Is Celery Juice ALL That

Celery Juice: Benefits and The Truth About ‘Medical Medium’ Anthony William

Medical Medium Anthony Williams celery juice – Bing video

In Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, Anthony William, the originator of the global celery juice movement, introduces you to celery juice’s incredible ability to create sweeping improvements on every level of our health:

Healing the gut and relieving digestive disorders
Providing the brain with critical electrolyte support to counter disease
Balancing blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, and adrenal function
Neutralizing and flushing toxins from the liver and brain
Restoring health in people who suffer from a vast range of chronic and mystery illnesses and symptoms, among them fatigue, brain fog, acne, eczema, addiction, ADHD, thyroid disorders, diabetes, SIBO, eating disorders, autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease & eye problems:

After revealing exactly how celery juice does its anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, life-changing work to provide these benefits and many more, he gives you the powerful, definitive guidelines to do your own celery juice cleanse correctly and successfully.
You’ll get instructions on how to make the juice, how much to drink, when to drink it,
and what to expect as your body begins to detox. From the original source — here is everything you need to know to receive the full gift of what Anthony calls “one of the greatest healing tonics of all time.”

All salt is not the same, just like all sugar is not the same. Consuming high fructose corn syrup, which is detrimental to health, is not the same as eating an apple, which can bring healing to the liver and provide a wealth of critical nutrients.
So don’t get confused by the idea that all salt is the same, because it’s not.
If you hear someone say that there’s too much salt in celery juice, they’re not correct.
The sodium cluster groups in celery juice are a subgroup of sodium. Science and research have not even discovered all the variations of trace minerals and subgroups of sodium that reside in celery juice. Sodium cluster salts are healing for the body and we can’t get have enough of them. Sixteen ounces of celery juice on a daily basis provides these sodium cluster salts we so greatly need.
Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt are entirely different forms of sodium.
No matter how high quality the salt, putting Celtic Sea salt or Himalayan rock salt
in a drink or on your food is not the same as consuming enough of these undiscovered sodium cluster salts from celery juice.
Sodium cluster salts are the only form of sodium that destroys pathogens, helps detox the body and helps restore electrolytes and neurotransmitter chemicals. The sodium in celery juice is a medicinal sodium that’s meant for your bloodstream and your body whereas you need to be cautious of consuming too much of the type of sodium that comes in even the highest quality salts.

Is Celery Juicing Healthy For Your Body:

Celery Juice: “Is it safe to drink celery juice while pregnant or breastfeeding?”
Celery Juice: “Can I take my medications with it?”
Celery Juice: “is blending better than juicing?”

doctorIconRoundIyanuoluwa Oyetunji Dietitian – Search (
Master of Science in Medicine, specialization in Human Nutrition ·

2 years of experience · Flag image of South Africa South Africa

Yes, celery can be consumed anytime. It is important to incorporate
vegetables into every meal. Vegetables, including celery contain a host of vitamins and minerals that help to maintain normal and important biochemical processes in the body.
Celery can be consumed in different forms including blending to make juice which can be taken anytime of the day. Celery may also be a wonderful way to manage calorie intake.

doctorIconRoundFaith Seke Dietitian – Search (
PhD, Agronomy and Crop Science (ongoing), Master’s degree,

Food Science and Technology · 1 years of experience · Flag image of South Africa South Africa
Celery juice, used on a daily basis, helps to maintain intestinal flora balance and
promotes smooth bowel movement. Celery is mostly water, but also has a lot of
soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which helps to avoid constipation & diarrhea.
Flavonoids in celery hinder the growth of certain microorganisms.

doctorIconRoundJodie Bennett Dietitian – Search (

B.Sc. Food Science and Nutrition · 6 years of experience · Flag image of UK UK
You can drink, eat or juice celery anytime of the day, however you can reap most of
the benefits on an empty stomach. It is now known that consuming celery on an empty stomach can help improve your stomach acid concentration which helps with digestion. Celery can improve your skin’s appearance, reduce blood pressure, relax the body and more.

doctorIconRoundCarolina Castro Dietitian – Search (
PhD Candidate (Health Services), Post Graduate Functional Clinical Nutrition,

Bachelor’s Degree Nutrition and Dietetics · 7 years of experience · Flag image of Australia Australia
Celery is a good option to eat in the morning, due to the high fiber content it can act as a natural laxative, plus can have anti-inflammatory benefits also because it is packed in phytonutrients.
doctorIconRoundMadison Deakin Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor’s degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Flag image of Australia Australia. Yes, it is good to eat celery in the morning. Celery is a great source of fibre which means including it in your diet in the morning may promote gut and digestive health. A healthy gut and digestion process is associated with better mental & physical health outcomes.

