Called by God to preach the good news, Jesus is KING, ℂ𝕠𝕝 𝟛:𝟚𝟛 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝟙𝟞:𝟙𝟝-𝟙𝟠,
President-Elect Trump should rescind JFK’s executive order that permits government employees to join unions. Those unions feed the Democrats and do nothing for We the People. It used to be that govt employees earned less than the private sector. No longer:
End ALL Govt UNIONS (including Teachers* ).
* No federal funding for jurisdictions with Teachers Unions.
Trump needs to do to Govt unions what Reagan did to the Air Traffic Controllers.
American citizens should NOT be held Hostage by corrupt bargains on the Left.
Unions had a purpose in the beginning, but they have outlived their need.
Today, the Union’s primary goals are to collect dues and tell the members just enough fluff to convince them they have the worker’s interests at heart. Absolutely true.
It is one of four major decisions in my lifetime that has greatly damaged life in the US and will continue to damage until they are reversed.
Having worked for local government for years, yes I guarantee unions are one of the biggest reasons the government is so inefficient. They’re not even bashful about just showing up and waiting out years till retirement… like spoken aloud in front of supervisors… It’s the old boys network within the government.
They look out for each other’s back pockets. No shortage of favors and tactics.
Please find a way to fire these leeches. These government workers are much like our politicians. They don’t work for the people they are Greedy Selfish Black hearted.
They are not worried about being efficient and saving tax$$.
Government unions weren’t designed to serve the public… – Search
They were designed to serve themselves. Unions have long outlived their original purpose. All they do nowadays is stop progress and keep terrible employees employed.
The sentiment against government unions isn’t new.
FDR himself opposed federal government unions, recognizing the unique dynamics of public vs. private sector bargaining. It’s a complex issue where efficiency and union rights often clash. The debate continues on whether unions in government sectors truly serve the public interest or if they prioritize their members’ interests at the expense of broader societal needs.
𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒆; 𝑳𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒓’𝒔 𝑵𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 the resounding success of the ILA strike proves that unionization is the path to winning back working-class power after decades of regressive neo-liberalism.
Unions have long outlived their original purpose. All they do nowadays is stop progress and keep terrible employees employed.
The sentiment against government unions isn’t new. FDR himself opposed federal government unions, recognizing the unique dynamics of public vs. private sector bargaining. It’s a complex issue where efficiency and union rights often clash.
The debate continues on whether unions in government sectors truly serve the public interest or if they prioritize their members’ interests at the expense of broader societal needs.
You all should research How the Unions were formed.
It’s very fascinating-this country could have quickly gone Communistic.
Government unions do not allow democratically elected officials to fire or direct them. They enslave the nation they serve and are a de facto dictatorship.
Unions have no place in the public sector. They collectively bargain for the greatest compensation and the least labor & responsibility – against the public’s interests. Remember, LIBS have a different priority for the Government and your money.
In my 25 years in public school education, including 14 years as an administrator, I have never once heard the union bargain or grieve over anything directly related to ensuring what is best for students. Not ever. Not once.
In theory Unions could be a way for workers to organize with management and resolve work related issues for the benefit of all. In reality, the Unions are horribly corrupt Mafia style protection rackets that take money from workers and management, and help workers very little.
Government employees don’t do anything- there’s nothing they hate more than work, and they’re paid a fortune.It is illegal for government employees to form or join a Union. See the Wagner Act. Government employees work for a nonprofit organization… the American taxpayers.
JFK gave them some bargaining rights… Announced that government workers would all vote Democrat. Only For-Profit organizations or business employees can form or join a Union. Read FDR’s opinion on government employees and JFK for giving them some rights.
The Supreme Court ruled on this. There is no such thing as a Public Employee Union!
It’s the Mandela Effect…tell a lie often enough and people think that it is fact.
Reverse the river flow of $$$ and this will be eliminated organically even by the people who faithfully pay dues to unions. If the system’s been broken for this long, it’s time for some serious change. Government unions were never meant to be this powerful, and they’re definitely not helping to improve efficiency.
Time for a major reset in Government. Unions are an antiquated relic from a time period when they were necessary. Now they are predatory institutions that hurt businesses, workers, and consumers. Unions are a useless money laundering scheme with voluntary victims.
You can cancel any union contact if you’re willing to fire everyone.
You don’t even have to fire everyone. You just have to be willing to. Easy fix.
Unions in America are their own worst enemy.
Unions are a known political funnel as they mostly feed the Democratic Party coffers.
I think it’s so funny that 97% of the civil workers for the government are Democrats and of course the Democrats think there’s nothing wrong with there being a union where you can’t fire him
No government unions. Less government overall. Give the power back to the people.
