@StephenJShaw : “Roman Empire introduced taxes that weren’t fair”
And you also lost your retirement rights.
Social Security Update: Republican Says Cuts Should Be ‘On the Table’
None of these things, pure economic policies themselves did not work.” Incoming Trump official slams Biden admin’s spending: ‘The hemorrhaging has to stop’ | WatchThat was the Romans trying to reverse birth rates and it clearly didn’t work.
So many couples having fertility issues, many choosing no kids etc. Our demise is largely our own fault for our lack of participation and letting the government make choices for us that we should have been making!
Instead of incentivizing people to have more children nowadays, celebrities and politicians are promoting being single with no kids.
Encouraging depopulation: If we build a great America they will have babies. They need to feel that their children have a chance.Corruption and immigration, is number1 and 2.
Ancient Roman Society – World History Encyclopedia
If you keep waiting for the right time, it may never happen. When you have something that is more important in your life than yourself, this is when you want to make the world a better place. Whoa, had no idea the Romans already struggled with their own kind of feminism, which year did they introduce those taxes?!
Didn’t early Christians offset the population collapse, – Search
After God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, He gives them this commandment: “be fruitful and multiply.”
Why is “be fruitful and multiply” interpreted by so many as an explicit command instead of just general well-wishing, akin to “live long and prosper”? : r/Christianity. Even though they have severed their ties from the Lord, husband and wife are given their primary task in marriage.
This is why we need immigrants.
However, it must be controlled, or the American Dream will be lost for the next generation. We’re creating a nanny state right now. Subsidizing food and housing aren’t a long-term plan for success.
We’ve been on a rapid decline here in the US with the depopulation.
About 100 years before total collapse, the Romans began inflating their currency by reducing the silver and gold content of coins while keeping the same face value.
Sound familiar?
The population of the Roman Empire included millions of slaves being supported by We the People. When a slave gave birth, if the owner didn’t want to bother with the child, they could just toss it. Young people today don’t think they can afford to have children.
What does this remind you of?
Well if women would stop slaughtering their babies in the womb!!!! How many children in the US lose their lives to abortion every year? Restore family values, enhance maternity leave, free childcare. Tax breaks don’t help!
“So many people, including smart people, think there are too many people in the world and think the population is growing out of control. A sustainable future doesn’t just require innovation, it requires people. The population problem isn’t too many people, it’s too few.
It’s completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers.
It is all social engineering. Social engineering is always a failure, no matter how it is done.
Climate Change is a form of Social engineering and the WEF sees themselves as the engineers.
The woke trans gender maniacs are sterilizing children…they want as many as possible to become trans…so that is the world can hu
mans repopulate if they are all sterilized/castrated?
Plus, they will be Forever on big pharma drugs….
It’s Evil, evil, evil that’s what it is.
Hell, we have a country allowing the government and schools to push CHILD ABUSE, messing with innocent children’s minds with gender changes on young children by physically mutilating them with severe surgeries and a lifetime of hormone injections.
And allowing men to compete in women’s sports…. This IS insanity.
They push to deny faith based religions, pushing greed and hate, poisoning our food with chemicals. Injecting TOXIC EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS INTO PEOPLE with a PLANNED pandemic, fear mongering, & then THREATENING peoples livelihoods and some even wishing death on those who refused the jab.
Forced masks on adults and children; masks that BREED bacteria and make breathing Fresh air difficult, often terrorizing and filling children with fear. We are OVER TAXED, have high inflation, & have an over regulated administration that thinks they’re Gods & have the right to control us in ways they have no business doing; of course there’s a birth rate decline.
“If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble.”
Population collapse is very quickly becoming an existential crisis across the world, one that no one really wants to talk about, in fact, the mainstream is even at times driving the complete opposite narratives. The Roman Empire didn’t fall; it was replaced and in some cases defeated. Also population decline was largely caused by rampant diseases , natural disasters, famine, plagues and high maternal mortality.
It is a Spiritual War that is what it is.
Well, some would say the Roman empire never cease to exist it just became the Catholic Church, Maybe that’s why tradition favors monogamous male/ female marriage.
