El Naranja ( oRANGEmAN )

You Are My Sunshine (Lullaby Version) | The Hound + The Fox – YouTube

You Are My Sunshine – Kina Grannis – YouTube
Lauren Daigle – You Are My Sunshine – YouTube
You Are My Sunshine – Search (bing.com)



What is the Doomsday Clock, which now sits at 90 seconds to midnight?

Quick! Do everything you want to do in life and do it really quickly. 
There’s just a minute and a half till the end of the world. Wait, what?
That’s just a relative timescale to see the lifespan of our planet through
a different lens? 

Ah, then we can relax.

Well, don’t relax too much, say the atomic scientists that have set what is known as the ‘Doomsday Clock closer to midnight than ever before. On Tuesday they advised
that threats of nuclear war, disease, and climate volatility have been exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and have put humanity at an even greater risk of annihilation.  https://reut.rs/3XRRPad

“Multilateral effectiveness has become more complicated
by the war in Ukraine, but not impossible.”

Matthew 24:36 says, “But of that day and hour no one knows,
not even the angels of heaven, nor the son, but the Father only.”
If Jesus is God, wouldn’t he know when the end would come?
Why then does it say, “nor the son, but the father only”?

The Elders warn urgent action on climate, pandemics, nuclear weapons needed to turn back hands of the Doomsday Clock The Elders discuss the existential threats highlighted by the 2023 #DoomsdayClock announcement at the prestigious @Georgetown
Riggs Library.

Billions Dead As Doomsday Clock Springs Forward For Daylight Savings Time |
Babylon Bee Russia’s war on #Ukraine, heightened #Nuclear tensions, the #ClimateCrisis & #Pandemics pose existential threats to humanity, as the #DoomsdayClock highlights.

Mary Robinson’s op-ed calling for urgent, bold & collective action from political leaders: Only bold, collective action can turn back the hands of the Doomsday Clock (theelders.org)

Kremlin expresses alarm over ‘Doomsday Clock’, blames U.S. and NATO | Reuters

My personal thoughts on why we set the clock where we did are here:

Every Year We Set the Clock – by Jon Wolfsthal (substack.com)

The hands were moved 10 second closer to midnight
and now stand at 90 seconds to Armageddon.

Providing news on nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies.

IT IS 90 SECONDS TO MIDNIGHT. Receive updates: http://bit.ly/2ZwyYno

Read the 2023 #DoomsdayClock Statement: https://bit.ly/3j5iDoP

For three years, the hands of the world’s Doomsday clock were set at 100 seconds
to midnight. But now, the world has officially crept even closer to what the Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists calls a “global catastrophe.” https://cbsn.ws/3kBl42J

How do you want to see the world #TurnBackTheClock?

The Cult of Science: Watch Panel II: Setting the #DoomsdayClock of the 2023 Doomsday Town Hall @Georgetown with @BulletinAtomic now! It’s #90SecondsToMidnight 2023 Doomsday Clock Town Hall: Panel II – YouTube

Life on Earth is facing the very real threats of nuclear war, disease, and climate change, among other factors, as scientists count down its demise.

If Trump ended the threat of nuclear weapons and ended the war in Ukraine.
The Democrats would immediately investigate him for Russian collusion, tax evasion, and hiding classified documents again. @BulletinAtomic Scientists announced today that the Doomsday Clock has moved to 90 seconds to midnight—the closest the Clock has ever been to the apocalypse. The unprecedented move cites the war in Ukraine, record CO2 emissions and more.

Doomsday Clock moves closest to apocalypse than ever before,
at 90 seconds to midnight | University of Chicago News (uchicago.edu)

Read the 2023 #DoomsdayClock Statement spotlight on climate change: https://bit.ly/3H4xQ1w.

The Doomsday Clock was moved to 90 seconds to midnight today, Jan. 24, the closest
it’s ever been. The Doomsday Clock is a decades-long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon. The Doomsday Clock was moved to 90 seconds to midnight today, Jan. 24, the closest it’s ever been.

The Doomsday Clock is a decades-long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon.
https://t.co/uG9vmchRXK https://t.co/IFM1gmIjjT” / Twitter

Opinion: The Doomsday Clock is ticking — clock’s hands move closest ever to midnight and catastrophe – CNN

The clock hand doesn’t move on its own. It’s our actions that have brought us so
close to midnight and we have the power to wind the clock back. With climate action.
With nuclear safeguards. With peace, diplomacy, and human rights.

First step towards national rent control?

Biden admin to mandate “fairness” First step towards national rent control?
Biden admin to mandate “fairness” – HotAir

Where they gonna put millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN IMMIGRANT if they can’t afford
a place to live…Democrats just have to social engineer a rent control for them, afterall
they probably won’t even need to be citizens to vote or access SS, Medicare soon.

