A VOTE for K.H. Means More Lies

Charlie Daniels recites Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance (Official Video) (youtube.com)

The first step to truly disarming an individual, or a society, is by taking away their right to free speech. Dr. Phil says often: “When people tell you who they are, also believe them” – Kamala – Walz – Hillary – have all told us who they are, and I believe them. I also believe these Leftists will do a lot of other things we won’t like if they can just confiscate our guns. We can save democracy by censoring speech and jailing our political opponents! 🇺🇲

They’re collecting our posts right now to use against us if they’re successful in stealing the election again, believe that!!

We’re losing the one thing that’s keeping the peace between America and China (msn.com)

They would gladly see America turn into China if it meant they could retain power.

They don’t care what apocalyptic outcome it might bring. These Democrats are demons… The uni party wants to take away our 1st and second amendment.

It’s long past time to make free speech great again. That’s why Freedom of Speech is the First Amendment. It’s the bedrock and cornerstone of democracy. Remember to make the correct choice at critical moments! ⌛

This becomes the big excuse for Democracy to mute people’s voices, the true voices from people. This is exactly how the British sounded before America declared our freedom.

Free Speech is worth fighting to protect because once you lose it there is no easy way to get it back before it’s too late… Absolutely! Because nothing says freedom like government-controlled speech and prison sentences. Maybe next, they’ll suggest we all live in glass houses to improve transparency! 🎭

Like the plot to a dystopian movie, New York will now monitor social media writings, collect data, and use law enforcement to crack down on any expression it deems to be hate speech. They won’t want people to be allowed to think for themselves. Allowing individuals to have their own personal power is too much of a threat. Very concerning.

New York announces it will take citizen surveillance and censorship to the next level – Standing for Freedom Center

They always act like any restriction or discipline, or morality is unreasonable. There are restrictions on the first amendment already. Valid ones that the law and the constitution uphold. The anonymous rightwing social media Borg just knows it can’t misinform and propagandize as well if X takes responsibility for the quality of its business and reins in abuse and manipulation and harassment and hate speech.

OPINION: Harris lies about Trump and flip-flops on policy.

What does she really stand for? (msn.com)

They’re scared of the truth! 

Censorship won’t save them from what Americans really think. 

On Gavin Newsom banning memes in Ca., how exactly does that work?

SO I INCLUDED MANY IN THIS POST JUST FOR YOU FROM OHIO. SO YOU won’t think twice about imprisoning dissent. Biden and your AUNT PIGLOSI already did it…  My God, we live in a scary time and it just gets scarier by the week with lying politicians 


SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi have a lot in common as prominent Democrats with strong ties to San Francisco, but are they also related as family members?

If you have a particularly generous view on extended family, then yes.

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law. 

Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977.

RELATED: Everything you need to know about the stolen recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom

That means for a while, Gavin Newsom was related to Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law by marriage, but the familial relation between the two now-powerful Democrats was even more distant. Not to mention, the marriage tying the two families together ended when Gavin was 10 years old.

When your Karma bites you in the ass, Everything will fall like dominoes.


I am a smart one that means I’m voting for Trump in November.

Believe them. They mean it when they tell on themselves

Kamala: Thinks We must censor the internet. Walz: Misinformation ≠ free speech.

Hillary: Prison for telling the TRUTH. 

Statements from Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Hillary Clinton highlight a growing concern about the balance between addressing misinformation and protecting free speech. Their positions suggest a push for increased regulation, which can lead to significant debates about individual rights and government authority.

It’s crucial to critically assess such proposals and their implications for democratic values. Can they be more obvious on what they are afraid of if the people did the opposite of what they are asking for….They are trying to hide the truth about themselves. Democrats are the greatest threat to our Constitutional republic that we have ever faced. SINCE 12/07/1941.

