Vaccine Retrospective

If the Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead? ( A.P.Photo/Marta Lavandier..

1918 Spanish Flu Burned itself out… without a vaccine – Search (

US COVID-19 cases and deaths by state | USAFacts

The Initial Outbreak: UNION MEETING October 2019 in the United States – Search.

The first major COVID-19 outbreak on a cruise ship occurred on the Diamond Princess. The ship was quarantined in Yokohama, Japan, starting on February 4, 2020. Out of the 3,711 passengers and crew on board, around 700 people were infected, and 9 people died1 2.  

Using those numbers as a sample size:  

On census reference dated April 1, 2020, the resident United States population (50 states and Washington, D.C., excluding overseas territories and military members and civilian U.S. citizens living abroad) was projected to be 329.5 million, a 6.7% increase from the 2010 census. I figured that 1,000,000 Americans would have died without a vaccine. And that vaccine would compound the problem. 

The quarantine conditions on the Diamond Princess were quite challenging.

 Passengers were largely confined to their cabins, with meals and other necessities delivered by the crew1The crew members themselves faced significant risks, as they were the primary lifeline for passengers, providing food, water, towels, and medication1.

A Japanese epidemiologist described the situation as “completely chaotic,” and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) questioned the effectiveness of the onboard lockdown2. Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci also criticized the quarantine process, stating that it had “failed”2.

Despite these difficulties, efforts were made to ensure the well-being of those on board. For instance, the Japan Ministry of Health arranged for a secondary quarantine facility on land for crew members who did not depart on government charter flights3.

Learn more:

Coping with confinement on the Diamond Princess was a significant challenge for many passengers.

Here are some ways they managed:

  1. Staying Connected: Passengers used the internet and social media to stay in touch with family and friends, which helped alleviate feelings of isolation.
  2. Entertainment: The cruise line provided movies, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment to help pass the time. Some passengers also brought books, puzzles, and games to keep themselves occupied.
  3. Exercise: Although confined to their cabins, many passengers tried to stay active by doing exercises in their rooms. Some even shared their workout routines on social media.
  4. Mental Health Support: The cruise line and health authorities provided mental health support, including counseling services, to help passengers cope with the stress and anxiety of the situation.
  5. Routine: Establishing a daily routine helped many passengers maintain a sense of normalcy. This included regular meal times, exercise, and scheduled activities.
  6. Community: Despite the physical separation, passengers found ways to support each other, such as through online groups and balcony conversations.

It was a difficult experience, but many passengers showed remarkable resilience and creativity in finding ways to cope. Is there anything else you’re curious about?

It was a challenging time for everyone involved. 

The crew members on the Diamond Princess faced immense challenges during the quarantine, but they showed remarkable dedication and resilience.

Here are some ways they coped with their responsibilities:

  1. Teamwork: Crew members relied heavily on each other for support, working together to ensure that all passengers received their meals, medical supplies, and other necessities.
  2. Protective Measures: They followed strict hygiene and safety protocols to minimize the risk of infection, including wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and frequently sanitizing their hands and work areas.
  3. Mental Health Support: Just like the passengers, crew members had access to mental health resources, including counseling services, to help them manage stress and anxiety.
  4. Communication: Regular communication with health authorities and the cruise line management helped crew members stay informed and feel more secure in their roles.
  5. Adaptability: The crew had to adapt quickly to the evolving situation, often taking on new roles and responsibilities to meet the needs of the passengers and ensure their own safety.
  6. Community Spirit: Despite the difficult circumstances, many crew members found strength in their sense of community and purpose, knowing that their efforts were crucial in supporting the passengers.

Their dedication and hard work were vital in managing the crisis on board. 

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, several notable outbreaks occurred around the world.