Biden will NEVER mandate “national rent control”!

See, most of the landlords are small business people and
this is just another plan to kill the middle class. #FJB

The government forced renters into a bad situation where they can’t even afford simple rent payments for shit apartments & now rents have skyrocketed during this scamdemic “gouging”! The People Need To Take Control Of Their Lives & County!

The problem here is Republicans won’t do anything. Stop the overflow on the border no. Put rent controls or argue anything against dem policies no. Make it easier for young people to afford homes. The Federal government doesn’t have unlimited authority. It’s powers are limited to the U.S. Constitution. Any power not declared in the Constitution is reserved for the states and the people. Presidential powers are limited to Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, it is unconstitutional for any Federal agency to issue mandates of any kind. Unless members of the Biden Administration are prosecuted by the states, their criminal activities will continue to worsen because they currently believe they are above the law and untouchable. Mr big shit why don’t you dole out some of the cash you embezzled and got for free from Russia China and Ukraine to the American people to be fair to us all


I’ve had about all of the “fairness” and “equity” and “inclusiveness”
from this administration I can stand.

You’ve caused the biggest housing crisis I can remember in quite some time.

Communism/Socialism DOESN’T WORK!

Once again, this is not about fairness or equity, it’s about total gov control of every aspect of your life.

Horseshit and feathers….NEVER FLY…..It’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL…When private property and industry are controlled by the government that’s called…, let me think…, it’s on the tip of my tongue…, ummm.., THIS ASSHOLE DOESNT UNDERSTAND IN THIS COUNTRY WE DON’T WORSHIP GOVT, So he had better tell XI, and his DUMBOCRAT CLOWNS that think we have a DEMOCRACY.

The CDC started the mess by overreaching in the first place. The CDC has no authority over rental properties. It was unconstitutional. The landlords aren’t able to collect rent on their properties. The landlords need a class action lawsuit against the CDC and the Biden Administration. They need to put a stop to the tyranny.

As long as Biden keeps the “Covid Emergency“ the landlords will not be allowed to collect rent or evict their deadbeat tenants. Add in the illegal aliens and refugees that Biden is allowing into the country and it’s only going to get worse for the landlords and the American citizens.

We’re gonna start taking shit away from the government, starting with their MILITARY WEAPONS, if the military can’t use them on civilians, then why can depts/organizations like the DOJ, FBI, ATF, etc…. OR WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR RIGHT TO MILITARY WEAPONS…. NOWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT SAY CIVILIANS CAN’T HAVE MILITARY WEAPONS, Just think If civilians did not have them during our revolutionary war, WE WOULD HAVE LOST….AND ENGLAND WOULD

We can, we must, and we will push back.

🧵1/8 The @BulletinAtomic
has announced today that the Doomsday Clock is 90 seconds to midnight.
The closest in history. We asked our network members for their thoughts

on how we can best set the clock back & avert global catastrophe ⤵️

🧵2/8 Our director, @SirAdamELN
, calls for great powers to increase cooperation in the face of heightened existential risk “There should be N5 strategic risk reduction dialogue where Russian and Chinese sincerity is put to the test.”

🧵3/8 Senior Network member & Former UK Ambassador to the EEC & the UN, Lord David Hannay, recommends: “A commitment by all nuclear weapons states that the sole purpose of their possession of these weapons was to deter their use by others.”

🧵4/8 @YGLNtweets
member & Programme Officer @NTI_WMD, @JaworekPatricia argues:
“Decisive & public multilateral action to strengthen the ‘nuclear taboo’
should be front & centre to prevent individual states from holding
the world hostage.”

🧵5/8 @kaneview
, Senior Network member & Board of Sponsors member @BulletinAtomic,
reminds us that: “The Clock takes measure of the situation – yet it is up to us to
reflect on ways to lower the dial further from the Doomsday scenario of midnight.”

🧵6/8 @MalcolmRifkind
, Senior Network member & former UK Foreign Secretary, says: “All states possessing nuclear weapons-especially the US, Russia, & China-should agree to open regular dialogue on measures that would reduce the risk of nuclear weapons conflict.”

🧵7/8 @olamideDIY
, Research Associate in Nuclear Politics @uniofleicester & @YGLNtweets member says: “Humanity must reconsider its obsession with war & its complicity in oppression.
We have the tools to attain sustainable peace & equity–what we lack is the will.”

