Proclamation of 1763, proclamation declared by the British crown at the end of the French and Indian War in North America, mainly intended to conciliate the Native Americans by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands. In the centuries since the proclamation, it has become one of the cornerstones of Native American law in the United States and Canada.
Proclamation of 1763: boundary line
The 13 American colonies in 1775, with the Proclamation of 1763 boundary line.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac’s War (1763–64), British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Native American problems as a whole. To that end, the proclamation organized new British territories in America—the provinces of Quebec, East and West Florida, and Grenada (in the Windward Islands)—and a vast British-administered Indian reservation west of the Appalachians, from south of Hudson Bay to north of the Floridas. It forbade settlement on Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement. For the first time in the history of European colonization in the New World, the proclamation formalized the concept of Native American land titles, prohibiting issuance of patents to any lands claimed by a tribe unless the Indian title had first been extinguished by purchase or treaty:
Proclamation of 1763Reproduction of a map showing the territories established by the Proclamation of 1763.
Library of Congress, Washington(g3300 ar010300)
Proclamation of 1763A map of the North American British colonies after the Proclamation of 1763, which intended to limit the encroachment of settlers farther west.
And whereas it is just and reasonable and essential to our interest and the security of our colonies that the several nations or tribes of Indians with whom we are connected, and who live under our protection, should not be molested or disturbed in the possession of such parts of our dominions and territories as, not having been ceded to or purchased by us, are reserved to them, or any of them, as their hunting grounds; we do therefore…declare it to be our royal will and pleasure that no governor or commander in chief, in any of our colonies of Quebec, East Florida, or West Florida, do presume, upon any pretense whatever, to grant warrants of survey or pass any patents for lands beyond the bounds of their respective governments.…
And whereas great frauds and abuses have been committed in the purchasing lands of the Indians, to the great prejudice of our interests and to the great dissatisfaction of the said Indians; in order, therefore, to prevent such irregularities for the future, and to the end that the Indians may be convinced of our justice and determined resolution to remove all reasonable cause of discontent, we…strictly enjoin and require that no private person do presume to make any purchase from the said Indians of any lands reserved to the said Indians within those parts of our colonies where we have thought proper to allow settlement; but that if at any time any of the said Indians should be inclined to dispose of the said lands, the same shall be purchased only for us, in our name, at some public meeting or assembly of the said Indians, to be held for that purpose by the governor or commander in chief of our colony, respectively, within which they shall lie.
Although not intended to alter western boundaries, the proclamation was nevertheless offensive to the colonies as undue interference in their affairs. Treaties following Pontiac’s War drew a line of settlement more acceptable to colonial settlers (see Fort Stanwix, Treaties of), but the continued westward movement of pioneers and the settlers’ disregard of the proclamation’s provisions evoked decades of continued Indian warfare throughout the area. The addition of the balance of territory north of the Ohio River to Quebec in 1774 further exacerbated colonial conflict with Britain.
May 7, 1763 – Pontiac’s War – Seizes Fort Detroit
Britain’s victory in the Seven Years War allowed it to strip France of its colonial claims. The huge swath of North America known as New France was broken up with Canada going to Britain while Spain received control of Louisiana in exchange for losing Florida. The local theater of conflict had been dubbed the “French and Indian War” by the British colonists who eagerly moved west from the Eastern seaboard. While the French colonization had largely been economic with trading posts and working alongside natives, British colonists were more interested in building permanent settlements that exploited the land, already pushing tribes like the Delaware across the Appalachians. Many Native Americans preferred an alliance with France but now found themselves under British authority as French troops left fortifications at Detroit and Niagara to their former enemies.
Relations between the British and the Native Americans quickly soured. The French had followed Native American customs by bearing gifts of firearms, tools, and tobacco in goodwill. Commander-in-Chief in North America General Jeffrey Amherst opposed the custom as a form of bribery. Beyond his ethical sense, Amherst was in a budget crunch following a very expensive war. Discontinuing gifts saved a few pounds, and he determined that he could prevent a Native American uprising by suppressing the trade of gunpowder and putting quotas that checked the amount of ammunition traders could disperse. Native Americans took his actions as an insult and a display of distrust. Already scattered by British encroachment, tribes began to consider war. Even the mighty Iroquois Confederacy was beginning to break down with the Senecas in the west calling for uprising while the other tribes respected the Covenant Chain treaties with Britain. Amherst remained confident and, out of the 8,000 men under his command, sent only 500 to the western forts.