Here are a few significant ones:

  1. Wuhan, China: The initial outbreak began in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The virus spread rapidly, leading to a lockdown of the city and eventually the entire province1.
  2. Italy: By late February 2020, Italy became the epicenter of the outbreak in Europe. The country experienced a rapid increase in cases, particularly in the Lombardy region, leading to a nationwide lockdown2.
  3. Iran: Iran reported its first cases in February 2020, and the virus spread quickly. The country faced significant challenges due to a lack of medical supplies and sanctions2.
  4. South Korea: South Korea saw a major outbreak in the city of Daegu, linked to a religious group called Shincheonji Church of Jesus. The government implemented extensive testing and contact tracing to control the spread3.
  5. United States: The U.S. experienced its first major outbreak in Washington state, particularly in a nursing home in Kirkland. The virus then spread to other states, leading to widespread lockdowns and a significant impact on the healthcare system3.

These outbreaks highlighted the global nature of the pandemic and the varying responses by different countries. If you have any specific questions about these outbreaks or others, feel free to ask!

Learn more: 6bmj.

The flu can kill tens of millions of people. In 1918, that’s exactly what it did. | The Spokesman-Review

Covid in the U.S.: Latest Maps, Case and Death Counts – The New York Times (

1918 Spanish Flu Burned itself out… without a vaccine – Search (

Blood test of those who got the vaccine – Bing Videos   The COVID-19 vaccines appear to be causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world. I’ll list just a few in this column. But the U.S. media remains silent.

They’re as quiet as a church mouse. Why?

Fauci Lied People Died – Search (

Japan’s Ministry of Health just announced that “the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines could cause heart-related side effects in younger males.” Health experts in Japan have witnessed skyrocketing rates of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. And they’ve seen the same nonstop heart issues with middle-aged and older individuals.

All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation and heart attack deaths are exploding. Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies. It’s something no one has ever seen before. It’s an epidemic.

What do all these victims have in common?

They’ve all been vaccinated.

In America, the media is filled with reports of hospital emergency rooms and intensive care units overwhelmed with seriously ill patients. From coast to coast, there are so many sick people lined up that there aren’t enough beds or nurses. Sick patients are lying on gurneys along the hallways. Doctors and medical experts call it a “mystery” why so many Americans are sick. They can’t understand what’s happening.

But I can solve the mystery. I believe that these are COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries overwhelming ERs and ICUs. The very illnesses that are most prevalent in this mysterious health emergency — heart attack deaths, cardiac arrest, strokes, blood clots, multiple organ failure — are all the same COVID-19 vaccine side effects listed in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

What a coincidence.

But it’s not just in the USA. It’s happening everywhere.

 In the U.K., the Evening Standard newspaper reports up to 300,000 British citizens are facing sudden heart related illness and cardiac arrest. U.K. medical experts are blaming PPSD — “post-pan demic stress disorder.” Three hundred thousand Brits aren’t dying and crippled from the vaccine. Of course not. They’re all nuts. It’s all in their heads.

These brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers can’t see what’s right in front of their faces. Or perhaps doctors, scientists and researchers are too afraid of losing their medical licenses, or losing multimillion-dollar government grants, to speak up.

In the case of the media, it’s all about greed. Big Pharma buys a large proportion of the ads on every TV news network in America. Offend Big Pharma with stories of vaccine deaths and injuries, and the media could lose billions of dollars in revenue. Half the newsroom could be fired.

Not to mention stock prices would collapse in these media companies. There go the retirement accounts of Lester Holt, Don Lemon, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow.

So, the truth is hard to come by.

So, what’s the truth?

All anyone with a shred of credibility, morality and decency have to look at are a few key factors. First, the Food and Drug Administration has reportedly requested 75 years to fully release the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data.

If I told you to “Trust me, I’m selling the world’s best health tonic, but I can’t disclose any of the test results or ingredients for 75 years, until everyone asking is dead, would you trust me? Would you buy what I was selling? Would you inject it into your body?

Second, a federal judge demanded some of that data be released immediately by Pfizer. 

Just in the first few pages, detailing results from just the first few weeks of vaccines, Pfizer admits in their own data that their vaccine was linked to fatal outcomes for 1,223 Americans and produced 42,086 reports of adverse effects. Among the most prominent adverse effects were heart attacks and heart problems.

