The Jesus Strand

Mathematicians claim to see a predictive pattern in the ancient Torah texts.

Scientists claim the Bible is written in code that predicts future events – Big Think
The universe mirrors who you are. If your subconscious is running on old programming from your past that keeps you constantly seeing the negative, problems, complaining, doubting, being afraid, being angry, feeling guilty or ashamed, that is what your reality
will reflect back at you.
The universe doesn’t play favorites, it’s not preferential, it’s unconditional.
The thing is, you can choose to start changing your programming any time you’d
like by being intentional and learning how. You can learn to start seeing the positive, opportunities, solutions, being grateful, being silly, happy, joyful, fun, abundant, prosperous, peaceful and free, then that can become your reality as well.
The Laws of the Universe will always reflect your state of being, the way you feel and
what you think on a daily basis. You’re not cursed if your life is filled with negativity and problems. You just haven’t learned to set up your mind to help you instead of hurt you.
It’s not your fault. It’s nobody’s fault. Raise your vibration to something more positive, heal your heart, find the love and joy of life again. You deserve it.

Mathematics – Omar Khayyam | Britannica
#lawofattraction #manifestation #quantumfield

Fractal Patterns in the Torah | Alexander I. Poltorak | The Blogs (
Some events described by reading the code took place after the code was written.
The code is revealed by a method found with special computer software.

Searching for patterns is how we make sense of the world. We look for meaning
in the often-overwhelming chaos by making connections between symbols and events. Sometimes these are meaningful discoveries, resulting in good science and breakthrough insights. Other times, these patterns may lead nowhere but still help us focus energies on what’s important.

One intriguing source of patterns that has emerged
thanks to our development of computers is the Bible. 

Among humanity’s oldest and arguably most influential pieces of writing, the Bible has been studied and analyzed phrase by phrase by countless scholars and devotees. But what computers have allowed us to do, thanks to the work of Israeli mathematicians, is to see that the ancient text may be not only an intricately-weaved collection of spiritual stories and teachings but a code that speaks to the inner workings of history.

“The Bible Code,” a 1997 book by the reporter Michael Drosnin popularized the idea.
His book claimed to use the earliest parts of the Bible to predict the assassination of the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Gulf war, and comet collisions.
It also seemed to have information about the Holocaust, various other assassinations like those of JFK and his brother Robert. It similarly suggested a nuclear war was looming – a theme the author explored in subsequent books of the “Bible Code” series.

The inspiration for Drosnin’s book came from the 1994 paper “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis,” published in the journal Statistical Science by mathematicians Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg. They presented statistical evidence that information about the lives of famous rabbis was encoded in the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis, hundreds of years before those rabbis lived.
Dr. Eliyahu Rips is one of the world’s leading experts on group theory and is the scientist who got most closely associated with the “Bible Code ” hypothesis, even though the software used to implement the word search was designed by both Rips and Witztum.

Dr. Eliyahu Rips. 2017.

Credit: Sahkisahki

Bible Code/Michael Drosnin

Rips later distanced himself from Drosnin’s book.

In a 1997 statement on the matter, he pointed out that he didn’t make or support some of the specific predictions Drosnin claimed. Nonetheless, Rips wrote quite clearly that “the only conclusion that can be drawn from the scientific research regarding the Torah codes is that they exist and that they are not a mere coincidence.” The method used by the scientists to arrive at their conclusions is the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). To get a word with some meaning, this method calls you to pick a starting point in a text and a skip number. 
And then, start selecting letters while skipping the same number of spaces every time (pretty much in any direction). If you’re lucky, a sensible word will be spelled out.
This method works well if letters are arranged in an array, like this one The Bible Code made a recent re-appearance in the public consciousness thanks to the work of author
and fourth-generation antiques expert Timothy Smith. His 2017 book “The Chamberlain Key” describes how following 25 years of research, he unlocked a “God code” in the Bible.

He calls his book “the Da Vinci Code on steroids, but it’s true.”
Smith’s decoding work is based on his own ancient copy of the Bible titled “The Leningrad Codex” – it’s the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Old Testament. Smith used a computer-driven application of the ELS method, as well as code-breaking techniques and his intimate knowledge of ancient and aboriginal ceremonial devices like scepters, crowns and thrones to arrive at his reading of the Bible. 

Smith is a devout Christian and his conclusions revolve around Christian motifs.
In particular, he claims to have found detailed information about Jesus’s birth,
crucifixion and resurrection within a passage in Genesis. 

The book has received a special on the History channel and a documentary
series is being made about the travels leading to Smith’s discoveries.

the jesus strand part 1 – Search (
the jesus strand part 2 – Search (  
the jesus strand part 3 – Search ( 

David McKillop, the executive producer for Jupiter Entertainment, which is creating the TV series, said that “Tim’s quest is the ultimate treasure hunt for one of history’s greatest mysteries, and his map is an ancient text that could possibly be talking to us.”   

