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“We are all flowers in the Great Spirit’s Garden. We share a Common Root, and that is Mother Earth.” ~ Native American…

Native Indian Beliefs About Mother Earth
Native American Indian spiritual beliefs – Bing video

10 Climate Change Myths Debunked.
Nothing stirs up debate more than the issue of climate change.

There are three schools of thought on this matter:
1) “It’s happening, and we better do something about it ASAP.”
2) “It’s not settled science so we should wait and see.”
3) “Do I need an umbrella today?”

In other words, you have the believersdeniers, and those not really thinking all that much about it.  Let’s stipulate for further reading that this post will take the “believer” approach (A.K.A. the convergence of evidence presented by science). If you’re looking for a way to join in on the conversation and want to take on the skeptics (global warming skeptics AKA deniers… not to be confused with those who practice scientific skepticism), then embracing a few of these debunked myths will make you the smartest person in the room – or Facebook.

Myth #1: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside, So Case Closed”
Here’s the big thing most people get tripped up on – the difference between climate and weather. Weather is what’s happening outdoors today. It’s going to change tomorrow. Cold, hot, humid, snow, rain – those are all current potential weather conditions that taken as a whole create climate. In other words, climate is the average weather pattern based on years of collected data. So, what’s the climate trend based on current data? That would be warming.

Evidence for a warming climate

Ironically, the global warming that impacts the frozen Arctic Sea could be influencing the jet stream with cooler air. Just because ice melts doesn’t mean it’s going to be hot air.  If you have a big now storm in Canada and you say, “So much for global warming!“, then you need to brush up on your understand of weather VS climate.

Myth #2: “Climate Has Always Changed” You are correct.
The Earth’s climate naturally changes when left alone. 
The key phrase there is, “when left alone.”
The problem with today’s climate change (see above) is that a human factor drives its rapid increase. Therefore, it’s not being left alone. We’re creating vast amounts CO2 released into the atmosphere and causing the much-maligned greenhouse effect. This is the first time in human history when you can trace back those warming trends to human activity.  It’s important to note the rapid rate of warming.  Yes, kids, its science.

Myth #3: “People Like It Warmer Than Cold Ergo Climate

Change Is Good” Don’t get caught up in the weather vs. climate issue.
Yes, the majority of individuals on the planet might prefer warmth to cold. However, with that warmth also comes the potential for increased flooding along the coast and droughts further inland. That can have a direct impact on two vital commodities: real estate and food. According to the EPA, “Changes in temperature, amount of carbon dioxide (CO2), and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather could have significant impacts on crop yields.”
Effect of Climate Change on agriculture

Myth #4: “Plants Need CO2 Which Means We’re Helping Them ”
Not quite. While it is true that plants require CO2 to flourish, too much CO2  can actually cause those same plants great harm. Even crops will become less nutritious when bombarded with high levels of CO2. For the sake of your next salad, ride a bike or take a bus.  Still not convinced?  Here’s 6 pieces of evidence to consider:
CO2 enhanced plants require extra water to maintain their larger growth as well as to compensate for greater moisture evaporation.
Our methods of agriculture do not self-fertilize, so more artificial fertilizers will be required, ultimately increasing the price of food.
If the concentration of CO2 is too high, there’s a reduction in photosynthesis in certain plants.  With wheat, for example, it also reduces the nutritional quality.
Increased CO2, as mentioned earlier, does provide a boost in growth, but this is limited by the nitrogen plateau, which truncates this benefit.
Many plants’ chemistry changes, making them more vulnerable to insects.
Finally, added CO2 will likely shrink the range available to plants while increasing the size of deserts.  Tropical, forest, and grasslands will try to migrate towards the poles.  Unfortunately, it does not follow that soil conditions will necessarily favor their growth even at optimum temperatures.

Myth #5: “The Debate about Climate Change Is Unsettled”
You’ll often hear the number 97% bantered about concerning climate change. That refers to 97% of scientists supporting that climate change is happening and is being accelerated by humans. Actually, when you dig into the numbers, you’ll find that 100% of all scientists agree that humans are contributing to changes in climate. The debate (or that missing 3%) has to do with what kind of impact that change will have on the planet.
Here’s the thing about peer review science: It is peer reviewed. That means a majority of like-minded scientists take a look at a paper or research and deem it quantifiable. If you want to get wonky, then try dig into Quantifying the Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming in the Scientific Literature.  Enjoy.

