Authoritarianism … Part 2

VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required (

You know what’s more inconvenient than a delayed or cancelled flight? Authoritarianism. Reagan fires 11,000 striking air traffic controllers Aug. 5, 1981 – POLITICOPOLITICOSearchSearchCloseBack ButtonSearch IconFilter Icon  

Insurrection.  If that was an insurrection it was the weakest in history! No tanks! No large exchanges of gun fire, even France beheaded a few. So history is going to say what.

People took Selfies during the “violent” American insurgence. Thumbs upThumbs upThumbs up I just reread Orwell’s “1984”. The US has made such strides into authoritarianism since Jan 2021 that my library has moved “1984”from Fiction to Current Affairs.
MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL.

You know how the free market works right?
That companies are allowed to make their own decisions?
Oh wait you want government control as long as it gives you what you want. And employees and customers are allowed to make their own decisions. You know how the free market works right?  So you oppose Biden demanding that employers with 100 employees or more force their employees to get vaccinated or face crippling fines? Employees made a decision not to get a safe and effective vaccine and got fired for it. You know what else is safe and effective protection against the spread of Covid-19?….. natural immunity!

That is the free market in action.

Unless the Government intervenes and says your company has to be vaccinated or pay.

Then it’s not much of a free market and the Government is overreaching.
Ban on abortions, ban on companies, mandating the vaccine, ban on protest, religion required for all. Obviously, comorbidities contribute to the death rate, but those people would not have died so soon without contracting COVID-19. What, comrade troll?

Heart disease and cancer were the top 2 killers in the US, with COVID-19 in the third place.… Reported for spreading COVID misinformation, comrade troll.  You’re also reported for spreading misinformation. 
Yes but none of that is true.
States decide their abortion stance. A government mandate on a vaccine isn’t freedom, it’s authoritarian. He’s not for banning protests but destruction of property is illegal. Religion for all? No, it’s freedom to express your religion…Medical tyranny aka vaccine mandates isn’t free market

You know there are hundreds of laws already regulating business and the market. So markets can make you shove a watermelon up your ass if they feel like it, right?
The Government feeds billions and billions of dollars to the airlines and you call this the free market. The companies are not free to make their own decisions, President Applesauce is issuing mandates via executive orders.

Slang. Something that does not have or make sense: balderdash, baloney, bilge, blather, bull, bunk, bunkum, claptrap, crap, drivel, garbage, hooey, idiocy, malarkey, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle. Informal: tommyrot.

So you oppose Biden demanding that employers with 100 employees or more force their employees to get vaccinated or face crippling fines?

You know who’s more qualified to start a student organization? Someone who didn’t claim, without evidence, to have been rejected by West Point because of Affirmative Action.
So, Biden is incompetent because he didn’t do enough to stop the spread, but you’re against doing enough to stop the spread. You’re absolutely brilliant. LOL. Please. This is very important. Consider watching this. At least the first 10 minutes. Tear it apart if you’re able.

Share. Covid-19 Conversations: 8 prominent doctors & scientists engage in a remarkable exchange – full video.

The world deserves better. The world deserves open discussion. #COVID19 #Covid_19 #vaccine #dogecoin = #doge.

Ask yourself why multiple countries are stopping the “vaccinations” and returning to semblance of normalcy or back to pre-covid-19 conditions.

Also ask yourself why multiple boosters are needed and now capsules to accompany said boosters? $. Big Pharma owns America. Prove me wrong.
Did you know they can put markers in vaccines … that can be used to track you..  
They track us in a multitude of ways.
This is just another way and probably a tad more precise.  

This may sound crazy, but a very simple marker could be used to trace at stores, side walks, your car… your cell phone, even your TV..
Mandating jabs for police is the left’s backdoor way of accomplishing their desire to defund and reduce the police’s ability to do their job effectively. 

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3 – Dove of peace

No package inserts and not willing to share the recipe? They wonder why we don’t want anything to do with it? #NoVaccineMandates #NOJABFORME #FJB

Meanwhile, Moderna’s faux vax injection is being banned in multiple nations. 

Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, he chose not to patent and profit from it as he did not want to create barriers between the drug and the people who needed it most.
Everyone who has gotten the jab so far had no idea what it was made of? There is no way that can be right. Are we just taking the word of whoever profits the most?

This can’t be real life. 

Their “recipe” is so good Finland, Sweden and Denmark have stopped giving it to young males…myocarditis anyone?
Myocarditis if I am not mistaken messes up the muscles. Pericarditis is the inflammation of the heart causing
a “hard shell around the heart protects it from skeletal and organ bumping.

Nope it’s all about money. Money bag

if they want to save lives they’ll share it!! It’s all about Greed don’t you get it?

Also they are exempt from anything negative that happens with the vaccine.. yeah they care about you  

Canada also “recommends” 18-24 yr old’s to take Pfizer instead.

I’ve elected to take none myself.  

This has never been about saving lives.

Because our enemies don’t want people to really know what’s in there, just like the food industry won’t share how they are making everyone obese with processed foods or the amount of sugar and salt is in FAST FOOD!

