Ukraine 0n Fire

180 countries of the world, 150 languages of simultaneous interpretation, on April 22 a historic unification of people will happen! International Online Forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out”.

American Citizenship and Its Decline | Official Trailer – Bing video
Our Democrats and RINOs consider Taiwan, Mexico, and Ukraine states 51, 52, and 53.
McCain & Graham in 2016 Pushing for Ukraine War (They Never Thought She Would Lose) (

This is manufactured bullshit the Hillary Clinton Machine and her herd of RINO’s
were putting in place in anticipation of her coronation Queen Hillary Soros 🙁

Unfortunately, Donald Trump derailed those plans.

Anyone notice NewsMax are airing more democrats on its network. Turning slowly into Fox News. Same crap comes on spreading lies and NewsMax like Fox lets them get away with it. I stopped watching Fox after that Chris Wallace debate and election night crap and if NewsMax keeps airing more democrats I will cut them off as well. I don’t need to hear or look at a damn democrat they are disgusting human beings if wanted that I watch mainstream media.

Zelensky just added 40.000 new soldiers, while Russia just added 300,000 to the battlefield and now has 180,000 new recruits in boot camp that will be available by summer. So, these 40,000 Nazis will be crushed. 40,000 more sheep to the slaughter.
So sad, 40,000 people armed with slingshots & ancient tanks will be just cannon fodder. Ukraine On Fire ( 

Oh that will go well 40k conscripted men trained for a few weeks then sent to attacked fortified positions. Can you say meat grinder 3 times real fast, that’s about how long it’ll take to kill 40k kids and old men…These Ukrainian Nazis are real scum, Russians are no better. In fact they are all Russians when you get right down to it… NATO WILL NEED


Conscripts. Either very young or old. Now if you are forced into a uniform & have anti retreat battalions stationed behind you if you retreat, surrendering to Russia is seen as
a safe bet. 40k forced conscripts. Where is the remainder of his army? Used up fighting propaganda battles to gain aid from the West.
Imagen if you were forced into such a condition. Zelensky is not popular in Ukraine
as you are led to believe. Ask them if they want a peace deal. You bet they want one.
That attrition rate in this war has only gone one way in the last 9 months of this War.

Ever higher ratios for Ukraine.
The experienced seasoned troops are long gone. This will end badly.
Let’s hope Zelensky gives someone else a chance to obtain peace.

Uh huh but can they dance and walk in heels like their leader?

Ukraine, wake up-you’re not winning so far…..How many more of your citizens have to be slaughtered by the money laundering scheme Comajoe Zelensky and Putin have going on? It’s So Sickening to watch and just as hard to stomach our tax dollars being poured on this disaster without our consent! I wonder if the American people realize the Ukrainian mini-President has already signed with the Chinese to rebuild…not the Americans…which handed over 140 billion! Great job FJB!

So let me guess Zelinsky is training my 10-year-old 14-year-old boys to go fight and die against Russia cuz he’s an asshole! BULL SHIT!!! Where the hell did Ukraine find 40000 troops…You know normally people train BEFORE THE EVENT occurs… THERE IS NO ROOM FOR TRAINING AFTER THE EVENT STARTS… So this training this group and that group during their country being conquered… JUST SEEMS REALLY BULLSHITTTY TO ME… LIKE SOMEONE IS MAKING THIS ENTIRE BATTLE BETWEEN THEM ALL UP… Though I have been sent video footage of the shit going on.

I just don’t think it’s INTELLIGENT.
That you take any amount of your force away from defending TO TRAIN A UNIT
to spark a counterattack… WHICH WILL FAIL BECAUSE BY THE TIME THEY GOT BACK, 10 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF THAT UNIT IS INJURED OR DEAD… Brilliant Tactics… But what do you expect from an NAZI ACTOR…I thought they were winning?

