“The greatest lie we tell, is the lie we tell to ourselves.” | Watch
You can completely recover from cancer. I’m living proof!
A tumor on my ovary the size of a football!
My entire life flipped upside down. Surgery. Chemo. and the long recovery after.
I struggled for months on months after I finished chemo. I needed to get back to myself.
Find health again. Find myself again.
After months of cancer fatigue, hot flashes, and gaining weight *sigh*
I wondered if I would ever feel healthy again?
Well – as you can see – I am healthier now than I was before cancer. I just needed to fuel my body to lose the weight and reclaim my energy. And the hot flashes? I’m completely hot flash free! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0R9EJAQ23/
Dr. Amy Morris, also known as Dr. Amy, is a cancer recovery expert and a cancer survivor herself. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 30 and has since dedicated her life to helping others navigate their cancer journeys.
She has shared her journey extensively Dr. Amy – Cancer Expert & Cancer Survivor YouTube channel, social media, and her Cancer Freedom Program1.
Her program focuses on science-backed strategies to support the body through cancer treatment and recovery, aiming to help individuals achieve a cancer-free life and minimize long-term side effects2. Helping thousands of women diagnosed with cancer, I’ve discovered exactly what you need for recovery, remission and radical weight loss.
Life has offered me a unique view into cancer care. With over 13 years of clinical experience, a Doctorate Degree Focusing in Cancer Care (University of Toronto, College of Pharmacy), and as a STAGE 3 Cancer Survivor, I truly understand what it’s like to go through cancer. Dr. Amy’s story is one of resilience, hope, and empowerment, inspiring many people around the world1.
Her story is one of resilience, hope, and empowerment, inspiring many people around the world. Would you like to know more about her program or her personal journey?
1 www.youtube.com 2www.cancerfreedomprogram.com 3thancguide.org
But now – there are many days when I find it hard to believe that I ever had cancer at all.
Welcome to Dr Amy Morris M.D. – Search Videos where your health and well-being are our top priorities. Conveniently located at 4310 Old Shell Rd D, Mobile, AL 36608, our practice is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care to the community. Dr. Amy M. Morris, a highly skilled and compassionate physician, is committed to delivering personalized healthcare services tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.
Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of medical services, ensuring that you receive the best possible care in a warm and welcoming environment. Whether you need a routine check-up, chronic disease management, or specialized medical advice, Dr. Morris and her experienced team are here to support you on your journey to optimal health. Visit us today and experience the difference of patient-centered care.
Your health is our mission.
9-Steps Healing From Cancer (Stage 3 Cancer Survivor Shares How She Did It!)
I’m owing you nine steps to complete0:05cancer healing whether you’ve just been0:07diagnosed years out from your treatment0:10or even if you’re just worried about0:11being diagnosed with cancer this video0:14is for you now look if you’ve gone0:15through cancer treatment you know that0:17you get a ton of support and guidance0:20when you’re in treatment but as soon as0:22you’re done you’re just left to figure0:24it out on your own you aren’t given any0:26guidance on how to prevent a cancer0:27recurrence for cancer survivors this is0:30really hard to believe I mean you’re0:32grateful to be cancer free and alive and0:34well but how do you make sure this0:36doesn’t happen to you again but no one0:38on your oncology team gives you the0:41answer to that you get really vague0:43information like just eat healthy and0:45exercise or give yourself time to rest0:48and recover and these strategies well0:51they don’t work before cancer I’m sure0:53you were already trying to eat healthy0:56and exercise so what can you do0:58differently now there must be something0:59something and there is this is exactly
The Problem With Online Cancer Advice
