Corona: False Alarm

Corona false alarm: facts and figures Has all the numbers.
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The coroner in Grand County, Colorado, found non-Covid deaths reported as Covid-related on a state database. We investigate Sunday on Full Measure. We need a large-scale statistical study of how many people died from Covid, not with COVID. My guess is that at least 20% of assigned COVID deaths would be invalidated. I-Team: Deaths incorrectly attributed to COVID-19 in Palm Beach County | WPEC ( All states reported Chinese virus deaths as Covid when they were other reasons. The medical community sold out for the money. It’s likely 75% higher death then we’re actually Covid death. CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data | Politics News (

The information is easily verified, not hard to find at all, vaccinazi.  
Fear, fear, fear is all the media and government push.
Just look at deaths by year. It’s all F’in lies!!
Thanks @SharylAttkisson

keep doing these stories sadly there are way too many of them. After Hours: Over-counting Covid-19 Deaths by Full Measure After Hours (

Malfeasance galore.  We have known this from day 1! the medical professionals who have sold their souls should lose their medical licenses! bribed by the government with cash! These people are no better than the crooked politicians paying them off! the biggest disgrace in my 62+ years of life!

The Scamdemic ==  in the years to come there will be accounting. my guess is at least 1/3 of deaths listed today, maybe more, will be determined as misreported. this is based on every report from communities around the US where ~25-30% of deaths were incorrectly labeled.

BOMBSHELL: You will be shocked! Listen to the case definition pf COVID death from Director, Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) –
By Dr. Ngozi O. Ezike, M.D.

Now, What do you guys think the REAL #coronavirus death toll is?
Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid (French subtitles) (

Please check out my new video if you like nature and biking! Leave a comment and let me know what you think! Thanks! LOVE EACH OTHER! SHARE THE LOVE!

WATER WANDERER LOVE EACHOTHER 25 9 8 21 – YouTube “Mrs. Short was stunned to see Covid-19 named as cause on her husband’s death certificate— after he died of an aggressive cancer. He’d tested negative for coronavirus 3 times. Only after the family complained was Covid-19 removed: a clerical error was blamed.” Counting Covid | Full Measure

Amanda Grace: Get Ready for an October Surprise! (
I will let you listen to it for yourself, but they talk about a coming “October surprise”.

For those familiar with politics, you know an October Surprise is a common thing in election years, as campaigns try to pull a fast one at the last minute with some big surprise that changes everything right before the election.

Well…..Amanda Grace says an October Surprise is coming, but this one will be brought about by God himself and it will not end well for Biden.

I think you’re going to like this…..
Amanda Grace: There Will Be A Flip in This Country | July 27 2021

Why does Biden keep talking as if COVID-19 vaccines don’t work?
Christopher Tremoglie

When President Biden announced his intention to require workers to be vaccinated, he made a peculiar statement. It could have been another Biden malapropism, but if it wasn’t, Biden’s comment is telling. “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers,” Biden said. “We’re going to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the share of the workforce that is vaccinated in businesses all across America.”

Biden’s statement is illogical. The entire point of the vaccine is to protect people from getting COVID-19. Except the vaccine is supposed to shield people from the virus. Yet based on what Biden said, it could be inferred that the vaccine does not work. His stated intention to “protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated workers” defies what the experts have been advising from the beginning. If everyone must be vaccinated to protect those who already received their vaccination, how effective are the vaccines?

There is no precedent for such a ridiculous statement. President Truman did not urge New Yorkers to get the smallpox vaccine in 1947 by saying those who were not vaccinated were a threat to those who were. In 1955, President Eisenhower didn’t tell people who received the polio vaccines they needed to be protected from those who were not vaccinated. Such a statement would have brought panic and confusion.

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Biden has declared. That was true — but then why is it the vaccinated who supposedly need protection? Not only are such statements wrong, but they are actually dangerous. Biden’s rhetoric does nothing but lend credence to the very thing he seeks to remedy — vaccine skepticism. Vaccines do work, and everyone should get them. The quicker everyone does, the faster life returns to normal. However, implanting the idea that for the vaccinated to be protected, it requires the unvaccinated to get shots is just fear mongering and misinformation.

Why Push A Vaccine After One Year If You Haven’t Gotten Covid 19.

Colorado coroner Brenda Bock questioned Covid-19 death count.

The following is a news analysis.
This week on Full Measure, I investigate the way states counted and, sometimes, miscounted Covid deaths.

Watch the Full Measure investigation here.
I started my research in Grand County, Colorado where the coroner, Brenda Bock, had flagged a murder-suicide that somehow ended up on the state’s Covid death count.
That wasn’t the only eyebrow raising example.
One thing Bock and other coroners who discovered such anomalies couldn’t figure out was who, exactly, was calling the shots.
Who was it who, apparently, aggressively sought out the name of any deceased person– even before the death certificate was signed– cross-referencing the name against a database of positive Covid tests, and adding the death to the list of Covid deaths even when it may have had nothing to do with Covid?

To try to get more information, I filed a simple public records request for information in Colorado. State law requires the information to be provided within three days.
Many weeks later, Colorado Public Health officials were unlawfully ignoring the request, as well as my many follow up queries. Likewise, when I reached out to other state officials for assistance in making sure public records law was followed, those contacts were also ignored. This included multiple outreach to the governor’s office and numerous state health authorities.
Finally, I hired a lawyer to pursue the records request. This is too often the outcome at the federal level, as well. Public officials treat the documents and materials that they collect on our behalf, that we own and have a right to see, as if they are their own proprietary private property to be withheld at will.
These officials know that for members of the public and press to hire a lawyer is expensive and time-consuming; suing in court over a public records violation even more so. And these officials know there is almost never any punishment or repercussion when they break the law and improperly withhold records.

My lawyer shook loose some of the documents, which you can read here.
One of the outrages, though, is that Colorado improperly blacked out its communications with other states, such as California and New York, when it came to talking about the Covid death count.
It appears Colorado officials also failed to turn over many documents that we know would likely exist discussing various matters and complaints related to the Covid death count.
But one small sliver of information Colorado did turn over shows that health officials were none too happy with Brenda Bock, the Grand County coroner who was questioning the state’s death count methodology.
In an email, Ron Engels — at the time, a Gilpin County Commissioner — wrote the head of Colorado’s health department Jill Ryan, and alerted her about Bock’s questions (immediately determining, apparently, that they were political in nature). Engels is “involved with several state agencies, including the State Board of Health… and the Coroner’s Training and Standards Board.”

Engels forwards Ryan the query Bock had sent to the state coroners’ association in which Bock asked about standing up to “get the practice” of miscounting Covid deaths “stopped.”
“…someone might want to look into the situation before it becomes a media circus.”
Ron Engels re: Bock’s questions about Colorado’s Covid-19 death count
Engels tells Ryan that “somebody might want to look into the situation before it becomes a media circus.”
Ryan responds by explaining that it’s a “nuanced” situation and “This is routinely how death surveillance is conducted.”
Engels answers back. “[I]t sounds like x ok conservative Coroner Bock is thinking of creating a media stink. Maybe someone from [Colorado Coroners Association] could make an attempt to explain what you did below before there is yet another thing the naysayers can grab onto?”

Ryan offers to speak to the coroners’ group. Engels signs off with,
“Thanks for all your support during my political career.”

Read the emails below.
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