Casein, IGF-1 and Bovine Growth Hormone

The Plant Programme Written by Janet Plant.
Professor Jane Plant was one of the world’s leading geochemists, and was chief scientist of the British Geological Survey (BGS) from 2000 to 2005, as well as Professor of Geochemistry at Imperial College, London.

She graduated with a Class I Honors degree in geology at Liverpool University in 1967, gaining her PhD in geochemistry at Leicester University ten years later. Jane worked at the British Geological Survey for her whole professional career, taking a leading role from the start in developing Britain’s national geochemical database, with its direct applications in mineral exploration – and most significantly (and at first unexpectedly) in the new field of environmental health: during the 1970s it was Jane Plant’s team which identified links between deficiency diseases in livestock and the geochemistry of the land on which they lived.

Alongside her BGS position, Jane held other senior posts, including: Chief Scientist, Head of Geoscience Resources and Facilities Directorate 2000-02; Professor of Geochemistry, Imperial College, London; and Vice President, Middleton Exploration during
a sabbatical year in 1988-89.

It is with great sadness that we report that Jane Plant died on 4th March 2016.
You may be visiting this site because you have read Jane’s groundbreaking book entitled Your Life in Your Hands about preventing and treating Breast Cancer or her other recently published book about Prostate cancer.

You may have read other books such as The Plant Programme, Eat Your way to Better Health or the book on Osteoporosis – all packed with delicious healthy recipes- that she has written with her friend and fellow scientist Gill Tidey.

This site provides you with more information about Jane. You can read more about her books including extracts from recent press coverage. You can also learn more about Jane as a scientist and her role in science at the national and international level.
Professor Jane Plant wrote a number of books on the relationship between diet and health.

.She Cured Her Breast Cancer in 6 Weeks Flat — Here is Her Secret

This is her story…

Jane Plant was a professor of geochemistry at Imperial College, London when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 42 and, no matter what the doctors threw at it, the cancer kept coming back. Even though she underwent chemotherapy, five years later, the cancer returned with a vengeance, recurring for the fifth time. 
“I asked my doctor to end my life for me there and then — I didn’t see how I could go on battling a disease that seemed hell-bent on finishing me off,” Jane told in an interview to Daily Mail.
She was ready to give up fighting, when she heard her 6-year-old son crying out for her in the next room. Even though her doctor gave her “at the very most, two months to live,” she decided to be strong for her family and try another approach in order to beat cancer.

Remarkably, only six weeks later, her tumor was gone.

This is her secret:

Jane Plant and her husband, Peter Simpson, did their own research and found a connection between the incidence of various types of cancer across the world and diet.

In China, the breast cancer rate was 1 in 100,000 compared to 1 in 10 in the UK, at the time.

(Today, the risk of breast cancer in the US and UK has raised to 1 in 8 women).
“Further research convinced me that it had to be diet-related, and so I adopted the kind of diet predominant in China,” Jane explained.

The Chinese diet:

The predominant Chinese diet (that destroyed Jane’s cancer and kept her alive to this day)
is pretty straight forward:

low animal protein (i.e. less or no meat)
no dairy
lots of fruits, vegetables,
nuts and pulses

And that’s it! Nothing fancy, expensive or not accessible.
“Six years later,” Jane recalls, “I stepped off a train in Reading, where I was giving a lecture, and I was struck with this epiphany: ‘I’m not dead — I’m still not dead.’”

“Those words repeated in my head over and over for the rest of the day. And I knew I could finally allow myself to believe I had beaten cancer.”
Jane Plant is now 70 years old and lives in Richmond with her husband. They have three children and six grandchildren.

Jane wrote The No-Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program and other books on the subject, where she details her personal experience and offers invaluable advice on how to prevent or beat cancer.


It turns out, again and again, that a healthy diet (i.e. keeping your body alkaline) can both prevent and overcome cancer.

This is your long-awaited wake-up call: change your diet today!

Irish Independent – 26th August 2013
Click here for a recent news article about Jane 

From a Chinese medicine perspective, I would not say milk causes cancer. I will say homogenized is harder for the body to separate what is waste and what is to be used. So it has to store it somewhere. Both homogenized and homogenized can cause turbidity in the body that causes brain fog, disrupts the flow of blood, qi, and fluids, but I think processing makes it worse. For heck sakes, it is okay to shake up your milk. When qi can’t flow it generates heat and congeals turbid fluid into what we call phlegm.

We consider cancer hot phlegm. I would not say milk causes cancer. I would say a lifestyle of reducing flow and taking in toxicity causes cancer. This could include too much milk. This could include not enough sleep. This could include tightening in traffic or tensing up to use adrenaline to get what you want to be done in the day, rather than reserving that system for when there is a real threat or an actual roller coaster.
I don’t know of any solid evidence for the link between milk and breast cancer What is evident is the link between alcohol consumption and smoking and breast cancer.

The only way it can cause cancer is by the ways it is contaminated or possibly pasteurization. I think it’s the type of milk you drink. I prefer raw milk. All the hormones and antibiotics fed to dairy cows is awful. So organic is the way I go. There is research that acidic bodies breed cancer, allow cancer to live… If you Google dairy and acidity, it will say most dairy is acidic and acidic for the body with one exception, raw. Raw dairy is neutral.  organic milk has a really long shelf life. It’s pasteurized at a much higher temp, so it kills a lot of the bacteria that makes it go bad.