Those are the most stable for building family units and having more children.
Nobody wants to bring a baby
into a country writhing in corruption, on the brink of WW3, where food is already unaffordable, and where water is poisoned. During the Roman Empire Period Pure economics didn’t work because they had a broken system of morality,
Sex became everything to everyone!
Catholics, conservative Lutherans, Baptists and other protestant’s love their children and sacrifice for them. Financial stress is a huge problem. Child care for working parents is expensive. Our church has a daycare with low cost. Long Waiting list.
The Western Roman Empire lost Gaul, Spain, and North Africa due to the incompetence of its emperors and leaders. A series of civil wars made things worse. The same thing is occurring in the soul of Western Civilization, we’ve abandoned Christianity
There are other factors coming up which will dominate the human race.
People are too isolated, selfish and apathetic. Family used to be valued and brought purpose. Men and women had roles.
We have technology that Romans didn’t have. Automation, robots and AI can replace human workers in many areas. We need to move forward to a more technologically advanced and sustainable society.
“Once the child was born and cleaned, it was placed on the floor in a blanket and the father called into the room. At this point, the father could either pick the child up – signifying it was accepted into the household – or turn away from it. If the father rejected the child, it was taken from the house and left in the streets to die.
A father might reject the child for any reason and, whatever it was, his will could not be challenged. It is likely that more daughters were rejected than sons, since sons were required to carry on the family name and fortune, but newborns could be abandoned simply because another child would place too great a financial burden on the house and, especially if a family already had a healthy son, there was no need for another.
“These abandoned infants were often rescued by slave-traders who then raised and sold them as slaves.” Do you want depopulation?
By 2030 see who is left from being jabbed with mystery juice.
Governments in the West spent the last several generations incentivizing dual income families… that’s the result. I think that we’re overthinking the problem and trying to find an unnatural solution to something that occurs naturally.
And I thought it was the barbarian invasions and the rise of Christianity that brought down the Roman Empire.It appears that the rest of the world has learned from history and is using that knowledge against our country. Meanwhile, the US is blindly stumbling down the path of societal collapse.
We just try to prevent it because that means our unnatural man-made environment goes with it. Promoting life liberty and happiness will naturally promote higher birth rates.
Inhuman/posthuman policies and dystopian futures demoralize and inhibit procreation. The It shows how complex the issue of population decline can be. Pretty hard to avoid population decline when 20% of your healthy men die in war. On average over the entire United States history,
Population decline Poisoning with lead pipes (you could say the same about our food poisoning us) Loss of sense of nation/belonging Loss of morality from its population Rome was invaded, and its successors built an empire on the ashes of its predecessors.
The countries that solve the birth rate issue will inherit the Earth.
China is waya head in that problem solution
A debased currency, a deteriorated and denigrated culture. The people that founded and were the core of the roman republic and early empire are not the same people that made up the population in the late roman empire. Without the racial stock that founded the nation, the nation cannot survive.
Dudes totally missed *”Latifundia”, where overpopulation of slaves destroyed/displaced the native citizens. *”In the late era, the number of Latifundio’s increased. Wealthy Romans bought land from peasant farmers who could no longer make a living.”
Sound familiar?
The West’s demographic winter is a spiritual issue that can’t be fixed by financial inducements as is shown by limited success of Hungary’s pronatalist policies hedonistic and materialist secularism leads to anomie & pessimism, with childlessness as the logical consequence of this, you might want to check Romania during communist era because it worked!
The reasons for population decline are to look for in quality of life.
Freedom and opportunities for your children. If the society you line in, does not allow to improve your life and does not provide the right opportunities, your children.
You have population decline.
The reason it did not work is that they targeted single men. It was and it is today the case that the women don’t want kids with the men of the current civilisation. You give more rights to women in society, they rather choose not to have kids and wait for the better man.Fix the morals. This fixes the money since inflation, usury, excessive debt is all downstream of that.
First, we remove the cancer, deep state and corruption, THEN we can begin the Healing!
The Great Reset is no longer a theory, it’s fact …. history is repeating itself!
History doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme — We are Rome 2.0