Fight for Your Rights

I do Not Argue, I do Not lie, I post only Truth — Truth Is:
That seems to scare certain people? Why is that?

The plan all along. Inflation ignites a welfare state and
government dependency.

Unskilled migrants are 🗝 They work for less.

They’re the secret link between Dems and the RINO biz round table.

They fought 45’s wall. LEyesk to Cali,

the dwindling middle class to predict our future.
 Inflation is taxation and we are witnessing record that is for outpacing wages.

Gas is Upwards arrow 42.1% Used Cars Upwards arrow 24.4% Utilities  Upwards arrow 20.6% 

Chart with upwards trend Meats/Fish/Eggs are UP 10.5% Chart with upwards trend 

Biden’s economic crisis continues as inflation skyrocketed again in September. Americans are now paying more for just about everything because of Democrats’ out-of-control spending.
  Search | Fox Business

 A May 2019 analysis conducted by CNBC found Trump’s tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the US in decades. Studies found that Trump’s tariffs reduced real income in the

US as well as adversely affecting US GDP.  Come on, really? The global pandemic has nothing to do with inflation? How about we tax the rich and ask these wealthy constituents to stop price gouging! Well that is a little hyperbole. Inflation is taxation. Cite your sources. I’d encourage you to get out of the armchair and work on solving the supply chain issues.

Words have meanings. When my congressional representative doesn’t understand the word taxation, I get nervous. Inflation doesn’t fund the government. It can act like taxation. It can increase taxation.

But consumer inflation is not a tax. While not obviously taxation,
inflation overly burdens the middle and lower income groups.

You at least understand that concept right?
Government payments to people to stay home. Increasing Demand for items people are not at work to Supply. Consumers thus pay much more. Meaning Consumers are effectively paying the people to stay home. Consumer inflation is a tax.  Nope. Nothing to do w/taxation

Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time.
A quantitative estimate of the rate at which the decline in purchasing power occurs can be reflected in the increase of an average price level.  The government giving people Stimulus to increase Demand for items that the same people aren’t at work to Supply is the current inflation, though.  

Wouldn’t it be great if we had representatives that didn’t exaggerate, twist facts and figures, then blame shifts ???

What if they actually represented and worked with other lawmakers for our good?

Do your job!
It’s called supply and demand. It’s what happens when a pandemic recession ends and people start buying but there is no product. An economics course might be good for you. 

 Tariffs are literal taxation.
Are you trying to roll back the Trump tariffs? Any thoughts as to if the tariffs contributed to price increases? Or is this more performative BS?

Gas price surges to a record high in Europe on supply concerns (
Gas prices are at record highs in London, and in Paris, and in Rome, and in Berlin. Per @gop “logic,” President Biden is the responsible party. 
 Gas price surges to a record high in Europe on supply concerns

Government spending contributes to inflation, but so do other factors, like supply-chain disruptions that produce temporary shortages.
Inflation has been outpacing wage increases since the Carter administration.

Don’t spew half truths. 
 A May 2019 analysis conducted by CNBC found Trump’s tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the US in decades. Studies found that Trump’s tariffs reduced real income in the

US as well as adversely affecting US GDP.  Come on, really? The global pandemic has nothing to do with inflation? How about we tax the rich and ask these wealthy constituents to stop price gouging! Well that is a little hyperbole. Inflation is taxation. Cite your sources. I’d encourage you to get out of the armchair and work on solving the supply chain issues.

Chronicles of the End Ch 04 – Eternal Stolen Elections –
Replacing the Electorate – Echo Check  


Wake Up America. Marxist was last week. Socialist is this week. When the
“libs are cancelling Christmas” you know it’s communist week. Try to keep up.

Supply chain disruptions, supply and demand, trade wars(courtesy of the corrupt leader of your party), and emerging from a pandemic are the reasons, sweetie. Open up an economics textbook before tweeting next time.
Is Biden responsible for inflation in the UK and EU, also? 

