Freedom Over Fear

People that stand up for their beliefs in the face of brainwash, media propaganda and a worldwide peer pressure campaign are the kind of people that you should to look up to.

The “ring” in “Let Freedom Ring” can sometimes be a cannon firing, a call to arms, a church bell, or even just the sound of a flag waving in the wind!!

Freedom Over Fear – American Faith  
From tomorrow, millions of workers in Italy who will not be vaccinated will be suspended from work and then licenziati taking the right to work, thanks to the mark of the beast called “green passssss”, all united in prayer for those who defend their rights even at the risk of losing their life, their family, their children

English words for licenziati include dismiss, sack, discharge, shed, cashier, bounce, refuse, deny and bump. Find more Italian words at!

A dear friend of mine reminds me that I am a total 6 on the enneagram scale.
A 6 is defined as being the loyalist that is engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. I was suspicious that there was more than a virus at play and anxious about how this could all turn out. Before covid-19 cases crossed over to the US, I was watching in horror the atrocities play out in China. I saw people being barricaded in their homes or beaten on the street for not complying with a covid-19 protocol. 
As an American living under God and the United States Constitution, my intuition informed me that we were headed in the same direction. I caught discrepancies on MSM and straight out lies from Fauci and governors. In my opinion this tactic was to keep people off balance and so exhausted that they didn’t want to invest any time into figuring out the truth.

So, I did what I do, and I engaged people.
I invited them to mask-free events in my home. Those that were scared could sit outside on the porch. But you know what? They still came over because the need for human contact is greater than the fear and somewhere in their spirit people knew something was not right.
I was shopping at Dillard’s one day and saw another unmasked face. I leaned over the clearance purses we were picking through and I said, “it’s so nice to see your unmasked face.” As we engaged in conversations about the masks she said, “these people with the masks on are just scared.”

“You know what I am scared of”, I shared with the lady. “Escalators. I won’t use one at the mall or the airport. I will miss a flight if I must.” That is what fear looks like: avoidance.
People at the mall who are looking at expensive purses or nice bottles of perfume with a mask on are not in fear. They are complying with a narrative to avoid being inconvenienced. In their spirit they know something is not quite right, but they become so discombobulated from the constant propaganda that they go along.

There is a time for everything.
There is a time for silence, and there is a time to be vocal. There is a time to watch, and there is a time to act. When our freedom is being replaced by tyranny, we must act.
We educate ourselves, and we become the authority. Our knowledge empowers us to become leaders in our community. AFLDS is a gold mine of truth and legal and medical resources. Harness your knowledge and leadership to encourage others, and together we will reclaim our precious freedom.


The doctor-patient relationship is being threatened.
That means quality patient care is under fire like never before. Powerful interests are undermining the effective practice of medicine with politicized science and biased information. Now more than ever, patients need access to independent, evidence-based information to make the best decisions for their healthcare. Doctors must have the independence to care for their patients without interference from government, media and the medical establishment.
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) stands up for every American looking for the best quality healthcare by empowering doctors working on the front lines of our nation’s most pressing healthcare challenges. We help to amplify the voices of concerned physicians and patients nationwide to combat those who push political and economic agendas at the expense of science and quality healthcare solutions. Freedom Over Fear – America’s Frontline Doctors (

IF You are Paralyzed by Fear, Then You are Missing a Wonderful Opportunity. 

The COVID-19 has forced us to look face to face with our fears. I have been getting numerous messages from my patients, friends and family members about how they are fearful and stressed about the current state of affairs.
I am a general surgeon and a lifestyle medicine doctor. I work on the frontline taking care of sick patients coming through the emergency room. I have a decent understanding of how the best healthcare systems in the world are collapsing because of the rapid spread of coronavirus. 
I felt compelled to share about how I exercise my choice of Freedom Over Fear during this critical time.

Let us look at “fear” closely. What is the purpose of it?
What does it do to us? And how can we transform it? 

The purpose of fear or anxiety is to point us in the right direction so that we take the necessary steps to do what is safe and to protect ourselves and loved ones. That’s it!  
Imagine you have never touched fire before, and you happen to touch it for the first time. What happens? You feel pain. Then the next time you see the fire, you have a little bit of fear. That little bit of fear ensures safety. If you think of the fire and the thought of the fire itself paralyzes you, thinking that it’s going to come to you, swallow you, burn you, then you are not putting the fear in the right perspective. If you are paralyzed with fear, then you tend to do stupid things. On the other hand, if you shun the fear, and say you are invincible, then you might make different sorts of stupid choices.
Finding the balance is the key! 
It’s okay to have a little bit of fear. Having a little bit of fear or anxiety can be helpful as it keeps you alert to safeguard yourself and propels you to make the right choices.
Putting Fear and Anxiety in the Right Perspective is the Need of the Hour! 
With the current COVID-19 situation, it’s okay to be afraid that you might get infected, or your loved ones might get the virus. It’s okay to have that fear, but here are the essential questions to ask – what are you doing with that fear?

