and what is wrong! Who can find it and where is it and what is the universal Word?
Consciousness_Studies.pdf (wikimedia.org)
The Word has the ability to forever ascend from one body to another throughout
the universe of universes. We are never present, just in the past and the future.
Thus, it is forever ascending and resurrecting itself without doing this, for it is the one universal body of the universe without being a body at all. It is forever dying without dying, and forever being born without being born. The Universal Consciousness will forever sacrifice itself without doing it.
Where does consciousness reside?
Originally Answered: Where does consciousness reside? I am familiar with Descartes, James, Wuhl, Freud, Hume, Skinner etc but they give no answer. Assuming physicalism, the best guess is the thalamus. In the overlying cortex” (MacDonald et al. 1998)
” The Cortex and Thalamus focal activity and the way the TRN is organized topographically (i.e.: has activity that is like an electrical image of receptive fields).
The thalamus is ideally placed for integrating brain activity, if tiny parts of the thalamus are removed consciousness is abolished and the thalamus is involved in attention and the global integration of cortical activity. Any impartial judge might pronounce that the site of conscious experience has been found, possibly in the ILN of the thalamus, but no one can say how it works.
Thus, this universal consciousness is the largest possible thing without being the largest possible thing, for it is also the smallest possible thing without being the smallest possible thing. In that consciousness is not simply negative, positive, or neutral, it is not simply in the past, present, or future.
Thus, we do not simply go to it, or bring it to us, for it is where we are without being where we are. About like when Danica Patrick knowing when and where to turn left driving a car at 195 mph and qualifies in pole position for the 2013 Daytona 500.
After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver.
Everything is Connected — Here’s How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei – YouTube
What Is Consciousness? | Burning Questions | Ep 18 – YouTube
Danica Patrick youtube page – Search (bing.com)
Danica Patrick – YouTube
Thus, it can be found at any one point in all of existence,
for it is everywhere without being anywhere.
Thus, we find it without finding it, and we lose it without losing it,
for we are it without being it.
Thus, the universal consciousness has come to you without coming to you whether you know this or not, and you are it whether you know it or not. Many things are dwelling in this universal consciousness at one level or another whether they know it or not.
Whether one is aware of it or not.
Thus, this universal consciousness can manifest itself anywhere, or in any so-called body, for it is not limited to a body at all. The universal consciousness is not limited to any one body, for it functions in relation to the one universal body that is not a body.
Although the universal consciousness can be discovered at the point of the physical consciousness,
it does not function in relation to the physical body, for it transcends all so-called bodies, for all bodies are one without being one.
Thus, the so-called physical body is not simply a physical body, for it is one with the universal body of the universe.
Thus the universal consciousness is not simply contained in the physical consciousness, for it is not simply contained anywhere, for it transcends all things, including itself,
for it is all things.
Thus, the universal consciousness is not found in any body at all, for it is beyond all bodies, including the one universal body of the universe.
Thus, it is the head of the body as well as the body.
Thus, the universal consciousness is not to be found in either a higher or lower body,
or in the one universal body of the universe.
Thus, all things must be transcended before one can discover the universal consciousness, including consciousness itself. It is an illusion to think that the universal consciousness cannot be comprehended at the point of the physical consciousness, and it is an illusion to think that it can be contacted at a point beyond the physical consciousness.
One cannot contact it at all until one gives up trying to contact it, for it is not something that one can contact, for it transcends even itself. it cannot be contacted in relation to anything, for it is beyond all things.
Thus, it must be contacted without being contacted. To find it in the so-called physical body Is to find that it is not simply in the physical body, and that it is not simply in any body, for it transcends all bodies, for it is a body without being a body. To realize that one can contact the universal consciousness at the level of the physical consciousness is to realize that one can take it with one anywhere in the entire universe of universes.
Thus, we learn to bring it to us without bringing it to us, and we learn to take it with us without taking it with us.
It is always at the point where we are at, and at the point where we are going, for we always go to where we are at, for we are everywhere, for the universal consciousness is everywhere. We cannot go to where the universal consciousness is not, for we take it with us without taking it with us.
Thus, we find it without finding it, and lose it without losing it, and we have it without having it, for we are it without being it, for it is itself without being itself.
