Utopia is a conspiracy thriller that follows a group of young fans who come together when they discover that the conspiracy in an elusive comic,
Utopia, is real. The comic foretells the demise of humanity and the world as we know it, thrusting this group of underdogs to embark on a high-stakes twisted adventure to use what they uncover to save themselves, each other and ultimately humanity.
When I watched that series at the time,
I knew exactly that this was the plan to reduce the world’s population.
The series is about an experiment by a company called Janus. A professor invented a virus to make people sterile, the professor is called Mr. Rabbit. The German film I watched yesterday is precisely about the fact that mankind has never tested this new vaccine in this form.
That means nobody is clear about the later consequences. They said that the first study was tested in a woman in late 2020 and a man from America agreed to test it in early 2021. That means we have absolutely no idea what to expect, Let’s think a step further! Imagine that the adults all become sterile, but the children who are vaccinated would be able to develop some kind of mutation because the children simply still have a strong immune system.
Can you imagine what kind of godless creatures these will be?
Between here and Heaven is a long journey full of GRACE!
The Hebrew shin as a letter and hand sign. The latter is considered a powerful sign of blessing in Judaism and was developed by Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015) aka “Mr. Spock “introduced as a Vulcan greeting in” Star Trek “Image & explanation: scilog” Nature of Faith “, hand signal by Turbokoala
It’s been a few years since I was directed to watch a series called Utopia.
When I watched that series at the time, I knew exactly that this was the
plan to reduce the world’s population. The series is about an experiment by
a company called Janus. A professor invented a virus to make people sterile,
the professor is called Mr. Rabbit.
The German film I watched yesterday is precisely about the fact that mankind has never tested this new vaccine in this form. That means nobody is clear about the later consequences. They said that the first study was tested in a woman in late 2020 and a man from America agreed to test it in early 2021.
That means we have absolutely no idea what to expect!
Let’s think a step further! Imagine that the adults all become sterile, but the children who are vaccinated would be able to develop some kind of mutation because the children simply still have a strong immune system.
Can you imagine what kind of godless creatures these will be?
Inside the Sun:
The Hebrew shin as a letter and hand sign.
The sun is the portal to look into the other world, the most direct contact with God. The sun gets almost black when you look inside it. But the ray of light that comes out of it is like a rainbow. When you make this Practice a few Times a week your Body will embrace all enlightened intuitions from God. And at night when your spirit is awake while your Body is sleeping you will see the visions crystal clear.
Because the moon is the mirror…I hope I could explain myself.
Maybe if I would hug you, you could feel this never ending love that flows inside me since I understood that . We are going to have a perfect planet….
and I am so happy that we both knew each other already in this lifetime.

Die Erben des göttlichen christlichen Bewusstseins
Translated: The Heirs of the Divine Christian Consciousness
And the punishment is the exile in our Dimension; Until the next coronation period, The sun’s energy is rising Every day… People are not able to handle that energy… Only humans with a pure heart. It’s hurting me so much, for all the souls and mostly the children.
Step by step but First we need to clean the shit up from the roots!
This planet will HEAL:
You know my Origin is Napoli … We got a huge volcano.
I am like a volcano I will explode like a Big Boom. I got an energy from above No Human can imagine And you know what Ken, I am aware of Me.. I got that, my prayers become my reality now!. God is inside me. And I am full of love…
I am not afraid to jump inside the volcano to save this beauty of creation.
But I just found a important thing and it’s the Greatest Sin Ever.
Humans played God by making futuristic witchcraft by creating a
fucking Virus that Kills Our human DNA.
I will try to explain to you the triangle symbol by using it. When the sun begins to lose its radiance in the afternoon, it is easier to begin this exercise. You hold your hands in the form of a pyramid in front of your eyes so that first one eyes through this hole, which your hands form in the form of a triangle, watching directly into the sun. Perhaps your eye will start to cry at the beginning, once your eye has got used to the light and can see the sun clearly, do the same exercise with the other eye. If the other eye has also got used to the light, you can see through this pyramid with both eyes at the same time and you will see the following.
Yesterday I watched a German film about the vaccine The film is called
“The other truth” A DIFFERENT FREEDOM – The Documentary Film
EINE ANDERE FREIHEIT – Der Film – The Documentary – A DIFFERENT FREEDOM (a-different-freedom.com)
Half America knows the truth.
| The other half doesn’t want to know the truth.
100% know the truth, half don’t give a shit about themselves or others.
Liberals As long as they have a dollar in their pocket and a beer in
their hand they’re okay with it….
The other half gets their “truth” from MSM.
They wouldn’t know the real “truth” if it bit them in the ass!

