StarSeed Alchemy

larsleberphotography  •  Christmas Star (during the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction on 12/21/2020) with Christmas Tree and Pikes Peak.

Awaken The World (
Before the silver cord snaps, and the golden fountain has shattered and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel falls drops in the pit. And the dust returns to earth as it was, and the spirit returns to GOD, who Gaeth. I understand the word Aum Now. Universe creative thought – Search (

is for the All-seeing eye for the breAth, by breathing thoughts into your third eye and manifest Vision.
is for the Universal Idee of Creation UR ideal Uri/Ori means light of creation of the first creation of material being Ordine is the order of God the divine thought, by holding your breath and holding in manifesting in anon dual dimension which means out of darkness you create a thought/vision inspired by GOD. 

M is for matter creation from Liquid from Liquid thought of light you manifest in this or the spiritual vibration you thought by breathing out M onto Mother earth. You see the M, that’s like the thought is working with Divine Power of creation which is the circulation in the multiverse. Because if you do have a flow, it does become a mirror there is no present only the past or in your future…

Om or AUM is not just a word that serves us in a meditative state. It is much more a spiritual state in and of itself which is a guide to grasp divine thought as well as to create.
A thought goes through various levels of subtle and gross phases in its gross phrases in its creation in order to be able to materialize into the earthly, spiritual and at the end of life there is nothing at all.

Time is a LOOP: Once you realize everything is connected it’s easy to understand  and if you create power thoughts and teach children what we have learned and figured
out in our material life and Spiritual Journey and pass that knowledge on to them
we will leave this world and create a whole new world and a better place. 

The people you meet in your spiritual journey come into it for a reason. 
Not only that but can you imagine that the earth and all its raw material and animals

Baby Olivia in the Womb – Search (

Not only that but can you imagine that the earth and all its raw material and
minerals are all reflecting in the nature of plants, animals as well as in us humans. 

Elisha Harris [i AM PURE ENERGY].


Yes, I’m the girl who ran the ROUTE w/ orange dress
🖤 Fitness | Adventure | Travel | Sports
🦾 ATHLETE & COACH @ballinbossbabes
Put me in Coach!  #baylor #football #femalefootball

We are all like mirrors. We have only been distracted from our own mission to create divine thoughts. Whether it starts like a couple begets a child, because even during the union of man and woman both individuals should ideally be open and recipients of the Holy Spirit.  Search Results for Electricity | Cancer Quick Facts (

Yet it goes on to say that we the creators of children made a mistake.
We have repeatedly created limits for the children of the world in their heads.
Who can prove to us what is possible and what is supposedly not possible.
Where are the limits of many when we look into eternity.
They say the future will be Rosey. The rose is built up in layers.
Their flowers are the witness to their development.

It’s the same with people. life is a result of your thoughts; we create our own heaven
and or hell. And on this material level as all thoughts on conscious and unconscious
levels collide. ~ Giorgia Boschetti ~

I stepped onto the path of serious manifestation a little over 3 years ago right at the
start of 2019 when my father passed 9 days after my birthday. Back then, I took it upon myself to investigate telekinesis. I had read SOME things about it; but it was so small scale; and I just KNEW there was more to it. Call it instinct or intuition or a gut feeling; but I embarked on a journey of discovery that I’m still on to this day. In fact, my YouTube channel is (661) Starseed Alchemy – YouTube devoted to this subject, where I do demonstrations and explain things the way that I perceive them.

Of course, I’m aware that my explanations for telekinesis are predicated on my own experiences; and therefore, are my OPINION. This is something that has set me apart from a lot of people out there; because I realize that, though there may be some definitive truth out there… Most of us are just guessing and finding what works at the moment.

Even science is guessing.
It’s just that science is highly functional and relative to our everyday lives… therefore,
it can be relied on more consistently, because it has a super high CONSISTENCY and REPEATABILITY ACROSS many smaller divisions of science. I wasn’t content to just practice telekinesis; but I felt this calling to try and master it.
Now, the truth is that we never truly master anything; but we get better and better; and
in time, because we have spent a great deal of time integrating the experiences that we’ve gathered… We can show other people things that don’t presently fit in their perspective of the world. I finally realized what I had been starting to intuit… that telekinesis can be used as a concrete tool to help one learn very precisely how to use their particular intent and energy in the service of higher goals.
This has led me to quit my moving job, so that I can become a full-time mentor… something which I’ve not yet got off the ground; but which is in the works.
I’m also writing a book that will condense something like 30 years’ worth of knowledge, experience and insight into maybe a week to read. What makes me unique as a mentor at the moment, is that I’m able to COMBINE the internal and external to help people find their calling, follow it, grow and transform through the integration of internal and external philosophies and tools. Peace Love and Light Be well, #davidmadisontheguardian888
~ The Guardian ~

REAL reason for Cancer… – Search ( – Bing video

Dying to Live (
Not sure how to preface this so I’ll just throw it out there. . . . . All these signs you’re seeing, they didn’t just start happening to you, they have always been happening and will continue into eternity. It just never mattered to you before, so you never gave it a second thought. To summarize, you are always ready to do anything but to know when your time is right don’t look eternal source for the answer, look within.
We are all connected as a part of the entirety of all things so all questions shall be answered, and all needs shall be provided to you just open yourself up to the universe
and look within to become enlightened. Goodluck and Godspeed my friends.