Unions have no place in the federal government. At all. Not the post offices, not flight controllers…not any of them. And certainly not in schools and teachersPublic sector Unions are unnecessary and need to be abolished. They work against the interests of the American people. I would continue to support Police Unions, but only if they stop controlling political campaigns and elections.
How can there be a union tying up our federal government which is funded by taxpayer money, how is this in any way constitutional? This needs to be litigated, if there is no budget for their salary and if they can’t work in office they should be fired! WTF is up with government unions? The government is not a private entity, it’s owned by the taxpayers,
Many unions mainly support the company’s now. Where the hell were they during covid vaccine forced mandates? Let the employees have a confidential indolently counted vote – their money, their choice. As for government unions, shut them all down.
Cut the USPS unions. They create sooo much waste and only benefit employees who are inefficient on their duties. Keeps lumps of lazy on the payroll instead of kicking them to the curb. Merit and work ethic are not rewarded; Grievances of the lazy are.
Elon, while you’re rooting around in the government and their spending I suspect that you’ll be looking into cognitive research that has been being studied through the use of remote neurotechnologies.. the issue with this theory is that it’s being done without the public consent.
That would be a start. We also need to, as a society, run more ethical businesses. Morality needs to come back in style. The Government should treat us as precious as gold. We are what make the Country and the World. Businesses should see employees as important as the customer.
When unions are established in governments the union members and their bosses interests are perfectly aligned. The people paying these salaries and benefits (namely taxpayers) have NO ONE standing for their interests. This is insane. So it’s time to get rid of them. Unions have no place in government at any level.
@JTLonsdale. This is why Government unions lend to an abuse of taxpayer dollars. They exist to extort the taxpayer, Absolutely right,
@CalPolicyCenter launched the Janus Project in 2018, to educate government workers about their 1A rights & help them leave their unions through http://mypaymysay.com. We’d appreciate your support in this endeavor.
Blackrock Trained Police Brutality in Chillicothe Ohio – Search
Trump should abolish government unions. Obviously any contracts signed by the prior admin designed to tie Trump’s hands are void & must be rescinded.
Unions are the only true democracy in this country.
Executive order empowered government unions. Executive orders can be undone.
In Mexico every year leaders of so many Unions end up convicted of corruption. The very word Union for the average Mexican means corruption. In Mexico we had more than 80 years of the one party corruption that destroyed Mexico’s prosperity, it was called The Perfect Dictatorship (Spanish: La dictadura perfecta) by Mario Vargas Llosa Nobel Prize in Literature 2010.
This vile party applied all the destructive socialist ideologies of Leon Trotsky. Among those were the Unions which even nowadays continue destroying the work market for the average Mexican due to the rampant corruption. One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.
Carl Sagan stated, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark Corruption is the root cause of poverty.
It doesn’t matter how good a system has been designed if the feedback signal is always going to destabilize the system. Corruption and poverty are the worst forms of violence.
No man/woman who is corrupt, no man/woman who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his/her duty by the community. Theodore Roosevelt
If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? Sam H.
We cannot reward incompetence and deceit.
Rich men, no matter how educated, just can’t seem to learn this lesson no matter how many times it’s repeated, or how many times it’s taught in history. You can either pay 30% taxes or 100% after the revolution.
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Our schools had several unions w/their own agendas: teachers, teaching assistants, administrators, cafeteria/custodians. Student welfare should be the only agenda. Not really – in FDR’s time what was the private industry doing?
They offered pensions and a gold watch at employees retirement – corporations need to step up as well – pendulum going to swing both ways always so please keep it real on both sides. Unions were originally formed to protect workers against the disparate power management wielded over employees. Collective bargaining was seen as a pathway to balance the power between management and labor.
In effect, “management” was seen as an evil force that was trying to take advantage of the workers (which was often true). The interesting disconnect concerning government unions is that “management” authority ultimately resides with the voting electorate, which includes the workers. Agency or Department “management” is just a middleman in the equation.
Tax dollars pay worker wages (supplemented occasionally by fines and fees that are imposed by the agencies and departments on other taxpayers). If a government union strikes, the workers are theoretically striking against themselves. Of course, this is no more absurd than when States sue the Federal Government.
While Taxpayers foot the bill for both sides.
The same is true of government union strikes.
Taxpayers foot both sides of the bill, and any resultant harm caused by the cessation of work is incurred by… you guessed it… the taxpayers. On the plus side, if a government strike results in higher wages, the government (who might independently be considered to be the “bad guy” in this scenario) benefits from being able to collect additional income tax.
If unions are formed to protect workers from an unjust employer, then they should not exist for Government employees, because the Government should never be unjust. Streamlining government accountability starts with addressing these union:
Government Unions are Communistic.
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