Destroying America’s Sovereignty

WARNING: Biden Has A Plan To Destroy America’s Sovereignty

ByRichard Collins
May 1, 2023

James Dobson, Who Has Advised A Long List Of Presidents On Faith Issues And Founded The James Dobson Family Institute and FamilyTalk on Radio, Is Warning America About Joe Biden’s Plan To Destroy The Nation’s Sovereignty. Dobson Has Been Called By Secular Publications The Nation’s “Most Influential Evangelical Leader,” And He Also Founded the Influential Family Research Council In The 1980s.

He has written dozens of books that have sold millions of copies, including
“Dare to Discipline,” “The Strong-Willed Child,” “Bringing Up Boys,” “Bringing up Girls,”
“When God Doesn’t Make Sense” and more. Now, online, he’s warning the U.N.’s World Health Organization “wants complete control of your mind and body,” Biden is willing to help them. “I am writing to you today to warn of an imminent and real threat to the sovereignty of our nation.

Two of our founding fathers, President George Washington and President Thomas Jefferson, counseled America against forming misaligned alliances with foreign entities—especially those who do not share our allegiance to the principles that formed our constitutional republic,” he said. “Yet, the Biden administration is on the verge of doing just that by turning our keys of self-governance over to the World Health Organization.

Editorial board: Michele Bachmann – YouTube

And, mark my word, if America gives up its sovereign rule as a nation, we could well lose our sweet land of liberty and effectively forsake every generation that has fought and died for it. God help us if we let this happen on our watch.”He explained that J.D.F.I. board member Michele Bachmann, a former member of Congress, appeared with him on a program to talk about the threat. Michele Bachmann – Top podcast episodes (

Michele Bachmann, video now dean of the Pat Robertson School of Government
at Regent University, has clear understanding of the threat, he said. In the broadcast,
she explained that Biden is working to give the WHO “decision-making authority” over the U.S., and the rest of the nations around the globe.” The Biden administration is proposing amendments that would transfer the sovereign authority of every nation to make decisions over healthcare, and that decision-making power would transfer to the WHO.
Fact check: Michele Bachmann on WHO health regulations (

Here’s a look at the issue.

Former U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann said the Biden administration is proposing amendments to the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations that would transfer U.S. sovereign authority over health care decisions to the WHO director-general. The International Health Regulations, which are aimed at detecting disease outbreaks, allow the WHO director-general to declare a public health emergency of international concern. Member countries agree to abide by the guidelines, but the WHO does not have the power to enforce them, nor can it interfere in other countries’ decision-making processes, according to experts. 

As the WHO hosts its 75th World Health Assembly beginning on Sunday, some social media users are misrepresenting proposals the U.S. is bringing to the conference, where delegates from 194 member states convene to discuss priorities. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has drafted a series of amendments to a legal framework called the International Health Regulations, which define countries’ rights and obligations in handling cross-border public health emergencies. The U.S. amendments call for greater accountability and transparency in responding to such emergencies. 

But some remarks, including those by Bachmann, bloggers and conservative political commentators, are misrepresenting the proposals to claim they would take health policy decision-making powers away from U.S. officials and grant unilateral authority to the WHO’s director-general. “These amendments would transfer our health care decision-making out of U.S. hands, into the hands of the director-general of the WHO,” said Bachmann, a former congresswoman from Minnesota, while calling into a conservative radio show last week. 
The segment was posted on Facebook, where it was viewed more than 32,000 times. Bachmann went on to suggest that the same amendments would allow the director-general to impose global lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as well as force climate change policy and even gun control measures on member nations. Bachmann did not respond to a request for comment. Experts familiar with the International Health Regulations say these assertions are misleading, and the idea that the director-general could impose enforceable mandates on other countries is unfounded. 

Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University law professor and
director of the university’s WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law, told the AP that the director-general only has the power to make recommendations, not enact laws or otherwise dictate national policy decisions. “It is utterly untrue that the IHR would interfere with health care decisions or transfer such decisions to the WHO Director-General,” he wrote in an email.
Gostin, who also helped write the 2005 version of the IHR, cited the fact that China signed the IHR, but violated it by delaying reporting of the initial COVID-19 outbreak and later pushing back against the WHO investigation into its origins. The U.S. amendments seek to prevent this from happening, by tightening requirements for reporting information to the WHO and allowing them to conduct unimpeded investigations, among other changes.

Breaking: Biden Orders US Dollar Replaced With Trackable “Spyware” Version.

Dr. David Freedman, the president-elect of the American Society of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene, who served on a WHO committee of IHR experts for a decade, reiterated that the WHO “has zero enforcement, police or punitive powers.” Further, the IHR is mostly focused on preventing the spread of infectious diseases and pandemics, he said. Climate change, gun control or even specific measures like vaccinations or lockdowns are not mentioned.
Some social media users are also conflating the IHR with a separate effort the WHO has launched to develop a global accord on pandemic prevention and response. That accord is still being drafted, but experts told the AP there’s no evidence it would cede any national decision-making powers, either. “Unfortunately, there has been a small minority of groups making misleading statements and purposefully distorting facts,” WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said during a news briefing Tuesday, clarifying that the WHO does not override member nations’ sovereignty.