Yes, I started seeing 11:11 back in 2011 as well.
I told my girlfriend about it because it was so obviously strange!
She just thought i was being weird and said “maybe you should look up what it means!” So, as I did, I was shocked that I wasn’t the only one and not nuts after all! A few years later, I started seeing 76 everywhere and these two numbers have been dominant in my life ever since… cool stuff!! Oh yeah, I just was looking at my birthday a few months ago and discovered I was born at 11:11 at night in the year 19”76” so I definitely think it’s an awakening of your inner power!

Recently I have been interested in manifestations and the law of attraction, also I do see 11:11 on a daily basis. I just made a random wish every time but after watching your video now I know what it really means. and the most freaky part is you said about 11:22 in the last part and as soon as I finished the video, I SAW these master numbers 11:22 on my pc. IT’S SOOO CRAZYYY. Thanks to you for increasing my knowledge on this phenomenon.

I have been seeing 11:11 on the clock, along with 1:11, 11:17, and others for over 15 years.
I found out then it was a connection with the Universe. I also get other signs I’m connected, little coincidences to do with words. I might see an unusual word in a crossword, and then hear it or read it soon after. I know the Universe knows me, and that
I love words! But the numbers, too. I am always happy to see multiple numbers on license plates, like 111, 222, or numbers that add up to 11. I do that while driving! (Haha.) my birthday is a 29, which adds up to 11. Lots of fun.

Thanks for this interesting video! 😊

I appreciate you standing up to make a difference. Nothing wrong with being positive, however positivity (or negativity) in itself is not synonymous with self honesty, as it can
be used by ones mind as a mask within the idea that one is better than/less than another. Often it is an evasion of responsibility as we have all feared to address the real source of the problem (i.e. self judgment) thus creating a distraction from the actual physical solution as creating what is best for all life – in spite of positive/negative reactions.
An example of self-forgiveness – I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that positivity will solve the problems of this world.

A big thanks to your heather. I do believe in higher vibrations, I am aware of these things like 1111, 555,333 early mornings that I get up or these numbers pop up anytime of the day, I am awakened at 3.30 in the morning everyday and I do my spiritual practices and meditation. I am glad you explained the reason why the universe has chosen you.I am grateful for the pure knowledge you have given us. lot of people are not aware of this.

I’ve been seeing synchronicities for at least the last couple of months.

I’ve been going through the awakening process, and I still don’t know everything.

I need to but I’m not giving up because this is my call from the universe.✌❤😊

The Servants of the Soul

Thank you for this insight. I have started seeing 1111 a lot lately and it feels kind of strange. My band and I just produced a song called Ballad for the Soul by The Servants of the Soul – YouTube and this phenomenon has occurred much more frequently since we have been working on this song and produced it.

Many will think you’re nuts when you tell them this or speak of seeing numbers.
Even those with “faith”. I started seeing 11:11 (amongst other number patterns ie. 12:34, 10:10, 4:20, 1:11, 4:56, 12:12) more and more frequently at the tail end of 2021. I didn’t think much of it at the time, however the nature of how often it happened was disturbing at first (am I losing my mind I thought). As the year progressed, toward August I started seeing these signs more and more frequently. Without question this event would happen in less than 3 days time. My wife was the first person I said anything to, she paid it no mind and thought it silly at first, but as time progressed she had noticed the frequency especially around mid-summer. Time continued on, and it had almost become a game within itself at this point.