They really would like to put every conservative behind bars. And take away your guns so you couldn’t defend yourself against the government. The internet cannot be censored, web3 exists. Sorry! Might as well start learning about it now. – Search (bing.com)


Meet the Biden omics five: Voting for more Inflation – Is Biden omics Working?

 IF you offer people two options – take responsibility, work harder, and we’ll provide you with all the opportunities to lift yourself up, or let us decide for you, who regulates the environment, and guide you to a passive, limited future – many will choose the second option. Same thing is happening in the EU, UK, and Canada… because too many people ask, ‘What’s wrong with regulating harmful things?’ 

They fail to see the danger in handing over the power to decide what’s right and wrong. Many are willing to surrender some responsibility for their own lives because life is hard, and the struggle is real. The harder life gets (including navigating ourselves in the confusing information battle), the less energy people have to govern themselves.

So they opt to alleviate the burden, not realizing the long-term cost of such choices.

Is the internet not already censored? 

Aren’t their legal actions people can take if someone were to lie and create false narratives against someone in normal life? We desire these things in our normal lives but can’t imagine the need for them for social media and information? Didn’t people just flip out because a player knew that they were going to start in a football game beforehand? 

But people didn’t know until late that they were scratched and then those people get upset because of the “mis information” … the information they are safeguarding aren’t your opinions, They are more than likely looking at trends in your digital profile and content to ensure no one is a threat to others or the country? 

You don’t think this stuff is happening already? What is the issue here?

Question, if Mr. Trump said we should have safeguards in place. 

What would people say? Aren’t they arguing against misinformation as well?

So, wouldn’t Misinformation be the issue? 

0r the threat of stopping free speech?


I’m okay with that law if it is applied equally. (NO stain on the blue dress.)


Hillary Benghazi Facts | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)

As Rewriting History suggests, we can only hope Hillary Clinton’s past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Watch 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) Full Movie Online Free – 123Movies (123moviesme.online)

Should we, the people, ask those people that provided the Russian hoax and Charlottesville hoax be put in prison?

How about putting those 51 intelligence officers in prison?

I’m okay with it to protect democracy.

These are the enemies of free speech — and they are not afraid to say it:

Western Lensman on X: “Kamala: “If you don’t police your social media platform we will hold you accountable.” Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech.” Hillary: “Americans should be criminally charged for misinformation.” This is what’s in store for free speech in America should Kamala win. https://t.co/h0nexB5cDi” / X

They tell you exactly what their plans are:

Kamala married a JEW Bidens cabinet was 66% JEWISH Bidens kids all married JEWS Hillary’s daughter married a JEW Jews are 0.2% of the planet. How does this make ANY SENSE?


Democrats are pro-censorship and there is no denying that fact.

Gavin Newsom: I’m gonna ban memes

They want to censor thought and make slaves out of us all. Democrats never stopped being the party of slavery. Remember, Kamala’s family owned slaves.

People need to realize the Bible is true – in Revelation it describes a one-world dictatorship where no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark. It is unfolding before our eyes. America is going to fall, everyone needs to prepare themselves for that. But take heart – Jesus Christ has overcome the world. We will win in the end.


 Elon is utilizing it to broadcast the salient facts people should be considering in voting this time. Trump is for Freedom, Prosperity, and Safety. The Harris/Walz team is not. If they were, the last four years would have been very different than they were. She’s had four years to show what she could do, and look where the country is. We saw what Trump could do before he was t-boned by the pandemic. Well, the pandemic is gone now, and we want the Trump system back!

It’s called Freedom to Broadcast what we know.


Kamala’s Past Lies Reveals Why She Shouldn’t be POTUS.

Kamala Harris Dismisses Past Biden Criticism: “It Was A Debate” | Video | RealClearPolitics

During a June 2019 appearance on CBS’s “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert, Sen. Kamala Harris said that despite her bashing Joe Biden at a recent primary debate, she would support the Democratic candidate, no matter who it was.  

“How do you go from being such a passionate opponent on such bedrock principles for you, and now you guys seem to be pals?” 