We cannot go beyond the universal consciousness, for it is already beyond itself.
Thus, we go beyond the universal consciousness without doing it. In reaching the universal consciousness, one has gone beyond all things, and beyond nothing at the same time.
One goes beyond the extreme positive pole of existence, and beyond the extreme negative pole of existence, and reconciles the two poles: then, goes beyond the extreme neutral pole of existence.
Then beyond existence itself. Thus one goes beyond both ends and the middle of all things.
Thus, we do not go beyond anything, for we are already beyond all things without being beyond them. We cannot simply go beyond anything, for at the so-called point of contact, all things reverse themselves, and are neutralized. As one appears to go beyond the positive pole, one is also going beyond the negative pole.
Thus, one is neutralizing the two poles at the center.
Thus we never actually go anywhere.
We do learn that we are everywhere and at one point, and that we move without moving. We are forever at all points of the universe whether we are conscious of this or not.
As existence and nonexistence are reconciled, the universal consciousness is revealed without being revealed, for it is existence and nonexistence reconciled. It is consciousness and unconsciousness reconciled, the known and the unknown reconciled.
It is itself reconciled with itself without being reconciled with itself. It is beyond all things without being beyond them. All things are within the universal consciousness without being in it, and all things are without it without being without it, and all things are at the center of it without being at the center of it. All things are it without being it. It is the ultimate of all things without being the ultimate of anything. It is the beginning without being the beginning, and the end without being the end, for it is the beginning and end reconciled. Thus the universal consciousness is the eternal rest of God, or the promised land of plenty.
The land flowing with milk and honey is none other than the universal consciousness of God, for it is the universal body of God. Thus the land flowing with milk and honey has never been found, for it is not something that one can find, for it is not simply what it appears to be. It is as real as anything can be, yet it is beyond reality, for it is reality and illusion reconciled. Thus the land of plenty is everywhere without being anywhere, for it takes in all of time and eternity, for it is time and eternity reconciled.
One cannot simply find the land of plenty, for one is the land of plenty.
For it is the universal consciousness of which one is. As all things exist without existing
in this universal consciousness, one can take out of it whatever one imagines to be in it.
Thus, it is a land of plenty without being a land at all. it is a land of all and nothing.
Thus, one can take out what one wants without doing it, for one must overcome want before one can approach this consciousness.
Thus, one must learn to give up all before one can receive all.
Thus, one cannot have anything as long as one wants something, except in an illusional sense, for it is an illusion to think that one can have anything, for one is not even oneself.
Thus, one must overcome oneself as well as all things, for one is one with all things.
To think that one can possess things is to think that things are permanent without knowing that nothing is permanent.
Thus, one cannot possess anything until one overcomes the desire to possess anything,
for one must come to possess without possessing, for this is the cosmic pattern of the universe.
Thus, one must learn to give and receive at the same time in order to receive from the universal consciousness, or the land of plenty.
Thus, one learns to take from the universal consciousness without taking and to give it back without giving it back, for giving and receiving are one without being one.
Thus, we learn that it is not necessary to take anything with us, for all things follow us, for we are all things. It is not necessary to take things from one dimension to another, for all things are everywhere. They need only to be called forth from the universal consciousness.
Thus, one learns to create things without creating them, for one creates them, and then allows them to go back into the realm of so-called nonexistence, or into a formless state.
They remain in the formless state until one calls them forth again.
Thus, nothing ever ceases to exist, for all things forever exist without existing.
Nothing ever comes into existence, and nothing ever goes out of existence, for existence and nonexistence are one without being one. As things do not actually exist, they do not actually cease to exist. Form and no form are one without being one.
Thus, form comes out of formlessness, and then goes back into formlessness.
Thus, the nature of the universal consciousness is such that there is no way to express, or to explain it, except in a limited way.
Of course, we are expressing it whether we know it or not, for we are it, and cannot help but express it. But one can only express it in the context of an illusion, for it is beyond expression without being beyond it. Just as we must explain it without explaining it, we must express it without expressing it. Since we are already doing this, it is a matter of becoming aware of it. It is a matter of becoming conscious of expressing it without expressing it.
Thus, to express it in totality is to express it without expressing it,
for all other expressing is but in part, and is an illusion.
