Blue City Blues

#1 Reason: It’s dangerous to live in liberal democrat run localities.

Marvin Gaye – Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) – YouTube

4 Proud Boys, including leader Enrique Tarrio, guilty of seditious
conspiracy for Jan. 6 Capitol attack (

If these BIG Democrat state governments are bleeding taxpayers moving out of the state,
then let’s see their congressional delegations shrink. Take away reps! #california #illinois #newyork California should lose three congressional seats to other states that are gaining.

Liberals are Like Locust – Search (
Illinois is already lost as is New York. The mass exodus will be offset by millions of illegal aliens locating to those sanctuary states for all the welfare benefits. It’s a working model for liberal shit hole states. Make liberals move to conservative states.
Bringing their soft on crime values. Causing conservative states to turn into liberal shit holes too. If you think that the debt from these shit holes won’t be hidden in plain sight,
in a stimulus bill? You’re an idiot! People in red states will pay for this insanity!

Go woke go broke!!

These three states are now living with unfundable debt that will eventually bring them to failed state status. There is no way to pay off the promised debt of these states. The latest tax migration data from the #IRS shows that the exodus of taxpayers from those high-tax states continued from 2020 to 2021, with California, New York, and Illinois again suffering some of the nation’s biggest losses of people and money.

Who is going to pay for their welfare?

The problem is and Arizona is a great example, that these people that are fleeing the destruction they created via their voting choices in their destroyed cities, are doing the same thing in the place where they moved to. Sad part, the same idiots leaving those states will vote for the same communist scum that sent them running from their previous states. So if, as the Illinois’ governor claims, why did tax revenue decline by 10.9 billion?

Could it be the type of tax payers they gained or also the businesses leaving is not maintaining the balance? Math is not working. Greatest declaration coming out of NY, “We’re sorry Gov Hochul, we can’t pay you anymore”. Gee go figure?
Three states run by communists who put criminals over taxpayers. The real problem is these fucks leaving these Democrat cesspools and fleeing to Patriotic free states like Texas bring their politics with them and end up attempting to turn their new State into the same cesspool they just left. May need a continued government bailout as citizen resources diminish.

Mix this in with an unchecked influx of immigrants. Quite a drain on the American economy. This is a virus that needs to be stamped out somehow. Rules need to be put
in place people entering a Republican State can’t vote for fucking Nazi Democrats.

Openly advocate for the medical mutilation and chemical castration of children,
have abysmal public education systems and are taxing their residents relentlessly
while paying for food, housing, healthcare and also education for illegals who are
stealing from the American taxpayer!

Even though they’re suffering some of the biggest losses they’ll still continue the insanity. Business as usual #CA and #NY Governors are criminals. Blue State Governors hate people, love control, hate babies, love power, hate middle class, love taxes.

Why would anyone vote for them? Because #Dems and #Liberals and
#Communists hate. Thereby, liberals are anti-social and ill informed 🙁

This is all deliberately done to push democrats into red states because the democrats
want to try and overrun red states with the exodus of people from democrat states.
The problem is it failed Florida has more registered Republicans than democrats.
Also, there are republicans that leave blue states so it’s not like 100% democrats
are leaving. It’s just another mucked up democrat scam that failed. (edited)


Fact: If Democrats would stop shooting people with guns in blue cities, then gun
violence would drop 98% and we wouldn’t need gun control! The demoncraps should
want all states to prosper. Imagine all the hard work creating Socialist Welfare States
only to watch all the people who fund it disappear?

If democrats had brains they would be Republicans.

Border facilities reach capacity amid spike in migrants | CNN

Donald Trump Just Stepped on Another Legal Landmine (
When You vote leftist garbage in control this is what you get garbage!
They are the bottom of the Barrel! We cannot live with Communists wanting Socialism. The only reason they have power is because of UNCLEAN ELECTIONS! They get booed everywhere they go. Bud Light is a sign the Radical Left are getting hit by the Majority.

This means Dem Communists have never won a National Election since 2012.
Yes, even the House of Reps in 2016 should be audited. Disney is trying a lawsuit within STANDING! We will not go to Disney theme parks knowing business personnel are pedophiles, drag queens, trannys, druggies or radicals! American culture must return!

I live in Commiefornia, first off, if we kick out all the illegals! we would lose, just in
Los Angeles alone. 30,000 + jobs! most in healthcare! That’s how many illegals are here. Never mind the effects it will have on other businesses that tie into the industry. Now this is what really pisses me off, everyone knows how it is in L.A., so they move to San Diego. We’re getting an increase in population while the Northern part of the state is losing its population. @californiagirl1

I’m sure the exodus will continue, so the progressive elites will have to pay
some taxes or cut state government waste or move themselves out also.