1:02why I’m giving you my nine steps to1:04complete cancer healing if you have1:06spent any time researching cancer online1:09then you know there’s a lot of1:11information out there and worse yet most1:13of it is conflicting it’s frustrating1:15because you’re trying to do what’s right1:17for you but what’s right what’s actually1:20going to work the trouble with advice1:22online is that it’s often extreme many1:25people will have you eating no sugar no1:27Dairy no grains and it’s just not1:29sustainable in the long term it’s really1:32hard to balance restrictive eating with1:35the demands of your work life and taking1:37care of your family the other problem1:39with online cancer advice is that it’s1:41very rarely evidence-based a lot of1:44advice that cancer influencers give is1:47just based off of their personal1:49 experience but just because it works for1:51one person does not make that true for1:53everyone it’s actually unlikely to work1:55for you instead in this video I’m going1:58to show you what has worked for2:00thousands of people before you what has2:02been proven to lower your risk of cancer2:06we know this because it’s worked for2:07thousands of people before you as a2:09cancer survivor myself after I finished2:12treatment I felt completely foreign in2:15my own body I had gained weight during2:17treatment my body achd all the time and2:21I was exhausted I was anxious about my2:24food and I was terrified of a cancer2:26occurrence it was a horrible place to be2:29in you were diagnosed with cancer you2:31deserve to feel amazing you deserve to2:34truly live your life confidently after2:36your diagnosis but the unfortunate truth2:39is hardly anyone is going to help you2:41find a path to actually lower your risk2:43of a cancer recurrence you need to help2:45yourself you need to take action now
Step 1 Eat Lean Protein
2:50without a doubt how you fuel your body2:53it matters from weight gain to joint2:55pain to hot flashes what you eat makes a2:58difference unfortunately there’s a lot3:00of misinformation about how to eat after3:03cancer some people will say to do the3:05keto diet and others will say to eat 3:07vegetarian and still more people will3:10say to avoid sugar or avoid soy but what3:13is the actual truth there are a few key3:16aspects to lower your risk of cancer the3:18first thing that you need to focus on is3:20lean protein most cancer survivors are3:22not eating enough protein it’s really3:24not your fault Comfort foods are not3:27often high in protein things like3:28crackers or toast they’re carbohydrates3:31they’re not protein but your body needs3:34protein to heal and recover it needs3:36protein to maintain your weight and fuel3:38your metabolism to be free of the long3:41chemo side effects and to help stay3:43cancer free your body needs protein and3:46as a cancer survivor you can still eat3:48meat you do not need to become a Vegetarian Vegan3:50vegetarian or a vegan you can still eat3:52lean proteins like chicken turkey or3:55seafood and occasionally you can eat red3:58meat now if you choose to eat vegetarian4:01or vegan for ethical or personal reasons4:04then I love that for you let’s support4:06you in getting the lean protein that you4:08need through plant-based sources but you4:10do not have to give up animal protein if4:13you don’t want to there’s a really clear4:15reason why white meat like chicken4:18turkey or fish it has never been linked4:21to increasing your risk of a cancer4:23recurrence as humans we’re actually much4:25better at absorbing animal protein4:28versus plant protein it’s true because4:30of our Evolution and our genetics is4:32just how the body works now not to say4:35you can’t get adequate vitamins and4:36nutrients if you’re a vegetarian or4:38vegan but it’s just going to take more4:40work eating vegetarian might be the best4:43strategy for you personally but it’s not4:45necessary if you want to prevent a4:47cancer recurrence so include some white4:49meat some seafood and some plant-based4:51protein sources and occasionally include4:54some red meat now of course the amount4:56of lean protein you need to be targeting4:59well that that’s specific to you it’s5:00really important to get expert Cancer5:03Care guidance to find the right lean5:05protein Target specific to you in your5:07body now because it needs to be specific5:09to you we can’t determine your unique5:12protein Target within this video but we5:15can assume that you likely need to start5:18eating more protein so let’s start hereStep 1 Protein5:20start by increasing the amount of lean5:22protein you eat with each meal you5:24should be aiming for 30 gram of protein5:27at every meal breakfast lunch and supper5:29these are foods like eggs or egg whites5:32chicken black beans or chickpeas that
Step 2 Eat Plant Forward
5:37now let’s clear this up because eating5:39plant forward does not mean the absence5:42of animal protein eating plant forward5:44means that the majority of foods that5:46you’re eating are plants and here’s how5:48to build your plate like a cancer5:51thriver I want you to load up half of5:54your plate with vegetables yes half I5:57know that’s a lot but there’s a reason5:59reason for this vegetables are packed6:02with antioxidants and fiber and that’s6:04exactly what you need to help recover6:06from cancer and stay in cancer remission6:09fiber has been shown to reduce your risk6:11of a Cancer recurrence and antioxidants6:14well they help restore your immune6:16system and also help lower your risk of6:18a cancer recurrence now fiber and6:20antioxidants they’re mostly found in6:22fruits and vegetables so start by6:24building half of your plate with6:26vegetables at each meal breakfast lunch6:28and supper now breakfast is going to be6:31the most challenging so start here make6:33an egg or an egg white omelette and add6:36some spinach to it now you’re eating6:38lean protein and you’re eating plant6:40forward on to step number three targeted