Colbert asked.  “It was a debate,” Harris said about her fierce attacks on Biden.

You need to add these facts: 

1. She moved to Canada at the age of 12. 

2. She attended school, including college, in Canada aged 11/12 through 20. 

3. She did not spend her “formative” years in the U.S. 

4. Her extreme values are Canadian not American.

5. Plus she lived in Canada from 1976 to 1982. 

6. Her father is a Marxist.

It’s proven over and over again that She’s a Pathological and Habitual Liar ALSO not very bright, Back in her years actually there was bussing, but it was DEsegregating policy and it was white kids being bussed to other schools to balance the racial makeup of other schools as part of an effort to desegregate schools in Los Angeles.


So true. (At least most of it) Although I’d love it if the final statement were correct, 

@KamalaHarris was born in Oakland CA which makes her a natural born citizen. It’s the really terrible part of our constitutional laws because anyone can cross our border and have a baby that naturally becomes a citizen.

Larry Elder on Tucker talking Kamala Harris – Search (bing.com)

Larry Elder told the story of her father traveling from the deep south to LA and being so surprised that it wasn’t segregated and realizing that’s where he wanted to live. She lived in an area in Montreal called Westmount Quebec – Second most affluent neighborhood in Canada and her family wasn’t middle class, and she didn’t work McDonald’s employment to help pay for college.

It is obvious that Kamala Harris has appropriated the Black race for the purpose of fooling African Americans ahead of the 2024 election. In other words, she’s playing them all for fools in order to get them to vote for her! She is not “Presidential material,” regardless of race!

And Don’t believe her lies, she wasn’t middle class, she was upper class!

Literally everything out of her mouth is a lie. How can anyone vote for someone with zero credibility!!

Do you actually want this running the country?

Kamala Harris says her dad taught her to be fearless, but he has also scolded her publicly | The Independent


(1) Elon Musk on X: “True” / X

A vote for Kamala is a vote to give up all your rights to the government and will dictate to you what you can and can’t do. A totalitarian regime of communism….voting for Kamala Harris is like getting a flat tire and driving around on it and hoping that it’ll fix itself.  A vote for Kamala Harris is a snub to every single Founding Father who signed their name on the Declaration of Independence.

End the Kamala chaos by Electing Trump!

And she won’t snuff out Christianity. Almost 2,000 years later the Bible is still the number one seller of all time, and Jesus is alive and well and sitting on the throne. Extremely disturbing once you notice our sorry state is due largely to the death of religion. The sentiment that “A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote against any religious institution” reflects a specific perspective, often rooted in certain political or cultural narratives. 

This is also being reflected in behavioral facilities for adolescents. We have now switched to being on a Cali model, with Cali overlords who run it fiscally based. We All Know SOFT GEL SLICK DOWN NEWSCUM MADE CALIFORNIA UNLIVABLE. 
They have designed it to maximize fiscal gains, not your child’s health. You have 30 days to fix anomalous behavior, which is stupid, impossible and unproductive for serious cases where the help is needed most. 

These Democratic policies have placed barcodes on your children, and that is all they are to them!  


A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote against religious institutions misrepresenting the Do No Harm Act, which she sponsored. 

This legislation clarifies that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act cannot be used to justify discrimination, undermine nondiscrimination laws, or harm others. It protects individual rights, promotes inclusivity, and has support from over 100 civil rights, LGBTQ, health, women’s, labor, and faith organizations. Understanding the Act’s context and intent is crucial, rather than perpetuating misinformation that fuels division.

The basic problem is that people have a right to discriminate, but they don’t have a right not to be discriminated against. Once you create a fake right for some favored groups not to be discriminated against, you destroy real rights for all individuals, including religious.

