© Provided by Washington Examiner
By Christopher Tremoglie
Australia’s Sky News Releases Documentary – What Really Happened in Wuhan? Interviews with President Trump, Pompeo and Ratcliffe (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
As the Biden administration pushes to mandate vaccines for every worker, vaccine ID cards will become an integral part of the rest of the pandemic, however long it lasts. Workers will need one to remain employed or allowed to work. Yet previously, Democrats argued asking for IDs was racist because many minorities were somehow unable to obtain a government-issued ID.
But all these hurdles seem to vanish miraculously
when it comes to getting vaccination IDs?
Keep in mind, the notion that somehow people were not able to obtain a government-issued ID was always complete hogwash. Moreover, it was even more ridiculous to assume that it was much harder for people of color to get valid IDs. The only people who do not have IDs are those who choose not to get them, just as those who have not been vaccinated are those who have chosen not to be.
That said, even if this were a legitimate barrier, the methodology used to distribute vaccine IDs could be replicated for voter IDs. As with vaccines, there are already existing places where one can go to get a government-issued ID. Government officials organized people to go door-to-door to help register people for vaccines. No such initiative exists for IDs, but it could.
And the fact that it was done for vaccines shows that it could be done for voter IDs. The reason it hasn’t is because government officials choose not to do it.
Democrats tried to spin voter ID into a race issue because that’s what they do when they lack legitimate reasons for their positions and their decisions. They absurdly claimed that many black people lacked the funds or transportation to get an ID. Yet somehow, they had enough transportation and funds to get to a polling location, so … how exactly was that supposed to work?
Even more immediately, IDs are needed for literally every aspect of daily life, for the rich and the poor. They are required to apply for welfare benefits, to borrow money, and to buy or rent a home. Even where government ID is not necessary, other forms — utility bills or bank statements, for example — cannot be obtained without originally showing some form of government-issued photo ID. People need IDs for significant life events such as getting married or being hired at a new job.
If they avoid electronic payment systems (which usually require ID to set up), then they still need an ID to cash checks. Unless you’ve owned the same home for decades, hoarding cash in your mattress, never applying for any sort of license or government service, never being convicted of a crime (even prisoners are issued photo IDs), then your chances of avoiding getting a photo ID in your adult life are basically nil.
Democrats had to make this about race because they want to prevent election integrity from becoming an issue people think seriously about. Every legitimate vote should count. Voter ID helps weed out voter fraud, which does happen and cancels out legitimate votes.
There are no barriers to getting voter IDs — there is only Democrats’ fear mongering. Democrats do not want voter ID laws, and we should all be asking why not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUgTl8l7KVY
Fear of Delta Variant Pushes Americans to Get Vaccinated,
Study Finds By Jan Hoffman
The Delta variant of the coronavirus was the leading reason that people decided to get vaccinated against Covid-19 this summer and why most say they will get boosters when eligible, according to the latest monthly survey on vaccine attitudes by the Kaiser Family Foundation, released on Tuesday morning. But the survey indicated that nearly three-quarters of unvaccinated Americans view boosters very differently, saying that the need for them shows that the vaccines are not working.
Administering a shot at a community vaccination and testing site in San Francisco last month.© Mike Kai Chen for The New York Times Administering a shot at a community vaccination and testing site in San Francisco last month.
That divide suggests that while it may be relatively easy to persuade vaccinated people to line up for an additional shot, the need for boosters may complicate public health officials’ efforts to persuade the remaining unvaccinated people to get their initial one.
Another takeaway from the Kaiser Family Foundation survey:
For all the carrots dangled to induce hesitant people to get Covid shots — cash, doughnuts, racetrack privileges — more credit for the recent rise in vaccination goes to the stick. Almost 40 percent of newly inoculated people said that they had sought the vaccines because of the increase in Covid cases, and more than a third said that they had become alarmed by overcrowding in local hospitals and rising death rates.
“When a theoretical threat becomes a clear and present danger, people are more likely to act to protect themselves and their loved ones,” said Drew Altman, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s chief executive.
The nationally representative survey of 1,519 people was conducted from Sept. 13-22 — during a time of surging Covid deaths, but before the government authorized boosters for millions of high-risk people who had received the Pfizer-BioNTech shot, including those 65 and over and adults of any age whose job puts them at high risk of infection.
Sweeteners did have some role in getting shots in arms.