🧵8/8 To read the piece in full click the link below ⤵️
Network reflections: What one thing could the world do to turn back the Doomsday Clock? | European Leadership Network


What is the Doomsday Clock, which now sits at 90 seconds to midnight? (msn.com)
If President Trump was still there in DC., Russia would have been our best ally ever
and has been before twice!

There once was an Orangeman who said we should make deals
with nuclear nations instead of escalating wars with them.

But the regime hated the color of his skin and so they sent him away. Some say, one day,
El Naranja ( oRANGEmAN ) will return to prevent the 3rd World War El Naranja will not only save us from WW3, but he will also fulfill G-d’s intent for all of us to Repair the World, Tikun Olam. ‘

Splain it ~ Did you read: Tikkun Olam Stories of Repairing an Unkind World?

Word has it that El Cid and El Naranja are related.
El Cid found work fighting for the Muslim rulers of Zaragoza, whom he defended from
its traditional enemy, Aragon. While in exile, he regained his reputation as a strategist
and formidable military leader.

He was repeatedly victorious in battle against the Muslim rulers of Lérida and their Christian allies, as well as against a large Christian army under King Sancho Ramírez 
of Aragon. 

In 1086, an expeditionary army of North African Almoravids inflicted a severe defeat
to Castile, compelling Alfonso to overcome the resentment he harboured against El Cid.
The terms for El Cid’s return to Christian service must have been attractive enough since El Cid soon found himself fighting for his former lord. 

Over the next several years, however, El Cid set his sights on the kingdom-city of Valencia, operating more or less independently of Alfonso, while politically supporting the Banu Hud and other Muslim dynasties opposed to the Almoravids. He gradually increased his control over Valencia; the Islamic ruler, Yahya al-Qadir, became his tributary in 1092.

 When the Almoravids instigated an uprising that resulted in the death of Al-Cádir,
El Cid responded by laying siege to the city. Valencia finally fell in 1094, and El Cid
established an independent principality on the Mediterranean coast of Iberia.
He ruled over a pluralistic society with the popular support of Christians and
Muslims alike.[7]

El Cid’s final years were spent fighting the Almoravid Berbers. He inflicted upon them their first major defeat in 1094, on the plains of Caurte, outside Valencia, and continued opposing them until his death. Although El Cid remained undefeated in Valencia, Diego Rodríguez, his only son and heir, died fighting against the Almoravids in the service of Alfonso in 1097. After El Cid’s death in 1099, his wife, Jimena Díaz, succeeded him as ruler of Valencia, but she was eventually forced to surrender the principality to the Almoravids in 1102.[8]

Pictured Valiant Thor, Don, and Jill (all Venutian) at Menger’s
Spacecraft Convention in Highbridge, New Jersey in the 1950s.

“Val” Valiant Thor is a delegate of the “High Council” who had VIP status at the Pentagon from 1957 to 1960 to discuss concerns of the Cold War & leading up
to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The book Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank Stranges,
in support of Harley Andrew Byrd, gives a UFO account of Thor being a Venusian.

In mid March of 1957 in Alexandria, Virginia, a policeman witnessed a UFO landing
in a field. A tall white man emerged from the craft and approached the officer, calmly identifying himself as Valiant Thor, sent by “The High Council”. He requested that he might speak with President Eisenhower.[1]

The policeman took Thor to the Pentagon where he eventually spoke with Eisenhower,
the Secretary of Defense, and other joint chiefs. According to Frank Stranges, Thor was
given a three-year VIP status at the Pentagon, where he conducted numerous meetings
with persons of high influence in the United States government. 

His objective was to voice concerns of the “High Council” over the way humanity
was evolving – in particular its apparent lust for nuclear weaponry.[1]

According to Frank E. Stranges, Eisenhower asks Thor where he is from,
to which Thor gives a rather cryptic response: “the morning and the evening star”.
Below is the is the alleged exchange in dialogue, given by Strangers:[2][3]

Eisenhower: “Please, sir, what is your name? And where do you come from?”
Thor: “I come from the planet your Bible calls the morning and the evening star.”
Eisenhower: “Venus?”
Thor: “Yes, sir.”
Eisenhower: “Can you prove this?”
Thor: “What do you constitute as proof?”
Eisenhower: “I don’t know.”

According to Thor, Venusians live inside Venus.
Externally Val appears human, albeit with six fingers and six toes.
Internally, his heart is larger and he only has one, much larger lung.

His blood vessels are larger and carry hemocyanin-based blood.
His brain capacity is 300 cm3 and claimed to have an IQ of 1200,
although anything over 200 loses definite meaning.

He speaks 100 languages fluently.

The end of the world as we know it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the world.
There have been worldwide catastrophes before and everyone alive endured.

Meet me at midnight! image.png image.pngimage.pngimage.png
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