Vaccines are Viruses

A photo of the virus that causes COVID-19. A new coronavirus variant has been detected in Louisiana. © NIAID-RML via Associated Press

new coronavirus variant has been detected in Louisiana.

The EVT Viral Genomics and Sequencing Lab at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport detected a new COVID-19 variant last week. KSLA reports.
The variant — called B.1.630 — was found in two samples collected in Baton Rouge.
The variant reportedly has the E484Q mutation, which means it could escape the immune system and cause infection, per KSLA.
Jeremy Kamil, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at LSU Health Shreveport, told that the variant isn’t an immediate health threat.
“This is mostly academic curiosity,” he said.
Dr. Krista Queen, the director of viral genomics and surveillance for the Center of Excellence for Emerging Viral Threats at LSUHS, said the vaccine is recommended to combat this new variant.
“Even though the predominance of this variant is low, we will continue to keep an eye on it and watch for any changes or if it starts to increase,” she told KSLA. “Any lineage or sub-lineage of SARS-CoV-2 with this E484Q mutation is watched because of the possibility of immune evasion. Some of the variants that do not have other mutations that increase transmissibility will eventually die out, but it is important to monitor any changes in abundance.”
The B.1.630 variant was first found in the United States back in March 2021. It does not have a Greek alphabet designation like the delta or lambda variant because it has not spread far yet.
New variants have struggled to spread because of the delta variant, which has become the dominant variant across the world. In fact, most recent COVID-19 variants “pale in comparison” to the delta variant, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
“Delta is the dominant variant, in all of these other variants kind of pale in comparison when it comes to their ability to infect,” Adalja said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” program.
“And that’s what matters to this virus — just finding more people to infect, and delta is crowding all of the others out,” he added.
Adalja said that the new COVID-19 variants tend to show up and leave pretty quickly because there are fewer hosts to infect.
“What we’re finding is yes, there are other variants that occur even in the United States, but when it comes to delta, because it is so much more fit, because it is so much more efficiently transmitted, these other variants kind of come and go but they never get a toehold because it’s just kind of simple Darwinian natural selection,” he said.

Is the stuck vaccine plan, step one on the dependency blueprint? Only when people are weak and aware of economic inabilities, will it be possible to usher in a radical “transformation” of society, a “revolution” This revolution—you’ve heard it, will be the prelude to communism.

Vaccines are viruses , viruses are vaccines.

They share the same symptoms.

Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries –   Isn’t it genius?
Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon is a Scottish politician serving as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party since 2014. She is the first woman to hold either position. She has been a member of the Scottish Parliament since 1999, first as an additional member for the Glasgow electoral region, and as the member for Glasgow Southside from 2007.  

Hard to find but look :- and
Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries just a few !  

Face with monocle

Because Lockdowns have prevented thousands from given medical access for cancer treatments etc. for a virus that has a death rate of 0.2%

It’s NOT about the injections:
*drinking *drugs *depression *obesity and bad eating habits increasing across the board *immune system atrophy *lack of exercise *lack of sunlight *fear of seeking medical care for treatable issues What have I missed?  

Suicides, overdoses, depression, delay or inability or unwillingness to

be seen for other issues? Oh, and also the clot shot. Man shrugging


Covid-19 is surging in Waterford, Ireland where 99.7 percent of adults are Fully Vaccinated… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Scotland has a widespread problem of metabolic disease, dating back decades, resulting from poor dietary choices. That seems to set you up for immune weakness that a vaccine cannot counteract. Why In 2020, Scotland recorded the highest number of peacetime excess deaths since 1891, when the country was hit by an outbreak of the Russian flu.
Vaccines have destroyed their immune Systems, thus causing an increased rate of mortality. Too much whisky. Those Scottish livers gave up.

Clearly this is a rhetorical question.  

Hmmm, I wonder why?
HandshakeSyringeSkull and crossbones  

Social Engineering | Dystopia or Utopia | Short Film – YouTube

The biggest mistake was that we assumed America was built to withstand racial, ethnic and religious diversity. It was not. Consider the time it was written. The mindset. Why would it have been written with globalism in

mind when ethnocentric nationalism was the leading thought?Thinking face

Just because they say they don’t think you can, doesn’t mean you can’t.

Crisis by design. Thinking face

Scotland is 87% vaccinated.

All cause deaths in Scotland running 30% ABOVE 5 year average. Why?

Because 13% are not vaccinated Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing

Ireland is 92% vaccinated and has currently twice the cv incidence rate of the rest of Europe. Why ?  

That’s a myth that’s already been debunked. The unjabbed are not killing anyone you are killing yourselves.