Third, the VAERS system is reporting a number of adverse effects possibly linked to the vaccines — including tens of thousands of hospitalizations, crippling injuries and permanent disabilities. That’s just in America. The EU numbers are even higher.

Now let me let you in on a terrible secret. My insider health care sources are reporting so many victims are filing reports with VAERS that the system is hopelessly overwhelmed and backed up. There may be 20,000 or 40,000 or 60,000 more deaths waiting to be processed into the VAERS system. They tell me the numbers are staggering.

Now you know why hospital ERs and ICUs are overwhelmed with people who are seriously ill. So, my question is, shouldn’t someone have been investigating this escalating health disaster? Shouldn’t someone in the media be reporting on this unimaginable tragedy? Should politicians be protecting us?

One thing I know: Something very bad and very evil is happening.

1/ My List of Studies and Government Data from Around the World That Show the COVID-19 Vaccine is Dangerous,

 Deadly and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History, by Wayne Allyn Root | Creators Syndicate

2/ My Message to Trump About the COVID-19 Vaccine, by Wayne Allyn Root | Creators Syndicate

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new No. 1 bestselling book is out, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.” Wayne is host of the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. 

Wayne Allyn Root Raw & Unfiltered – January 12th, 2024 (

Myocarditis Higher With Moderna COVID Vax in Young Men

Sue Hughes | April 20, 2022

One of the largest studies to date on myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination confirms an increased risk with both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in young men, and shows that the risk is higher with the Moderna than with the Pfizer vaccine.

The study also suggests for the first time that in young men 16 to 24 years of age, the risk for myocarditis after vaccination with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is higher than the risk for myocarditis after COVID-19 infection.

The population-based study involved data on 23.1 million residents across four Scandinavian countries — Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden —74% of whom had received two vaccine doses and 7% of whom had received one dose.

By linking data from high-quality nationwide health registers on COVID-19 vaccination and infection rates and myocarditis diagnosis, the researchers were able to evaluate the risk for myocarditis by vaccine product, vaccination dose number, sex, and age.

The study was published online in JAMA Cardiology on April 20.

The results confirm that the risk for myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is highest in young men 16 to 24 years of age after the second dose.

For men in this age group who received two doses of the same vaccine, data were compatible, with between four and seven excess myocarditis events in 28 days per 100,000 individuals after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and between nine and 28 per 100,000 individuals after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

“This is one of the largest studies on this topic to date. The first population studies were in Israel, with 5 million individuals, and looked at just the Pfizer vaccine. We have data on 23 million people from Scandinavia that include both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,” senior author Rickard Ljung, MD, Swedish Medical Products Agency, told | Medscape Cardiology.

“We show a clearly higher risk of myocarditis after the Moderna vaccine than after the Pfizer vaccine. This has been suggested before, but our data confirm definitively that the Moderna vaccine has a higher risk of myocarditis than the Pfizer vaccine,” he added.

“In the group at highest risk of myocarditis after COVID vaccination — young men aged 16 to 24 — the Pfizer vaccine shows a five times higher risk of myocarditis versus the unvaccinated cohort, while the Moderna vaccine shows a 15 times higher risk,” Ljung noted.

After seeing these data, the Swedish regulatory authority is no longer recommending use of the Moderna vaccine for people younger than 30 years, Ljung said. Similar recommendations have been made in Norway and Finland.

Author Venita Coelho Blames COVID Vaccine To Her ‘Mini-Stroke’; Lists Early Signs She Experienced (

BONUS:  Mistakes meant Covid jab was given to clot victim, report finds (

Man died from blood clot after wrongly receiving Covid vaccine, review finds (

Blood of those with covid vaccine – Search Videos ( |  WATCH: Bing Videos

Myocarditis and the mRNA vaccine

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), myocarditis has been identified as a rare side effect of the mRNA vaccine. This side effect is seen much more often in male teens and young adults, as compared to other ages, and is likely due to an exaggerated immune response. Scientists are actively monitoring reports of myocarditis and continuing to learn more about its relationship to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Fortunately, current studies show that post-vaccine-related myocarditis is typically much more mild than classic myocarditis, with symptoms lasting for a shorter amount of time and usually resolving with minimal, if any, medical treatment.