They don’t care about healing others they’re focused on $$$ and yet some people still can’t see straight Man facepalming

Here are the ingredients, they’ve been public for almost a year 🙂

1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination – Nikkei Asia

You mean the same vaccine that Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden
has just said they don’t want people under 30 to get?

Plus Japan rejected millions of these a couple months ago Face with tears of joy Face with tears of joy


Did you know many of the ingredients in the COVID vaccines are in some of your favorite foods?
From fats and oils found in avocados, to acids found in lemons and limes to sugar found in fruits.

Get the facts @ or call 877-CO-VAX-CO.

Would be interested to know what the newly found carbon/aluminium structures are in the “recipe”
A virus with a 99.7 survival rate.
A virus so bad you need to be tested to find out you have it.
A virus that has overcome the vaccine for it, and infecting those with multiple injections. Here ya go:… Type in MSDS for SM 102 which is a listed ingredient and have yourself a good cry.
Psyche, did it for ya:…

Now have a good cry.   The rhetoric is tiresome.
Socialize liability. Privatize profits. 

  The facts are there, yet we are being coerced
Discover the Coca Cola recipe secret | How To Cook That Ann Reardon.

Imaginé, if the other companies don’t know, imagine us Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing

Transhumanism: IS the Next goal and it’s not far to be done.

Definitely Death Skull Sauce in that Jab ! #death

Georgia Guide stones Commandments – Bing

How to Make a Saline Solution: 8 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow

Profit over people like many have been saying forever …always been

about the Money bagMoney bagMoney bagMoney bagMoney bagMoney bag

Patient Information Leaflet for Spike vax – GOV.UK ( The ingredients of the Moderna (now spike vax) are here…. COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients ( Standard CMC procedures account for general allergies. People can be allergic to the vaccine but it’s because they have an adverse reaction to the RNA itself. Ever flip over a package in the grocery store to peruse the contents? Or check the expiration date? If so, how dare you digest pertinent information like that.
Just toss the item in your cart and worry about it after you’ve eaten it. How dare anyone question or be suspicious of big pharma.
If you do, you must be a crazy conspiracy theorist. I see they have brainwashed you quite effectively.

Remember don’t question anything authorities tells YOU.

They are after all the Authorities right. Man shrugging
IMO the weirdest thing about modern society is that it’s full of companies that never turn a profit or never even make a product to market, yet survive, or even thrive through the decades.
Because good capitalism has failed at its job and lets the fed/government pump billions into these companies to keep them alive, a lot of which overpriced drugs and making money that goes into people’s pockets rather than the business.
Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary trial – The Jerusalem Post (  
Understanding Adverse Events and Side Effects | Vaccine Safety | CDC 

Understanding How Vaccines Work | CDC    
What does “Trusting The Science” actually mean:
Vaccine is a documented hazardous/toxic substance. Employers introducing hazardous substances into the workplace via injection into employees should be mandated to provide pharma documentation of contents, tests, side effects to the employee like an MSDS sheet. Informed consent. (imo)
 CDC A-Z Index – C   It’s criminal to force anyone to inject a genetic code into their bodies, that makes an artificial protein, with no off switch, & this artificial protein goes to EVERY part of their body, for an indefinite amount of time. This type of “vaccine” has NEVER EVER been done before. People on this asking “so it’s about the money.”

I’m sorry to see it’s taken you this long to realize. Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joy

We were out here from the start seeing through this shit, welcome to the club. Thumbs up Nobody wants to say what is in this gene altering therapy. Interesting that people are rushing to inject something that is NOT FDA approved, no liability if injured or dead – only mandated for certain people in our population- the below are exceptions. Time to wake

However, the unlawful federal vaccine mandates (still not officially issued).

It’s ‘profiting off coercion’ (i.e. fascism).
With zero fucking liability, that makes this highly unethical.
How much more “officially issued” do they have to be for federal employees?

An EO is official enough for every agency to be threatening employees to be vaxxed or be fired.

That in and of itself should make people skeptical of taking it.

Why isn’t the continued development of viruses classified as chemical warfare?  

They aren’t mincing words.  Your analysis of the ethics is leaving out the conclusion of criminality.

SG1 Exposes the Secret Behind the Vaccine ( How many children have been Cannibalized by Big Pharma execs…? Is this the basis for blackmail control? Ingredients that damage the blood and cause sterility among other things.
The damage these ”vaccines” that were forced on societies is unprecedented in all history. Gates, ”if we do really well ,we can reduce the population by 10 to 15 %”.

Millions of weakened immune systems.

Isn’t it odd that Fauci owns the patent for the Moderna Covid vaccine?

All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 10/8/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 10/1/2021

I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America And to the Republic, for which it stands One Nation under God, Indivisible With Liberty & JUSTICE for ALL! Stand for our National Anthem & kneel to pray to almighty God, Amen! Aaron Lewis – Am I The Only One (Lyric Video) – …. #ImNotTheOnlyOne

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