Being in The Zone

Jesus said, โ€œFather, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.โ€

And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34
Folded hands

Prophecy to this nation and its leaders: “You do NOT want to be AGAINST the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?” See James 4:6

Quit blaming God for everything that is wrong with the World,
the problem is Mankind and itโ€™s sinful nature.

Written in Abstract for the Greater Understanding of the Difficulty ๐Ÿ™‚

Italy has a higher rate of fully vaccinated people than Norway. So why does Italy still have restrictions and Covid passports when Norway removed all restrictions? Lucy  @Lucylo1958

Same in Australia my brother can only leave from home to go to work, same as his wife and my niece and nephew only go to school two days in a week. They canโ€™t go anywhere itโ€™s totally locked down.  Reminder; at the very beginning of this, Italy was one of 3 countries targeted with cv19 for unknown reasons, along with South Korea & Iran !?

What do you mean targeted?
There are 250,000 Chinese working in luxury goods factories in Lombardy, direct flights to Wuhan and huge numbers of Chinese returning to Italy immediately after the Chinese New Year. That is the connection. But they tracked it to a business man that traveled from China to Italy. The bastard kept traveling after dad and had a very active life lol What are you guys talking about?? Why did Italians start developing antibodies 6 months before that?

Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought.
Many, many more people died in Italy. Caution is understandable and perfectly reasonable. They died because there was a wrong management of the pandemic at the very start. It’s not something about our DNA it’s a political responsibility they did not protect RSA and hospitals. That’s all. Not saying itโ€™s your DNA or anything like that. What Iโ€™m saying is that Italy has very different circumstances to Norway and to suggest that what one country does should be โ€œcut and pasteโ€ for a totally different country ignores reality. Just discovered Peter. I will follow him and will read some of his previous tweets. It seems like a really interesting point of view. Thanks 

  He certainly has interesting viewpoints. I follow him because I value diversity of thought and want to know about issues from different perspectives. I disagree with him a lot re COVID and climate change policies, though. He doesnโ€™t account for universal human incompetence. The reason why in Italy Covid hit harder its only because Mr. Speranza and Mr. Conte underestimated the pandemic in January. They killed people in RSA and hospitals and. Losing schools killed a great part of older people in Lombardia.

This is the only thing different…In Italy there are 196 inhabitants per km2 that’s why. Also there is a different attitude towards freedom.
Italy considers its citizens: Child like to educate, Norway has a more mature form of democracy made of respect, trust and civil rights. Youโ€™re pointing out perfectly reasonable differences between Norway and Italy. Peter has a history of implying that the real reason is climate change related, and words his tweets to generate maximum emotional response. He certainly has interesting viewpoints.
I follow him because I value diversity of thought and want to know about issues from different perspectives. I disagree with him a lot re COVID and climate change policies, though. He doesnโ€™t account for universal human incompetence. If there is enough scientific evidence telling you proportional caution is necessary, you do that. There is no science behind demanding green passes for essential actions like work.
Especially with high vax grades like Italy, the green pass is disproportional! Any changes to your public health measures take an average of four or so incubation cycles to detect. Then thereโ€™s several more cycles for analysis etc. By the time youโ€™re making another adjustment it could be eight cycles. Delta can do wonders in eight cycles —  unknown reasons, along with South Korea & Iran !?!  

The 2nd amendment is an upgraded version of Davidโ€™s slingshot.

Because there are no defined endings to this mess-The shot doesnโ€™t do the job they are claiming it does either. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States | SpringerLink   I live in Finland. This Saturday I got to go to a bar full of people, without being asked for a vaccine passport and without a face mask. It was AMAZING. It felt just like life before COVID.

So why the big difference in all countries?

Norway has a population lower than the city of Rome. Italy has a density of 200/sq km while Norway’s is 14/sq km. Do I need to add all the other factors you must take into account, along with vaccination rate, in order to decide how to deal with a pandemic?   At last a sensible answer.

Italy has the pandemic under control unlike other countries with similar populations e.g. the UK. Because Italy is still a very old country and got decimated early on. It makes sense to tread lightly . Nonsense. Japan has an average of older people and they had a fraction of Italy’s casualties. Japan also has a very disciplined society who doesn’t complain about wearing masks.

If masks were protected we would not need vaccines. It is a disciplined society, yes, but that is not the answer. Their clinical approach has not been the one of “wait until they die with ventilators” as Italy did. The Italian Government basically killed many people with that.  
I live in Japan and people never stopped going to ramen shops and slurping down them noodles.
But wearing masks won’t protect you from a virus transmitted through aerosol. Compare the data of states who had mask Mandates Vs. No mandates.  

Masks can slow down the spread in certain circumstances, where people stay a short time, but not good for places like classrooms where kids sit for hours. And no one shall bully people into covid vaccine. Everyone has different health conditions. You mean theyโ€™re not fat.

You still believe a mask can stop a virus?! Rolling on the floor laughing

Itโ€™s right on the side of the box โ€œdoesnโ€™t stop the spread of virusโ€

yet those blue ones are what they are wearing. Woman facepalmingClown face Sheep

I agree with you. In fact, I would argue that we need to declare the pandemic emergency closed and remove the associated restrictions.

