Mineral Balancing Act

MINERALS ARE NATURE’S TRANQUILIZER ~ WE, body & mind, are made from 
the same stuff as these rocks – mineral dust!  

Or as some like to call us Stardust — it’s all the same STUFF

MINERAL IMBALANCES contribute to many mental & emotional conditions,
often behind the scenes without ever being detected…
👉 SWIPE More Pics… mincinnutritionist

We cannot have a single thought or feeling without chemistry behind it. 
This is actually what neurotransmitters are, the biochemistry of emotion,
or Energy in motion. And All of this is rooted in our mineral composition.

I KNOW OF NO OTHER TOOL THAT COMES CLOSE to hair mineral testing to predict, explain, and suggest nutritional solutions for such common complaints as  #anxiety #depression #mood disorders #hyperactivity #ADHD #insomnia #sleepdisorders #stress #dementia 
#chronic fatigue #chronicpain etc.

In proper proportion, and precisely matched to one’s unique individual need,
targeted minerals have long been known as a natural relaxant

Well, how do you know how much oil to add to your car’s engine? If you wouldn’t add oil without checking the dipstick, why take supplements or change your diet without testing your existing level and establishing your personal nutrition baseline? If you are not testing, And having your test results properly functionally interpreted, you are guessing

😒 TEST RESULTS DON’T AUTOMATICALLY TRANSLATE TO BETTER HEALTH RESULTS. Have you been thinking about nutrition testing or had a test
done elsewhere and not gotten satisfactory improvement from the test results❓ 
I treat the whole person, not just test result numbers. Proper interpretation within the context of one’s total lifestyle is absolutely essential both for successful & sustainable results. In functional clinical nutrition, it’s experience that counts.

Count me in for 38 years of it! Let’s talk!


the most comprehensive & economical hair mineral test profile available by text
or link in my Profile 💚   mincinnutritionist


🍎 Rather than picking your favorite, pick one you haven’t tried. 
Remember it’s no longer just about eating more fruits and vegetables,
it’s really about eating a greater VARIETY of a lot of fruits & vegetables.

FUNctional & Important Facts!!!

🍎 2,500 varieties are grown in the U.S.

👉 7,500 varieties throughout the world

🍎 80% of US grown apples contain banned pesticides in Europe –
Another good reason to go organic

🍎 One organic apple contains 100 million beneficial bacterial cells and
abundant prebiotic fiber

🍎 Contains 5 grams of fiber – mostly prebiotic

🍎 Range in size from a cherry to a grapefruit

🍎 Pomology is the science of growing apples (not Pomegranates!)

🍎 A member of the Rose family, including plums & pears

🍎 They ripen 10 times faster unrefrigerated

🍎 A good source of malic acid, which is involved in cellular energy production and good for joint health. I often recommend it in supplemental form as part of a magnesium combination formula for chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia. It is also specific for aluminum detoxification

🍎 Vitamins and polyphenolic phytonutrients, along with prebiotic fiber,
(Which are concentrated mostly in the peel) provide sustained release nutrition.
That far outlasts coffee’s anti-nutrient quick buzz and sharp let down.

🍎 YES, I LOVE MY APPLES, especially the tart ones! Our local food co-op @skagitfoodcoop recently received the new crop of my favorite Braeburn and
they are better than ever! Recently tried Cosmic Crisp but it was too sweet

🙋‍♂️ HOW ABOUT YOU? 💬 What new variety have you tried or
will you try this season?

I’ll be covering more tasteful & fascinating facts about apples in upcoming posts including.

• Does an apple a day keep the doctor away – Search (bing.com)
• Why granny smith apples for Gerson Therapy – Search (bing.com)
• Why granny smith apples are the best – Search (bing.com)
• What’s better: yellow, green or red Apple? – Bing video
• Apples Their potent Anti-inflammatory properties
• Why Apple sugar doesn’t spike your glucose
• Why eat fruit first – Search (bing.com)
• The microbiome of an Apple
• My favorite Apple pairings

🔔 Set your post alert notification for my page 


🍎🍎👉 Double your health bennies with personalized functional nutrition support! Link in Profile to the contact page on my website to request brochure & session schedule

Why is dietary diversity so important?

🌈 DIETARY DIVERSITY is VITAL for all of us. It’s not just about eating more fruits & vegetables, it’s about eating a greater variety of a lot of fruits & vegetables. Variety is not only the spice of life, there are at least 8 solid science reasons to expand our eating horizon and dietary diversity;
▪ Increase micro- & phyto-nutrient density
▪ Fatty acid fermentation
▪ Anti-Inflammatory properties
▪ Minimize the development of allergic hypersensitivity by avoiding overexposure to the same food antigens
▪ Improve memory & cognition
▪ Bio Activates vitamin D

Last but not least
▪ Feed a healthier diversified microbiome
▪ Immune resilience

It’s no longer just about eating more fruits & vegetables, it’s about eating a greater variety of a lot of fruits & vegetables.
 Supportive posts on my functional nutrition page. 💚   mincinnutritionist🔹Love your page and info !