The treatments diminish cellular immunity. This leaves people susceptible to many things including cancer. And that’s on top of the clotting issues, heart issues, neurological issues, and a cascade of ills in the body. Don’t disbelieve it at all, but have you a link for that data please? I’ve been tracking England and Wales ACM and think it’s running between 12 and 14% up on 5YE, although
I haven’t got it to hand.

I do reckon all the data is being corrupted to a certain extent though Crying face

Please listen to the end. Dr. Joe Schwarcz on quinine, gin and COVID-19. via @YouTube

All the data is being corrupted.
Death numbers adding Covid-19 and subtracting vax deaths. Wannabe rebels / fake support reporting to VAERS, while Drs. limited People taking sick leave after vax because it’s easy Nurses using extended leave after Covid-19 to stay out of the genocide. Because of vaccine related illness I’d say most likely cause, ADDED to maybe mask-related illness(13 times more likely to develop respiratory infection), heart attack; stroke from mask reducing oxygen intake; suicides, other incidents of prolonged

Lockdown & stress/fear/MSM? Folded hands🕊  

I also expect an increase in cancer and cardiovascular deaths due to vaccine adverse effects. What about last year? Nobody was jabbed and it wasn’t that high.  

It’s nothing about being afraid of a needle, that’s a myth also.

Salesmen used a tactic they called it: your neighbors are doing it.
If the neighbors are doing it’s good we can’t miss out. Forget the neighbors to hell with them.  



It’s not ‘87%.’ They may have used statistical ‘leniencies’ to get to that number to ‘put out there’ but if it were true then you could also statistically say that the 13% are ‘entirely’ union workers because they make up 13% of the population or something. It’s simply not true. 

The dang airbag in my car didn’t go off because 13% of the other cars don’t have airbags. They’re Murderers!!!

“The total number of deaths registered in Scotland in week 40 of 2021 was 1,353.

This was 315 deaths more than the five year average for week 40 (30% above average)”… Also reports excess deaths above average (and covid-19 deaths) for 20 consecutive weeks.

Stop the World, I want to get off!  

Must be that terrible “climate change” that’s killing Scots?, oh wait a minute, the climate hasn’t changed in Scotland + none of their bs climate scare predictions have ever come true in decades.. When the Gulf Stream shuts down, you guys are supposed to get covered with a mile of ice. But at the rate the place is warming you won’t get that. No nothing is due to happen to the climate until October 31st.

Then all hell will break loose Flushed faceFace with rolling eyes  

Talk to me in ten years and tell me how it’s a hoax.
The culprit of this lies in the only true consensus that everyone in the international scientific world agrees on! THE ORIGIN OF THE VIRUS. Find the true origin, and this house of cards will fall apart. Forget the war between vaxx, anti-vaxx, statistics, cases and sadly deaths!

The experiment is not working to alert the immune system but to debilitated, vaxx people looking to take out of their body searching natural ways. You have to be sleepy if you think rich people are interested in making you feel good in this world, we are just replaceable numbers.   I think it’s the residual effects of the lockdowns. Unfortunately, these higher rates will continue for decades, where after a while the new normal will just be people dying a decade earlier than they would have, even 50+ years from now.

Good question. That’s because injections increase the risk of death.
They mess up with our health in many different ways, starting from switching off the immune system, ending with injecting foreign bodies – lipid nanoparticles/hydrogels, that have never been tested in humans.  Everybody knows why!

The list is long but many fundamentals of a healthy happy life have been removed to supposedly contend with the only thing that is of any consequence – covid-19. A disease so deadly they have to couch its effect in an obscure, meaningless, “28 day” caveat stat.

Maybe, because there has been an increase in whiskey and alcohol consumption – but not many people know alcohol kills vitamin D in their body which is the metaphorical “steroid” for an effective immune system, hence when they catch something nasty there is nothing to fight it.   The 5 year average is an underestimate, you have to extrapolate because death rates typically rise year by year (except in certain circumstances). 30% is a lot though, I wouldn’t be surprised if the extrapolated estimate was also surpassed.

When the death rate goes UP and the Entire world is not just suggesting but actively MANDATING vaccines, in some countries threatening jail, large fines etc. You gotta start asking questions and not simply follow blindly? Problem is a lot of people have already injected this test. All cause deaths Germany for 2018 (extreme flue-year) 2020 and 2021.

2020 no vaccines, 2021 vaccinating as many as possible.

Attention: Anything you think you’re getting for free from the Government is not possible for you to receive without the Government literally just taking it from somebody else. #FJB

It’s just Satanism laughing at us. From developing a “pandemic grammar” to leading with empathy.

This 👇🏻 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅
We have to help ourselves in order to be able to help others and we have to help others in order to be able to help ourselves. 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅
Have a good day!!! 😊 💛   
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