BidenBacker REMORSE

The U.S. had better wake up to the communist-style repression that is becoming more common. We are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating and unsatisfying “I TOLD YOU SO” in the history of the world.

Democrats pave the way for socialist takeover bill.
Buyer Remorse is a distressing emotion experienced by an individual who regrets actions which they have done in the past that they deem to be shameful, hurtful, or wrong. Remorse is closely allied to guilt & self-directed resentment. When a person regrets an earlier action or failure to act, it may be because of remorse or in response to various other consequences, including being punished for the act or omission. People may express remorse through apologies, trying to repair the damage they’ve caused, or self-imposed punishments.

Communist predators corrupting America’s soul.
Anyone still doubting that we’re in the grip of Marxist handlers in the White House might want to know about President Biden’s nominee for Comptroller
of the Currency. And, for something more encouraging, they might also want
to check out what happened this past week in Loudoun County, Virginia.
More about that later.

A branch of the Treasury, the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, “charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks and federal savings associations as well as federal branches and agencies of foreign banks,” according to its website.

This means they have tremendous power over the nation’s banks, including your hometown bank, where you have what’s left of your nest egg.

‘Where Would A Person Even Come Up With These Ideas?’
Toomey Points To Soviet Upbringing Of Nominee

Mr. Biden has nominated Saule Omarova, a graduate of Moscow State University. No, it’s not Moscow, Idaho. This is the real deal. She graduated from the communist college in 1989, a recipient of the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. That would be Vladimir Lenin, founder of the first communist nation and a ruthless, mass-murdering dictator.

But wait, you might say. What if her experience in the Soviet Union turned her against the kind of centralized power wielded in communist countries? After all, Ayn Rand came out of the Soviet Union to expose the evils of socialism in best-selling books like “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged.”

No such luck. We’re talking about a dyed-red-in-the-wool statistic. In Ms. Omarova’s academic papers, she pushes expanding the Federal Reserve’s powers to include setting price levels of “systemically important financial assets” and employee wages. Worse, in a paper entitled “The People’s Ledger,” she calls for the Fed to take over consumer bank deposits and “effectively ‘end banking’ as we know it,’” according to the Wall Street Journal.

She wants a “National Investment Authority” with members chosen by a board of her fellow academics. You know, the “best and brightest” types that got us into Vietnam, Iraq, cooked up Obamacare, and imposed nearly disastrous wage and price controls. This time, the object is to finance something akin to the “Green New Deal,” the extremist climate change scheme rejected by the Senate. She wants our tax dollars to go toward creating a system that will ensure power shortages, higher energy prices, dependency on other nations’ oil and gas, and perhaps an end to those farting cows – the methane-emitting culprits targeted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ms. Omarova also wants a “Public Interest Council” of “highly paid” academics with subpoena power to govern financial regulatory agencies including the Fed. I’m no fan of the Fed, which has landed us in more than one recession and operates like a government agency with no taxpayer oversight. But this sounds far worse. It even comes with a militant feminist outlook.

“Until I came to the U.S., I couldn’t imagine that things like the gender pay gap still existed in today’s world,” Ms. Omarova tweeted: “Say what you will about the old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there.

Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’”
According to the Journal, she sent this only two years ago, still apparently pining for a system famous for closed borders (to keep people in), mass poverty, no freedom of religion, speech, press, or assembly, and a vast gulag for political prisoners. If you wanted to live in terror of the KGB or spend hours standing in line for toilet paper, the “old USSR” was your kind of country.

But, Lenin and Stalin (not God) be praised, men and women were equals while standing in lines or working as slave labor under commissars.
Lenin issued a decree in 1918 announcing the “separation of church and state” (sound familiar?) and forbade the Orthodox Church to own property or teach religion in schools.
The communists, who killed an estimated 12 to 20 million Christians before the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, also burned down churches and slaughtered more than 100,000 clergy.

Sporting a “Lenin” scholarship is like having the Hitler Scholarship for Master Race Studies. Americans had better wake up to the communist-style repression that is becoming more and more common here, driven by socialist economics, mass illegal immigration, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the imposition of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and Black Lives Matter curricula.

Some Americans are stirring.
This past week, in Loudoun County, Virginia, hundreds of parents gathered outside the Board of Education to protest the schools’ mandated transgender policy. Stung by criticism during recent hearings, the board blocked the public from attending the subsequent meeting, allowing only speakers inside. They also changed the rules for speakers, allowing only Loudoun residents. This came after word that conservative commentator Matt Walsh would be speaking on behalf of the parents.