Are you channeling the fear to do what’s needed or you freezing with it?
Are you focusing on things you can control, or are you wasting your time on things you can’t control? Even in the current situation, there are lots of things we can control.  We can control the possibility of exposure to the virus by staying home and maintaining physical distancing. We can control personal hygiene by washing our hands to decrease our chances of getting the infection. We can optimize our health by eating foods that boost our immunity and staying away from foods that cause inflammation. Plant-based way of eating centred on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices boosts our immune system and optimizes health.

We can further boost our immune system by managing our stress.

Did you know that fear and stress out of proportion can work against you?
The brain senses the thought of fear as a threat. When the mind goes into the mode of danger, then there is an increased release of a stress hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol, in optimal doses, has many useful functions in the body. But with unregulated and chronic fear and stress, our brain releases the excess Cortisol, which has many adverse effects on our health, including the suppression of our immune system.  

So, what do we do with this fear? 
Fear is a sign that something is not right, and we need to channel this fear into what it is in our control rather than what we can’t control.  Yes, there is a lot of uncertainty right now, and we don’t know exactly how it will be a month from now or six months from now; uncertainty is there.  This may not be the best time to come up with a 5 year plan. This is the time to focus on survival and living in the present NOW.  This is the time to maximize self-care. This is the time to focus on protecting ourselves and our loved ones and taking care of each other. This is the time to give our attention to what matters the most for us and take one day at a time. This pandemic will pass, and the sooner all of us collectively do what is needed for each other, the sooner it will pass. Let’s channel our emotions and thoughts into taking care of ourselves and put our attention on what is in our control rather than what is not in our control.

Freedom Over Fear : A Surgeon’s Perspective On Thriving During This Critical Time.
Wishing you the best of Health and Happiness,
Dr. Arjun Rayapudi – Bing video

PS. We invite you to join the Gift of Health Self-Care Challenge.
Learn how you can Cope with Stress, Boost Immunity, Optimize Health and Protect your Family and loved ones during these uncertain times.
The entire program is free to access — Click on the following link:
We are going to give you everything we can during the program to help you navigate this critical time.
If you know anybody who would benefit from this, then please help them by sharing this message.

Recipes | Gift of Health  
Keep freedom ringing so future generations can hear it as well.
Freedom Over Fear – Free the People
#We Have Our Ways

Crossed swordsCrossed swordsFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesCrossed swordsCrossed swords

Hanson: Biden presidency is unlike anything we’ve ever seen,

Nipah Virus kills at a rate of 40% to 75%. Wuhan supposedly working w/it.

Apparently SARS-CoV-2 can channel Nietzsche: ” What does not kill me makes me stronger.” Leaky vaccines promote the transmission of more virulent virus… via @TheFerrariLab


Why is the interview @marthamaccallum conducted with @quay_dr
on 10/8/2021 being scrubbed from all coverage? Because he told us that China created COVID and their new gain of function project is the Nipah Virus? If anybody has this interview taped please repost…

Why is this not illegal???
Thus is pure evil communism. Are we going to let this happen?!
Turning away people with life threatening illnesses for the lack of a vaccine to a disease that is now 99.9999999999% survivable.

This is repulsive. Face with raised eyebrowFace with raised eyebrow image.png

Let’s talk about what happened in Wuhan.
China did it. Joe Biden doesn’t give a fuck.
I am currently reading this book by @SharriMarkson

#WhatHappenedInWuhanRed question mark ornament Sharri Markson … Fox News
Sharri Markson …video Yep… CDC knows the Syringe is exasperating

the problem after 6 months or so… putting many folks at exponentially

greater risk of COVlD Skull and crossbones…and they have mandated it none-the-less.

At this point it’s getting real hard not to think they are trying to murder us all!

Pouting face Face with symbols over mouth
If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you will stop living to impress them. 100% ۔۔ Insight of Robert Welch – Bing video.

Tartarus®️ on Twitter: “WATCH Robert Welch Break Down The Biden Regime Play Book History Is Never Dead, It Lurks In The Shadows & Crawls Its Way Into Our Present And Shapes Our Future Are You Paying Attention Yet? Buy Ammo! #FJBiden #Democratic #Playbook

Attention, I remind everyone, that tomorrow,  the famous portal of hell is opened in Rome, seven meters high, thus the demonic invasion on a global level is officially started, an appeal to everyone to get crucifixes and rosaries and to pray more than possible, may God protect us patriots.

I know I may sound like a broken record but it’s true.
We need to pray, trust in God & be kind to those we meet.
The darkest hour is before dawn. People of faith are going to be okay.

Love and light to you all. .Folded handsFlag of United StatesRoseRevolving hearts

116 – Dr Li-Meng Yan is telling the truth about Covid-19 –
Things I Think About | Podcast on Spotify  

Prayer is the greatest combatant to evil. Evil cringes when we pray. Revolving hearts
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