Finally found clothes as colorful as I am AND warm enough for this Florida born and raised woman to be able to flourish living in the Pacific Northwest. @karitraa
This is such a big deal for me because I spent so many seasons just being underdressed and not having the right things to be comfortable. I spent too much time indoors and this made me miserable! Now it’s just a matter of giving myself permission to actually wear and dirty my nice clothes. Loving myself enough to clothe myself with the right things so that I can have the great privilege of being outside in the elements of nature.
Being outdoors always inspires me and fills up my tank of spiritual fuel. It brings me closer to God and helps me to connect with myself in a deeper way than being plugged into the world ever could.
I am still trying to rid my closet of all my synthetic fibers and have all natural garments. At the same time I have been educated of the survival benefits of having a layer of synthetic clothing instead of cotton if I am ever in an avalanche or stuck in extreme wet and cold weather. As much as I prefer to not wear plastic, I am being ever so diligent in my process of slow shopping and revitalizing my personal wardrobe.
Plus with that recent shopping encounter, where I found a shirt at the thrift store that made me feel the difference of finding a sacred heaven’s yes piece compared to settling for a soso garment to wear… how could I invest in something that was opposite of that?
This is the first time I ever “came out” & experienced exposure therapy on a wide scale coming out to the general public without shame or shying away from truth. Exposure therapy for me was the process of returning back to repressed memories & buried information that was denied, ignored, bypassed & attempted to be forgotten as an ego defense mechanism to cope.
It was speaking over and over again to myself & others about my personal experiences until there was no longer an unbearable emotional response to the remembrance or stimulus associated with the childhood experiences. Part of being transparent with myself & the world comes with a sense of honoring what was & is real for me and many others.
I believe it is important to break the stigma and normalize talking about what is currently activating instead of only after the event passes. Example if I am experiencing a depression, may it be nursed and spoken to with proper attunement while it is occurring instead of it only be safe to say that “I used to feel this way” or worse when it is too late
For me this has also been an act of self love and self acceptance after many years of self hatred & rejection. The changing of the self image in my own mind and removing all imaginations of stereotype threat and the fear of man. Fear of rejection or perceived rejection can be disabling and reinforce patterns that are not conducive to getting the social support needed. Social support is crucial to thriving and fostering resilience.
I am also an advocate for the belief that in order for me to be truly loved for who I really am, that the truth of me is to be there to be loved, not a mask or facade. For then the world would love the idea of me and the image that I made up instead of the authenticity of the core of me.
In the memory of me I would like there to be a wake of individuals who recognize the value and importance of remembering their fullest potential & living a life in accordance to the importance of doing our part that will contribute to the children not yet born ,along with the children who are currently being formed into elders
May it not be forgotten who we really are under the core of all our programming,
From rape to redemption.
I am starting to write my book about my life and I am including my testimony about my personal life experiences.My trauma left me very disrupted in ways unspeakable and I grew to study CPTSD.
I began to process all that I was unable to. I trained in so many areas to heal myself. I read the body, kept the score and did so many earthly things to educate myself & re-regulate my nervous system.
Last year I became a certified deliverance minister
I am now a part of Restored to Freedom ministry
If you have experienced demonic oppression, you know it
Jesus Christ of Nazareth said these signs shall follow those who believe, in my name they will force demons to come out of people, they will speak in new languages, they will handle snakes with safety, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them in anyway, they will lay their hands on the sick and they will get better. #Mark16
I had several generational curses over me and my bloodline. I went through a process of Sozo and getting my soul wounds cleaned up, healed and restored.
Now I am determined to help others who need the help too.
If you have been feeling punished or under spiritual attack, I have a great gift of discernment and I would love to step into intercession. I can help translate and offer you insightful education around the situation at hand.
Many physical sufferings are expressions of spiritual root bound work that can be uprooted, processed, & destroyed.
If you feel it would benefit you to have this awareness, feel free to reach out to me. Trina@Facebook trina@Instagram #tetelestai #hecametosetthecaptivesfree
Anyone who has actually ever known me in person can physically see the changes in me.
I am a completely new person and have a greater understanding of my God given gifts.
Miracles, Helps, Craftsmanship, Exhortation, and many more.