Ok, it’s long.  Here’s the TLDR; The public perception of a scientific consensus on AGW is a necessary element in public support for climate policy (Ding et al 2011). However, there is a significant gap between public perception & reality, with 57 percent of the US public either disagreeing or unaware that scientists overwhelmingly agree earth is warming due to human activity (Pew 2012).

Myth #6: “You Can’t Trust Climate Scientists Because They’re Just Cashing In On Fear” Let’s go to the Government Accountability Office.
This is the group who follows the money. They found that although spending increased between 1993 and 2004 for climate change related projects, most of that money when towards conservation programs. The money that went into actual research dropped from 56% to 39%. So, if you’re a scientist hoping to score a big grant to check temperatures, it probably isn’t going to happen.

Myth #7: “It’s the Sun’s Fault”
“The planet’s heat comes from the sun, so it’s the sun’s fault that things are getting warmer.” That sounds logical but let’s go to the scientific data backing up those claims. Crickets. As in, there isn’t any statistically significant trend in tracking cosmic rays. Nice try.

Blame it on the Sun. After all, it's warm, right?
Source:  NASA

Raymond Bradley of UMass, who has studied historical records of solar activity imprinted by radioisotopes in tree rings and ice cores, says regional rainfall seems to be more affected than temperature.  “If there is indeed a solar effect on climate, it is manifested by changes in general circulation rather than in a direct temperature signal.”  This fits in with the conclusion of the IPCC and previous NRC reports that solar variability is NOT the cause of global warming over the last 50 years.

Myth #8: “It Was Way Warmer During Medieval Times”
There are a few deniers who like to assert “studies” that show that it was a lot warmer during medieval times. Perhaps there were a few letters written by knights complaining of how stuffy it was in all that armor. However, any true data presented is based on mere conjecture. Plus, that date would be focused on just a few regions and not the entire planet. You know, all those places weren’t even “discovered” during Medieval times.
Here’s the thing:  the Medieval Warm Period was not a global phenomenon. Warmer conditions were concentrated in certain regions. Some regions were even colder than during the Little Ice Age. To claim the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than today is to narrowly focus on a few regions that showed unusual warmth. However, when we look at the broader picture,
we see that the Medieval Warm Period was a regional phenomenon with other regions showing strong cooling.
You want data?  Skeptical Science has it.
The image below shows a reconstructed surface temperature anomaly for Medieval Warm Period (950 to 1250 A.D.), relative to the 1961– 1990 reference period. Gray areas indicate regions where adequate temperature
data are unavailable.

Now let’s compare it to today (or close to “today”).  The image below demonstrates the surface temperature anomaly for the period 1999 to 2008, relative to the 1961– 1990 reference period. Gray areas indicate regions where adequate temperature data are unavailable (NOAA).
Boom:  Roasted.  (literally)

Myth #9: “Even If It Is A Problem It Will Cost Too Much To Fix”
Try taking that same approach to replacing your brake pads. There is no denying that making a total switch to renewable energies is going to cost a lot of money in the short term. However, the long-term impact of inaction could end up being far more costly.  Not to mention, the economic gains that come from innovation and development of new energy systems in the industrial, commercial, and residential spaces.

Myth #10: “China Isn’t Doing Anything, So We Shouldn’t Either”
Actually, China is doing something about climate change. This notion that the U.S. shouldn’t do anything because the rest of the world is still polluting borders on the juvenile. When you do take a strong position, others will follow. It’s called leadership as the number one country in the world.
The facts are in. Scientific proof does support claims that climate change is real. As believers it’s not only important to reduce our own carbon footprints, but to spread the word about climate change and climate change initiatives.  What are you going to do to help the planet? Are you a believer now?