Chief Obwandiyag of Ottawa, known to the British as Pontiac, was the first to act. Pontiac had held numerous councils through the years to form a federation of tribes that would counter any colonial aspirations. At the beginning of May, Pontiac and fifty warriors called on the nearby Fort Detroit, appearing friendly but in fact testing the defenses. Major Henry Gladwin, who had about 120 men under his command, welcomed them. Upon seeing the fort undermanned, Pontiac held a council of tribes including the Potawatomi and Ojibwas, telling them, “My brothers, we must all swear their destruction and wait no longer.”
Nothing prevents us; they are few in numbers, and we can accomplish it.
As the warriors assembled, a young woman who had fallen in love with Gladwin stole away to warn him. She arrived at the fort as Gladwin was having dinner, reading aloud a letter from his wife, Frances Beridge Gladwin, whom he had married the year before. Seeing a love unrequited and impossible, the young woman told him that she wished he would be happy the rest of his life, knowing how short it would be.
Pontiac led a force of three hundred men to Fort Detroit, hiding their weapons under blankets. Gladwin again welcomed the visitors, who erupted at Pontiac’s call and massacred the unprepared soldiers. The arsenal was captured nearly intact, giving Pontiac’s army ample weapons. A few British escaped, warning settlers to flee. Those that stayed were massacred, except for children, who were adopted into native tribes. Following local ritual, one of the fallen soldiers was cannibalized.
Word spread of the uprising in the Great Lakes more quickly to the tribes than the British military. Through May and into June, other tribes seized Fort St. Joseph, Fort Sandusky, and more through Ohio. By the end of June, Delawares’ attacked Fort Pitt in western Pennsylvania. While they did not have the numbers to take the fort, which had been packed with more than five hundred people fleeing the onslaught, the Delawares’ laid a siege that opened up the whole countryside to extensive raids by the Shawnee and themselves. In early July, Pontiac arrived with an army of over 1,000 warriors and assisted the Delaware in destroying the fort. Taking upon a mantle as chief of chiefs, Pontiac continued to march eastward on Fort Ligonier and Fort Bedford.
Amherst panicked, hoping to use Biological Warfare | Encyclopedia.com through smallpox-infected blankets, but he was recalled that August. Major General Thomas Gage, Governor of Montreal, replaced him that October. By then the tribes were beginning to retreat and consolidate in the west for winter. Settlers had all retreated east, well past the line set forth by the unrelated Royal Proclamation of 1763, which determined to restrict settlement to the Appalachians to prevent encroachment that London feared would cause such altercations with the Native Americans. It seemed to be a suitable line now as all settlers had been chased out of the area, but Gage refused to leave Pontiac and his confederation as victors.
That winter, Gage had no problem raising volunteers from local militias. Groups of men formed up gangs, such as the Paxton Boys that were ready to fight any Indian, including those who had been Christianized and lived as British citizens. The Paxtonians had marched on Philadelphia in pursuit of eastern Native Americans who fled there seeking asylum from their scourge. Benjamin Franklin, leader of one of the local militias, was able to stop them from completing their raid. Gage absorbed the Paxtonians into his own forces and promoted Franklin to a general of militia.
In the spring, Gage launched two expeditions: one in the north to quell the Seneca besieging Fort Niagara and one in the south marching from Pennsylvania to alleviate the assaults there and in Virginia. Western New York was soon settled with the Treaty of Fort Niagara, which turned the rest of the Iroquois against the warring Seneca and made them fast allies with the British. The Ohio Campaign dragged on for another five years. By the end, Pontiac had grown despotic, leading increasingly desperate raids from Illinois where he scrounged munitions from French settlers. Gage and Franklin were able to use Pontiac’s extremism against the federation, breaking off tribes willing to sign independent treaties. After Pontiac’s assassination in 1769, the broken warriors fled across the Mississippi rather than accede to British authority.
The war had been a costly one, but North American colonials seemed willing to accept taxes on stamps and tea to pay for their safety. With the Ohio Valley seized by military action and largely depopulated except for narrow reserves for defeated tribes, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was overturned. Instead, colonists were encouraged to head west, and land sales helped pay much of the massive war debt. Speculation led to the Panic of 1776 and an uprising of the disenfranchised, which was settled by Gage’s harsh crackdown. Upon his recall and extensions of dominion status for peaceful colonies like Virginia, North Americans quietly returned to the Empire.
In reality, although the story of the Indian woman may be legendary, Major Gladwin did receive word of Pontiac’s sneak attack and had his men prepared and armed. Pontiac retreated and soon returned to besiege the fort. Other forts fell to Native Americans, but their progress was stopped at the Battle of Bushy Run. After the war, Gage turned his unsympathetic policies on the colonists, who were outraged by the Proclamation of 1769 and increased taxes, leading to the Declaration of Independence.
1763 British commander-in-chief for America determined a biological warfare solution to end Pondiac’s War coupled with starvation policies & lack of shot & gunpowder supplies would eradicate warring Native American populations to secure N.America for Royalists. Familiar tactics… Illegal infiltration army. One must ask why you flat out refuse to believe the CBP numbers.