If you think there can’t possibly be any pattern in the Bible and other long texts may produce similar results – there are studies for you too.  While the Bible or “Torah Codes” can be criticized, there is scholarly evidence that ancient writers of the Bible, like Matthew, “consciously used numerical patterns or codes in their compositions,” as writes Dr. Randall Buth, the director of the Biblical Language Center and a lecturer at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  
Another factor we should keep in mind is that our understanding of how time and history work very much depends on our frame of reference. If time flows differently, for example as proposed by the Block Universe Theory, all bets would be off, and a book could theoretically contain the code of history both of the past and the future.
The Australian computer scientist Brendan McKay famously came up
with a table of assassination predictions in “Moby Dick”.

God Code – Teaser Video – HISTORY     

Now for the first time in history a man of faith and a man of science are teaming up to search for Jesus’ DNA. Using the latest advances in DNA technology Oxford University geneticist George Busby and biblical scholar Pastor Joe Basile are investigating the world’s most famous holy relics including the Shroud of Turin, The Sudarium of Oviedo and the newly discovered bones of Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist. Their journey takes them to holy sites around the world from Spain and Italy to Israel and the shores of the Black Sea. By extracting and analyzing samples of each of these holy relics they hope to retrieve a sample of DNA that possibly belongs to Jesus or a member of his family. They believe that if they can find a strand of Jesus’ DNA it could help identify who among us today are descendants of Jesus and provide us with new insight into the man many consider to be the most important person in history, Jesus.
I would not believe this generally. If there were some supernatural strands of DNA, it would have been known of or discovered long ago.
Well, maybe it was. Jesus Christ is associated with the Priesthood of Melchizedek, who was a King of Salem (before Jerusalem), an ancient spaceport with remains of a landing platform now existing as the base of the Temple Mount. Melchizedek was a king at the time of Abraham.
Was Melchizedek, like Abram an ancient Sumerian, member of the first civilization here on Earth? Abram was a refugee from the devastated Sumerian culture, destroyed by nuclear blast and fallout of the devastated Sodom and Gomorrah! The name Melchizedek means: “My King.” The story of Melchizedek is such that he had no ordinary origin, as a human, with no traceable parents or ancestry.

The Bible states that Jesus Christ is of this royal line which lasts FOREVER.
Is there an association between the Priesthood of Melchizedek and the myth of the exploded planet known as: “Maldek/Phaeton”? The asteroid belt now lies where the mythical Phaeton/Maldek is thought to have orbited the Sun.
The civilization of the planet created a highly advanced culture but had destroyed themselves through the selfish and arrogant use of nuclear weapons.
They blew their own planet to smithereens. Nuclear physicist John Brandenburg PhD. states that his theory of isotopes distinctive of nuclear weapons as detected on Mars, proves that a similar fate occurred to the inhabitants of that planet!
If there is a line with Jesus Christ, it is as the Bible states, through the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and the off planet associations that seem too far out for many to comprehend or accept.

Take for example the word: CAIRO. 
The Druze angle was very strange. They didn’t even come into existence until 1017, as a spin off of Shia Islam. They “evolved” from there into the Unitarians they are today. 
I appreciate the fact they interviewed Druze from down the road from Nazareth. Their conclave, Isfiya, is actually built on a 5th Century Jewish town named Husifah. Basically they took maternal mtDNA from the shroud and it showed a Druze signature (so Mary’s family descendants are likely in the Druze population). His blood type was AB. I wondered why they did not run a yDNA for paternal…Behind locked doors in St. Petersburg, Russia is the Leningrad Codex, the world’s oldest complete text of the Hebrew Bible.
The takeaway from this show should be that the DNA from the shroud confirms that the blood is from a person of ancient Jewish descent, or from the land of ancient Israel and Judah, which we, as Christians knew anyway. Thanks for Jesus’ address, but we Christians have already been corresponding for some time LOL.
The Story of Jesus | Christian ForumsThe Jesus Strand – Dark Outpost

Scientists claim the Bible is written in code that predicts future events – Big Think
I really take offense when Nat Geo and company spin things. The only purpose of singling out the Druze is to attempt to convince people that Jesus believed that all religions lead to Heaven. By supposing to lump him in with this group, that didn’t even exist when he did, they wanted to show him as a unitarian. The Bible clearly tells us that is not the case.

