Sen. Joe Manchin says he cannot back Harris after her filibuster comment: Top senator yanks his endorsement of Harris over threat of power grab (msn.com)

Watch and listen Obama Once Said He’d ‘Be Fine with a Third Term’ if Someone Could Be a ‘Stand-In with an Earpiece’? | Snopes.com as two-term president Barack Obama tells Stephen Colbert he would gladly do his third term ‘from the basement’ if he could only find a willing ‘front man’.

Now you know why the Democrats picked the senile Joe Biden for president in 2020, he’s the front man. Since the beginning of his campaign, Biden’s foot has been no stranger to his mouth. The self-described “gaffe machine” is under fire again as Republican leaders promote a recent quote as a confession of wide-scale voter fraud.

Joe Biden: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” – Search Images (bing.com)

RNC Research quickly jumped on Biden’s mistake, sharing the clip on Twitter that afternoon. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnanyEric Trump and the president tweeted about the short clip the same day.

“What a terrible thing for Biden to say!,”

Trump added. “Rigged Election?”

Our fact-check sources:

The writing may be on the wall for Kamala’s faltering campaign (msn.com)

She’s fading fast. It’s funny because with the media on their side it would have only taken a couple of weeks of policy interviews to sufficiently carry the news cycle on these issues. But they didn’t even trust Kamala enough to ride the storm in presenting policy (and flip-flopping when necessary) to take a shot at it. She hasn’t earned the right to be President, and it doesn’t look like she is going to give it a shot. 

We should be in for a TRUMP landslide on election night.

In my opinion, America has had enough of Donald Trump.  However, Trump already has been in the White House AND THINGS WERE BETTER.  I’ll take competent but chaotic leadership over completely incompetent leadership any day. Trump’s 4 years were successful.  Biden/Harris was a complete disaster.  The media’s propaganda  can not make up for total incompetence. 

 Obama is a Marxist Muslim Pro Cartel Supporter – Search (bing.com)

Addressing the Republican Party of Texas convention, Gov. Rick Perry said the country erred in 2008 by electing the wrong person as president.
“Three and a half years, and nearly 100 rounds of golf into his presidency, Barack Obama has exploded the federal debt, passed a failed, budget-busting stimulus package, socialized health care, and provided guns to Mexican drug cartels,” Perry said June 7, 2012. “Admit it, America — 2008 was our national ‘oops’  moment!” 

FACT: Obama gave weapons to the drug cartel – Search (bing.com)

It’s pretty bad when the Dems have to boot their own sitting POTUS out of the running only to replace him with the likes of Harris. It must have been because he was doing such a stellar job, Right??  And hand delivering Obama his 4th term as POTUS.  Trump will be a breath of fresh air compared to the likes of them! TRUMP created chaos by exposing their political corruption. They are in politics for nobody but themselves. 

To get rich off the backs of the American middle class. Why do you think they are trying so hard to keep him from getting back in office? Let me guess you think he’s going to cost us our constitutional republic? The Democrats already showed you mess with their  money or power and they will do anything to get ya out or keep you from getting back in.

Odds are TRUMP will be your next president. Polls do not matter; over the years they are only accurate around 40-50%…. Personally, I have had enough of Biden’s choices that wrecked the economy.  Harris means 4 more years of Biden’s policies and no major change in the economy.  Vote with your wallet, I know many are empty under Biden.. 

They tried to tell us that Biden was as sharp as a tack and that everything we saw and heard were all deepfakes and that we shouldn’t believe our eyes and ears. The media and Harris were all complicit, but Harris even claimed further that he was the best for the job and that people were wrong about Biden.  

And then all of the sudden Biden is ousted a week after they failed at assassinating Trump and Harris is anointed and propped up as the princess and the savior of democracy, while at the same time skipping the very process we have called a primary in order to vote in a candidate LOL.  Yeah we’ve had enough of the Democrats.