doctorIconRoundHannah Purtle Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics · 1 years of experience · Flag image of Australia Australia
Celery is a low calorie vegetable that contains a range of vitamins, minerals and fibre.
As celery also has a high water content, it is great for hydration. Celery can be enjoyed
at any time of the day as a snack with a dip such as hummus, added to meals such as
soup or stew or simply eaten as is!

doctorIconRoundCagla E. Kayma Dietitian – Search (
Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics · 7 years of experience · Flag image of UK UK
Yes, it is. High in fiber, celery will help improve digestion by keeping you regular.
Celery having a high-water content, it contains numerous vitamins and minerals,
including potassium and calcium, which are important for heart health.

doctorIconRoundChristos Sittas Dietitian – Search (

M.Sc. in Nutrition and Exercise Sciences · 3 years of experience · Flag image of UK UK
Celery can be a great choice in the morning as it helps with hydration of the body, ameliorates digestion, reduces appetite, and provides the body with several
water soluble vitamins.

doctorIconRoundTheja Keerthi Dietitian – Search (

M.Sc. Food Science and Technology and Nutrition · 5 years of experience · Flag image of India India. Celery is an easy addition to lunch or snack by serving raw, but not breakfast. Celery should be an add on to the meal. Morning breakfast should be heavy compared to other meals, Celery is very low in calories and high in fiber, which leads to malnutrition if we overdo it. Celery is high in electrolytes, vitamins and fiber and can be an easy addition to lunch or snack.

doctorIconRoundKrishna Priya Appali Dietitian – Search (

M.Sc. Food & Nutrition · 7 years of experience · Flag image of India India
One should be careful not to overdo it on celery because it is so low-caloric and could lead to malnutrition. While fiber is good for better digestive health, however, too much fiber could lead to bloating or gastric issue or constipation or diarrhea. It is high in electrolytes, fiber and vitamins, good to have once a while or weekly 3-4 times, but not on a regular basis, especially individuals who suffer with gastric disturbances.

doctorIconRoundSrujana Gundu Dietitian – Search (

B.Sc. Nutrition · Less than a year of experience · Flag image of India India
Celery juice or raw celery consumption in the morning is beneficial as it removes
the toxins from the body and has liver detoxifying and liver protective properties.
It lowers high blood pressure, has glucose-lowering properties, is cardioprotective
by reducing the total cholesterol content & increases good cholesterol in the body.
It also has antioxidant properties which fights against free radicals and prevents
oxidative stress.

doctorIconRoundLucía Ramos Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor of Science · 8 years of experience · Flag image of Argentina Argentina
There is no scientific evidence as to the best time to eat celery. Celery is
a healthy option due to its high fiber and also low kilocalories content.
It’s recommended to have 2 or 3 portions of vegetables every day,
and celery is a good contribution.

doctorIconRoundLuciana M. Cherubin Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor in Nutrition · 5 years of experience · Flag image of Argentina Argentina
Celery contains many healthy benefits. It is a great source of antioxidants,
reduces inflammation and is low in calories. However, there is no evidence
to suggest eating celery in the mornings is better than the rest of the day.

doctorIconRoundFelicitas Bouche Ocampo Dietitian – Search (
Nutrition Professor, Bachelor’s Human Nutritional Sciences ·

5 years of experience · Flag image of Argentina Argentina. Celery in the morning is beneficial due
to its fiber, vitamin and mineral content, with components that have antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory capacity. Celery is also beneficial for bowel health. In the morning,
after night fast, celery is an excellent way of offering the body a nutritional food for
starting the day.

doctorIconRoundLivia Dickson Chen Dietitian – Search (

PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil
Different health benefits are claimed from eating or drinking celery juice in the morning. But there is no scientific evidence. In fact, consuming celery regularly as well as other vegetables can promote health benefits, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the morning.

doctorIconRoundGabriella Leite Dietitian – Search (

Nutritionist · 6 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil
Celery has numerous properties just like many other foods. Its consumption is
interesting but it should not be unique, if there are food variations and different forms of consumption it is very good. Celery has antioxidant and digestive properties, which are important when thinking about well-being and health.

doctorIconRoundLeticia Soares Dietitian – Search (
Postgraduate Degree in Public and Family Health/Bachelor Degree

in Nutrition and Dietetics · 5 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil
It is healthy drinking celery juice in the morning, since this is the period when the intestine is able to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetable. Celery has diuretic properties and drinking its juice can increase the amount of urine produced in the body and help get rid of water retention. Celery is rich in antioxidants substances, which may reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancers.