This will not prevent us from continuing with the caution, research, and treatment of COVID19, of course.  We must not allow governments to decide our lives, our lifestyles, our habits and inclinations. We must demand the removal of all restrictions and return to exercising the same rights we had before the #pandemic.
We need to get back to our lives!Folded handsPurple heart
Cristina Dragani@CristinaDragani

In Italy it is being tested for new ways of social control. If they succeed then these measures will be applied worldwide. Because in Italy we have a health system that sucks, because of the cuts that have been made for years, as in the instructions .. Then it is normal we are in Italy .. Remember Italy and it is a beautiful country .. But to go on vacation. There are many points of view inside Italy: 20 regions and 7 ways of lifestyle and ethnic groups. Now People demand to be in Power and “Palaces” change something in order to not change First Economic chapters, that really help People.

The pandemic scam started first in Italy and will be the last to come out of it.

Because we are human guinea pigs, from a social, medical, economic point of view. They are experimenting with us to then export that to other parts of Europe. So we are the example not to follow by anyone . Draghi / Macron/ Trudeau = Klaus Schwaab Great Reset because Italy is a part of the alliance with the US, Australia, Canada, and others that are in cahoots with this vaccine passport.
The worldwide Covid plandemic & the various countries’ response to the manufactured virus has been nothing to do with sufferers healthcare/improvement but everything to do with control & to be jabbed with the immune system destroying depopulation jab, why else force the jab.   Hard to make sense of any decisions governments are making these days. There’s definitely some kind of agenda here, and we’re probably only in phase 1. Not sure I wanna see phase 2 or 3. Italy is a market wider than Norway, they still have to improve yield with pharma business ,Depends on which government was bought and bribed by big pharma… in Italy there is a dictatorship while Norway is a free country.

Here in Italy we say about ourselves “italiani brava gente”, meaning something like “we are good people, we don’t want problems”.

Someone must have thought we were perfect for testing.

They were wrong. They will see it.  
I don’t knowMan facepalming the government has turned the green pass from a normal vaccination certificate into a political symbol and in Italy we have had dozens of mandatory vaccines for years. Norwayโ€™s a big county with a smaller population etc.

Covid deaths in Italy 2,176/1 mil population. Norway 159/1 mil

Because of a high rate of incompetency? Bit of a delay in transforming thoughts into action? Commissions and Government are working hard… They might be tired… In the meantime let workers and people have “croissants”… #Fascism thatโ€™s why…

Pretty simple: they want to vaccinate 100% of the population multiple times, 3,4,5… probably forever. So that their friends of Big Pharma will earn a lot of $$ I don’t believe in the data, but remember that the vaccine is the tool thanks to which the Davos ( @wefย  ) elites want to impose the Green Pass, which will then become a tool that regulates your consumption, your credit, your life. We must oppose with all our strength now!

Because in Italy Kalergi’s plan is ongoing. – Bing video

Alchemist on Twitter: “@PeterSweden7 It’s because…” / Twitter
Mussoliniโ€™s descendants are in charge. in Italy Covid-19 has mutated into a dystopian dictatorship.

Highest probability for this is Italians would be much more resistant to the upcoming shift from vaxx passports to national digital ID databases as social access checkpoints to goods and services. Perhaps because the duration of vaccine immune protection rapidly decays after the 4th month, so at least half of the vaccinated are no longer protected? Somebody in America made a phone call in the UK, then made another call in Rome and ordered it. This is how this country has been run since the end of WW2.

Because every country that has vaccine mandates is going for a full 100% vaccination rate. This means a fast road to totalitarianism with hate, violence and atrocities along the way.  

Because Norway has been already used by Tavistock as a social studies laboratory. Now it is time for others to step up. Canada has a fairly high % vaccinated. There are areas with vaccination rates much higher than average and other areas, very low. A countryโ€™s average vaccination % does not tell the whole story. Many other factors are involved including lifestyle, overall health, average age. Would be fun looking at dif. democratic traditions; long/short, strong/ and c.restrictions

Norway 5.390.000 population 385207 sq. km Italy 59.257.000 population 302068 sq km Please find the difference and tell me why we donโ€™t remove restrictions (if you understand)  

Numbers versus percentages?

Itโ€™s easy to make a story out of nothing. Because we are a rotten and corrupted state by puppet politics, led by a banker who destroyed Greece and a trusted man from Germany and Holland. In practice, a bankruptcy trustee from Northern Europe.

 Italy to lead world vaccination strategy – English – 

They are testing out different strategies in different countries.

The agenda is the same throughout it western countries however, itโ€™s just how they get there.  The World Economic Forum is one group  that watches our responses, and then tries different tactics elsewhere.  Italy has more debt problems

Have you ever been to Italy? The level of social interaction is not comparable to Nordic countries. People wonโ€™t even share an elevator before the pandemic when I was in Sweden. Because we have Draghi – Bing

We have Draghi the freemason – Bing video

A few differences that I can think of are * Population density * In 54% of the Swedish homes only one person lives * Weaker health infrastructure * They got hammered before and don’t want to go there again.