Mr. Walsh, not known for timidity, “rented” a basement for $1 from a friend to qualify for a speaking slot. When he got his chance, he took his one minute to denounce the board for forcing teachers and pupils to lie to children about their gender and sexuality.
“You are all child abusers,” he said. “You prey upon impressionable children and indoctrinate them into your insane ideological cult, a cult which holds many fanatical views, but none so deranged as the idea that boys are girls and girls are boys.”

“By imposing this vile nonsense on students to the point even of forcing young girls to share locker rooms with boys, you deprive these kids of safety and privacy and something more fundamental, too, which is truth. If education is not grounded in truth, then it is worthless.” He went on to call them “predators.”

Communism comes in many guises, but it is always at war with free markets, religion, culture, and tradition.

As important as it is, money is not everything. When a government sets its sights on corrupting children’s souls, it no longer has any legitimacy whatsoever.

• Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times.
His website is


Exclamation question markBUYERS REMORSEExclamation question mark

Why now.. Ole Joe had been in Washington for 50 years without a single accomplishment yet he was elected with a booming economy, secure borders and hope for a bright future. Kamala can’t be found and our country is going down in flames!

The Biden administration’s collapse has Democrat insiders freaking out.
That’s the word from Politico after Joe Biden’s approval ratings bottomed out over the last several months, including hitting only 38% approval in a recent poll.

According to the report, a Democrat focus group held in Pennsylvania showed their displeasure with the president, with everyone giving him C- or lower grades.
In a focus group last week, Pennsylvania Democrats one after another articulated the issue vexing top White House aides, party operatives in Virginia and voters in Georgia.


Why isn’t President Joe Biden’s diminished job rating rebounding?
All nine participants from Tuesday’s session gave Biden C- grades or lower. And their answers circled back to a similar point: The pandemic and the many ways it continues to hinder normal life is souring their views of Biden.

Yet, while these people are on the right track, they still managed to completely miss the point. Biden’s approval has not plummeted because of the coronavirus, though, that’s a convenient way to blame his woes on something out of his control. In fact, in most polls, Biden’s highest marks come regarding his handling of the pandemic.

Rather, it is other issues that are dragging Biden into the toilet. The article admits that by noting that participants cited supply chain and staffing issues as major concerns.
One woman said she wanted to buy a car but supply chain issues were delaying new shipments to the dealership. A man complained about understaffed restaurants.

“There is a malaise,” said Sarah Longwell, a moderate Republican strategist who became a vocal supporter of Biden in 2020, and led the focus group of Democratic voters. “People don’t feel like their lives have been improved. They sort of feel that promises aren’t being kept.”

Those problems are self-inflicted, not a result of a virus that is out of the president’s hands. Joe Biden’s policies, specifically regarding rent assistance, food stamps, and extended unemployment have caused the labor shortage  we are now stuck in. The supply chain issues, which include thousands of ships unable to dock and offload products, are directly traceable to that labor shortage as well as incompetence at the executive level in handling the issue. The lack of products to meet demand then pushes inflation higher.

For their part, Democrat strategists are still pushing the notion that this is all about responding to COVID-19. I don’t buy it.

In one widely circulated memo
Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg argued that Biden’s steep drop-off can only be explained by the public’s perception of his uneven handling of the pandemic and a belief he is not prioritizing it. Rosenberg, who has been in touch with White House and party committee officials, contends that the tens of millions of dollars being spent to sell Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is “reminding” voters that the president isn’t focused on the virus. Even passing both bills won’t be enough to significantly improve Biden’s standing without Democrats first establishing they are the party responsible for defeating Covid, he said.

“The president’s decline is alarming. It’s serious,” Rosenberg said. “But it also can be reversed. And it isn’t going to be reversed by passing these two bills alone. He has to get Covid under control.”

This is what living in a bubble looks like, where concern for coronavirus rules over all other issues. But outside of the beltway, Biden is not going to rebound by sounding more serious about COVID. Instead, he has crashed and burned because of his failures in Afghanistan, the economy, inflationary woes,  the border crisis, and any number of other things that have shown him to be a terrible leader. There’s also the issue of his mental ability to do the job, which is becoming more of a mainstream issue as polls show his competence is being questioned.

Has anyone given a reasonable explanation as to why ships are not being allowed in ports to offload their cargo??

Only that there are not enough workers to unload & not enough trucks to transport.  

I have friends in the industry and they have confirmed that isn’t the case.