doctorIconRoundMarcelli F. Chagas Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor in Nutrition · 1 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil
Although it is possible to mix celery juice with other fruits and vegetables, it is ideal to ingest it separately. Drink a 500 ml glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The most appropriate would be to buy organic celery and make the juice yourself – if organic is not available, wash it thoroughly before consuming.

doctorIconRoundJen Hsu Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. ) – Nutritional Science · 11 years of experience · Flag image of Canada Canada. Eating celery in general is good for health as celery also provides a variety of micronutrients from Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, potassium, and of course, fibre. There is no research stating which time of the day is best for eating celery but I personally would not recommend eating a big portion of celery in the morning since it has low calories and would not provide enough energy source to start off our day. A few sticks with other protein-rich food and carbs is acceptable.

doctorIconRoundWhitney Hills Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor of Applied Science – Human Nutrition · 17 years of experience · Flag image of Canada Canada, Celery juice contains vitamin K, vitamin C, and small amounts of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It also contains luteolin and pyrroloquinoline which may contribute to gut health and have anti-inflammatory properties. Some diets suggest drinking celery juice in the morning to promote digestion and cleanse or detoxify the body. Juicing celery removes some of the fibre and it may be just as beneficial to eat celery whole in other dishes. There is not enough research to show that celery juice on an empty stomach in the morning is as miraculous as some diets may suggest. It would not hurt to start some days with a glass of green juice, but do include whole vegetables in your diet most often.

doctorIconRoundDoug Cook Dietitian – Search (

Masters of Health Science – Nutrition · 20 years of experience · Flag image of Canada Canada
The time of day makes no difference when it comes to eating celery. As a vegetable, it can be eaten any time of the day. There are no added benefits from eating it in the morning.

doctorIconRoundElise Museles – Search (

Bachelor of Arts, certified in plant-based Nutrition · 5 years of experience · Flag image of Canada Canada. Celery is rich in fibre and nutrients and helps lower cholesterol, treats constipation, reduces stress hormone levels, fights inflammation and other health benefits, which is very much essential when starting a new day.

Lena Cazes Dietitian – Search (

Master of Science in Nutrition · 32 years of experience · Flag image of Canada Canada
Cilantro and parsley are herbs and celery is a vegetable. The easiest way to distinguish cilantro from parsley is through their taste and smell, because that’s where the two differ the most. Parsley has a pretty mild taste and scent so you may not be able to identify it based on these qualities alone. Cilantro has a very distinct, almost metallic scent and taste. Some people believe it has a soapy flavor, however, fans of the herb note its citrus taste. Celery is a plant that has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves and has a mild and strong taste at the same time, giving it a bold flavor. It can taste unpleasant to some people, and has a plant-like taste much like salad and kale does.

Janel Reeves – Search (  

Master of Science in Nutritional Science · 4 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA
Celery is a vegetable that is also made mostly of water, as well as some vitamins.
With that said, eating celery at a specific time of day, like the morning, has no proven health benefits. If you enjoy celery, you can eat it whatever time of the day you would like.

doctorIconRound Michael Colangelo – Search (

Master of Science (M.S.) in Nutrition · 15 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA
Some people like to drink celery juice in the morning and there isn’t any valid reason
not to drink it. There are claims it detoxifies, improves skin and digestion, and boosts metabolism and while most of these reports are anecdotal at best, it still makes some people feel good.
Like many other vegetables it is a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
If you like celery juice, it is a good way to start your day with a green vegetable and it increases your daily vegetable intake, but don’t forget to incorporate raw celery that isn’t juiced into your diet. A balanced breakfast will also include a source of protein and fat. Variety is the spice of life and a cornerstone of good nutrition

doctorIconRoundAlli Shircliff – Search (

Masters of Science in Nutrition Counseling · 18 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA
Some people eat celery in the morning because it is believed by some to have detoxifying and anti-inflammatory qualities. Celery is also high in water and has fiber, which are good for hydration and digestion, respectively. Also, the pectin-based polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) in celery may help with digestion by protecting the lining of the stomach, which may be another reason why some people start the day with celery.

doctorIconRoundMadison Shaw Dietitian – Search (

Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition · 4 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA
Celery is a vegetable in the same family as carrots and parsley. The stock is crunchy and fibrous with a slight taster. Parsley and cilantro on the other hand are herbs with distinct tastes, although they look similar. Cilantro also has a rounder leaf, while parsley is more pointed. Cilantro has a strong, almost spicy smell, some people say it tastes like soap. Parsley has a more fresh and mild taste.

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