The Universal Word.
There has been much confusion and secrecy concerning the nature of the universal Word. Thus some assume it to be lost, and some assume that it is a secret word. The nature of the universal Word, or the so-called secret or lost word is such that anything one can say about it is true, for it transcends all things, for it is all things.
Yet, all things that are said about it are also false, for it transcends truth as well as falsehood. It is beyond explanation, secrecy, and confusion, for it is the universal consciousness of the universe that is not simply a consciousness. We cannot explain the universal Word, for we must use the Word in order to explain it.
Thus, we are using the word subjectively, trying to explain it objectively.
We cannot explain it this way, for it is neither subjective nor objective, for it is beyond both subjective and objective things. As all things are one without being one, this Word is one with all things, for it is all things without being all things.
Thus, to explain it would be to explain it in part, for it is the explanation itself, not something to be explained. This Word follows the one cosmic pattern of the universe,
for it is the one cosmic pattern of the universe without being it.
Thus, it follows the pattern of the trinity, for it is the trinity, and as the trinity is a trinity without being one, the Word is a word without being one. Thus this Word cannot be kept secret, nor can it be given to anyone. The so-called confusion and secrecy concerning the Word is eliminated when it is realized that confusion and secrecy are a part of the nature of the Word. As in all things, one will never find the Word until one stops looking for it.
As long as one considers it to be lost, or to be a secret, one will not find it, for it is not simply lost, nor is it a secret, for it is its nature to be a secret, and to be lost without being these things.
To assume that one can give it to another is to assume an illusion, for there is nothing in all the universe that one can give another, for am doing it without doing it. Once the Word is found, one need not try to regulate it, for it becomes a part of one’s being.
The Word is creative without being creative. Thus when one discovers the Word, one doesn’t will oneself to create something with it, for the will must be transcended before the Word is discovered, for it is beyond all things, for it is beyond itself. Thus none can ever misuse the Word to harm another, for one will not discover the Word until one overcomes the desire to harm anything.
To use the Word in either a negative way, or a positive way is harmful, for positive and negative things are one without being one. To use the Word either positively or negatively is not to know the nature of it. Thus they who would use the Word either positively or negatively will not find it. Thus they use it in an illusional sense, not knowing the nature of it. It is also an illusion to think that one can use it in a neutral sense, for it is the reconciliation of the positive and negative, and the reconciliation of the neutral with the positive and negative. Thus one can not misuse the Word, for it is beyond use altogether. Just as we cannot use it against another, another cannot use it against us.
Thus one must overcome the negative-positive conflict before one can discover the so-called secret Word. The Word is forever protecting itself from those who would misuse it. Thus it remains a secret even after one discovers it, for secrecy is a part of its nature.
It is the Word that discovers itself without discovering itself, for it transcends itself, for it is not simply a Word. It is not necessary for me to try to hide it from you or from anyone, for it cannot be hidden anymore than it is, and it cannot be made any clearer than it is.
Thus it is given only to those who can receive it.
Thus it cannot be simply given to anyone. I can reveal it without revealing it, but you must discover it without discovering it. For you must learn to use it without using it. All things are using it whether they know it or not. It is a matter of becoming aware of this. When the unconscious is reconciled with the conscious, one learns to do without doing, and is conscious without being conscious.
Thus one finds the Word without finding it; one understands it without understanding it, and one uses it without using it, for one is it without being it. Thus as all so-called parts of one’s being are reconciled, all things are transcended, and the universal Word becomes a part of one’s being, and one uses it without using it. Thus one comes to control the negative, positive, and neutral force of the universe without doing it. The universal Word is not brought to the level of the physical consciousness, for it is not brought to the level of any consciousness, for it is beyond consciousness. It is at the point of the so-called physical consciousness without being there.
There is no such thing as a physical consciousness, for it is but a part of the one universal consciousness. The universal word is one with all so-called levels of consciousness, and it is not limited to anybody. When the Word is brought to the physical consciousness, it remains where it always is, and that is everywhere and nowhere. As it comes to the physical consciousness, it transcends the physical consciousness, for it is beyond all consciousness.
It is not something that one experiences on any level of consciousness, for it is universal.