I saw that article. It says that cheese contains concentrated amounts of hormones from cows, which may be linked to breast cancer.  Yes, and a lot of commercial milk has hormones, too. That’s why I’m very cautious about milk and cheese I consume.   Hormones in milk aren’t actually so bad, unless they’re added. Many of them are actually beneficial. In Canada we don’t allow hormones or antibiotics to be given to our cattle.

Cherie Willoughby Dennard states: I think conventional, pasteurized milk is no good. Growth hormone in particular has been shown to cause breast cancer. I don’t take a chance with it. However, raw, organic milk from the farm is a superfood and has amazing health benefits.
I drink about a gallon of that a week (for 20 years now)

it is absolutely true that milk from cows treated with antibiotics, anti virals, and genetically modified feed. will have those drugs and chemicals including mercury they are found in milk in all industrial dairies. if you can find local natural fed cattle. then we can reduce the carcinogens immensely. we have been consuming milk for over 10,000 years. and we have a close symbiotic relationship with live foods and animals and our gut needs the microscopic enzymes and biotics provided in raw foods. including milk. if you take raw milk and put it on the counter covered with a cloth , it turns into curds and whey both are edible and safe. do the same with processed milk and it goes sour and inedible. all of our lives we kill off cancer cells. the main reason we start losing this battle is our food sources and the poisonous practice of concentrated monoculture food production.

Casein is a Carcinogen, Really? Many people have heard me say, “Casein [the main protein of cow’s milk] is the most relevant chemical carcinogen ever identified.” Guilty, as charged. Many times I’ve said this. For the sake of this discussion, let’s call it an hypothesis, that is, “Casein causes cancer”Casein and whey are the proteins found in all types of animal milks. It differs in concentrations in different types of milk and is the highest in cow’s milk (87%). Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, has spent 50 years researching the correlation between diet and cancer. He’s dedicated his life to showing people how cancer prevention begins with what we put on our forks, and what we don’t. Dr. Campbell recently gave a speech in Hawaii where he proposed that our high protein intake isn’t just unnecessary, it’s also a huge problem when it comes to increased cancer risks.

It’s more to do with animal proteins than milk itself T. Colin Campbell talks about in his book the China study and 20 year study on humans regards diet after they showed they could turn cancer on and off in mice by diet changes particularly with regards to animal proteins
Search on youtube at Cornell University!

Here’s Good Read:
The Plant Programme Written by Janet Plant a medical person who had breast cancer six times!!! Very positive book Takes you through her battles and success! 
Imagine the amount of people who would have breast cancer if this were true. I put it right there next to the person that told me. . .  . to not let my baby burp while I’m nursing him because it’ll send an air bubble into me and cause a heart attack.  I just asked my nurse about this when I was in the hospital last week. She said the air bubbles was the first thing she asked about in nursing. They told her it would take an air bubble the size of a football to kill someone.  the same person also told me that if I didn’t empty the breasts properly when nursing, the milk would dry up inside me and cause calcium deposits which would give me breast cancer

There are many ways to get cancer. So possible but not probable. In my opinion the #1 cause of cancer is not getting enough sunlight. Sunlight generates vitamin D which kills pre-cancerous cells. Not getting enough means increase your cancer risk exponentially. This also could explain how consumption of dairy can cause high calcium in the blood. Without the other puzzle pieces like vitamin D and K calcium just wanders through the body.  sooo true! Could not agree more. The uk is told to supplement a deadly low level of d daily. 400iu I believe. I take 5,000iu with co factors k2 and magnesium.

We have 4 times the amount of calcium we need in our diets.
I am from one of the first families asked to be researched for the genetic component. For years i obsessed over causes and influences. After a bad mammogram led to a false diagnosis, two side breast and lymph node removal, and a further round of you have you don’t have, you have cancer,, i’d had enough and decided to live my life. If cancer comes — so be it. So far so good.

My doctor has made a comment similar to this. he then said in the same breath that every thing can cause some sort of illness unless consumed in moderation. Salt is another that can kill you if not taken in moderation, but you can’t live without it. You can most DEFINITELY live without the salt in the blue round box. Switch to the pink Himalayan salt. It is loaded with minerals.

There’s a whole heck of a lot of things that cause cancer a lot more clearly than milk – something humans have had for thousands of years…. Let’s start with the excessive aluminum, parabens, and fat free products marketed for women. For breast cancer specifically, it’s more likely caused by deodorant. Primarily aluminum containing ones.
The quadrant of the breast that the cancer typically starts is closest to the armpit. Between the aluminum and other chemicals that are applied daily if not multiple times a day then absorb into the surrounding tissues. Antiperspirants contain aluminum most deodorants don’t   Due to women wearing bras it limits the lymphatic drainage ability for the body to naturally detox the breast tissues.

I would first find a natural deodorant, then focus on finding a clean source of raw milk.
The homogenization process destroys the milk and makes it difficult for the body to digest. Depending on the health of the cow depends on the ability for it to nourish or promote disease. Personally I would be more concerned with synthetic vitamin D being a cause simply because it’s a chemical vs the natural form. Our bodies weren’t designed to process thousands if not millions of chemicals and toxins daily. Items like paint, makeup, nonstick pans, plastics, laundry detergents, the sun and pretty much everything we use in our daily lives.
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