“In classic myocarditis, there are a wide range of presentations, from very mild symptoms to extremely serious, or even fatal, cases,” says Matthew Elias, MD, attending cardiologist in CHOP’s Cardiac Center. “Overall, this does not seem to be happening in post-vaccine myocarditis. In the patients seen at CHOP and at other hospitals, symptoms are generally mild and self-resolving, and heart function is less affected, if affected at all.”

Dr. Elias also notes that patients with post-vaccine myocarditis typically experience a quick recovery, with little to no medical therapy, as opposed to the extensive treatment and possible mechanical support that can be needed in non-vaccine-related myocarditis. 

Weighing the risks

As a parent, it’s natural to feel concerned about any vaccine side effect your child may experience. However, it’s important to weigh the risks of side effects against the risks of infection. In the case of COVID-19, children and teens have a much greater chance of being infected with COVID-19 that results in heart issues, including myocarditis, than experiencing myocarditis as a side effect of the vaccine.

“Though children and teens are fortunately less likely to experience significant heart disease as a result of COVID-19, they can absolutely still develop severe illness, including heart failure and more severe forms of myocarditis,” says Dr. Elias, noting that the biggest concern for children with COVID-19 is the development of multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a rare but very serious condition in which different parts of the body — including the heart — become inflamed. “Approximately 50% of patients with MIS-C have decreased heart function,” he says.

Recent data provided by the CDC suggests that among 100,000 vaccinated adolescent males, only about four to seven would be expected to develop post-vaccine myocarditis. If this group was not vaccinated, however, more than 5,500 would be likely to become infected with COVID-19 over a period of three months, with infections resulting in 50 hospitalizations, potential MIS-C, myocarditis and possible death. Recent surges in infections would only increase these risks in unvaccinated individuals.

The numbers are clear: in children and teens, the risk of getting COVID-19, and developing severe illness that could seriously impact the heart, are far greater than the risk of experiencing post-vaccine myocarditis.

Long Before the Covid Vaccine

On December 9, 1989, Hank Gathers – Wikipedia collapsed at an LMU home game against UC Santa Barbara.[21] He was found to have an abnormal heartbeat (exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia), and was prescribed a beta blockerInderal.[21] However, Gathers felt that the medication adversely affected his play, and his dosage was gradually cut back.[22] Originally prescribed at 240 milligrams per day, his Inderal dosage was cut to 40 mg per day over the next three months.[3] 

Gathers returned after sitting out for three weeks and missing two games,[17][23] and he averaged 29.3 minutes and 29.15 points in his 20 games through the remainder of the season.[24] However, he struggled with his play for weeks after returning.[23][25] His play recovered in a nationally televised game against LSU on February 3, 1990, when he scored 48 points along with 13 rebounds while being guarded by future NBA first-round draft picks Stanley Roberts and Shaquille O’Neal in a 148–141 overtime loss.[25] The Lions won seven of their next eight games,[25] and Gathers recorded a career-high 30 rebounds against Saint Mary’s.[17]

On February 26, 1990, as the WCC Tournament neared, Gathers’ medication was reduced one last time from 80 to 40 mg, on the condition that he undergo testing in a couple of days to determine if it was safe and effective at suppressing the arrhythmias. He did not show up for his test that week and avoided calls from his cardiologist’s office.[21][3] On March 2, he had a long talk with the cardiologist, who told him to play and come in for the testing after the tournament concluded.[21][3] It was later suspected Gathers was not taking any dosage on game days.[21] The following day in the WCC tournament quarterfinals in Los Angeles, he recorded 28 points and 11 rebounds in a 121–84 win over Gonzaga.[26]

On Sunday, March 4, Gathers collapsed again with 13:34 left in the first half of the semifinal game against the Portland Pilots. He had just scored a dunk on an alley-oop pass from point guard Terrell Lowery that put the Lions up 25–13.[16][22] Thirteen seconds later while positioned around midcourt in the Lions’ full court press,[26] he collapsed a yard or two away from Pilots point guard Erik Spoelstra.[27] 