What does this mean?

Well, just think about the last three years under the COVID pandemic where we saw local governments, state governments, and our federal government make pronouncements that businesses had to close down. We were all told that we had to sit at home with the doors shut for 15 days to slow the spread.
“It is an extraordinary, breathtaking level of power that the United States government
took over its people in the last three years—closing down businesses, closing down schools, mandating that people had to get shots, whether they thought they needed them or not.”

Mandating mask-wearing, lockdowns, mandating that churches had to close, that children couldn’t go to school. This level of emergency power is what I’m talking about, Dr. Dobson, and the Biden administration wants to take that power and give it to the World Health Organization, the U.N.,” she said. She said Biden’s plan would give the U.N. agency “the power to shut us down in the United States and tell us if we have to have a shot in our arm or tell us if we have to wear masks or a number of other things that they would have the power to do.

“It would be, she said, “a platform for global governance.
“Bachmann said no threat like that has been looming in the past, as it would transfer.”
U.S. sovereignty to the U.N. “Dobson noted that the Bible described that “in the last days there will be a one-world government, a dominion that will keep people from buying or selling without the approval of a dictator.”


By Douglas V. Gibbs
The Great Exodus: Where have all the neighbors gone United States Maps.
Ohio and very liberal New York will lose two House seats each. Losing one House seat
are liberal states Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; and
the battleground states of Missouri and Iowa.
Once a liberal State, and moving in the Conservative direction, Louisiana, will also
lose one seat. Though California did not lose a seat, for the first time in its history,
liberal Democrat-leaning California will not gain a House seat after the census.

The November election landslide by the GOP also put Republicans in full control of a number of state governments, giving the GOP an overall edge in the redistricting process, and in the fight for State’s Rights. When Obama was elected two years after the Democrats gained full Control of Congress the liberals were dancing around thinking it was the end of Conservatism. The idiots truly believed this nation was moving to the left.

The media actually began producing stories about the eventual death of the Republican Party. The reality is that this is a center-right nation, and the elections of 2006 and 2008 were the result of the fact that the sheep that usually don’t vote were also deceived by the articulate Barack Obama (and many are regretting that vote now), and the Conservatives stayed home because with moderate McCain on the ticket, they felt they had no candidate to choose.

The Conservatives that did vote, did it hold their nose, and only because they feared Obama, and they liked Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential choice. What is interesting is that now that the facts have surfaced, and the Census numbers are out, the truth is the exact opposite of what the liberal Democrats were saying.

In reality, liberalism is dying, Conservatism is on an ascendancy, and if Obama and
the Congressional Democrats don’t change their Marxist policies soon, it could be the Democrat Party that may wind up as just another failed ideology in the dustbin of history. Catholics are pragmatic. Until the McGovernization of the Democratic Party in 1972, they were among the most reliably Democratic voters in the nation. Since that time, they have been politically homeless, which is why both parties vie for their vote so aggressively.

Catholics are a bellwether: whoever wins their vote, generally wins the election.
By contrast, Protestants vote Republican and Jews vote Democrat. Although, Asians are another group to watch. Not only are they the fastest growing minority in the U.S.—they constitute 3 percent of the electorate—they are up for grabs by both parties. In the last presidential election, Obama captured 73 percent of their vote. But not this year: Asians voted 50 percent to 49 percent, choosing Republicans over Democrats.

This is a huge turnaround in just two years.
One final note: Some things never change. Most Americans are either high school graduates, have attended college, or are college graduates: they voted Republican,
by a wide margin. So who voted for the Democrats? High school dropouts and postgraduates.

That would make for a great “60 Minutes” segment: Why is it those who know
nothing has so much in common with those who think they know everything?

Modern Health Discoveries (


How is that possible, when Donald Trump won the Electoral College
and when 56 or 57 percentage of the country lives in a Trump state?

In 2o16:
There was a lot more people in Clinton counties in Trump states
than in Trump counties in Clinton states.

It’s not that complicated if you think about it:
33.5% of the population is in Clinton Counties and Clinton States.
21.3% of the population is in Clinton Counties and Trump States.

10.0% of the population is in Trump Counties and Clinton States.
35.1% of the population is in Trump Counties and Trump States.

In 2016, Clinton voters were not “clustered” at the county level, but they were
“clustered” at the state level and probably at the precinct or municipality level as well.
(According to my Twitter friend Neil, only about 45% of Ohio voters were in Obama precincts in 2012, even as Obama carried the state.)  This is because “clustering” is not an inherent property of populations, but a relationship between populations and particular choices of boundaries and scales.

Under one set of lines, Democrats might be “clustered”, under another set of lines applied to the same population, Republicans might be “clustered”. If every district had exactly one person, it would be impossible for any party to be “clustered”. There might be some way to define a “clustering” metric that doesn’t rely on particular boundaries, but as far as I know nobody’s really defined one. — Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Census: Fast growth in states with no income tax – Washington Examiner

More businesses bid California adios – One News Now

Census shows slowing US growth, brings GOP gains – Associated Press/Yahoo Finance
Posted by Douglas V. Gibbs at 10:27 AM  

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