The media has become a complete waste now that it cannot be counted on to report fairly. It likes its access and influence, and in that way it’s behaving like just another wealthy elite Democratic Party donor. This is not the case. The United States needs a president like Donald Trump who can build relationships with the whole world. Very true,Vote for peace in World 🌎🕊️☮️ vote for change, vote for Trump 💓🤍💙


Thread by @BasedMikeLee on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
🏮 1. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote against any religious institution, including schools, universities, hospitals, and charities. The media doesn’t want you to know about the Do No Harm Act. They won’t ask her about it because they know the answer.

🏮 2. This is the truth: Kamala Harris doesn’t believe that religious institutions should be able to live according to their faith. Rather, they must bend the knee to the popular social justice movement of the day.

🏮 3. Not a single mention of the severe threat Kamala Harris presents to religious liberty—including for Latter-day Saints.

🏮 4. There’s an argument to be made that the Do No Harm Act was a (if not THE) centerpiece in Kamala’s short tenure in the Senate. It has among the most cosponsors of any legislation she introduced. Search Bills in Congress – GovTrack.us

🏮 5. Here’s a link to Kamala Harris’s Do No Harm Act. Text of S. 2918 (115th): Do No Harm Act (Introduced version) – GovTrack.us

🏮 6. I struggle a little to understand why Latter-day Saints would vote for her, in light of her efforts to gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but to each his own.

🏮 7. I struggle far more to understand why the Church’s media operation would go out of its way to help her hide her crusades against religious freedom.

🏮 8. Don’t just take my word for it. Please take a look at this opinion piece, correctly analyzing Harris’s hostility toward religious freedom, published by Michael Gerson in The Washington Post: Kamala Harris exacerbates Biden’s existing problem with religious voters. He must work to reassure them. – The Washington Post – Search (bing.com)

🟥 In conclusion, the claim is factually incorrect if taken to mean that Harris’s policies entirely oppose religious institutions. While the Do No Harm Act might concern some religious groups about potential restrictions, it’s one part of a broader legislative and political context. Harris’s overall stance includes supporting religious freedoms alongside protections from discrimination. Therefore, presenting a vote for Harris as universally against religious institutions oversimplifies her policy positions and the nuanced interplay between religious freedoms and civil rights in legislation.
#OPINION | Kamala has been known for years for her weak oratory. When she speaks she has a hard time keeping the thread of the conversation, and she also has a nervous laugh that not only gives her away easily, but also annoys many 🤡 


Marxists EGO=Edging God Out tend to not like Christians…

Hence why her org feeds everything materialistic and places importance of appearance over substance.

Holli  @lillybug000

Everyone should have to go live in a blue state. Like Pennsylvania which has been run by Dems for years. I recently visited family outside of Pittsburgh. There is no prosperity, no new homes going in, very few new businesses, very little manufacturing and no growth. Lots of taxes. It is a shell of its former self. Nothing has changed since I was there 10 years ago. It has only gotten worse. Utahns have no clue how well they have it. Choose wisely this November. The Most Prosperous States in America (usnews.com)

Yeah, Their long-term goals are similar to the book “A Brave New World”. It’s going to suck, and it includes them eventually taking the kids.

Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is ‘Not Black,’ Predicts ‘Mayhem’ for 2024 Election (msn.com)

Who could be in Harris’s Cabinet? Let the chatter begin (msn.com)

When Kamala had a 90% turnover from Day 1 in her VP Staff

Because she was always unorganized and changing her mind! 

The fate of America depends on removing Democrats from the presidency, Congress and state governments. The entire Democrat party is treasonous, in bed with global oligarchs to drag the U.S. into a global feudalistic/communistic governance. 