Many of the religious ideas they have didn’t even come into
existence until well after the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus wouldn’t have known them to be any different than any other native of the region.
This is the name of the capital of Egypt and name Al-Qahirah which literally means: “place or camp or Mars”. Does this imply the planet Mars because of celestial alignments or something more involved? I would bet that there is an off planet connection with the name Cairo, which goes beyond astrology or astronomy.
Behind locked doors in St. Petersburg, Russia is the Leningrad Codex, the world’s oldest complete text of the Hebrew Bible. Because of its ancient origins, it is a purer version of the Bible–containing words and characters lost in later translations. Timothy Smith, an antiquities expert, believes he’s found an intricate code hidden within its text, one that may not show up in later translations. This two-hour special takes viewers on a journey across the globe to find out if the hidden code is real. If it is, could this be the actual word of God? A code written into his own divine work. A master plan for history? The code is said to point to a diverse variety of historical events from the rise of Hitler to the threat of North Korea and it may even point to the location of one of the greatest treasures of all, the lost Arc of the Covenant. Hacking the God Code: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul: 9789895381227: Cori, Patricia, Stone, Sacha: Books

Civilization is careening into a dystopian transhumanist rewrite of global society and the future of humanity, penned by a tyrannical New World Order: the Great Reset. With the onset of Covid-19 and all that has played out since early 2020, Big Pharma and High Tech have seized our lives in the most evil of ways. They do not intend to let go, until their nightmare agenda to merge human beings with Artificial Intelligence-Human 2.0-has revolutionized everything about our lives, enslaved us and possessed our world.

It isn’t a “theory” anymore – it’s a global conspiracy.

How do they achieve this malevolent goal?
First, they must hack the God Code to remove the light within us: the Divine Blueprint. Then, they can splice into our DNA any code, messenger or numerical mark they deem superior to our natural, God given essence, and steal our souls.
Take a deep dive into the unfolding reality surrounding Covid-19, the “vaccine” mandates, and all that they have done to mutate our lives, destroy our health, and undermine our social order. Patricia Cori – Author | Guide | Visionary pulls out all the stops in this probing, eye-opening book, exposing the darkness and, then, as she always does, offering solutions: to heal and activate the DNA, to find the empowerment to fight back, and to manifest a clear direction for all light warriors to stand in the light of their sovereignty.  

This is Armageddon-the war of darkness and light.
And we will win it. Because we must.

In The Chamberlain Key, antiquities expert Timothy P. Smith reveals his decades-long quest to understand the complex messages he discovered in an ancient Hebrew manuscript of the Bible. This painstaking search involves adventure and mystery, but instead of consulting ancient maps to find buried treasure, Smith relied on the data calculation power of modern technology. His quest shows how Scripture is more amazing than we ever dreamed—and that it may even reveal the future of generations living today. 

The Chamberlain Key
• An encrypted code in Genesis, in the oldest known Hebrew text of the Old Testament, that predicted the birth and resurrection of Jesus. 
• Scientific evidence that this encrypted code was authored by the divine hand of God.
• Signs that there are more encrypted codes in this same Hebrew text that will lead to additional messages from God to humanity.
• Hidden clues that may lead to the location of long-missing sacred artifacts,
such as the Ark of the Covenant.
• Insights on why Smith was chosen to uncover this encrypted code. 
• A dire warning that God wants us to hear—and heed.
In the companion History Channel series, the author travels across continents in search
of artifacts missing since Bible times—clues to their location revealed in The Chamberlain Key. The Chamberlain Key: Unlocking the God Code to Reveal Divine Messages Hidden
in the Bible: Smith, Timothy P., Hostetler, Bob, Ulrich, Eugene:: Books

The God Code – YouTube

The God code: the secret of our past, the promise of our future: Braden, Gregg: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive


The History Channel Is Releasing “Jesus: His Life” Telling the Greatest Story Ever Told
The God Who Speaks (2018) | Full Movie | Alistair Begg | Darrell Bock | D.A. Carson
Is There Scientific Evidence That God Exists? | The Case For A Creator | Parable
Series 7 Part 1,  God’s Code System, 12,068 days in history. — YouTube
Series 7 Part 2,  God’s 11th Code System, Events through time. – YouTube
Dr. Eliyahu Rips is one of the world’s leading experts – Search (
The Code: Numbers, Shapes and Prediction – Top Documentary Films
Bible Codes The Original Documentary – The Proof of God on Vimeo
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up (Official Music Video) – YouTube
A Sanctity of Human Life Month Like No Other | CNSNews

Chapter two – The Bible Code – Search (
God Code Documentary – Search (
God Code – HISTORY – Search (
Gregg Braden – The God Code – YouTube
God Code History Channel; – Bing video
The God Code Documentary – YouTube
God Code Documentary – Bing video
God Code – HISTORY – Bing video
The bible code – Search (

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