It’s just one country, Russia, right?
With all the billions maybe trillions of $, which what does the $ go to?
They are purchasing weapons. Or Zelensky and his family going on shopping sprees?
How many X’s were there peace talks? You know Black Sabbath, got it right YEARS ago… War pigs, murdering somebody’s children daily.

Not the ones making the decision. Where’s the footage?
Wars became a reality show in Iraq. Where’s the footage?
Everyone against Russia and still no win?
Why is it over a year? Where’s the footage?

The German Home Guard circa 1944 was no match for the Soviet army.

Paid. For American citizens, many of whom are not able to afford food and adequate housing. These conscripts are reminiscent of photos I have seen of the “Volkssturm”. When will this madness end? It’s fucking delusional. Pretty soon they’ll have to draft
old men and young boys. Sounds familiar?

Sounds like the fall of Berlin in 1945.
If the warmongering, despotic, imperialistic USA and its cronies in the west stopped meddling, the world would be a more peaceful and better place. The Karma of demonic American interference across the globe will soon bite everyone in the ass as the dollar is getting dumped worldwide and the American international bully is getting further and further isolated,

And what happens when they lose this 40K?
It would be the 3rd time in a little over a year that they lost as many. The class of 2014 almost 60K trained by NATO for 7 years, were mostly gone by March of 22, the second tranche of 40-50K trained in Europe, were mostly eliminated by October of 22, majority
in the Kherson offensive. So now they have 40K more to send, against 350K Russians.

Ukraine will never kick the Russians out of Donbass, Luhansk, or Crimea because they absolutely cannot do this, even if they had to conscript 3 million troops and use nuclear weapons. It’s best to just understand this and let 40K Ukrainians live then throw them against the impossible, because they will all be gone by November of 2023 tops.

I thought citizens did not need weapons to defend themselves??
Zelensky will go down in history as yet another Mass Murderer.
All going to die to preserve The NWO and The Great Reset.
Ukrainians believe Zelensky is fighting for their sovereignty.

The NWO HATES Sovereign Countries.
Ukraine is on the front lines in the Battle of Good vs. Evil to stop Demonic Putin
( Gog of Magog in Ezekiel 38 ) ! Russia and China are the Satanic New World Order !

image.png image.png
Russia won. Fuck Obama, Blankin, Zelensky and most of all FJB.

Now they are getting ready to release the A v i a n  Bird F l u from one of the labs in Ukraine (which is why the U.S. is involved) …with gain of function to infect humans
with a mortality rate of approximately 30% k i l l rate.

What we need is 40,000 Patriot Americans to counter this fraudulent regime
that’s sending us into WWIII and we need to do it now!!

This will be more cover for the satanic N.W.O. assholes that want to k i l l everyone on the planet. Better get ready for w a r on U.S. soil. The common man “Joe the Plumber” is going to have to fight. Good luck and God help us.

Putin invades & has lost everything on his agenda.

NATO is now a two hour drive from St. Petersburg on two fronts. The Baltic and Barents Sea are now all NATO. Turkey sides with NATO no matter how putin lovers spin it. Urals below USD60 since EU sanctions not even OPEC oil shock fixed that. Russian people are forced to use yuan, the real fiat currency. Boy, that is where Putin leads his people. Any doubts look at Pakistan. China India has not replaced the EU market any crude shipments are no secret. Germany never did collapse in the winter. That was a whopper. Some still post NAZI and bioweapons nonsense.

Who are these people?
So the Russian Incursion in Ukraine Was “Unprovoked”, Eh?
Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Zelensky is a Schwab puppet. Like Biden. = bankrupt America.
Land of the free and home of the brave? Bull fucking shit! Fuck RINOs, Democrats, our judiciary, the media, educators/indoctrinators, and our executive branch; they all belong to the WEF world government Nazis! They already have escalated, China is helping Russia fight Ukraine and cut a deal with Saudi Arabia to cut oil exports and both are designed to target and bankrupt America and Europe but remember, China couldn’t do this without the help of Biden.

China has established relations with Russia.

War is on the horizon.