Woman shrugging

Another fake crisis to cause economic mayhem and bring on economic turmoil and government dependence. Also, intentionally avoiding any solution to an open Southern Border and allowing cargo ships to sit unloaded for months.

Manufactured crisis to implement socialism.  
1-not enough long shore men to offload the ships; 2-not enough equipment to offload: the chassis are broken, were back ordered, and are probably on one of those ships off the coast; 3-not enough drivers to move the empty containers in the yards; 4- ships crews not jabbed.   Video out yesterday from a trucker in Seattle. At least 50 trucks with truckers awaiting their loads all day. Nine huge cranes …He said he hadn’t seen one crane move all day.

Research shows political pressure to mandate all businesses to comply but Patriots have had enough! Say No to Jab. Gov says no products but businesses say no workers due to forced mandates. Then you have coast governors restricting shipping traffic.  The word on the street is they’re short staffed on dock workers. Ron DeSantis offered them to port in Florida because we can take it but still nothing.


Biden Grinch That Stole Christmas,
This place is prepared for the dishonest who do wickedness on earth. They practice magic and conjuration and boast of their works. become rich through acts of violence from foreign goods; They secretly steal human souls, loosen a binding yoke.  

This is going to be a real problem by Christmas: Then the claim about being short staffed on the docks is not true. If keeping the supply chain functioning was a priority then the ships would port wherever they could. Covid restrictions it’s all part of a plan to destroy America. There is no such thing as a reasonable explanation anymore. Shortage of dock workers, shortage of truck drivers, shortage of labor in general. Unions squeezing the Biden administration to get more benefits for their members and more dues money for the union.

Despite what Democrats want to believe, no easy fix for Biden exists here.
This isn’t a messaging issue that can be rectified by some new PR campaign. Rather, it’s a results issue, and Americans are not pleased with the president’s myriad of failures.

The 2022 election looms larger than ever.

Thank you JESUS….folks all you have to do is WAIT a little longer…things will go GOD’s way!!!

LIFE vs. Death! The #NWO‘s agenda is backfiring on them. Thank goodness for these judges.

I’m so tired Tired face and scare for the Next Generations future and everyone
Heard about the new variant #FreedomFlu

It’s not the vaccine that’s BS- it’s sitting for prolonged periods of time on layovers at the airport – that’s why I take a baby aspirin 81 mg before I fly-
but don’t do that without talking to your doctor.

So we know there are issues with deep vein thrombosis when people fly, from what I am seeing there are some pilot associations showing massive concern about the Vaccines and blood clotting. What happens when it gets to the point where anyone Vaccinated is not allowed to fly?  

Since the unvaccinated will not be allowed to fly in many places either, hm who does that leave? The Globalists win as their goal (agenda 21/2030 -WEF etc) is to stop ordinary people traveling (removing yet another freedom) and this would put an end to air travel for the plebs. Finally some brains stopping this BS vaxx..mandate.. The media has pushed so much fear into the people & Gov..yet in 2017-18 80,000+ people died from flu, in 4 months, nearly 700 a day died and not a word hardly from the media…it’s the narrow-tive they push “Plandemic” 10,000 times a day!!

At this point it’s about getting people’s jobs back.

United is at 99% because they fired a bunch of employees.
This leaky, unacceptably risky for the young and healthy, should never have been mandated.  The Biden administration said enforcement of vaccine mandates would be by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. But White House, OSHA, and Dept Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is NO executive order. Just Biden posturing. Religious exemption. When (if?) The actual OSHA guidelines are released, assuming they don’t get smacked down in federal court, there will have to be robust religious exemptions. Federal employees are protected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This is all a big bluff.

When this hits the courts the people will win.

It’s blatantly unconstitutional. @UnitedAirlines_  …can now hide behind the court decision. But, because it’s United, I’m sure they’ll appeal. They must signal virtue to show their loyalty to the woke-ists. #resist These judges are finally coming around to doing what’s right. As it should be ….disgusting political display by these airlines. Need to bring some large lawsuits. What about American Airlines also based in TX?!?

I’m a human against vaccine segregation. I will not be fooled into hating my fellow man based on his/her vaccination status.