Step 3 Targeted Cardio Exercise
6:43cardio exercise you need to be strategic6:45about your exercise or your movement6:47this is one of the steps that make the6:49biggest impact in lowering your risk of6:51a cancer recurrence when you use6:53targeted cardio in combination with6:56targeted strength training you can lower6:58your risk of a cancer recurrence by up7:00to7:0259% now a lot of cancer survivors7:04mistakenly think that they just need to7:07rest and recover after their cancer7:09treatment if they want to reclaim their7:11energy if they want to feel like7:12themselves again then they just need to7:14rest but this is 100% inaccurate you7:18need to be strategic about your exercise7:21here’s how you’re going to do that start7:23with low intensity cardio I want you to7:25start with gentle exercise walking start7:28by tracking how many steps you take in a7:30day do that for S days just make a note7:33of how many steps you’re taking every7:35day once that’s done figure out the7:37average daily steps that you take over7:39that 7-Day period for the upcoming week7:42I want you to add 500 steps that’s now7:44your new goal you’re going to repeat7:46this process every week until you hit7:4910,000 steps but don’t worry if it takes7:51you a bit to get to 10,000 steps this is7:54not a race you’re still reducing your7:56cancer risk over time your ultimate goal7:59is is to hit 150 to 300 minutes of low8:02intensity cardio every single week but I8:05also do not want you to dive into8:08high-intensity cardio exercise this can8:10make your long chemo side effects worse8:13joint pain hot flashes exhaustion it can8:16actually make it worse it’s also not the8:19best approach to drop weight after8:21cancer either you want to start slow and8:23steady so start with walking this gentle8:26approach will help you reclaim your body8:29much faster after cancer will still8:31lowering your cancer risk that brings me
Step 4 Targeted Strength Training
8:36you need to use strength training in8:38combination with low intensity cardio8:40 it’s the combination of the two together8:42that’s been shown to lower your risk of8:44cancer by up to 59% now lots of women8:47are Keen to jump on the cardio part8:49makes sense we all know how to walk we8:51all feel comfortable doing that but8:53strength training that can be8:55intimidating but it doesn’t have to be8:57strength training can be done with just8:59just your body weight that’s it starting9:01with your body weight alone is a perfect9:04place to start strength training should9:05be done two to three times per week and9:07should focus on a full body exercise9:10there are some people who like to train9:12an arm day or a leg day but that should9:15not be your approach here you need to9:16focus on full body strength training9:19with each session okay next up is Step
Step 5 Cancer Prevention Supplements
9:24 supplements now this step is not what9:26you think there are a lot of cancer9:28 survivors that search for this one9:31magical supplement that’s going to lower9:33their risk of a cancer recurrence some9:36pill or powder that can stop cancer but9:38without addressing your nutrition and9:41the rest of these steps then focusing on9:43 supplements will make very little impac t9:46 they’re called supplements for a reason9:49they’re designed to supplement your9:51nutrition so we actually need to make9:53sure that you’re fueling your body9:54correctly before we dive into which 9:57 supplements are best for you don’t spend9:59spend time or energy here unless you’re10:02confident that the rest of these nine10:04steps are maximized okay and next isStep 6 Beans Legumes 10:07
Step 6 Eat beans and legumes five times per week
this is a commonly10:13overlooked aspect of cancer recovery and10:16remission eat more beans and legumes10:19beans and legumes have consistently been10:21shown to lower your risk of cancer or a10:23 Cancer recurrence and hardly anyone is10:25eating them they’re inexpensive they’re10:28easy to make start by including them in10:30your nutrition this might be things like10:33adding black beans to a salad or eating10:35humus maybe toss some lentils into a10:38soup or a stew just start by eating them10:40more often okay and on to step number
Step 7 Foods to Avoid