I am 60 been lectin free 3.5 years
Plus, restricted eating 14/10-16/8
I’d love to see your thoughts on lectin free
Problem is now if I eat anything off the diet I feel out of balance !!

Sensitivity is highlighted.
Thanks for all your great info 👏

Oxalates, Lectins & Phytates Oh My!! – Search (bing.com)
Although some individuals, a relatively rare subset of the population, have issues with lectins, they are not a problem for the masses. Do you think our Creator is stupid and packaged perfectly wholesome food this way to poison us. He also gave us a brain to know when to soak, sprout & cook such foods thereby reducing or neutralizing so-called anti-nutrients🔸Next to veggies, beans are the number 2 underutilized SuperFood.
For most of us the nutritional benefits, phytonutrient food medicine & the seldom discussed chemotherapeutic properties of these foods far outweigh any such anti-nutrients.🔸 Don’t believe everything you read on IG or from Dr’s Google or Gundry. LECTIN SCHMECTIN ! 💚 This is all further explained in my recent post RETHINKING ANTI-NUTRIENTS @mincinnutritionist which dives deep not only into the physiologic mechanism of WHY some individuals don’t tolerate them but also elaborates on their multiple therapeutic food medicine benefits

Great post! I learned a lot about apples. Would love to try some tart apples. Question for you.. roughly what percentage of your diet is fruits and vegetables? How often do you recommend eating meat/eggs?

The majority of my diet is plants. I use meat as a condiment. Beyond veggies & fruits, plants include beans, nuts, seeds, grains, herbs & spices.

Does juicing apples 🍎 give us half the nutrients/ benefits or about the same?

🌱 JUICE vs WHOLEFOOD ~ The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Extracted juice which leaves the pulp behind, leaves behind a great deal of micro- & phytonutrient density. Where there is color there is food medicine. Additionally, fiber is not just unwanted waste, it’s prebiotic fertilizer for your inner garden. Although you can cram the juice of 6 carrots into one cup of juice, we wouldn’t normally sit down and eat six carrots. We’d be satisfied after 2 or 3. Think about it. In addition to phytonutrient loss, there is also significant glycemic impact from juice. The whole is ALWAYS greater than the sum of its parts. See what else you can find at the end of the rainbow A.K.A. my colorful fruit-filled, veggie-loaded bean-rich functional food page. 🌈

Find yourself some Cosmic Crisps!!! Hunnyz Apple Review – Apple Rankings by The Appleist Brian Frange  Hunnyz! The best apple I’ve had in my life.  I had a russet apple 

I’ve been eating 5-6 different kinds of fruits in various smoothies in the morning because I can’t eat oatmeal because it causes me sinus issues and I can’t do eggs either. 
This doesn’t leave me with much to eat in the morning unfortunately for now till I heal and balance things….this acid reflux all came about when I changed my diet to plant base only trying to heal my hyperthyroid to which I did and then acid reflux started.😕

I’ve had all but 7 of them. Omg, I love apples! 😩😩😩😩😩 My most favorite is Fuji, but I also love Opal, Jazz, Envy, Juici, Cosmic, and Honey Crisp. 
I can’t wait for Apple season to roll around because I load UP! They are cheaper then! 😁Pears too! My mouth is watering! 😂😂😂😂
Envy, Fuji and Smitten are my favorite!! Totally love Macouns! Especially love Winsaps!   🍎 😃  
I eat apple slices with Nutzo butter – no peanuts but lots of other seeds and nuts. Delicious 🍎

Great informative post 👏🏽, an apple a day keeps the doctor away 😁 

Apples are also a rich source of iron great for #anaemia,

rich in fiber and great for keeping us regular 🙌

 The reference charts I’ve seen show Apples are relatively low on the list of iron rich fruits. 🗡 IRON is a double edge sword and iron deficiency anemia is only 1 of 6 types of anemia.  Careful with iron which is vital up to a point, beyond which it’s as toxic as lead.   True iron deficiency is rare. There are more cases of iron overload documented than there are of deficiency,  which also is associated with inflammation.  💉

PROPER blood testing is essential. Low hematocrit & hemoglobin do NOT constitute iron deficiency. 