 Biden is purposely destroying the country so Democrats can force everyone in the country into Socialism allowing the government control over everything and people.

Who do you think is to blame for the supply chain crisis?  

Just ask CNN MSNBC NBC ABC CBS …Trump of course!
 Well considering a lot of our ports are in California, the tyrannical regulations & policies by the democrats are causing this. Biden. They were caused by his welfare payments policy. Biden/Administrative Agencies/ pursuant to the stupid rules, regulations, standards, and procedures concerning covid-19.
They are paying people not to work. I’m completely on board that just about everything is planned to break us but that isn’t going to happen is it? Not sure if feds or state but problem both in “collusion” with each other. Someone stopping the ships from docking and obviously working with the longshoreman.

Another proof journalism is dead.

This should be a top story!!!

Newsome and his law that only unions and big corporations can drive the trucks. Owner operators have to have vehicles less than 10 years old, these trucks cost $250,000. Commiefornia.
  Realize this shipping issue isn’t just happening in the US. The same thing is going on in Europe…with the same excuses being used. This isn’t just a global “coincidence”.

It’s being coordinated by the same parties that brought us the “Bat Virus”Winking face
Obama the navigator with his pretty friend Valerie Natasha Jarrett…
The Administration that is more concerned about climate change vs
supporting the economy.

Does China UN Rockefeller foundation lockstep own the ports in the USA ?
13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati – The Rothschild Bloodline:

Biden broke the law. Vaccine mandate is not a law.
It didn’t go through Congress. 745 ILCS 70. Health Care Right of Conscience Act., CHAPTER 745. CIVIL IMMUNITIES, RIGHTS AND REMEDIES, Illinois Compiled Statutes (

Stopping the loading of trucks?

I’ve been looking for details and specifics. Can’t find them anywhere. Lots of speculation, but no one connecting the dots. Feel free to inform me. It’s not just labor shortages. It’s not just new regulations on trucking. What is the whole picture?  State and federal vaccine policies and mandates. Workers would rather quit than be vaxxed. The government levels would rather control and expand power than have an economy. This is a battle in the war for citizen freedom going on. Be willing to suffer for freedom, We’re reaping what the globalists have sown. We can’t even produce aspirin in the US, to ease the pain.

The pandemic pushed millions of U.S. workers
to join the ‘Great Resignation.’ Here’s why?

Well since he would not let them port in San Francisco at the start of February. I would say the Biden Administration fabricated this mess themselves. Someone ordered the ships not to be unloaded. No doubt the same people who ordered the vote count to be stopped. Democrats / CHICOMs are not your friends. Fauci started the mess and Biden made a chain reaction when he deliberately terminated energy, extended lockdown, mask mandate and welfare. I am unsure how we will get out of this mess

Part 1 Huge Leak: Chinese Communists in Key Western Institutions
Part 2 Chi Coms Buying Up U.S. Political System
Part 3 US Media Compromised by Communist China

Bottomline: The Democrats, they’ve dragged the country down to a crawl.  #GlobalReset2030
Rep. Nancy Mace on Wasteful Spending in Congress


Chronicles of the End Ch 04 – Eternal Stolen Elections – Replacing the Electorate – Echo Check

And all the while Biden crows about taking care of the middle class.
He’s taking care of us alright. He’s sending us into poverty.

What a freaking clown Clown face If only the last administration had been like other countries and attacked COVID the way our great grandparents attacked polio, we wouldn’t have 700,000 dead Americans lost from our workforce.
And pay the damn bill your Republican azz racked up in the previous 4 years! All government spending causes inflation. Taxed spending doesn’t reduce living expenses, so prices rise, borrowed spending raises private debt yield so prices rise, and printed spending is direct inflation. @RepNancyMace
if you understand inflation to be bad, stop all govt spending, Democrats are already floating another social spending bill to ‘put Republicans on the spot’ on popular benefit expansions before the 2022 midterms (

All powers are within. Ready. Set. Go!