The United States is more than capable of producing any and all electronic components Taiwan makes. China is going to sail in circles around an island and then buy Russian oil with their fiat currency. That will show everybody that they can destroy Russia. Putin the idiot could just look at Pakistan and see his future. It is always easy from the outside of the zoo to see the animal’s behavior.

“ALENA’S CORNER” @alena_barrett …. Replying to @newsmax
How China Could Retaliate After Taiwan Visit to U.S………. Ya know. I get so sick and
tired of these back-and-forth threats to Taiwan if this that or the next thing displeases the chinks. I’ll tell you what, give me a fucking break here will you ZI? you talk a lot of shit so why don’t you put your yuan where your commie mouth is and just do it for Christ’s sake. Come on, tough guy. big bad tough guy. He is the school bully that kicks the other kids around until some kid stands up to him and whips his ass in front of the other kids then
he goes away. We all know that story, don’t we? That’s the view from ALENA’S CORNER.

NEWSMAX on GETTR: ‘DEMOCRACY IS UNDER THREAT’: Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, whose meeting with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other lawmakers prompted.

First thing we need to understand is that the Chinese will not invade Taiwan. I don’t know where this belief started or why it is so stubborn. What they will do is blockade Taiwan if they want, and they can literally do that for decades, even with our submarines picking surface vessels off, the US absolutely cannot break a blockade of Taiwan beyond maybe a few negligible weeks.

The US plan is to interrupt trade in the deep water, which we can do to an extent, but after a couple of months, it won’t be shooting ourselves in the foot, it will be shooting ourselves in the head. The US cannot even make their own paper masks anymore. Taiwan was lost in the 1990s when the suits moved industry to China. That ship has sailed.

The US needs Taiwan Chips. Intel is ramping up a new facility in Ohio that will be the largest in the world. Online in 2025 – the moment the US Cartel gives Taiwan the finger – you are the Cartel ally until they don’t need or want you – then you become the enemy…

How to beat China.
1. Make good stuff over here.
2. Pay people enough so mom can stay at home.
3. It’s not hard, yet somehow, it’s impossible.

Beijing doesn’t need to retaliate they own us already!!!!

Or maybe they can make us all eat really, really spicy Dan-Dan noodles?

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in a Federal trial related to funneling $30 million to former President Barack Obama campaign. The Hollywood star, who has partied with the fugitive money man, Jho Low, said the financier once casually dropped in a conversation that he hoped to make a huge contribution to Obama’s campaign.
“It was a significant sum — something to the tune of $20-30 million,” DiCaprio testified.
“I said, ‘Wow that’s a lot of money!’” Another associate, Prakazrel “Pras” Michel took tens of millions of dollars to lobby the government on behalf of the Chinese government as a whole, prosecutors allege. Ever get the feeling and know in your heart Joe Biden & family are thieves, compromised to the CCP and advocating for a world order that destroys a once proud nation?

Worst embarrassing President ever to brighten the halls of Congress.
A corrupt swamp of highly paid, cannot be fired bureaucrats who rule,
not your politicians who are relegated to seat warmers.

We need to decouple and confiscate all assets in America including food processing plants, ban all chip technology from being sent to China. We need to go back to pre 1970 status and treat them as a major security risk. Covid 19 should be brought up to the International Court in the Hague with the likes of Fauci and anyone else involved.

Very sad … this should be very illegal!

VERY BAD NEWS American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots
This Month, Food will soon no longer be GOD made food but only man-made food.

What if this indictment was predicted in 2020 by this DA’s office in New York?

Now hear it again in 2020!
In an interview as early as 2020 by Miles Guo, who has China insiders’ info from CCP, stated Trump would be indicted by this DA’s office. In other words, this indictment is China’s warfare against Trump by infiltrating the DOJ, FBI, DA’s offices throughout the USA. Why can’t we win elections? Why do Republicans always stay silent, or never indicted anyone? Miles Guo also stated that the Taiwan military has been infiltrated and would turn on the Taiwan people when China attacks! And that is why our government has arrested him without bail for China.