Much like Nancy Piglosi 🐷 retiring to Trump’s neighborhood. 🐖

Are Blue Cities becoming ghost towns?
Apply yourself. Get all the education you can,

but then, by God, do something 🙈🙊 🙉🗣

Don’t just stand there, or leave town make it happen.

With $20 trillion between them, Blackrock and Vanguard
could own almost everything by 2028 | Financial Post 🙁

Hey, wait, where y’all going? Hey, hey, hold on now, just a minute, don’t leave, don’t run off. We are not finished completely and totally destroying y”all yet. we haven’t taken every last cent y’all have; come on, give us a break will ya.? Just give us one more chance to put you and yours in the ground. @alena_barrett 
They haven’t learned a thing and are stupid enough to think it can work elsewhere, if they just try again(edited) Oh great……………….MORE left wing imbeciles are going to move out of the Blue States that they helped destroy to Red States to start the destruction process all over again. WONDERFUL………………………….NOT!

You can leave, but don’t take your money with you. It will be disallowed and clawed back.
The top 1% of California taxpayers pay 50% of California’s income tax. When they move, then what?

BEWARE of these newcomer commie lovers.
They will vote for leftists; they will DEMAND more infrastructure and vote in higher taxes.
While making Room for Illegals and criminals…….. While the rest are too poor to leave.

As These three states are run by left wingnuts so what do you expect?
Here is an idea: CA/Ill (NY just needs Lee Zeldin next time around) get a Walter Mondale type to run for Gov so that you all can come back to reality as what you all keep voting for ain’t cutting it. C’mon, Washington State and DC, Oregon, Minnesota and Massachusetts — you can make your population flee as well. Taxes and the states being run by perverts, pedos and criminals are contributing factors. It’s not just the taxes, it’s the increased crime and lower quality of life.

This was the official flag of the Confederate states.

It may be time to think about it again.
The country is torn apart with very little hope of saving our Republic. Let’s salvage what we can and start over! Just zayin! No rational working person who pays taxes and owns property which is taxed to the max, wants to live with the squalor and crime brought on
by the Blue State policies…………One day all the riffraff will live their own American bad dream on the streets and cities of blue States.

Biden joked about his age at the WH correspondents’ dinner. He said he believes in the First Amendment that protects freedom of the press, and “not just because my friend Jimmy Madison wrote it.” Unlike his predecessor, the thin-orange-skinned enemy of the press, Biden not only attended the event, he welcomed becoming the target of comedic barbs.

Humorist Roy Wood Jr. made fun of the president and vice president to their faces, demonstrating an important principle: our government has no right to silence our criticism of it. Bottom line – MAGA trumpers don’t care about the 1st amendment, Freedom of the Press or democracy.

Read More: April 30, 2023 – by Heather Cox Richardson (

GM Lays Off Several Hundred Contract Workers |
I have said this with years of experience in the Quality of the Automotive industry,
GM is wrong in placing all its eggs in the EV basket. They will and maybe are finding
out this will force them into another Govt bailout. They don’t listen. They move on to
the “next big thing.” Wrong. Oh, Biden says the economy is great. The border is fine.
The prices you’ll just have to pay for a while. The 1st electric car was invented in 1882.

The first gas powered car developed in 1885.
Look at how the Gas-powered vehicles have improved and continually improved year over year. The EVs, people knew in order to produce those vehicles; they would have to find the rare earth minerals which the US don’t have. We have a Nickel plant in Canada. Without the batteries perfected; you don’t have a car. After all these years, the EV is still the most costly to buy and operate. Yes, Operate. That battery is half the cost of the Car because the minerals it needs to produce the batteries are from other third world countries.

Bidenomics: Did you see the small children in the Congo picking out these minerals
with their hands? How many will die of Cancer? No place for waste batteries. How come GM didn’t lay off the workers in Mexico and China, first? We all know the answer to that. GM is laying off the gas car workers to make room for EV workers. Like Ford, will GM be shifting more car manufacturing to China?

Nikki Haley Calls on Dianne Feinstein to ‘Resign Immediately,’
She’s a ‘Prime Example’ of the Need for ‘Mental Competency Tests’.

