Strong Hands = a Strong Man
Weak Hands = a Weak Man
And here’s great news to help you develop stronger hands than you ever dreamed of:
Are your limits your “limits” because of what you’ve been conditioned to believe?
Create your own limits. Forget what science or the medical field says.
Your beliefs dictate your limits, to a significant degree; your body is your only limitation, but it’s capable of much more than you might believe.
It’s time to be inspired…
Mike Gillette was one of the smallest and weakest kids in his class… he grew up in what was basically a broken home…domestic abuse, drugs, alcohol…the works.
You see, when Mike was a child he couldn’t have been further away from the person he is today. 🙁 🙂
He was small. He was weak. And he was afraid of EVERYTHING.
His personal story is one of weakness transformed into strength.
We covered his background (amazing stuff), why he does … what does and HOW he mentally “flips the switch” to instantly perform at the highest level and how YOU can take YOUR mind to the next level as well.
This is great stuff and it’ll really help you get to know one of the most impressive and exceptional people I’ve had the privilege of talking to…and see what makes him tick.
Preview YouTube video Mike Gillette: “Never Fight Alone…”
Preview Ideal diet – Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
For the first time Angie Vanyo reveals the most horrifying moment in her life that was so painful she could never speak of it until now. Angie has shared some incredible moments with us, like how to do enemas. What parasites look like when they leave your body and the best ways to eliminate them safely. How to help your kidneys to start filtering and so much more.
Angie has risen from the ashes of her past and is an amazing example of determination to create a better life. Not only for herself but for others as well.
Her commitment to discover the truth about health, life and happiness along with sharing what she has learned along the way to help others is amazing. I am honored to know her and call her my friend.
Angie recently stated on Facebook: I was told lately by 2 remarkable people in my life, that if we saw the whole picture/staircase we would never take that 1st step.
Only seeing 1 step at a time is how it’s meant to be. Try not to wish to see more at once than you can truly handle.
If you would like to know more about Angie here are some links to connect with her.
Preview YouTube video Angie Vanyo Reveals The Most Horrifying &
Many of us have a fascination about our destiny. We might see a palmist and anxiously await the verdict as to the length of our ‘life line’. In naturopathy, while the assessment of our biological blueprint is a philosophical cornerstone rather than an exact science – it requires more fact finding than a glance at our hand.
In natural medicine what we term as our constitution generally refers to our bodily strengths and weaknesses. In the absence of a geneticist unravelling our individual biological code, the naturopathic fact finding mission …digs into our family history, our own medical history to date, lifestyle factors and alternative assessment tools such as iridology.
Preview YouTube video IRIDOLOGY – VERY GOOD EYE,
We might hear of someone who’s described as “having the constitution of an ox”, while another is refered to as having a delicate predisposition. Suprisingly in the overall assessment of our inherited strengths and weaknesses, neither needs to be a predictor of longevity.
While the person who “never gets sick”, thrives of an 80 hour week, runs a marathon on the weekend and boasts about relatives living to 100 yo – may assume their telegram from the Queen is a surety, this is not always so. Nor should the individual plagued with minor illnesses and is easily fatigued make no plans for a long retirement. A good blueprint may give us a head start in life but things tend to even out by middle age.
The trick is to work with our constitution. If your childhood was peppered with sick days, with the exception of congenital disorders or diseases requiring major intervention, it sometimes gives you an incentive to understand what you need to stay well. Your less than average health may lead you to investigate food allergies, taking control of your diary so you have adequate time to recharge your batteries and maintaining a wholesome diet.
Compared to someone with a strong constitution who takes their body for granted – if they keep pushing the boundaries of their lifestyle with extremes, age becomes a great leveller. Being born with an innate physical strength doesn’t always future proof you. For example – smoking and having a high animal fat diet won’t necessarily be offset by how many kilometres you can run a week. A physically active lifestyle, while giving you cardiovascular benefits tends to increase your chances of injury and osteoarthritis, which ups the odds of orthopaedic surgery.
Part of the healing is re-establishing who you are without your partner.
Anything that can repair and re-strengthen the self-concept, will accelerate healing.
So, to get you back to strong, based on science …
Talk. Go on. Go for it.
There are a couple of ways that talking about a breakup might help to facilitate healing. The first is that talking about the relationship will help to bring a different perspective to things. It’s not called a ‘breakup’ because it’s working well. Being in love or being in like-a-lot can blur things, hide things and dress things up, sometimes at the cost of clarity. There will be a level of insight that will throw itself at your feet when you talk about the relationship from a more distant perspective.
Find your story.
Talking helps to construct a story of the relationship that gives meaning to the experience – including the experience of the relationship, the breakup, and perhaps most importantly for healing, the recovery. Let me explain …
If you tell the story of your breakup as one of rejection and a lost happy ever after, recovery will be slow, kind of like ‘walking through quicksand’ type of slow. It’s really easy to get stuck in this narrative when the thoughts are locked in your head and want to be with you at 2am. On the other hand, talking to people in your tribe will help you find a way to understand your story from a position of strength. This might involve finding the lessons, the learning and reframing the experience as, say, an ending, rather than a rejection.
An emotional release – journalling.
Having an emotional release is an important part of healing. Journalling is one way to do this as it allows you to capture and give definition to the thoughts and feelings that are swirling around inside. Journalling doesn’t have to be done every day to have an effect. Even a few times a week will help the healing.
Write – as though you’re talking to a stranger.
Writing repeatedly about the process of the breakup as though speaking with a stranger about it, is another way to move towards healing. As well as being an emotional release, it also encourages a fresh perspective and new insights.
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Reclaim yourself – what’s been neglected?
And expand them.
Healing from a broken heart is as much a physical process as it is an emotional one. It’s very similar to recovering from an addiction, which is why it feels so hard and so damn painful.
Above all else, remember that there were things about you that were beautiful, strong, vibrant and extraordinary before the relationship. Nothing has changed.
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Over time, we have identified six major myths that are so universal that nearly everyone can relate to having absorbed them early in life, although they can’t always explain what they mean and whether or not they are true or helpful. We have many grief resources available on our website. However, it is impossible for you to recover until you are aware of the roadblocks. Let’s review the other myths we have covered in this series. You can read the rest of this blog series part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 at any time!!!
– The six myths are:
- Don’t Feel Bad
- Replace the Loss
- Grieve Alone
- Grief Just Takes Time
- Be Strong and Be Strong for Others
- Keep Busy
♡ ♡ ♡
Often we have touched the subject ‘authenticity’ quite a bit and how important it is to live your true being. …
To be a authentic and unique individual we have to know who we are. And this is done by self-reflection… that puts us in a state of personal harmony and eliminates many of our anxieties.
Authenticity also means to be consistent in what we are doing and in speaking our truths… Others don’t have to guess us as we communicate our everything, including our flaws. Our strength is that we don’t hide anything anymore, we don’t follow the dictates of society or status nonsense. WE ARE … WHO WE ARE! This basically is a comforting win-win situation for ourselves and everyone that we are dealing with.
If you finally want to live your truth, GET REAL and stop pretending or camouflaging your feelings. Know that being your authentic self is key to embracing who you really are… ♡
May Love be always with you… ♡ ♡
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