 100 days in office, he took 94 executive actions on immigration, including halting the construction of the border wall. 
    • In August 2022, Biden and his Administration decided to make the border crisis WORSE by formally ending former President Trump’s successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ program.
    • The Biden Administration announced on May 10, 2023, that it would allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.
      • Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has now admitted that 40 percent of catch-and-release migrants have disappeared. 
  • Despite this historic crisis Joe Biden has only visited the southern border ONCE, and it was widely panned as nothing more than a photo-op.     


  • Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans. 
  • When Joe Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. 
  • Since Joe Biden took office inflation has risen by 17.2%
    • Electricity is UP 26.6% since Biden took office.
    • Motor vehicle insurance is UP 20.3% since Biden took office.
    • Food prices are UP 20.2% since Biden took office.
  • Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation:
    • Frozen noncarbonated juices and drinks are UP 19.1%
    • Rent prices are UP 18.6%
    • Food from vending machines and mobile vendors is UP 13.1%
    • Uncooked beef steaks are UP 11.2%
    • Motor vehicle repair is UP 10.3%
    • Transportation services are UP 9.7%
    • Uncooked beef roasts are UP 8.9%
    • Nonprescription drugs are UP 8.3%
    • Crackers, bread, and cracker products are UP 7.7%
    • Baby food and formula is UP 7.3%
    • Sugar and sugar substitutes are UP 6.9%
    • Rent of primary residence is UP 6.5%
    • Shelter is UP 6.2%
    • Frozen vegetables are UP 6.1%
    • Food away from home is UP 5.2%
    • Pet food is UP 5.1%
  • Under Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Americans are spending $11,400 more annually to buy the basics.   


  • Joe Biden has failed to stand up to our adversaries in Beijing, Tehran, and Moscow. 
  • Iranian-backed terrorists have launched numerous missile strikes on American servicemembers stationed in the Middle East.
    • These strikes have injured multiple American servicemembers. 
  • While American servicemembers were under attack, Iranian-backed terrorist Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was MIA, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks was on vacation in Puerto Rico.
    • On January 1, 2024, Austin was hospitalized. The Department of Defense did not disclose Austin’s hospitalization to President Biden, Congress, senior Defense Department officials, or senior White House national security staff for several days. 
    • Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks was not informed of Austin’s hospitalization when she assumed his duties and was on vacation in Puerto Rico.
    • In the chain of command, the Secretary of Defense serves as the connection through which the President commands and controls our armed forces; it is unknown who was calling the shots while Austin was hospitalized. 
    • The House Committee on Armed Services, under the leadership of Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) has launched a formal inquiry into Secretary Austin’s failure to disclose his hospitalization and incapacitation.
  • The Biden Administration allowed a Chinese surveillance balloon to traverse the entire continental U.S. over the course of 7 days,gathering intelligence and flying over sensitive military sites, before taking action.
    • The balloon entered U.S. airspace on January 28th over the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
    • Despite President Biden knowing of the threat and invasion of U.S. airspace violating our national sovereignty, he waited 5 days before issuing an order to shoot down the balloon.
    • The American people deserve to know why Joe Biden allowed this national security threat for so long, why he tried to hide it from the American people, and what information our foreign adversaries were gathering. 
  • Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in:
    • OVER 1,000 Americans were abandoned behind enemy lines for months at the mercy of the Taliban and $7 billion in U.S. military equipment was left behind. 
  • Under Biden, the U.S. Army fell 15,000 soldiers short of their recruitment goal for FY22, missing by 25%.
  • According to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy, who testified before the Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee, “This constitutes an unprecedented mission gap.”
  • The Army projects the number of active duty soldiers could drop by as much as 6% in FY23, below the branch’s budgeted target request for the year. 

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