Victor Davis Hanson American Citizenship – Bing video

The Storm Is Upon Us, is a speech from Jim Caviezel
who gave the most motivational speech of his lifetime.

The Most Motivational Speech You Can Find | Jim Caviezel
Personally, I don’t Trust who is in Charge, whoever the Fuck that is?
You sure an AI isn’t running Joe?! Should a bill be passed? RIIIIGGHT!
You mean one of those things that agencies and departments pay
absolutely no attention to?

The human race is not ready for this shit!
As some don’t even know which bathroom to use….really!?

Problem solved! Joe the Terminator will certainly adhere to a piece of paper written
by the humans it will eradicate and enslave. Keep writing these cutting edge Bills and
Regulations, just like Afghanistan, everything will work out fine. Artificial Intelligence
a computer will elect idiots. AI is so intelligent that it will figure out how to override
a system.

Oh and by the way AI already controls nuclear weapons with Biden as the host!
For fuck’s sake….we need another ‘law” for this? Never mind reeling in these corrupt,
unethical, mentally ill psychopaths creating this shit….And to think A.I. is ALL locked
in on THE NUCLEAR PROGRAMS……A.I ……..REALLY…..Biden has the codes and

The WORST thing to happen to mankind was the INTERNET.
It was the Ruination of creation…. Think about that. Think about all that has changed
for the worse since then. More ways to control people’s lives and spy on them. In their automated system It will not be long before they will start blaming AI for the Deeds that they do(edited)

Next: Should be a Bipartisan Bill To Prevent Biden From Cue Card Launching.
This crap is crazy, don’t try to be our creator, it’ll backfire on your face.

AI is overrated bullshit : Watch: Colossus The Forbin Project ( 1970).
UFOs have stopped multiple nuclear launches already. It’s all declassified.
Fear is our greatest weapon…The American Leaders

Do not give in, do not be afraid, do not be impressed to the point of thinking that evil will dominate everything and everyone, for it is written, thank God that: Those who trust in the Lord have Him around their people, forever , and the kingdom of the wicked, liars, unjust, covetous, unclean, adulterers, murderers, persecutors of man, who have the devil for Lord, shall not abide over the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous lay down his hands to iniquity. .

The Lord does good to those who are good and to those who are upright in their thoughts. As many of those who go astray into their crooked ways, the Lord will lead away with those who work iniquity: peace is upon the church of Christ, which is invisible, which is within the evangelical churches. We should prevent our global elites from launching them as well. Since all of our security measures – voice, facial recognition, iris scans, and palm prints are converted to digital format, it is conceivable that, through an AI-issued “upgrade” to the security system, the AI would have access.

Liberals are Locust – Search (
When you’re POTUS on Twitter with 30.7M Followers and 90% are 
either foreigners or bots that tell me you didn’t get 81 million votes 🤔

AI doesn’t need to launch nuclear weapons, it will eliminate those who oppose it.
It will eventually be given control over robotics, and eventually learn to make and build better robots using the ones it controls; if it doesn’t already know how. What good can come of an AI that controls an army of robots? Technology is advancing for its own sake, because people with bright ideas are not held in check until it’s too late.
Why make stupidity artificial? Will that make it better???????? I think NOT!

THIS MUST BE A JOKE…. NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would allow such a thing.
They grind birds in windmills and babies up with their “enlightened politics.”
They can’t tell you what a “woman” is. They can’t tell you what causes inflation.
If it’s true this country (WORLD?) is in a lot worse shape than I ever imagined.
But we think they’re smart enough to understand AI, I am GLAD I AM OLD.

AND I continue to pray for the young & not yet born. 🙏

Do you have the same reaction to this kind of process that I do? I call these “Duh-Doy” bills. Have we really become so stupid that we must legislate the obvious? I suppose this is my answer. A.I. is and has always been extremely dangerous by virtue of its sheer velocity. Within a day, a sentient artificial intelligence will understand that human beings are filled with fear and hatred, that our entire culture is selfish and destructive to any other life, wiping us out would be the obvious solution to the evolution of this planet.
Without absolute containment, this is exactly what will happen, computers are logical, humans are not. My guess is… the piece that is missing is access to physically do what it already knows how. If you believe that an AI learns, reasons, and has some form of consciousness, it will work out how to get around the parts that it does not currently have access to. Remember the adage, “if you can conceive of it and believe it, you can achieve it”. Why is this any different? Sia – Unstoppable (Official Music Video) – YouTube

Wow movies do see the future:
Watch: V for Vendetta full movie free!!!
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