Rupali Chadha, M.D. on Twitter: “New York fires physicians. Doctors.
Who has knowledge and questions.
Then through emergency powers allows physician assistants to practice alone without physician supervision… to cover the shortage created… y’all awake yet?” / Twitter
Are you from The State of New York?
As a potential patient I do not want an unvaccinated nurse or doctor to touch me. If I were a patient, I would refuse care from an unvaccinated HCW. As a nurse, I don’t want an unvaccinated HCW touching or working with me. I quit my job rather than work at a nursing home where 80% of the staff refused to get vaccinated – including the DONALD. Nope.
If they would have gotten vaccinated they wouldn’t have been fired. They violate the Hippocratic oath by refusing to do what they know is right in order to protect themselves, their patients, and others. If you don’t believe in science, get the hell out of healthcare.
Poor Work Environments, PTSD Causing Nurse Shortage, Not Anti-Vaxxers (businessinsider.com)
Let’s provide support & opportunities for physicians, nurses & other medical professionals who are sacrificing to stand up against medical tyranny. Patriots support patriots because together we are more able to resist tyranny & seek truth, justice & freedom. #NoJabNoJob
NEW: Hospitals receiving federal Medicare and Medicaid funding say they have been forced to scale back on services and face being shut down due to severe staff shortages caused by the OBiden administration’s vaccine mandate. Seems like a smart thing to do in the middle of an already tight medical labor market while also in the middle of the worst medical cataclysm this country
has seen in over 100 years. #WhatCouldGoWrong
I’m sure they’re shutting their pants without being supervised. Every ambulance chasing attorney is already looking to book their next cruise because they know this will be a feeding frenzy when the malpractice
suits start coming in, starting in a month or so from now.
“We Got Them. Fact Check This!” Attorney Thomas Renz – All new whistleblower information (rumble.com)
Can a doctor be held liable if he lets his PA run his operation including
missing important indicators on the patient’s labs and doesn’t notice they are at dangerous levels and nothing gets mentioned to the patient. If @60Minutes and the other vaunted “investigative news magazines” were half of what they claim to be, they’d be talking to these medical professionals and learning *why* so many are refusing the vaccines – and what firing them is going to do to NY’s ability to treat the infected. I can see these doctors and nurses start spilling the beans about the crimes against humanity any day now.
This is the magical “contractor” scheme, exactly how our federal government ran military ops in Iraq and Afghanistan above the approved troop limits. Wake up, America–we are no longer a country of laws! Part of the master plan. Collapse economies and essential services. People need to Wake up. Please watch and share the first video (Dr. Reiner Fuellmich). I’ve been following him for a while now. This video ties it all together. Your future depends on it. https://corona-ausschuss.de/en/
This will end badly. How do the malpractice insurance companies feel about this lmao…

power during an emergency you’re never getting it back they’ll just keep creating more emergencies. Yes, it’s all about CONTROL & OBEDIENCE.
They want everyone to get the jab & DIE, & won’t let anyone stand in the way. Same reason they’re withholding safe, lifesaving treatments. Study: There’s no difference in COVID-19 viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated; symptomatic or asymptomatic – TheBlaze
The hospitals that pay for their MD’s salaries must be loving this…cut the highest paid worker out of the equation and they’re making a lot of money. How can you use emergency powers when you create the emergency?!
What is wrong with common sense in people these days !
Stand up America Now or Never.

Psychology says, ignoring toxic people is self care.
Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back. How to be happy: Ignore people who think they know more about you than you do.
Hey, let’s connect and follow each other?!
Gotta move differently if you want to be different…
Glad to be an American and tired of the leftist who aren’t.
During the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976), doctors were not allowed to practice medicine, and nurses played doctors. History does repeat itself. New York is absolutely Venezuela It’s terrifying to think about…a PA or NP is NOT an MD. How China will destroy the NWO… and itself,
This is so Sad

THIS IS WHAT WAS BEING SHARED only 1 year ago!!….
America needs to Wake up…
Something is Not Right

Food prices are climbing amid worker shortages,
supply-chain problems, extreme weather & more…
The pending shortages of healthcare professionals will force them to take chances with unqualified and under qualified personnel putting patients lives at risk and sets a very dangerous precedent for the treatment of other infectious diseases going forward. So this is BETTER for us? Who’s stupid idea is this? Only an absolute moron would think a short crew of partially trained Physicians is better than a full staff of experienced physicians. This is asinine we honestly need to sat no — enough is enough of the stupidity with firing people who rightfully have a right to refuse the stupid shot that is killing and maiming people.
This is a crime against humanity.
No one can be this bone headed, it’s impossible!
Thank you to all the Doctors and Nurses for being yesterday’s —
Heroes & what you did for Americans.

It’s almost like they want the system to implode.

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