According to https://t.co/Q9Dtkw5o2F” / X
WEF Declares US Election Null and Void, predicts ‘Black Swan Events’.
Will ‘Reset Humanity’ in 2025
The World Economic Forum has officially kicked off in Davos, and the global elite,
led by Klaus Schwab, are wasting no time making their agenda crystal clear.
The Axis of Evil: Nice Summary including the kinds of Attacks they plan.
Grok cannot find the transcript.
According to Schwab, the recent U.S. election results are proof that America can no longer govern itself. His solution? Force the United States to bow to the authority of the globalist agenda through a series of covert and calculated attacks set to unfold in the coming year.
In his deranged and chilling sociopathic plenary speech, Schwab didn’t mince words: the World Economic Forum rules the world, and now, it’s time to bring the American people into compliance.
“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”
The 2024 election results reimagined from these WEF “scientists” and “genius Excel users” are part of the currently funding efforts to create world wide disarray terror and brainwashing.
This really breaks their previous day on the program
At DAVOS- 2025 (which is kinda like losers meets the Adult Film Conference)!!
Day-one communique: to “build coalitions and change narratives” was about changing the perception of their dumb ass revenge against the world. They can’t even go ONE DAY without planning another WORLD COUP openly on day two, to take total control.
(Note: Mind you there are 3000 escorts waiting for them back at the hotel.
Why don’t we collect the hotel sheets from their rooms and “figure out with Ai” how to extract stupidity out of the world’s genetic pool?)
Sounds like to me, Mr. Clause Schwarb just declared war against the United States.
I sure hope this son of a NAZI warmonger has an army. We will never bow to Schwab, his agenda, or anyone. This mother f*cker might want to rethink his ignorance!
So let me try to understand this.
The Davos clan is telling America it’s going to attack us with a black swan event. That is a direct threat to our national security, isn’t it? Shouldn’t he be brought in for questioning as to exactly what he means by the Black Swan event?

We MUST get Bill Gates away from our food and also keep him away from chemicals!!!
They have directly threatened the USA. It’s time for Trump to assign some of his best to the task and end these idiots once and for all. Obama signed an agreement with them while in office to disarm the American public. LOL.
They’ve been trying and have succeeded on some issues.
But, they learned that it is easier said than done in this country.
We are literally the last hold-out, and they came very close under Biden.
God IS in charge now. Let’s pray DJT chooses discernment over recommendations when the two collide.
Why doesn’t America and other countries fight and declare these f*cking terrorists, because that is what they are! Fake them, put them in prisons, make another Nuremberg trials.
Only God knows they are worse than others from the past!
Dismantle their dystopian organizations, if not, sooner or later their plan will actually succeed! They want to rule, they should suffer the consequences! Arrest BlackRock Larry Fink and Klaus Schwab who order the hit on The Real President twice as examples, and the rest will go like dominos!
They are too far into the UK and EU. Poland is the only holdout
And seize ALL assets. Including their fake money-making central banks.
Cut off the head and then grind the rest into nothingness.
Attention WEF Demons….No weapon formed against God’s people will prosper At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The phrase “every knee shall bow” is found in Philippians 2:10-11, which states that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord.
This verse emphasizes the authority and lordship of Jesus Christ.
We have had enough of you and call on the angelic hosts (i.e. Archangel Michael)
I love that verse ‘ Phillippians 2:10-11.
More like you’ll do nothing because you’ve been convinced a god man will do it for you. There is no magic god man, you’ve been tricked in complacency.
Thank you, Jesus, you brought the arrogant law. It’s your will, your way, your plans for America not man’s and certainly no demon, fallen angel, or wicked prince or principality.
I can’t wait till the WEF, especially Klaus Schwab rots in Hell being the monster he is and I hope bad karma and jail or Gitmo gets them first. Jesus, we thank you that you will deliver Us from the snare of the fowler.
Someone tells Klaus the story of Adolf Eichmann. Klaus is an officer of the WEF and not the leader of a country. His threats confirm that he leads a terror organization presenting a clear danger to the United States.
The world economic forum is now on life support. The world is waking up to the plans of the elite and how they want to eliminate us. Spread the word people and keep spreading the word it’s growing like wildfire.
Why? Because it’s scary as hell and true.
So can we declare the WEF as a Terrorist organization trying to infiltrate and take iver our constitutional republic by circumventing our elections through blackmail, money, threats, infiltration, and NGO corruptness? This is an admission of WEF.
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This quote describes what makes the WEF dangerous right now.
Von Der Leyen describes international socialism. Competition lifts all boats, not better rules.
May all people of good will stand strong against the onslaught of evil and weather this storm, praying “Jesus, I trust in You,” and asking “God, bless America!” Don’t let the light go out! Hang onto the Holy Spirit, no matter what!