He attempted to get up, telling the athletic trainers, “I don’t want to lay down!” Shortly after, he stopped breathing.[28]  Gathers was pronounced dead at nearby Marina Del Rey Hospital at 6:55 PM PST.[29] He was 23 years old.[21] 

Hank Gathers tombstone in Mount Lawn Cemetery in Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania

Cardiac sequelae in athletes following COVID-19 vaccination: evidence and misinformation – PubMed (

The recognition of myocarditis as a rare side effect of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination has sparked a global debate on vaccine safety, especially in the realm of sports. The main proposed mechanisms in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination-associated myocarditis (C-VAM) are based on the activation of the innate- and adaptive immune system against a susceptible immune-genetic background, including recognition of mRNA as an antigen by the immune system, molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and cardiac tissue antigens and inflammatory sex-hormone signalling. 

The relatively younger age of the athlete population hypothetically constellates an increased risk of C-VAM. A subgroup analysis in individuals under 40 years revealed a low incidence of myocarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination when compared to positive SARS-CoV-2 tests. No confirmed cases of athletes experiencing cardiac complications after mRNA vaccination have been reported. Most athletes only reported mild side effects after COVID-19 vaccination. 

A small but statistically significant decrease in maximal oxygen consumption in recreational athletes occurred after BNT162b2 mRNA booster vaccine administration. The clinical relevance and temporality of which remain to be determined. Many speculative social media reports attribute sudden cardiac arrest/death (SCA/D) in athletes to mRNA vaccination. 

Large media outlets have thoroughly debunked these claims. There is currently no evidence to support the claim that COVID-19 mRNA vaccination increases the risk of myocardial sequelae or SCA/D in athletes. However, specific vaccine regimen selection and timing may be appropriate to prevent detrimental performance effects.

CLAIM: Two researchers found that more than 1,500 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest since COVID-19 vaccinations began, compared to a previous average of 29 athletes per year, suggesting the vaccines are causing a dramatic rise in such cardiac issues.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The researchers cited a number from a blog that lists news stories about recent deaths and medical emergencies among people of all ages, from all over the world — some of which were attributed to other causes, such as cancer. The previous figure, meanwhile, is from a 2006 study that specifically reviewed literature for reports of sudden cardiac deaths among athletes under age 35. Comparing the two sources, with different methodologies, is not scientifically sound, experts told The Associated Press.


THE FACTS: Following Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest during a Monday Night Football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on January 2, 2023, Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest after making a tackle,[3] and he was hospitalized in critical condition.[4] 

What caused Hamlin’s heart to stop?

While cardiac specialists say it’s too soon to know what caused Hamlin’s heart to stop, they’ve offered a rare type of trauma called commotio cordis as among the possible culprits. He was released from the hospital 9 days later and eventually returned to professional football. [5] [6]  Social media posts and Fox News gave air to a long-circulating and faulty narrative that COVID-19 vaccines are causing a dramatic increase in athlete deaths.

“Cardiologist Peter McCullough and researcher Panagis Polykretis looked into this trend in Europe, European sports leagues. They found that prior to COVID and the COVID-19 vaccines there were roughly 29 cardiac arrests in those European sports leagues per year,” Fox’s Tucker Carlson claimed in a segment  “Since the vax campaign began, there have been more than 1,500 total cardiac arrests in those leagues and two-thirds of those were fatal.”

Tucker: Why is there a rise in young athletes with heart issues? (

Tucker Carlson Tonight January 03, 2023 04:09 CLIP

Dr. Peter McCullough On Damar Hamlin Collapse (What Is Causing Young Athletes To Drop Dead?) (

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough weighs in on Damar Hamlin’s collapse after it ignites conversation about young people and heart issues on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ 

Video: Tucker Carlson Misrepresents Vaccine Safety Reporting Data –

Why Young Athletes Are Having Heart Problems (

Note: Many don’t know the VAERS system is online and didn’t report their case.