Democrats struggle to gain steam on the Biden spending plan.
I have a theory: Since a lot of people are quitting their jobs due to the mandates, perhaps leftists intend to use immigrants for cheaper labor and fill in those roles?
Immigrants who are entering America for the first time are likely to comply with the mandates for employment. Therefore, those not vaccinated will truly be ousted. This may happen as years go by. Keep telling yourself that. Mayorkas admitted that they have been offered vaccines, but most declined. When asked why they were not mandated, he said that it’s their choice.
They get a choice and we don’t.
They also have an infection rate of 20%. That’s 1 in 5 infected.
One reason is we are going to need more drug mules to carry and sell all the new heroin that will be coming out of Afghanistan real soon. Feds are complicit in human smuggling and enriching cartels. (CHEAP LABOR ) 150 Million They Killed With Covid-19 Now Replace Them With 150 Million Migrants. Also we’ve got enough problems with foreign drivers that don’t speak English or understand the roads and look what happened in Wyoming yesterday and today cause of them some big accidents and shut the road down because of it they are dangerous I’m about to hang up my keys, 31yrs
This country was founded on the backs of undocumented citizens, and if someone is willing to leave behind their family, their lives, cross dangerous borders into a land where they don’t speak the language to do the jobs you don’t want to do all for a dream then God be with them. It’s a global society push and I’m thinking a huge contributor to Democratic Party is behind it. It’s called compassion, Tomi! (It’s when you show kindness to others) Wanna know why no one has to ask why all the Nazis and White Supremacists identify with the @GOP and worship Trump like a god? It’s because we already know the answer and rhetorical questions are for amateurs.
Some have hypothesized that the anarchy in many cities was designed to lower valuable downtown property values. Now crushing the economy in other ways will spread it to suburbs. Adding so many people over the border will add to strong growth in cost of land after the wealthy buy it.
“ Choose ye this day whom ye will serve , as for me and my house, We will serve the Lord !” When I don’t want something I at least try to keep it from happening. I don’t see anything that resembles effort to address this problem. If anyone doesn’t believe that what’s happening at All our SW borders is not a serious problem, they will soon because this will affect everyone. It’s step one of the United States becoming a one party county. Too late. Already there. Neither party cares about you, only profiting more. They will step on you to get there. The only difference is if they use their right shoe or left one when they step on you.
In 1965, Paul Harvey Predicted the Future with ‘If I Were the Devil’.
Devil Will Trace You But God is With you.
So Don’t Afraid Following Right Path & Don’t Accept The Pattern of Devil
as it is Darkest Shadow

He needs to send all the illegals to the ship yards to unload those containers. After all they are his people and love them all that’s my opinion. It’s all part of this Marxist-globalist takeover. Because we have laws and they are breaking them and this is part of tearing down America.
I would take 100 “undocumented” souls with ambitions and dreams over 1 privileged mouthpiece who’s never done anything except complain about shit and offer no solutions to it.
Everybody knows why they’re doing it. We know why. They know why. They know we know. We know they know we know. They just keep pretending like we’re all a bunch of idiots. Biden’s done more damage to our country in 9 months than anyone could ever have conceived possible!
Because they are domestic enemies, they don’t believe in borders nor want America to exist. They are fighting from within to destroy America. I don’t really think they’re being sneaky about it. They have opened the border for everyone and broadcast it to come on in and remember to vote democrat. Bring your drugs and child molesters, you’re all welcome. Free room & board just remember to vote democrat, One much ask why the Republicans and MAGA Terrorists want to overthrow democracy in this country and why they want to turn this nation into a dictatorship…. Move to North Korea if you don’t like it here,
You tend to forget that your ancestors were also immigrants and somewhere down the line you think that this country only belongs to you! Your fear and hatred is slowly rotting your soul to its core. The only person who is suffering is you with your racism and hatred! Since most of them, including Afghan refugees, are military aged men…I think it’s for “security services”.
They hate America; and America hates them right back.
As supply chain troubles mount, Biden touts longer hours for L.A. port (msn.com)
Liquid Light – music to soothe and calm.
By Elm Dew Earth – YouTube
Inspired by the love of the Animals and Nature, this music is composed to relax, soothe , and bring in deep peace. The music is created in wav format and is not generated by AI. The instruments used have each been tuned to the healing harmonious frequencies found in nature. The music is all free to use for home use. We made this music to help people relax, to inspire goodness and to inspire Love. It is composed, produced, played and copyrighted by Fabritszia Margit Gosztola and her 5 cats.
May the music bring Peace into your life.
wishing you many miracles and blessings
Thank you