The Best Is Yet To Come

When Trump wins in 2024 it will be his 3rd Presidential Election he Won!

– Democrats know he WON, & are covering up the FACT – Republican RINOS know he WON, but still HATES him – Independents know he WON but are always CONFUSED – Blacks know he WON, but are in denial!!!

Trump4America on Twitter: “74% of the American people think the withdrawal from Afghanistan has gone badly. The other 26% must be dummies. They wouldn’t have to speed up evacuations if mumbling
bumbling Joe Lyden would have done it right the first time.

I am praying all make it out safe…” / Twitter



Our Media Should Be Tried for Treason.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Asks Blinken:
‘Does the President Not Know What’s Going On?’

Pelosi Moves to Bypass Democratic
Division on Biden Agenda (

Taliban have acquired an ‘overwhelming amount
of potential weaponry,’ global security expert says

The contrast between Biden with his teleprompter vs.
President Trump at his rally is ASTOUNDING!!!!

I don’t like being lied to. I’d like to know exactly what’s going on in Afghanistan.

He’s as useful as a boat in a desert…

Why are they even ALLOWING him talk?Man facepalming

Panjshir Valley: Afghanistan’s last holdout against the Taliban (

Portland protests see clashes between far-right, far-left groups (
Once everyone gets vaxxed it won’t be free anymore:

Ron Johnson warns of FDA COVID-19 vaccine approval shortcuts – Washington Times

As of Aug. 20, 12,791 worldwide deaths over an eight-month period have been associated with the three COVID-19 vaccines. • Of the deaths, 4,632, or 36.2%, occurred within two days of the vaccination. • A total of 571,831 adverse effects were reported,

I’m trying to understand how the vaccination can get FDA approved so quickly.
Where are all of the long-term clinical trials? This is very disturbing.

Knew they’d do this! They’ve seen “it’s not approved” as a reason to oppose or be skeptical, so now — just as they’ve destroyed faith in our election system, they are going to destroy faith in our medical approval system. Biologically impossible. Yet another Biden lie and scam.

Along with pretty much all the three-letter agencies under the Obama-
Soros-Pelosi-Biden cabal. Enough money and mercury in a pill form will
get approved. This government went to shit.

Check private bank accounts, MONEY TALKS

They did clinical trials on the polio vaccine in children before they got approval.
The vaccine also got the “warp speed” treatment, and it paralyzed many children during that time. This is nothing new. #historyrepeatingitself
This is such a blatantly obvious payoff.
They are essentially approving the fast track process for developing a new vaccine. This will allow rapid vax development for newly discovered viruses and the Govt will force people to get jabbed year after year.

Cash flow for big pharmaFace with raised eyebrow

Its rush to be approved most likely has to do with being able to make it mandatory for the military. It was a hit item in the news in July to come up with making it mandatory for them & then dropped probably due to legal issues. Once approved that will most likely changeCrying face

Err…cos they are trying to mandate it and they know they can’t if it’s EUA
so they are rushing it through. Remember the Regulators are all captured by Gates and big Pharma, so it’s a done deal. Hopefully the lawyers will decimate them in court for failing to follow protocols.

People Die Over Politics and GREED.
Every new billionaire last year was from the pharmaceutical industry. Have you not learned how shady our government is by now? Power is a Helluva thing, in the wrong hands. So many things have been done with a misuse of power. One day, I hope to see it all come to light. It’s the US government. They make the rules and they can change the rules.

For every rule there is an exception in the us government ☠

Correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t these pharmaceutical companies be showing us their study results? If they used the scientific method, we should be seeing that the study could be reproduced. They are suppressing side effects. Have to read Israel or EU newspapers to know what is going on. Remember, too, that all the test animals died during trials, but they decided to approve the vaccine for human use anyway.

The FDA is another 3 letter agency ruled by the democrats.
Once the FDA approval they must disclose adverse reactions, &

they are open for lawsuits Smiling face with sunglasses

Most of the standard clinical trials were completed before emergency use was granted.
Buy, the results of those and a mountain of other documentation has to be carefully reviewed by the FDA… which has taken several months. What’s worse is it’s had 20 years of trials and they have all failed miserably. FDA is a cost vs. benefit entity.