It is the reconciliation of all consciousness into one level of consciousness. The universal Word is not experienced in relation to any so-called body, for it transcends all bodies without doing it. It is not experienced in relation to a permanent body, for there is no such thing as a permanent body, for all bodies exist without existing. The Word is one body, yet an infinite number of bodies without being a body at all.
Knowledge of the Word will cause one to ascend out of the so-called physical body,
for it functions in relation to the universal body that is not a Body.
The Word is dependent, yet independent of bodies.
Thus, the so-called permanent body must be transcended before the Word can function in accord with its nature.
The Word functions independently of bodies, for it can create a body any time it needs one. It does not create them as permanent things but lets them go back into the formless state. The word is not limited to a body, for it is beyond all bodies. It is that which brings things out of the nonexistent state into the existent state. It brings things out of the formless state into the form state, and allows them to go back into the formless state.
The Word is the universal body, and the body is form without being form, and formless without being formless. The Word is beyond both form and formlessness. Thus it regulates form and formlessness without doing it, for it is natural for it to regulate them. It can create a body or a universe without any effort, for creation is a natural part of its nature.
It creates without even thinking about it, for it is beyond thinking. it is beyond good and evil, for it is beyond all opposites. It is what we are, yet it is not what we are, for we are it without being it. As it is beyond itself, we must go beyond ourselves to reach it. As it is beyond itself, it is beyond all things. Thus we cannot go beyond it, or beyond ourselves, for we are already beyond all things. We only come to realize that we are already there without being there. We go beyond ourselves without going beyond ourselves.
The word has the ability to forever ascend from one body to another throughout the universe of universes. Thus, it is forever ascending and resurrecting itself without doing this, for it is the one universal body of the universe without being a body at all.
It is forever dying without dying, and forever being born without being born. It forever sacrifices itself without doing it.
It is forever going, coming, and standing still without doing either of these things.
It is here, there, everywhere, nowhere, and beyond that, for it exists without existing.
It does all things in a way that is as natural as anything can be. It does not force itself on to anything, for it is beyond force. It cannot be harmed, for it is beyond that, yet to harm any creature is to harm it, for it is in all creatures without being there. It is all creatures, yet it is beyond them, protecting them, watching over them. As the universal Word is beyond all things, including itself, it is beyond words.
Not only are there no words to express it, it is not a Word at all.
To think of it as a Word is to assume that it is something of which it is not.
It is not a word, for it transcends itself. When one transcends oneself one will find the Word without finding it, and one will find that it is not a Word, for it is a Word without being one.
It is no more a Word than it is anything else, for all things are one without being one.
It is beyond names and terms, for it is not simply a word or anything.
It is all things and nothing and more. it is the universal consciousness of the universe, the universal body of the universe, the universal head of the universe, for it is the universe of universes.
It is the nonexistent universe as well as the existing universe. It is all visible and invisible things, known and unknown, conscious and unconscious, and that which is beyond these so-called opposites.
It is all manifested things and all unmanifested things. The universal Word is all things that one can imagine it to be and more than that, for one cannot imagine what it might be, for it is beyond the imagination. Imagination is but a part of the Word, for the Word is the imagination without being the imagination.
Thus, the imagination must be transcended before one can find the Word, for it is beyond the imagination, for it is beyond itself. We must transcend the Word in order to find it, yet we cannot transcend it for it has already transcended itself.
Thus, we transcend it without transcending it. We just become aware that we are it without becoming aware of this. Since we are it, we cannot go to it, nor can it come to us.
It becomes aware that we are it, and we become aware that it is us. Once we get beyond the spoken and unspoken side of the Word, it is not necessary to speak it, for it speaks without speaking. Then it is neither heard nor spoken, for we hear it without hearing it, and we speak it without speaking it.
What is universal consciousness?
Where is it and who can find it and what is the universal Word and what can you do with this creative power source? The Word has the ability to forever ascend from one body to another throughout the universe of universes.
Thus it is forever ascending and resurrecting itself without doing this, for it is the one universal body of the universe without being a body at all. It is forever dying without dying, and forever being born without being born.
It forever sacrifices itself without doing it.As the Kundalini crosses the Chakras
one by one, there are some subtle mystic inner experiences of other worlds to the yogi.