I would think people are sick of being lied to by Democrats. Sorry we are not going to forget the last four years…but really the last eight because they have launched an all-out attack against any and all of their opponents, specifically President Trump through phony impeachment trials, January 6 insurrections, accusations and assination attempts etc.  

THE INDICTMENT OF DONALD TRUMP IS A THREAT TO ALL OF US – For The Defense With Brad Koffel – Apple Podcasts

Trump never created chaos. that came from the left. Look in the mirror and you’ll see who caused the chaos. Everyone who voted for Biden was doing just fine under Trump’s watch.  Many of us are ready to take a sigh of relief if he’s elected again. Whereas the left already are planning to throw a fit. Harris is an absolute phony in everything she ever did and an unfortunate product of our times.    Middle America…where common sense is still a virtue…will indeed decide this election.   

And sadly, the left fringe will not learn a single lesson.

The lesson that the left should be learning is that because the Democrats have captured the left legacy media, they don’t have to tell the truth about anything anymore.  They can lie with impunity and nobody will call them on anything.  They can even sell the country this puffed up empty suit because they control the propaganda.  

Are you all going to fall for this?

All I know is the world wasn’t on fire and on the brink of WW3, and my savings never did better than during the trump years. Anyone that invests for the long haul knows the truth. 2022 killed our stocks. I’m not losing money with this market, but I’m not getting nearly the return I got with Trump. Fact. No one will ever convince me of who to vote for. Just as I’m not going to convince anyone else. 

Good grief: Kamala is largely incoherent. 

There are videos of her speaking like she’s on something. I am surprised that her campaign has some traction, probably due to the democratic party diehards and a heavily biased leftist media. Kamala has done well avoiding questions about the working and specifics of her economic plan. For the keen-eyed, the plan is largely to tax everything and If you own a SUV or Pickup she will tax you to death.  

There is also an earlier video of Kamala chanting with a leftist, woke crowd “down with deportation.. ” we are playing with fire with this candidate. I do not believe the hype on Kamalahaha’s election chances and feel the polls are rigged to continue to keep her within striking distance. Trump might not be the ideal candidate but he is a proven commodity that American people are far more likely to put their trust in over the unknown of Harris’s ideology and where in the world the border goes from here. 

We are in for a TRUMP landslide if it is a legitimate election.

Today, this is true for politicians, few if any could run a business much less know what should be done. Trump may be disliked because of what comes out of his mouth. However, few if any in DC have his know how and business acumen. That is why DC hates him as he is not one of them and they want him out of their corrupt loop. Like him or not he definitely beats the typical goofs sauntering through the halls of Congress looking for his/her next meal and fund-raising circus!!!

Harris is not the leader of her campaign.  

She is just the latest puppet the Democrat machine is putting out on stage to read the teleprompter.  She OBVIOUSLY has no input into what is written in the teleprompter.  Her entire campaign is a fraud.  That is the disquiet these people feel.  They know they are being lied to.  They are being sold a bill of goods.

It’s a shame more people don’t realize just how unqualified she is for the job. She flip-flops on so many things it’s almost comical. She’s afraid of reporters and their questions for which she has trouble answering questions and people want her to be president.   The only people who support Kamala are the ones who had their eyes closed for the last three years. Their Bidenomics and “progressive” policies have affected all groups, so it is no surprise that traditional supporters are switching sides.

The only reason why Harris is the Dem nominee is because of how easy it would be for the elites to control her.  With that ease of control, her incompetence becomes even more obvious, and to the voters who care about actual issues, she is clearly unfit for the job. And for four years Deep State played Biden like a fiddle because he’s a vegetable.  Kamela decided if that’s all she had to do was bend down on her knees and listen to whatever they say, she figured she’s already had the experience for all that.

Lots of bots on the Dem payroll that will write nasty comments for them.  Harris has no business being in the running for President and Dems should have had an honest primary and maybe they would have gotten a better candidate than Harris. Who did nothing but lie to us for the past 3 1/2 years and is not someone that can be taken seriously. It has nothing to do with her being a woman.  It has everything to do with who she is and what her non-policies are.