NO DiVide & ConQuer… Got that, globalists? Thinking faceFace with raised eyebrow

Why was it OK to #Resist when Donald Trump was @POTUS
~ but it’s NOT ok to #Resist now Biden is installed as @POTUS
?? #Hypocrites #FJBiden #ClownShow #WakeUpAmerica

What about United Airlines is based in Chicago, which isn’t in Texas?
U.S. judge restrains United from placing employees receiving COVID-19 vaccine exemption on unpaid leave | Reuters  

The only reason there is a vaccine mandate is because Biden’s handlers/puppet masters know the number of Covid will continue to drop regardless of vaccine status, so they want everyone vaccinated ASAP so they can then claim Covid cases have dropped thanks to the mandate. #FJB  U.S. judge restrains United from placing employees receiving COVID-19 vaccine exemption on unpaid leave. NOW Maybe the people they fired can come back to work.
Here’s why vaccine is 150% effective Face with tears of joy

If the United States Postal Service is exempt from getting the vaccine…
that means we’re ALL exempt from getting the vaccine.

Today, Asian Americans live the longest (86.3 years), followed by whites (78.6 years), Native Americans (77.4 years), and African Americans (75.0 years). Where people live, combined with race and income, play a huge role in whether they may die young. 

(The average age of a “Covid death” in the USA is 75 years.)
Average Life Expectancy In US By State, Gender & Age (2021) (

What happens to the body one week before death?
1 to 2 weeks before death, the person may feel tired and drained all the time, so much that they don’t leave their bed. They could have: Different sleep-wake patterns. Little appetite and thirst. Fewer and smaller bowel movements and less pee. More pain. Changes in blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate.
There also are other, more subtle signs that indicate decline, including: A loss of interest in favorite activities. Preferring to be “left alone” or withdrawing from people. Sleeping more, especially during the day.
For years, researchers have been trying to figure out whether the act of retiring, or retirement itself, is good for health, bad for it, or neutral. A new salvo comes from researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health. They looked at rates of heart attack and stroke among men and women in the ongoing U.S. Health and Retirement Study.
Retirement is bad for health, because during the job a person is always punctual, active. But a person who retired from his job is going down & down because no work, no schedule available for him. So retirement is a red light for retired people.
1 to 2 weeks before death, the person may feel tired and drained all the time, so much that they don’t leave their bed. They could have: Different sleep-wake patterns. Little appetite and thirst. Fewer and smaller bowel movements and less pee. More pain. Changes in blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate.

Hot damn…. No common sense in the world.
WHO database reports over 2 million potential COVID jab injuries in 2021,
vast majority in women – Life Site (

If masks work… Why aren’t they working??

“Masks are really for infected people … the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out viruses, which is small enough to pass through the material.
– That was in an email to Sylvia Burwell, in case anyone cares to challenge that. Fauci, February 5th, 2020  

COVID-19:  COVID-19 public health information from the US CDC |  COVID-19 research information from the US NIH | Español |  COVID-19 resources for global health researchers
HHS Secretary says US plays key role in global health
January / February 2015 | Volume 14, Issue 1
Full January / February 2015 Global Health Matters newsletter [PDF <1M]

HHS secretary Burwell walks in Clinical Center hallway with NIH Dir Collins NCI Director Varmus and NIH Deputy Director Tabak
Photo courtesy of N.I.H.

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell visited NIH
recently for her first town hall meeting with staff. She was greeted
by (from right) NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, National Cancer
Institute Director Dr. Harold Varmus and NIH Deputy Director
Dr. Lawrence Tabak.

The U.S. has a “very strong” role to play in global health, not least in the battle to control Ebola and other threats to the domestic as well as worldwide populations, according to Sylvia M. Burwell, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees the NIH.
“The role of HHS in the global health space is going to be front and center,” Burwell said during a recent visit to NIH to tour the main campus and meet staff. She joined HHS last year from the U.S. budget office and soon became steeped in discussions with top world health officials on how to stem the rampant Ebola epidemic in West Africa and prevent similar outbreaks in the future.
In earlier global health experience, Burwell spent a decade at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where she was founding president of its Global Development Program, which awarded $1.5 billion annually. One of her focus areas was vaccine needs, including for diseases such as Ebola.

More Information
Learn more about HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell.
View a recorded webcast of the January 28, 2015 NIH town hall with Secretary Burwell [VIDEO] on the NIH videocasting site.
NOTE: The recorded webcast is only available to HHS staff.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell – Ballotpedia

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“I have told you everything, and you have seen everything on earth, and you have written everything in these books. I devised the creation of all of this; I created from the highest to the lowest. No advisor was there. I am forever and not created by hands. 
Go down to earth and tell your sons everything I have told you and everything you have seen from the lowest heaven to my throne! Nobody resists me and is not subject to me. Everything is subject to my sole rule and serves my rule.

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