Climate change is an obvious myth – how much more evidence do you need?
Climate change is merely amplified by man’s actions…

True climate change is driven by the earth’s orbit, wobbles, and wiggles.
Many people just refuse to accept the facts that surround them, even if we saw 100 more years of it plain and apparent

Climate change is a myth. We all know this, deep down. Some of you reading this may have been taken in by the fear-mongering governments or corrupt scientists so have been brainwashed into thinking climate change is a real thing that “threatens all of humanity” or some other nonsense, but it’s just that: nonsense. When you look closely at it, the so-called evidence for climate change, or “global warming” or “warmageddon” or “planetary death spiral” or whatever they’re calling it these days, it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
Take changes in sea level. They keep banging on about how the warming of the atmosphere causes rising sea levels, but if that was happening we’d have seen it by now! It’s been countless decades since they first started predicting this, but here we still are! But they persist in trying to convince us it’s a real threat, citing places that were supposedly “lost to the waves” and we’re supposed to believe that places like Atlantis, Miami or Skegness actually existed? You believe that rubbish and you probably believe we landed on Ganymede!

And where does this rise in sea level supposedly come from – melting glacial ice? Like there was at any point massive blocks of ice just floating around in
the ocean? Do you ever leave an ice cube in your drink that lasts longer than five minutes? It melts, and yet we’re meant to believe these “ice caps” lasted  millions of years. They’re not even trying to be convincing any more.

Thwaites Glacier in Western Antarctica.   A major ice sheet in western Antarctica
A “sheet”, of “ice”? What’s next; “garlic bread”? 
Photograph: HANDOUT/AFP/Getty 

And don’t get me started on this supposed food crisis. 
Are we supposed to believe this is due to widespread agricultural collapse brought about by climate change
It’s the same with these hypothetical mass extinctions, as if that’s anything to do with climate change. It’s just opportunistic cherry picking by these cynical and manipulative scientists. Harsh fact is, a lot of species go extinct, but that’s just nature. Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before we humans ever appeared, are we supposed to take the blame for that too? Doesn’t mean I’m happy that we lost the elephants, tigers, pandas, salamanders, cows and poodles, but I don’t feel guilty about it either.
People tell me cows were once bred domestically. Can you imagine? This was supposedly stopped because they caused significant environmental damage due to methane and deforestation, but we all know it was orchestrated by the synthetic meat companies. They obviously got rid of all cattle to ensure their current global dominance. Just think; if they hadn’t killed all the cows, we’d still be slaughtering them today!

Prim'Holstein cows standing by milk churns in the field of a dairy farm in Sainte-Colombe-en-Bruilhois, southwestern France.
Cows: on a par with dragons and unicorns. 
Photograph: JEAN-PIERRE MULLER/AFP/Getty Images

Then there’s this “extreme weather” nonsense. I’ve not noticed any changes in the weather outside of the norm. Clueless climate change believers keep telling me it’s a global change so that doesn’t mean anything, but I LIVE ON THE GLOBE, so I’d notice any changes wouldn’t I? Duh! But there haven’t been any changes, obviously. There are no more storms now than there was when I was a kid. I barely get struck by lightning more than once a month, maybe every three weeks at most, and it’s never done me any harm and I’ll kill anyone who says otherwise!
But it’s with these weather worries that these manipulative scientists really give the game away. Urging us to use more wind power but complaining about all the hurricanes we keep having? They got us all to convert to solar power decades ago but keep whining about prolonged sunny spells?

Some of them even go so far as to say it’s climate change that’s causing forced migration of millions of people. But that’s clearly because everyone has solar cars and jetpacks and matter transporters now, so why would they stay in one place, with or without devastating environmental damage spurring them on.
It’s all a bit convenient, isn’t it, all this palaver over climate change? Weird how 99.9999% of all scientists purportedly agree that it’s definitely happening and our most powerful quantum computers are certain to over a million decimal places that it’s our fault?
Weird how they’re saying this now, at exactly the same time when they need all the volunteers they can get for the moon and Mars colonies. What’s more likely; that human industrial activity actually does lead to climate change, or that it’s all a massive meticulous centuries-long ruse to convince people that leaving Earth is a good idea?
Obviously, it’s the latter. These scientists have no shame or respect.
I can’t say I’m not tempted to go myself, though. I’d rather live on another planet, than on one where every aspect of your life is subject to rigorous scientific control. Nobody should have to put up with that crap.
Dean Burnett doesn’t actually agree with any of the claims in this piece, but don’t let that stop you commenting or shouting at him on Twitter @garwboy

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Satellite photos show how Trump wrecked a sensitive sand dune system in
Scotland to build a luxury golf course (

Climate change is merely amplified by man’s actions… – Bing video

True climate change is driven by the earth’s orbit, wobbles, and wiggles.

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