You can do anything & everything Your mind is your greatest power You have the power to take control of your mind & manifest what sets your soul on fire Fire

Of course circumstances fucking change people, putting someone else before yourself changes fucking everything. It doesn’t fucking have to change who you are but is a massive shift in priorities.

Republicans and Democrats are on a spectrum of authoritarianism. Libertarians are on a spectrum of liberty. There are left and right Libertarians, but we don’t even exist in the same world as conservatives and nationalists.

Isn’t 75 years of unmitigated failure enough for you?
You don’t even exist in the real world. You exist online touching yourself to old pictures of Ayn Rand and pretending there’s some utopia out there where the communists will see your small government ways and give up their path to destruction. I prefer the real world.

Apparently there’s some kind of power struggle going on between governors and the illegitimate puppet in the White House! We don’t need executive orders, we need laws that protect people from our own government! Thinking face I thought we had those?

Warren: Billionaires who ‘have enough money to shoot themselves into space’ will pay for reconciliation bill (

The real world, where Republicans stand in the way hindering any real progress, all the while doing absolutely nothing to help the very constituents they claim to represent.

Yeah, let’s keep doing that.
It’s been working well so far…  So true. I always considered libertarians as pothead conservatives but I was wrong. They’re actually insecure, indecisive contrarians that long for attention and wish they weren’t picked last in kickball.  There is a wing of libertarians actively working to save the LP from the terrible path it’s on now. My only fear is that it’s too late. The LP is so far gone and there is so much work to be done to whip it into fighting shape against this present tyranny.

It’s not about opinions on issues. It’s about what a person’s foundational principles are. That’s where opinions on issues derive from. Anyone that values liberty, personal responsibility, hard work, family, community is off to a good start. Respect for faith is also important.  A basic Google of Ayn Rand and you’ll learn that “Rand condemned libertarianism as being a greater threat to freedom & capitalism than both modern liberalism and conservatism.
Rand rejected any affiliation with the libertarian movement & many other Objectivists did the same.”

Classical Liberalism is not enough to defend Classical Liberalism.

Libertarianism is not enough to defeat Communism.  
 Ayn Rand was a statist who hated libertarians.
Dagny Taggart. – Bing

I’m a huge fan of the reciprocity principle, which means you get treated the same way by me like I would get treated if you were in power. libertarians get left alone, communists get gulags, endless persecution and absolute misery. Libertarians support the “rights” of a collective entity (muh big private business/corp) over Individual Rights… Don’t ever make the mistake of implying Ayn Rand had any respect for ‘Libertarians’
Shows me what side they are on…  
Honestly, I am sick of affiliations – Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Right Wing, Left Wing – they are all the same.  No, we fully acknowledge the commies wont play nice – that’s why we advocate for guns.   

Libertarians = Useful Idiots    Same.
And what’s awesome about reality is that you’ll see all governments as
striving for utopia. Small government, big government, doesn’t matter. It’s all antithetical to freedom. So, enjoy your real world of oppression, or like, just exist and tell “authority” to fuck off.   They are all controlled by an Elite. Real people have nuance. They have different opinions depending on the issue concerned. There is no party for that. Simple as Libertarian philosophy is great. The Libertarian party is a joke. They don’t even know they are right wing.

Meanwhile, in the real world Republicans keep moving to the left at 85% of
the speed of the Democrats (and have been doing this for generations now) thinking that this makes things better.

There’s no judgement, no bullshit, no pressure.

Trump Is Your President by Bryson Gray
‎Trump Is Your President
by Bryson Gray on Apple Music
The weight of the world is lifted, breathing in that crisp fresh air.
Throw the chaos of the world aside.
For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. Matthew 24:5 Read the word, recognize the enemy, he is the master of deceit.

Jesus is the Way Victory hand🇺🇲
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