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May all people of good will stand strong against the onslaught of evil and weather this storm, praying “Jesus, I trust in You,” and asking “God, bless America!” Don’t let the light go out! Hang onto the Holy Spirit, no matter what!
Do not underestimate these people. Read your Bible. Eventually, whether it’s 2030 or 2085, they will win. For a brief while.
Here is an interesting thought. What if America and Russia stood back and realized let’s make an alliance, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They could get rid of the UN, dismantle NATO, get rid of these evil people to allow all countries in this world to have their own sovereignty!
New names and terms but a very scary almost perfect shadow of an evil german dictator called Hitler trying to take over the world in a very similar way. The playbook hasn’t changed. We are just in the middle chapters and constant mini climax scenes are looking forward.
The WEF still firmly believes in the Georgia GuideStones.
Look those up and tell me again why we should bow down to those self proclaimed overlords. My knee only bends for one God and one son of God which is the king of kings Jesus Christ. So scary to watch and because they have infiltrated our higher and lower educational systems, an entire generation is almost clueless as to what’s coming and the patterns unfolding. It;s pure evil.
With Klaus Schwab facing a lawsuit for discrimination, it’s casting a shadow over the WEF’s leadership. Talk about the WEF calling the shots in the U.S. sounds like a stretch, especially when we’ve got our own Constitution keeping things in check.
America’s energy crisis is hiding in plain sight and it’s worse than you know!!!
It’s all about world domination and compliance. You couldn’t make this up.
It’s like a plot from a James Bond movie.
The WEF knows that Trump’s action will enable more countries to join the non compliant countries thus crushing the megalomaniac WEF.
Our country was built on a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, checks and balances, and our own rules, not someone else’s.
So, what’s the game plan?
We need to beef up our Republic against their democracy. Keep our elections clear as day, make sure everyone can vote, and stick to the law to keep any overreach at bay.
Besides Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins it looks like all the Democrats are against Like the pandemic who spread it here, fires in California are suspect. So many things they can do Trump has to be extremely careful but I am going to trust in God and know Trump is a smart man.
And pray without ceasing!
Apparently the Mail online (UK) has an article on what goes on at Davos and the WEF, sleaze, trans women etc. I remember many years ago, those in charge of the EEC (EU) said that they would ‘challenge’ America. If anyone begins WWIII it will be Europe.
I believe the hand of God is leading and protecting our President from evil! Pray pray pray! President Trump has learned in the last few years what he (we) are truly up against, Satan!!!
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There needs to be an open season on all WEF members and elitists so when anyone gets a chance do to them what they plan to do to us.
Just like this groups of Wack jobs Liberal counterparts……
Their plans are suspended by the Power of the Holy spirit. The “new world order” proposed by the first crooked Bush in 1991 is a failure because it is evil and cannot produce good results.
The natural law which the real God created will overcome all evil.
Don’t these people have anything else better to do?
I think they may be going with it, and pretending not to.
Hasn’t it always been their dream to have consolidation into several larger units, BRICKS and then the North American Union, which would make it so much easier for their global, digital financial and social prison to occur? It does seem to all be falling into place.
All we need now is the “reset/great taking cash rugpull”.
The Axis of Evil: Nice Summary including the kinds of Attacks they plan.
One obvious example: a new pandemic with people getting the latest vaccine out of fear. Seems to me he watched Demolition Man too many times but just like that movie the Cocteau plan failed just the same.
These people are evil. They would create a pandemic to maintain their power. They have the means to do it. This is all a Grift. There is nothing scientific about the Climate Crisis.
This is all about power.
PS: Here’s the best recap I know showing how a pandemic may develop in our population and what to do about it:
I would venture to say 99.999% of Americans don’t know the WEF is up to and don’t give two chits. Just a guess.
According to Fuhrer Schwab. Americans are no longer able to effectively govern themselves. That election needs to be done away with. He is butt hurt over Donald’s win.
I can tell you what we Americans think of him??
We are not fond of tyrants or traitors over here.
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Most popular lawn ornament in the US for 2026
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We can’t govern ourselves because we elected a guy who actually gets stuff done.
Translation: Trump put the world on notice by saying what he means and delivering.
Daddy Bush New World Speech in 1991 Full Speech – Search
On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 PM, President George Herbert Walker Bush spoke before a joint session of Congress, regarding the Persian Gulf War. Among other topics, he stated that the war presented an opportunity for a “New World Order” to emerge.
Eleven years later — to the day — the twin towers of the World Trade Center would fall, creating yet another “opportunity” to move… War On Americans? | ‘Toward a New World Order’ A transcript of the speech by George Herbert Walker Bush September 11, 1990
FJB and Let that marinate!!!!