How’s The Year of The Rabbit going, so far?

Tell the CCP to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.
Their arrogance to tell one nation who they can & cannot communicate with is typical of the loss of freedoms this communist regime doles out. Nation’s should take their money, have them develop their nations then tell them to take a hike. They could if we had a real United Nations community rather than fat cat national operatives grifters controlling the UN while bilking their citizens for their power & wealth.

The Biden/Obama regime should back McCarthy on CCP threats of retaliation for meeting the Taiwanese. Watch them manipulate cowardly non actions, fed by Pay for Play between Biden’s Criminal Cartel with their cash cow of the CCP? Just another Balloon collection & cover up by treason against our nation. Notice how Media Communist Dems in America want to help China outduel Taiwan visiting the US.

These media imposters are sell-outs.
We not only have to get the corruption out of the government, but also media, tech, pentagon, and bureaucrats. They drank the wrong tea for 60 years and now dementia
has come over all of them!

Unemployment and Poverty Are Ravaging China!

We can Ban Communist China from our Financial and Economic Markets and anyone who does business with them ! Right WALL STREET ! Read the writing on the wall ! That day is approaching because THEY have financially emboldened the Communist Expansionism for the last fifty years ! Get your money OUT of Communist China before you lose your “Sunday Shirt” !

Clinically Insane Network The Physical Nature of Existence can be captured but The Spirit of Freedom will never be Tamed. Bondage has proven through time To have a greater force on oppression of Tyranny because The Body and Soul are one.

Make no mistake: CCP uses “Taiwan” as a proxy for America.

CCP’s true goal is to conquer America and take over the American homeland, to colonize America. China is out of living space and resources for their people. They intend to kill 100-200 million Americans without destroying our infrastructure so they can move here, and enslave the remaining Americans to grow their food. Or so I heard. A wake up call for all those Democrats and Biden Supporters.

China seeks to control the whole North America, hum true sign of who you will be working for if you keep the Biden Admin in office? It’s time Republicans start subpoenas people and bring justice to the government. The Republicans whine they couldn’t stop the DemocRats because they overwhelmed them…

Democrat James Madison got America into the War of 1812.
Democrat James Polk got America into the Mexican American War.
Democrats started the Civil War over session so they could keep Slaves.
Democrat Woodrow Wilson got America into WWI.
Democrat FDR got America into WWII.
Democrat Harry Truman continued America’s involvement in WWII.
Democrat Harry Truman got America into the Korean War.
Democrat JFK got America into the Vietnam War.
Democrat LBJ escalated America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Tucker Carlson: This will lead to poverty all over the US – YouTube

Now Beijing Bribem is poised for HIS own War!
What is it about Democrat$ & their esteem leader$ wanting to go to war?
Perhaps it’s that same insolent attitude they have – just like Beijing Bribem!
That war is lost no matter what we are told by the western press, best thing
is cut a deal with Russia and how about also we stop burning cash on trying
to keep Ukraine afloat.

She came for weapons and money.
He should have told her all our weapons are in Afghanistan and Ukraine and you can’t have any money as we are nearly $35 Trillion in debt. I wonder how many of those in dark suits are prepared to put on military fatigues if their actions do bring war. My bet is more Republicans than Democrats would but I fear too few think about the sons & daughters who are lost when politicians fail.

All anti-Trump, anti-war protesters, and transgender shooters should go to Ukraine to fight against the Putin administration, raid Putin, become the Ukrainian soldiers, and put their lives on the line for the Biden-Harris administration because they voted for Biden in the 2020 US Election.

It’s no problem because we’ll rescue their bodies, have a team funeral, and praise
them “They were wonderful patriots of the US, and we won’t forget about them.”

Ukrainians believe Zelensky is fighting for their sovereignty.
The NWO HATES Sovereign Countries.

All going to die to preserve The NWO and The Great Reset.

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