There are dozens of reasons for low blood count  and 6 different types of nutrition-related anemia, only one is due to iron deficiency. 🔸Food sources are generally safe but when it comes to supplementation the hazards of excess iron are very real & serious.  In excess, iron is PRO-oxidant & pro-inflammatory, contributing to all degenerative diseases —  promoting what we try to protect against with antioxidants, such as cardiovascular dz, arthritis & all other -itis and cancer.  Cancer cells thrive in an iron rich environment, especially in women  🔸BTW I’ve seen more than a few cases of depression be a simple case of B12 deficiency, which can cause pernicious anemia and has nothing to do with iron. 🔸 See related posts on my functional nutrition page especially HAZARDS of EXCESS IRON  

Excessive Iron Causes Aggressive Cancer!!!

Iron may help other organisms grow
Iron in water does not usually present a health risk. Your body needs iron to transport oxygen in the blood. Most iron comes from food, since the body cannot easily absorb iron from water.
Iron may present some concern if harmful bacteria have entered a well. Some harmful organisms require iron to grow. If there is iron in the water, it may be harder to get rid of harmful bacteria.

How to detect Iron
Iron may give water a metallic taste and affect how food and beverages taste.
Iron in water can:
Cause yellow, red, or brown stains on dishes, laundry, and plumbing fixtures.
Turn tea, coffee, and potatoes black.
Iron can clog wells, pumps, sprinklers, dishwashers, and other devices.

Testing for Iron
Yellow or red colored water is often a good indication that iron is present. However, a laboratory can tell you the exact amount of iron, which can be useful in deciding on the best type of treatment. In addition to testing for iron, it can be helpful to test for hardness, pH, alkalinity, and iron bacteria.
Point of reference: Water with an iron level above 0.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is usually considered objectionable. Iron levels are usually below 10 mg/L in water.
Minnesota Department of Health recommends you use an accredited laboratory to test your water. Contact an accredited laboratory to get sample containers and instructions, or ask your county environmental or public health services if they provide well testing services.

Accredited Labs in Minnesota Accepting Samples from Private Well Owners (PDF)

Controlling Iron
Home water treatment is the most common method for controlling iron in water. Depending on circumstances, other options may include:
Using a different water source that is low in iron, such as a public water system or a well drawing water from a different water-bearing formation.
A new well. Keep in mind that it is difficult to predict what the iron concentration will be in a new well. Neighboring wells may be an indicator, but the iron content of two nearby wells may be quite different.
Water treatment
Effectively treating iron depends on the form(s) of iron present, the chemistry of the water, and the type of well and water system. It is best to work with a water treatment specialist to find the best solution.

Forms of Iron
Ferrous iron (“clear-water iron”): Water comes out of the faucet clear, but turns red or brown after standing.
Ferric iron (“red-water iron”): Water is red or yellow when it first comes out of the faucet.
Organic iron: It is usually yellow or brown, but may be colorless. Very shallow wells or wells affected by surface water are more likely than other wells to have organic iron.

Ferrous (Clear-Water) Iron Treatment
Water softeners and iron filters (such as a manganese greensand filter) are effective at removing clear-water iron.  Water softeners are the more common method. Manufacturers report that some water softeners can remove up to 10 mg/L. However, 2 to 5 mg/L is a more common limit. A manganese greensand filter can be effective for levels that are up to 10 to 15 mg/L.
A water softener removes hardness minerals like calcium and magnesium. Iron will plug the softener and must be periodically removed from the softener resin by backwashing. A water softener will be less effective if there is low water hardness and high iron or the system allows contact with air, such as in an air-charged “galvanized pressure tank.”

Ferric (Red-Water) Iron Treatment
Iron filters (such as a manganese greensand filter) are a common treatment for red-water iron levels up to 10-15 mg/L.
Aeration (injecting air) or chemical oxidation (usually adding chlorine in the form of calcium or sodium hypochlorite) followed by filtration are options if iron levels are more than 10 mg/L.
Sediment filter, carbon filter, or water softeners can remove small amounts of iron, but the iron will quickly plug the system.

Organic Iron Treatment
Organic iron and tannins present water treatment challenges. Organic iron and tannins can slow or prevent iron oxidation, so water softeners, aeration systems, and iron filters may not work well. Chemical oxidation followed by filtration may be an option.
Distillation or reverse osmosis can remove any type of iron. If there is a lot of iron in the water, it can quickly plug up the units, so a whole house treatment system may be better.
Iron Bacteria and well treatment
Iron bacteria are organisms that consume iron to survive. In the process, they produce deposits of iron and a red or brown slime called a “biofilm.” The organisms are not harmful to humans, but can make an iron problem much worse. The organisms naturally occur in shallow soils and groundwater, and they may be introduced into a well or water system when it is constructed or repaired.
Learn more about how to prevent, remove, and treat iron bacteria at Iron Bacteria in Well Water.

Please Note: If your Brita water pitcher is turning orange from the iron content don’t drink the water H²O.

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