He achieves many Riddhis and Siddhis (divine miraculous powers and knowledge).
No self-realization is possible without awakening and rushing up all the seven Chakras by the Kundalini Shakti and finally merging in Sahasrara with Lord Shiva.
Without awakening of Kundalini Shakti and raising it up to Sahasrara there can’t be any self-realization. Meditation is the key to make it happen, a new dawn of consciousness, awareness, intelligence love civilization freedom bliss ecstasy zest of life harmony balance just one universal consciousness.
The laboratory of CERN, through colliding particles they discover a new particle that humanity calls the particle of God. This Boson Higgs particle is present in all other 108 particles that we know. A New Cosmic Being or coming Sixth root race.
What are the benefits of a universal consciousness?
Kundalini is basically a healing force. Kundalini is the healing power of God within man. Kundalini is like an umbilical cord to God. Even within the DNA, there is a flow of kundalini and meridians, because it is the road through which the energy travels giving the instructions. It is the application within the instruction.
Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths.
The arousal of kundalini, in its true sense, does not simply imply the activity of a hitherto sleeping force, but actually the start of a new activity by changing the whole system to adapt it to a new pattern of consciousness through changing the composition of the bioenergy or subtle life force permeating the whole body.
World-egoism proceeds from the Anglo-Saxon Race.
From that direction the whole Earth will be overlaid with egoism. It is partly England and America that all the discoveries come that will cover the Earth like a network of egoism. So it is from there that the whole Earth will be covered by a network of egotism.
The Journey To Enlightenment.
When your chakra system is awakened, the secrets of enlightenment will stand revealed. Kundalini is basically a healing force. Kundalini – The Butterfly Experience: How to Transform Your Life from the Inside Out – Bing video
Is Consciousness an Experience or An Attitude?
What Is Consciousness? Some New Perspectives from Our Physics Project—Stephen Wolfram Writings
What is the simplest form of life that has consciousness?
What was the earliest form of life that had consciousness?
For thousands of years, philosophers dominated the study of human consciousness. Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, pioneered the concept of mind-body dualism, or the idea that, while the mind and body are distinct,
they do interact. Once psychology was established as a distinct discipline from philosophy and biology, one of the first topics studied by early psychologists was conscious experience. Structuralists analyzed and reported conscious sensations, thoughts, and experiences through a process known as introspection.
Trained observers would examine the contents of their own minds with care. While this was obviously a highly subjective process, it served as a catalyst for further research into the scientific study of consciousness. Consciousness, according to American psychologist William James, is like a stream—unbroken and continuous despite the constant transformations. Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst, emphasized the importance of the unconscious and conscious minds. While much of psychology research shifted away from observable behaviors in the first half of the twentieth century, research on human consciousness has exploded in popularity since the 1950s.
Conscious Experience Vs. Conscious Attitude
Consciousness is the term used to describe your unique awareness of your thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and surroundings. Consciousness, in its simplest form, is your awareness of yourself and the world around you.
This awareness is subjective and personal to each individual. If you can verbally describe an experience, it is a part of your consciousness. Conscious experiences are in constant flux. For instance, you may be focused on reading this article at one point. Your consciousness may then shift to a conversation you had with a coworker earlier that day.
Or maybe a conversation with your coach.
When a coach plants a seed that you can go out and do something and you go out and do it, that is a collective conscious effort. Consciousness research has centered on deciphering the neuroscience underlying our conscious experiences. Additionally, scientists have used brain-scanning technology to identify specific neurons that may be associated with various conscious events. As previously stated, the primary objective in the case of conscious experience is to explain the properties of phenomenal consciousness.
And a first-order theorist is always free to respond to alleged evidence of non-conscious experience by insisting that the aforementioned experiential states are actually phenomenally conscious, despite their lack of access consciousness. That is, despite the fact that the subject is unaware of or does not report on it directly. There is nothing incoherent about the concept of phenomenally conscious experiences that subjects are unaware they possess, even if it is rather difficult to believe.