If it appears that Western nations are all in lockstep:

Descending toward authoritarianism, censorship, suppression of free speech and fascism, that’s because they are. Western governments have been corrupted and subverted by global oligarchs. YES!! For a very long time. That’s why Trump is a threat to the Shadow US government. Progressive old money. Democ-Rats 🐀🐀🐀

I have been preaching this about the Democrats since Obama because every time you hear about something that stupid dumb or idiomatic Democrats involved…..🤡💩🤡💩🤡


The future of America hinges on this election. 
A Trump victory means defending free speech, securing our borders, making our cities safe again, and bringing sanity back to government spending. It’s about restoring strength, both politically and financially. Just like 

@TheTrumpToken and $GREAT represent freedom in the crypto world, Trump represents freedom for the American people. It’s time to secure our future.

It’s a little odd that so much should depend on one event, but it does. The Left has taken us down a dark tangent, and we need to put our nation back on track if we want to continue to enjoy the many things which made America the leader of the Free World.

Many self-destructing people will vote with only their personal hate as a motivation! I pray, for their sake, as well as mine, there aren’t enough of them to succeed!

He needs to shift the conversation into the fact that his campaign and policy is to make the country strong, energy independent, fix the border and help everyone. While Kamala’s only policy is to stop him from doing so .

Climate change, charging stations, the border, and the internet is all a taxpayer funded scam from this pathetic administration and will only get worse under communist Kamala… Sounds like money has been funneled to places other than where it should be going. Complete RIPOFF!Kambala failures:
𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 🚫 (≈$457 billion) 𝐄𝐕 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬/𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 🚫 ($5/$2.5 billion) 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 🚫 ($42 billion)

It’s called incompetence by Kamala Harris And misappropriation of public funds. Don’t forget about the 8 charging stations that cost 7.5 billion or the 11 billion, 1600 ft long CA high speed rail that Nancy Pelosi Diane Feinstein stole Grant Money Three Times From. While they waste billions and play politics, Americans are still offline. It’s a total failure of leadership! 3 strikes & she’s out!
Don’t get distracted: Kamala is historically extreme (voz.us)


Let’s envision what it would be like if we voted for Harris, leading us into a time of incredible poverty. Imagine a version of America where free speech STOPS and every individual has access to healthcare, education, and yes, Picture more illegals coming through wider open borders, 🟥BREAKING: House Republicans reportedly have enough votes to charge Attorney General Merrick Garland with inherent Contempt of Congress, which would direct the Sergeant at Arms to take him into custody.
🟥 JUST IN: The Trump campaign has DECLINED CNN’s invitation for another debate Good! That’s the right move.

Donald Trump does not need to endure another rigged debate like the one on ABC.

If she wants another debate, it should be on X, with Tucker and Laura moderating.

🟥 I do not understand why the RNC continues to allow left wing propagandists to handle “debates” for them.

Here comes the left saying Trump is afraid even though Kamala denied Fox debates twice. As she’ll only agree to “debates” at places that’ll give her the questions in advance and attack Trump for her.
Trump stated very clearly that he won’t do another debate. CNN will spin this as being “scared.” Debate is a waste of time. We KNOW where Trump stands. Better CNN pin Kamala down and hold her feet to the fire. She LIES about everything – like Project 2025! And The liberal media has already exposed themselves as being in the tank for Kamala after ABC turned their “debate” into a 3v1, refusing to hold Kamala accountable for her blatantly false statements, and routinely arguing with Trump.  Allowing the hacks at CNN to “moderate” a debate so close to Election Day allows them to directly interfere on behalf of Kamala.

The fact that she is begging for a CNN debate again, signals massive desperation and panic. As, there is no need for another debate, Americans know who the candidates are, we have all witnessed what they can do when in office and how things were when they were in office. I don’t blame them. The only reason Kamala wants another debate is the Party’s internal polling tells a considerably more disturbing story about her support among ordinary people than public polling released by Democrat media. 

Trump has nothing to gain and everything to lose by gracing CNN and providing them with ratings they don’t deserve. Frankly, he doesn’t need it. Kamala is the one with the identity problem and it’s starting to sink her and everybody sees it. Even if Trump could get fair moderators, he’s still going to be hamstrung by the fact that Kamala is a woman and if he comes across as aggressive at all, he’ll be seen as bullying her.