They are easily influenced by $ Criminal democrats run all agencies

The swamp is deep It’s all about money! Money bagMoney bagMoney bag 

 It’s all about forcing mandates. Too many adverse reactions to have immediate approval by the FDA, what are they thinking. This is what happens under Communist China’s rule. They want to cut out the competition that remains on Emergency Authorization only and likely more that could be being developed in other countries.

Even the Commissioner of the FDA can be bought and paid for.
It’s all political as has NOTHING to do with the health of Americans

Moreover, the company that paid out billions in 2009 for killing people ,
during Obama+Joe administration, is given green light today. Most likely
for huge kickback to @DNC #Pfizer” / Twitter

FDA is a government agency who’s paycheck depends on doing what they say (also heavily financed by big Pharma). Can’t trust what they’re selling. If it’s FDA approved will Pfizer be liable for injuries, adverse reactions and deaths caused by the jab?

We need to continue to confront them. It’s all about being able to force and mandate the jab. They know anyone not getting it is standing on its only authorized as experimental this is their legal way of shoving the jab on the masses.

People don’t care, just as long as they get lied to.

Nuremberg Code Punishable by DEATH (

They’re murdering eugenicists. Where’s the mystery here?

They want to control the market.
Try to put your energy into the things you can control instead of focusing on/worrying about the things you can’t! *and control is a tricky word…
I believe we don’t control anything…we create!
Create how you want things to go for yourself.
You’ve got this! Wake up!


Translation: If you’re vaccinated you can die from the Covid19 virus and variants. If you’re vaccinated you can spread the Covid19 virus and variants.
If you’re vaccinated you can die from the vaccine and soon to be released boosters. Down pointing backhand index

This is not immunity. This is compliance.
I’m guessing by November we will see reports of not enough hospital staff to take care of patients. But it won’t be because hospitals are flooded with sick patients, it will be because hospitals are firing their staff for not wanting the vax.

Vaccinated, probably tested, eating OUTDOORS?

Video shows hoards of Maskless people at Pelosi fundraiser
According to the CDC, vaccinated people can still get the disease and transmit it as a vector.
What’s your point. Makes no sense to discriminate or distinguish between vaxx status Democrat lawmakers including Pelosi spotted partying unmasked at Napa Valley fundraiser | The Post Millennial

They may be vaccinated, but I am now convinced the Moderna vaccine I got 2 shots of doesn’t really work as correctly & well as they try to make it seem. I have seen too many people vaccinated with Moderna vaccines that have gotten the virus.

NOW they are saying we need 3rd shot Pouting face Melinda Huntsman
She is single handedly the reason the party has money to spend therefore,
she can do anything she wants. Think about that..
You do realize “them” are your fellow citizens. They even live in the same country as you believe it or not. If you don’t hang with “them” how do you know what they think applies to “them” or what delights “them”?

I actually love that Pelosi in Napa fundraiser video because it is the most honest depiction of our government that we have ever seen. Nancy is protected by the dense cloud of Elnett that creates an impenetrable force field around her head. #LoveTheDoNancyPoo

It shows hypocrisy and how the RICH can do what they want, while the
rest of us have authoritarian rules and order’s to abide by! Why the people’s revolution needs to finally enter and they need to hear all of us! The peasants will still be asked to mask up along with the children, while the government cheats and lives freely. It started with washing your hands. It is ending with communism and identity theft.

To all the Covid fear mongers out there, please explain how this is acceptable.
Are they just a “sophisticated, vaccinated” crowd? 😂

Or do they have some magic immunity?
Or, quite possibly, might this whole thing be somewhat of a hoax?
Guys, please. Hordes. “Hoard” is a verb, to amass and store things, as in “hoarder.” They came up with the “variant” thing to cover that contingency.
The language is dying. Fundraising while property owners, closed businesses and families are “fundraising.” Maybe that’s who it is for. You know, The People.

“What is good for me is not good for thee” is how all Commies think.
It should be the final nail in the Covid alarmism but yet…everyone is still
under psychosis, It’s all theater. It’s all a joke being played in the country.

Laughing at all the people in the comments making excuses for this event because it was outdoors. It was only a few short weeks ago that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was causing these same people to clutch their pearls over a super-spreader event. Sturgis motorcycle rally sparks fears of super spreader event – CBS News It’s time to check in on South Dakota, which has seen a 200% increase in Covid-19 cases in the past two weeks — the highest growth rate in the nation. What happened two weeks ago? The Sturgis motorcycle rally.

Quick thread on the data:

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