I would not miss unintentionally seeing or glancing at this number every single day of the week. To the point I had joked with my wife about not seeing 11:11 Thursday morning at work. The day went on; and sometime in the afternoon, I cycled my watch menus, and as
I cycled through, step counter, temperature, altitude, timer, stop-watch, there it was UTC time 11:11. This number sought me out. I seriously laughed. Friday came, and I was sitting around the table with my wife having a discussion, when she said Hey, look at my phone, Unsure of what I’m about to see, my eyes see instantly 11:11. ”

I kinda chuckled and said “babe don’t get involved in my nonsense” knowing darn well at this point in my own state of deep consciousness, there is more to this physical world than we can possibly comprehend. Saturday was almost a direct repeat of Friday, Sitting at the table with my wife talking, and she attempted to show me her phone, I got up and left the room in joking, but serious humor in an attempt to avoid seeing this number, but…..the Coffee Pot, there it was 11:11. In my mind I was thinking “is it possible the powers that be are now using someone else to ensure I see this sign”

**Side note**: as of just glancing down on my desk; my phone reads “12:34“.
Sunday the 16th came, a day that will indeed stick with me forever. We slept in until almost 9:00 ish(pretty rare with a 2-year-old). We all get up, mosey about, have coffee, breakfast, and work. I check my phone sometime around 10am and see my neighbor’s text about having someone outside their house at 11 sometime that night. I told them I would download camera footage and see what I could find (an odd thing to note about footage; there was a time lapse, where for some reason my NVR stopped recording at the 11:11 minute, how is that for odd), while I didn’t see the actual time 11:11 that morning,
I did see 11:11 from that of a different aspect.

Time has no bearing on these numbers of which we speak and see. Well at this point it was about noon. I hadn’t seen my Dad yet this morning (he comes in for Coffee most mornings, but not as often on Sunday’s. I figure I’ll go inform him of the intruders, and to keep his stuff locked up at night. As I usually do upon approach, I yell “Hey Dadio”, but with no reply. Him not having great hearing, I check the greenhouse , and he’s not there. I walk into the trailer and before I can get a word, I see what nobody wishes to see, but the inevitable part of this world in which we live. My father as I knew him had passed away.

A day has not passed other than 1, that I hadn’t seen 11:11.
As a firm believer in God and that of Christ (or call it what you prefer), there is undoubtedly a channel of energy (both good and bad), that fills the empty spaces
around us, something science, nor the non-believers can explain or comprehend.
Something not of this world. It brings peace knowing at least 20,000 other people can relate to this phenomenon, and that in my own state of mind and consciousness, that there is without question; no matter your religious, or spiritual beliefs, something far bigger and far grander than just the life and time in which we live. I am someone who believes strongly in integrity and loyalty, and by-no means a liar of any sort.

My friends and colleagues I am sure would attest to this statement. Since my daughter’s birth in Jan of 2020, injuring my back in mid 2021, and having back surgery early 2022, throw-COVID in the mix, and now the loss of my father; I’ve humbly prayed and meditated a lot, more so than ever these last few years. As someone who prayed for signs to “let me know you’re there”. I have to follow my intuition on this one. GOD’s divine love is with us if we choose to accept his calling.

Believing in nothing, leads nowhere in the end.

Thank you for the video Heather, I think you’re very spot on in many of your thoughts and views. Without having watched your video, I wouldn’t have had the inspiration to make this comment to anyone or anywhere else. Make no mistake 11:11 and other sequences of numbers are not purely coincidence, there is no way I can believe otherwise at this point. To all those who took the time to read this, keep your faith alive and wits about you. Godspeed. (660) Why You Are Seeing 1111 and What Should You Do – YouTube

Michelle VM ~ 2 months ago
This happened to me 3 years ago and my life changed for the better. I used to google about it but I couldn’t find much info. Thanks for making this video. I also kept seeing 555 444 2222 1212 1111 of course and that it was the weirdest thing ever. In license plates, recets, the clock and on my phone. Also an owl’s nest was right outside my living room on top of a palm tree. I work nights so on several occasions I saw big owls on the side of the road or flying in front of the car. I felt like the universe wanted me to learn more about the meaning of this spirit animal.
I went through some hard times and the loss of my grandpa got me super down and depressed. Then I started to see all these numbers along with having lots of rapid uncomfortable changes in my life for the better. One last thing I noticed was music lyrics so I could hear music on the radio and for whatever reason the lyrics spoke to me like super crazy because the perfect song would come one and even if I had heard it before and thought nothing of it this time it was making perfect sense.
I would say it’s definitely a life changing event for a lot of people. In my experience
I almost felt like the universe was grading me by the hand and redirecting my life in some way. I had severe insomnia just trying to figure out why this phenomenon was happening to me and what it ment. I was afraid I was going crazy because no one around me seemed to have any clue of what I was talking about.

Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society.
She believes the passport system was manufactured to bring about a financial reset, replacing our failing fiat currency system.
Trillions of dollars are owed to banks and there’s no way to pay it back.
Because passports are crucial for the implementation of this new financial system, mandatory vaccination of all citizens, young and old, will be imperative for the plan to succeed.
Tune in to this in-depth interview for an insight into the economics at play behind the
Covid 19 narrative. To prevent this new system from being introduced all people need
do is not comply. The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place.
A lonely period for me for sure but that’s how I got closer to the source and thank God now I’m in a better place both physically and emotionally. 😅🙏💯
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