Why should DJT commit to a second debate with that lying female dog in a media horse and pony show? ..

The debate on ABC was biased, manipulated and rigged for KH.. a whistleblower came forward with a signed affidavit that it was rigged.. 

DJT had to debate KH and ABC NEWS.. it was a disgrace to human intelligence..


Trump campaign wisely declines CNN debate invite! 

Avoids: – Biased moderation – Unfair questioning – Election interference No more debates on leftist networks!
I agree that it’s the right move. Obviously, she and the media know that she didn’t expand her base with the last debate, Dems are also claiming that the lighting on the two candidates was the same during the debate. But it’s easy to see the difference, once it is pointed out.

Miguel Quiles on X: “First time uploading a video to X, but its an important one. As a photographer, I use lighting to tell stories. While watching the Trump v. Harris debate, I noticed that how the lighting was being used told a story all to itself. In this video, you’ll learn how lighting can shape narratives and how you can use it to your advantage https://t.co/bYpAxqTtgj” / X

Therefore, No more making these deceitful MSM networks richer. Trump has stepped out of his comfort zone multiple times for interviews and both debates, time for Kamala to step out of her comfort zone for once. She won’t even do that for interviews and when she did one on Oprah she read off a teleprompter. Besides Voting is ongoing now in many states. He offered her three debates. She only would do the one she could rig on leftist ABC and wanted another on CNN.🚨The Democrats have dropped Biden, but make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris is EVEN MORE radical. 🚨

Of course he declined the invite from CNN and you should. Trump has all the leverage now.

He already did two debates on hostile networks. None of the debates have been held on friendly networks.

There is no benefit in doing a third debate on another hostile network. They will spin it that Trump is a coward. And then Trump should agree to debate her on Fox.

So glad he said no. CNN already has a debate. It’s Trump’s turn to pick the network or he should just focus on doing big town hall / rally hybrids like he did very effectively with Sarah Huckabee last week in Michigan/Kamala needs even more time than Biden to prepare for an interview (voz.us)

Kamala has been known for years for her weak oratory. When she speaks, she has a hard time keeping a conversation, without that nervous laugh that not only gives her away easily, but also annoys many. Explains why the media is such a propaganda machine for the Democratic Party

The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84 ·9h

Only 3.4% of journalists are Republicans as of 2022


If Trump can Stay Alive & Win in Nov….

VP Kamala will Not Certify his Victory on Jan 6, 2025! (rumble.com)
Being the Crooked District Attorney she was: Voting Kamala Harris is like throwing the Titanic in reverse to hit the iceberg a second time 🧊 Don’t forget In 2021, Kamala Harris was put in charge of a $42 billion effort to extend internet service to millions of Americans.

Almost four years later, not a single American has been connected.

To make matters worse, in 2020, the Biden-Harris administration secured a commitment from Starlink to provide internet to 640,000 homes and businesses at about $1,300 per location in federal support. Biden always bragged about his accomplishments, but it looks like a lot of them were never done. Money goes to it but nothing is done. 

However, in 2023, the government revoked that agreement after Biden authorized federal agencies to investigate Elon Musk. Now, the Biden-Harris administration is spending $100,000 for what originally cost $1,300, seemingly because of their disapproval of Musk exercising his First Amendment rights.

The Biden/Harris administration has been trying to make life & doing business in America difficult for Elon since he bought X. When Trump is elected & we get the D.O.G.E, I expect all of these corrupt politicians will be looking for time in Alcatraz on Day 1. 👋🏼✂️

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance (youtube.com)

When Trump is elected & we get the D.O.G.E, – Search (bing.com)

  • Dogecoin surged 6% after Elon Musk’s X post about a “Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E).”

How Your Travel Costs Could Change Under a Donald Trump Presidency (msn.com)

What a second Trump term would look like – Search (bing.com)

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