Why does Germany have the same restrictions without using the word Green Pass and no one is using that Country as an example?
Asking Slovenia, how do they feel with restrictions? Please, be intellectually correct and ask any other Countries why they have the same or worse restrictions.  

“About COVID-19 certificate in Norway –

This video explains the situation in Israel, while detailing misconduct by the Israeli MoH – How Israeli Ministry of Health, deleted thousands of testimonies

Eyal Kattan on Twitter:  

Video is in English with English and Hebrew subtitles.
On September 30, the Ministry of Health posted a Facebook post about the “rare” side effects as a result of Pfizer’s corona vaccines. Tens of thousands of people responded and testified there about severe side effects they and their relatives experienced. That night the Ministry of Health deleted more than 5000 responses. This is the sequence of events and my take on the matter. This time in English.
Unfortunately, the establishment press in Israel is dead and completely owned by the state and the tycoons and therefore will not (or hardly) report. The independent press is afraid of its own shadow and does not want to approach such an explosive issue, so anyone left to report and raise the magnitude of corruption and decay? This is us citizens. The gatekeepers of democracy. You, each and every one of them.
Watch to the end and share in every way possible, there is no one else to do it for us. Share Share Share!

Link to YouTube:
Probably because Italy is inside the Eurozone, whereas Norway is outside. The QR-code is not about your health, but about your money. #TheGreatReset     Siamo in dittatura. Aiutateci…Folded hands 

( We Are A Dictatorship.)   Mario Draghi. Japanese ogre

It’s called EU and ECB Because in Italy we have muscular men in government, muscular above all against the population, an authoritarian drift veiled in democracy … with press and media enslaved ..

IT’s Simple: it isnโ€™t about Covid-19.

Clearly your government didnโ€™t sign up for the โ€œ great reset โ€œ aka totalitarian regime headed by WEF. And didnโ€™t take back handers from Big Pharma’s. Because Italy and its citizens were sold in 2014 to http://GA.VI, Big Pharma and #WHO as guinea pigs.  Because we have the unelected Draghi, servant of WEF.

The Dossier | Video | Goldman Sachs: The bank that rules the world  Because Italy is a dictatorship. The world needs to know that freedom is ending in Italy. Going Back to Facism!!!

The only possible explanation is that the Italian government believes that higher rates of fully vaccinated people allow savings for the national health system.
Because the Italian government is so bankrupt that they can’t afford to pay people’s future pensions anymore so they want to depopulate everyone asap.
The Italian government has been compromised by globalists that are helping the great reset agenda. The pope is also compromised.  Because Italy as we know it must be destroyed in order to fit in the European (=Bruxelles) matrix.

Roberto Speranza is paranoid and completely unaware of data.

It seems he wants to achieve an impossible 100%of Vax.

What will the world look like after the Corona crisis?
Because we have to demonstrate our compliance with the new global order to be achieved.  


The Green Pass is a social control instrument:

our government is going to put everything under gp to impose Communism and become like China. Thatโ€™s their aim. Thatโ€™s their aim is it?

In Italy theyโ€™ve lost many people to Covid and they want to avoid that happening again by taking sensible precautions. I feel safer in Italy than in laissez-faire U.K. where, to be honest, the government doesnโ€™t really give a shit about how many ppl die. Search for Agenda 21, this is what you get

Agenda 21 is an action plan for increased efforts on environmental and development issues, adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Now if you researched what Agenda 21 stood for before 1990`s, it was about depopulating the world by wars, pandemics, hunger…Agenda 21 was a huge conspiracy way back, they had to remove the name from the UN agenda plan. Now it’s back with a prettier wrapping.

The world has gone crazy. 

Itโ€™s all about the new world order and social credit system Because Italy is not at the northern border of Europe, far from all immigration, travel and logistics. This should be no brainer. Cmon. Check all tourist countries first.

๐€๐๐๐Ž๐”๐๐‚๐„๐Œ๐„๐๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐๐„ฬจ๐’๐€๐‘๐€ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐’ ๐€๐‘๐‘๐„๐’๐“๐’ ๐Ž๐‚๐‚๐”๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐๐† ๐€๐“ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐€๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„ was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.

The proposals were never introduced before Congress.

Where are Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Biden as shelves are emptying and ships are sitting offshore waiting to be unloaded at ports around the country? What is going on? Americans are beginning to wonder why there are so many ships sitting offshore while shelves in stores are empty?

History lesson from the Nazis.

As reminder, Nazi Germany happened because the citizens never spoke up until it was too late. If you donโ€™t speak up when something wrong is occurring because it isnโ€™t directly impacting you in the moment, Realize there will be no one to speak up for you when it does directly impact you. #VoterFraudisBadForEveryone. #AuditTheVote.’ #CountEveryLegalVote.  

Actual Video footage of Pelosi and the Pope Face with open mouthThe Holy Meeting.

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