Listen to Your Inner You

When your heart calls you to stick your face in the flowers, do you listen? 🪻

Or do you let your mind convince you not to? 🥀
When your heart calls you to take a break,
When your heart calls you to speak up,
When your heart calls you to take a leap, do you listen?
Or do you let your mind convince you not to?

You are not your emotions.

Deepest reverence to the practice that has forever changed my life, activated my sovereignty, 
and instilled me with the tools to navigate with deeper awareness. 🌱🌞💫✨👁

You are a human being, experiencing the beautiful, wonderful, and divinely innate guidance system & internal compass that lives within you.

When we step back and allow ourselves to listen & be guided by this internal compass,
we step into alignment with our true nature – our Dharma – or in my interpretation, our Botanic Body. 🌿

And what a blessing, to hold this magnificent guidance system

that will ALWAYS lead us in the direction of our truth. 🙏🏼✨

How many times have you allowed your mind to talk you out of doing something wonderful?

The mind will lead or hinder the majority of our lives if we don’t practice the art of listening to the heart. ♥️

The mind allows us to think with logic & reason, the heart allows us

to FEEL what resonates at a soul level – We need both.✨

When something is meant for you, you will feel the call to it in one way or another.

Sometimes the mind will find every reason to talk you out of something that may push you out of your comfort zone. 

At that point, it’s time to let the heart lead & get your mind out of your way. 🕊️

Thinking can only get you so far in life, sometimes we have to tap into our ability to feel what is right for us in a way that the mind can’t quite comprehend.

♦️ The belief that God – Spirit – the Divine, exists innately within us.

✨ By connecting intentionally & deeply with the self,

we connect to God – Spirit – Source. ✨

Do you not go within to connect deeply with yourself in prayer?

The concept of meditation is deeply connected with the act of prayer in religious scriptures if you pay attention.

Yoga can be used as a means to connect with whatever God you believe in, it is not formed around the worship of any specific God or deity.

It can also be used as a means to simply connect deeply with yourself, calm the mind, and care for the body through movement.

If you are threatened by something that you don’t understand, or that seems to contradict your chosen beliefs, try asking yourself why that is.

Upon a closer look you might find that the fear

you feel is simply in your misunderstanding. 💡

This year I learned how to say no.🌹

This year I learned how to choose myself.

It sounds pretty simple in logistics right?

But I’ll encourage you to seriously ask yourself:

Can you unconditionally choose what’s going to be best for you in any given moment-

Even when there are forces asking you to do the opposite?

Even if it feels uncomfortable to say no?

In the humblest way..

never in a thousand dreams could the 18 year old version of me have believed that this is the woman I would grow to become. 🌹

It’s taken the death of many layers of myself to continue revealing & becoming the woman that I am today. 🥀

I am proud of who I am today, and that is because I have stood in the place of a woman who did not love herself many times before.

I stand now in the deepest gratitude for this journey that continues to nourish me with opportunities to give, love, grow & receive. 🌬

MercyMe – Dear Younger Me (Lyrics) – YouTube

I shared a quote yesterday that said:

“At 25, I’m the woman my 15 years old.
self would’ve loved to be in the company of.
The same woman my 20-year-old self-felt intimidated by.
And the very woman my 23-year-old self nearly gave up on,
thinking she was too far-fetched to reach.
Growth is a strange and wondrous journey.”

🌑15 year old me had no idea who she was

🌒18 year old me thought she knew what she wanted

🌗21 year old me knew that she wanted something different than what she was currently living

🌒23 year old me thought she had to have it all figured out, and nearly gave up when it all came crashing down

🌕25 year old me- current me, knows who she is and who she is becoming.
She has learned to accept the failures as lessons that show her the way to better.

⚡️through trial & error, pain & mistakes, being vulnerable in the pursuit of her dreams, failures & success..
she continues to learn what she does & does not want to be

💫she has come to see the purest beauty in surrendering to the lessons and messages of life,
remaining a humble student that is forever learning & unlearning,

🌍gratefully receiving the experiences that lead her closer to her truth,
living in the purest excitement for the path that she has created.

the path that continues to unfold for her now as she has planted the seeds of intention
& trust in the universe that holds her:
– the path of her truth, the path of greatest abundance, clarity and joy. ✨

Stay tuned & follow @botanicbodyoga for new offerings & announcements for retreats
& more coming in 2023. 🌟


The snake is the ultimate symbol of death and rebirth. 🥀🌹

A process we experience over and over again throughout our lives.

We give birth to new versions of ourselves in every chapter of our lives, new relationships, new beliefs – and when it’s time for a new version of ourselves to evolve once again, parts of the old self must die in order to make space for the new. 🦋

The outstanding beliefs, attitudes, and relationships that no longer serve us and couldn’t possibly support the growth of who we are becoming no longer have a place.

This same process happens all around us in nature as well. 🍂

The snake is always shedding its skin. Could you imagine if every time it did, it carried that dead skin around with it still? 🐍

It’s unnatural to hold onto what is no longer needed to support our wellbeing, yet so many of us do it anyway.

We cling onto that relationship even when we know it’s time has passed.

We fall back on old belief systems due to habit and familiarity in the end. 

It only keeps us anchored to the past version of yourself that is no longer aligned with where our soul is going.

So here’s your reminder to check in.

Are the belief systems around money, life, relationships and yourself serving you in creating the life you want?

Are your relationships serving you in being the person you want to be?

Is your job serving you in living the life you want?

If the answer is no, give yourself permission to begin the process of gently letting go. It may not happen immediately, and it doesn’t have to.

Letting go is a process. Give yourself permission to create space for what lies ahead, and be okay with feeling the discomfort that comes with stepping into the unknown.

~Krysten ✧ Yogic Guide
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