seven avoid these two Foods there’s a10:45lot of Babble online about what foods to10:47avoid after cancer sugar dairy meat the10:51list goes on and on it’s exhausting and10:54it’s also largely untrue there are two10:56foods that you should seriously consider10:59avoiding or limiting and it’s not sugar11:01sugar has never been linked to11:03increasing your risk of cancer or11:05fueling cancer there’s never been any11:08scientific evidence on that now of11:10course a high sugar diet well that’s not11:12healthy for anyone but if you’re fueling11:14your body with healthy Whole Foods then11:17it’s okay to have a treat every once in11:20a while you do not need to completely 11:23avoid sugar but the foods that have11:25consistently been linked to increasing11:28your risk of cancer are two things11:30 processed meats and alcohol first11:33 processed Meats now processed meats or11:35 any meat that’s had something done to it11:37to change its shelf life or to change11:39its color or its taste these are things11:42like cured ham bacon or hot dogs or deli11:46meat they have been shown to increase11:48your risk of cancer or a cancer11:49recurrence it’s unclear at this time if11:52nitrates in processed meats are what’s11:55responsible or if it’s something else so11:57to be safe it’s better best to avoid all12:00processed meats nitrate-free or not12:03second is alcohol alcohol has been known12:06to raise your risk of cancer let me give12:09you specific numbers we know that women12:11who drink less than six drinks per week12:14so less than a drink a day well they12:17increase their risk of cancer by about12:199% but women who drink less than four12:22drinks per week so less than a half a12:24drink a day will they increase their12:26risk of cancer by about 4% so if you12:29want to occasionally enjoy a drink or a12:32glass of wine with friends then go for12:34it but the more you cut back the lower
Step 8 Healthy Body Weight
12:37your risk okay but on to step number12:39eight and this is an important one12:42maintain a healthy body weight women who12:44maintain a healthy body weight will they12:46lower their risk of cancer and look12:49speaking from personal experience I know12:51that this is not easy as a cancer12:53survivor myself I struggled with weight12:56gain because of steroids or surgery12:59restrictions emotional eating or because13:02of forced menopause it was really rough13:05if you’ve gained weight I understand13:07it’s not your fault but it is going to13:09contribute to your increased risk of a13:12cancer recurrence the good news is that13:14there are clear strategies to help you13:16drop the weight even in force menopause13:18after chemo even on drugs like tamoxifen
Step 9 Develop a cancer remission mindset
This one is almost always always overlooked entirely 13:33 mindset work is a key part to cancer 13:36 recovery and remission and hardly anyone13:39is talking about it your mind is so13:42powerful now I’m not saying you can just13:44will your way out of cancer but your mindset can make a significant impact13:49there’s literature to show that people13:51who watch a comedy show before they13:53received their chemo well they actually13:56had higher levels of immune sell else13:59you can actually increase your immune 14:01 systems activity just by watching a14:04comedy show through mindset that’s the14:07power that your mind has you need to 14:09 start challenging your mindset so if you14:12feel like you’re doomed and that cancer 14:14is inevitable it’s going to come or 14:16 you’re going to be rediagnosis14:28start here start by reading this book by14:31Carol Dweck it’s called mindset I’ll link14:33this up below so you can find it okay so14:36now that you know these nine steps to14:38complete cancer healing we need to start14:40diving into your nutrition first this is14:43going to make the biggest impact I’ve 14:45linked up this next video here on foods14:47that help cancer cells die click the14:49link here I’ll see you in the next video
Cancer Dies When You Eat These 12 Foods (Cancer SECRETS) | 100 Simple Cancer Recovery Recipes for Women: Morris, Dr. Amy D: 9798388804686: Amazon.com: Books
#78 – Dr. Amy Morris on all th – HER – Honest Everyday Ramblings – Apple Podcasts
Today she joins us to share everything you want and need to know when it comes to cancer, specifically in females.
She shares the symptoms you need to be on the lookout for, how you can be making small changes every day that will reduce your risk of cancer by 59%, and what foods aren’t actually as bad for you as you may think.
We touch on the controversial conversation around Pink Washing and how big brands are taking advantage of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, how changing your habits can impact your family for generations to come, and why looking at yourself naked is the first way to detect breast cancer.
Dr. Amy Morris (@dramycancerrecovery)’s videos with original sound.
Dr. Amy – Cancer Expert & Cancer Survivor

I began blogging Solitarius.org December 21, 2011.
with this Top Tag in my blog https://www.solitarius.org/chemo-faq/
As you can tell my blog style has evolved through the last 13 years.