However, there appears to be no independent target of explanation in the case of conscious thought. For in this case, there does not appear to be any basis for claiming that the ‘unconscious’ thoughts investigated by psychologists are, in fact, conscious thoughts, despite the subjects’ lack of awareness. The phenomenon to be explained in the case of conscious thinking is the way we appear to have immediate and non-inferential awareness of our own thought processes. And this is because thoughts are not intrinsically phenomenally conscious. Our thoughts are unlike anything else in the relevant sense, except that they may be associated with visual or other images or emotional feelings that are phenomenally conscious due to their quasi-sensory status.
Of course, there is a sense in which entertaining a conscious attitude is similar to something. This is because, depending on what one is thinking about, various aspects of the world come into focus. As one’s thoughts shift from one subject to another, one’s attention is drawn to different aspects of the world. For any experience or attitude will entail a partial and partially subjective ‘take’. on the objects of the experience or attitude. What is necessary for phenomenal consciousness, however, is that there be something that resembles the subject’s own mental states. Mental states themselves are subjective in nature, possessing properties amenable to introspective recognition, and so forth. With this distinction established, there is no reason to believe that non-imagistic thoughts are comparable to anything.
“Consciousness informs itself with its creations” – this is the non-dual view

Heart – Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin – Kennedy Center Honors HD
Although many people will argue about the definition of “proven fact,” the overwhelming bulk of evidence points to the conclusion that consciousness is a physical process. Consciousness is not formed at birth, it takes many years of training to form a fully functioning human consciousness. Human consciousness can be degraded by physical trauma. Damage to the areas of the brain that produce consciousness also damage the functionality of consciousness.
Consciousness can be dramatically altered by drugs, which are physical interactions
with neurons in the brain. Anesthesia can turn a brain off like a light switch through mechanical means. Switching off neurons with drugs also switches off consciousness.
This is proof that consciousness relies on physical activity.
Consciousness cannot survive without the physical form. When the body dies (or even goes to sleep) consciousness disappears. Consciousness disappears when somebody is hit in the head with a large force.
Physical kinetic trauma can kill consciousness.
If consciousness were not physical this would not be true. If consciousness were not physical it would not be affected by physical things like drugs or trauma or stress or fatigue or hunger. The fact that consciousness needs to burn food and oxygen and needs to sleep and heal to survive is fairly solid proof that consciousness is a physical process, more like an engine running than an eternal soul. When the engine shuts off the consciousness disappears.
This would not happen if consciousness was non-physical.
Are we all sharing the same consciousness or are there 7 billion separate human consciousnesses?
Originally Answered: Are we all sharing the same consciousness or are there 7 billion separate human consciousness’?
“We are all one… separated by our own experience in thought but taxed separately.” *
The idea that we all share a common consciousness is a popular mystical idea: you find it in Advaita Vedanta, for example. And the physicist Erwin Schrödinger linked it with his own science-informed attitude towards reality.
But how could this be proved using science or logic? Everyone experiences a restricted consciousness — I have no idea what the person next door is conscious of. Doesn’t that imply a very practical form of separateness?
At best, you can recover the notion of a common consciousness by saying that we are all fragments of a larger whole. But why assume this larger whole is a consciousness? Isn’t an ‘unconscious’ universe an adequate container for all these fragmentary consciousnesses?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. It may depend on whether you believe that “to be is to be perceived”.
In my opinion the idea of a universal consciousness cannot be established purely through science or logic.
As far as I can tell it is closer to a feeling than a provable statement. Mystical traditions and/or abnormal brain states can make such feelings more easily accessible, at least transiently.
So, perhaps ironically, the feeling of universal consciousness is very personal.
But it’s a feeling that is frequently expressed, and not just in mystical texts!
“Strangers passing in the street ~
By chance meet two separate glances.
And I am you and what I see is me”
– Echoes — Pink Floyd | Last.fm
Pink Floyd – Echoes (Remastered)
American families struggle to survive as inflation and gas prices soar.
Gas prices hit $5 a gallon nationwide this weekend while inflation rose by the fastest rate in decades.
NBC News’ Kate Snow follows three American families forced to make lifestyle changes just to make ends meet.
Here’s how Lindsey Vonn, 37, Stays in Shape (msn.com)
What are the 7 densities of consciousness? – Quora
The Role of the Conscious Mind (verywellmind.com)
What Is Consciousness? – Psychology (wsu.edu)
What Is Consciousness? (verywellmind.com)
What Is Consciousness? – Bing video