Harris is little more than a prop for the Democratic Party.  

She was purposely installed on the ballot, the general public and as the media have no direct access to her, everything is scripted.  If she is allowed to speak on her own, she is a disaster. In a recent interview with Oprah we saw the real Harris, she was talking about her word salad of dreams, aspirations and her middle-class upbringing.  Unless you’re comfortable with voting for a puppet as the leader of the free world, then by all means vote for Harris.  If not, there’s only one other choice.

Harris is an empty suit puppet who was thrown in by the Dems because they can totally manipulate her.  She is, quite literally, without a thought or position. Feckless is my word of choice. Trump, for all his personal flaws, actually governed well and had our country on track before a global pandemic was released by the American communist party. As bad as some think Trump is, she’s a thousand times worse.

Her campaign would be dead if the left propaganda machine media would show the truth. Ever wonder why she is losing the democrat base of minorities. It is because they were shown what life should be like by a republican that had the country’s best interest in mind. Trump was the person that corrected this country and got us back on the right path during his time in the White House.

Unfortunately, the progressive left teamed up with China and Fauci to spread a disease and lock people down. So they could run a successful basement campaign and make unconstitutional changes to the voting system at the last minute even though they violated every state constitution. The election of the incoherent puppet Joey B. was designed to be BHO’s 3rd term as he stated he would do before he left office. Now Kamala will be his 4th if she wins and the left id10t’s are gullible enough to continue voting that way.

You have to ask yourself, do we want an America that respects our deep roots or one that embraces failing communist countries who subjugate people? Do you want a country where politicians feel entitled to your wallet to give to those here illegally or one respecting us as a nation having actual enforced borders? 

Conservatives Sure Seem Nervous About the Nebraska Senate Race (msn.com)


Political environment favors Republicans: Gallup (msn.com)

The Choice is Yours.

Do you want a thriving economy where you can afford to maintain your business, purchase goods, fuel your vehicles, enjoy vacations and buy a home? Or do you want to fund people here illegally, transients and thieves, whether they be thugs, or politicians who snatch it away via harmful legislation? 

It’s Your Future: New poll finds candidate opening a wide lead among young voters.

Do you really want to elect politicians who believe in reducing punishment for serious crimes and give your money to release rioters from jails during the upheaval of 2020?

Or do you want politicians to start enforcing laws and implementing legislation to keep us safer from drug dealers, gangs, theft rings, sex traffickers and violent sex offenders, not making them accountable for their crimes? Do we want accountability, or toxic compassion? Do we want healthy, thriving and safe communities where we respect parental rights and foundational education? 

What polling says about key 2024 Senate races (msn.com)

Despite the likelihood of another rigged election, this time, loyal Trumpian Patriots will NOT have to turn the other cheek as our Supreme Leader- SUPREMO, has the backing of SCOTUS and knows that he has full immunity. Just like Jesus… turned the other cheek the First Coming… but the Second Coming… He will unleash His wrath… executing great vengeance upon all those who oppose SUPREMO’s accession to the throne… On the Day of Judgment, SUPREMO will sit at the right hand of our Lord and Savior… and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. SUPREMO will be given absolute power- mandate to rule as he sees is in the best interests of Trump Land, formerly the USA. 

Oregon mistakenly registered nearly 1,260 possible noncitizens to vote, DMV admits.

Never Mind Lithium, We Don’t Have Enough Copper For EV Production (msn.com)

September consumer confidence falls the most in three years | Watch (msn.com)

Consumer confidence in U.S. economy plummets in latest data (msn.com)

Survey: Enthusiasm for Harris catapults Asian American voters (msn.com)

Biden issues stern warning to Israel and Hezbollah (msn.com)

Who is leading in the polls? (msn.com)

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