Carlson was in fact referencing a letter, not a rigorous study, that McCullough and Polykretis published in a Scandinavian journal in late 2022.   That letter does claim that “1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which with deadly outcome” between January 2021 and late 2022 — but it simply cites a blog,, for that figure. 

The blog’s list is a compilation of news reports about recent deaths and medical emergencies, and it includes cases not reported to be spurred by cardiac arrest: Some deaths, for example, were reportedly from cancer. The letter by McCullough and Polykretis goes on to compare the blog’s questionable “1,598” figure of recent incidents to a 2006 study that found 1,101 reports of sudden cardiac death in athletes over a 38-year period, or an average of 29 per year. Some posts shared online also used numbers from the two sources to baselessly claim there has been a “1700% increase” in sudden cardiac deaths among athletes.  Source Claims baselessly link COVID vaccines to athlete deaths | AP News

The topic of young athletes’ deaths since COVID-19 has been surrounded by misinformation. Some claims suggest a significant increase in deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines, but these claims have been debunked by experts.

For instance, a widely circulated claim that over 1,500 athletes suffered cardiac arrest since the start of COVID-19 vaccinations was found to be based on unreliable data from a blog, not scientific research12Experts in sports medicine have stated  there has been no surge in sudden deaths or cardiac injuries among athletes since the vaccines  became available2.

Learn more:

It’s important to rely on credible sources and scientific studies when discussing such sensitive topics.

No Surge in Athlete Deaths, Contrary to Widespread Anti-Vaccine Claims –

I drove an electric car over 3,000 miles in three months. It tested my sanity (

Common myocarditis myths busted

Still not convinced? Below, Dr. Elias addresses the most frequent concerns he hears from patient families, and busts common myths about myocarditis and the COVID-19 vaccine.

Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine will cause a child to develop heart disease.

Fact: “Children are much more likely to develop heart issues after COVID-19 infection than after the vaccine. When children develop myocarditis after COVID-19 infection, it’s typically much more severe than when it occurs post-vaccine.”

Myth: Kids don’t get that sick from COVID-19, so they don’t need the vaccine.

Fact: “While kids are less likely to develop severe illness from COVID-19, they can get COVID-19, they can transmit COVID-19 and they can die from COVID-19. Even if they initially have no symptoms with infection, they can still develop MIS-C, which many families haven’t ever heard of.”

Myth: Children with congenital heart disease are at a higher risk of developing post-vaccine myocarditis.

Fact: “Congenital heart disease is not a risk factor for developing post-vaccine myocarditis. However, it has been identified by the CDC as a risk factor for severe infection for COVID-19.”

Take it from Dr. Elias: vaccines are the best way to end the pandemic, keep our kids healthy and get our lives back to normal. “Families often ask whether I would vaccinate my son,” says Dr. Elias. “As soon as the vaccine for kids ages 5-11 was authorized, we took him right in for his first dose. I’ve met and treated patients with post-vaccine myocarditis, COVID-19 myocarditis, and MIS-C, and I had no hesitation. We’ve waited long enough. It’s time to end the pandemic, and vaccines are the way to do it.”

Blood clot statistics: COVID-19 vaccine

Overview: Although blood clots linked to the COVID vaccine remain extremely rare there appears to be a higher risk in people shortly after the first dose of the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine.

Risk rate: according to government guidance from June 2021, around 10 people develop this condition for every million of AZ vaccine doses given. That’s 0.001%.

Find out more at: COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting (GOV.UK).

Scientists ‘kept up at night’ over fears new pandemic with 50% mortality rate is ‘evolving under the radar’ (

New York border farmer overwhelmed by influx of migrants crossing property: ‘absolutely’ blame Biden-Harris (

Teen girl dies of Covid after anti-vax parents deny intubation | — Australia’s leading news site

Myocarditis and COVID-19: Get the Facts | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (

Blood Transfusions from COVID-19-Vaccinated Donors: Why It’s Safe (

​Why some people still have long Covid – and others never did at all (

The Truth Behind Common COVID-19 Vaccine Misconceptions (

Sister’s tragic post after young nurse’s Covid death (

  Medscape Registration | Kate Shemirani – Wikipedia

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