One-third of respondents said that they had gotten vaccinated to travel or attend events where the shots were required. Two reasons often cited as important for motivating those hesitant to get a vaccine — employer mandates (about 20 percent) and full federal approval for the Pfizer – BioNTech vaccine (15 percent) — carried less sway.
Seventy-two percent of adults in the survey said that they were at least partly vaccinated, up from 67 percent in late July. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are even higher, reporting 77 percent of the adult population in the United States with at least one shot. The sharpest change in this month was in vaccination rates for Latinos: a jump of 12 percentage points since late July, to 73 percent, in the number of Latino adults who had received at least one shot.
With the vaccination racial gap narrowing, the political divide has, by far, become the widest, with 90 percent of Democrats saying that they have gotten at least one dose, compared with 58 percent of Republicans.
Perhaps reflecting pandemic fatigue, about eight in 10 adults said that they believed Covid was now a permanent fixture of the health landscape. Just 14 percent said that they thought “it will be largely eliminated in the U.S., like polio.”
Fear of Delta Variant Pushes Americans to Get Vaccinated, Study Finds
The-Standard-Bearer on Twitter: “@Butterflyem1110 @veryvirology The effects I’ve felt since encountering a shedding vaccinated person have been beyond belief. I’ve been on the strictest detox of my life and only just getting back to what I hope is normality. These things are potent poison and before too long it will be common knowledge 1/2” / Twitter
Any thoughts on the spikes from Covid itself?
The effects I’ve felt since encountering a shedding vaccinated person have been beyond belief. I’ve been on the strictest detox of my life and only just getting back to what I hope is normality. These things are potent poison and before too long it will be common knowledge. Another ingredient which I’ve recently ordered however I haven’t tried but have high hopes for is a supplement called C60…. Seems like it could have potential to deal with the unwanted spikes oh and another one is SERRAPEPTASE and another is NATTOKINASE…
Both of these are

It’s a huge piece of the puzzle. Also follow @healingcavelady on IG!
How do vaccinated people shed? My mates had this poison and I’ve been with him since the day he had it and I’m fine, I’ve not caught anything? Is this shedding even true?
See pages 67-69 in the Pfizer clinical trial document with reference to exposing other people to the vaccine who did not take it. Also there is other documentation about it elsewhere in all the mRNA vaccine research over the past decade or so. At least since 2015. https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizer com/2020
Evidence from Pfizer’s own study of vaccine spike shedding leading to disease: pg 67-8: https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf… https://twitter.com/DRDILLON6/status/1437573577365143552…
0ne was admitted to the hospital from inhaling around kids his age they were vaccinated. The whole thing is very scary. V. high troponins
Anyone who feels the ones that have gotten the jab.. seem to have changed.. their personality… I get a headache, dizziness and nausea… I can’t think of any other reason I get those symptoms on and off… I cannot for the life of me get those to go away and it gets worse after being around vaccinated people.
Every time I’m around vaxxed people for an extended period of time,
I start to feel sick – headache, fatigue, general malaise.

I was exposed to a recently bolstered friend on Sat, by Sun early am I woke up with a throbbing headache at the top of my skull. I was down Sun & Mon due to a headache. The top of my skull is still tender when I massage it today (Tue).
Unsure if shredding or Cov+ exposure.
-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf Here’s my related thread re: shedding https://twitter.com/thecnner/status/1437584532312494085…
You are NOT alone! Fauci Flu (rumble.com)
I’ll give you a rundown of ingredients however when it comes to doses etc.
I don’t really keep track and just judge for myself – NAC, quercetin, dandelion extract, St. John’s wort extract, milk thistle extract, prunella vulgaris (sp?), vitamin B3, wormwood.
Have also been fasting I don’t think you’re supposed to do a traditional detox/fast. Like u don’t want to starve your muscles bc then it absorbs more- there’s a melatonin & niacin flush Thats works well. They’re shedding prions. Folded spike proteins. It’s only going to get worse.
Protect yourself Replying to @TheStandardBea2 @veryvirology and @Butterflyem1110 What methods of detox have you found to be helpful?
Look up Dr Jess – her Kill, Bind, Sweat protocol. @healingcavelady
on IG also. Kill, Bind, Sweat protocol. – Bing
The protocol developed and promoted by Dr. Jessica Peatross, *Kill, Bind, Sweat* is the process of introducing “killing” agents or biofilm busters to the body so that the immune system can recognize any pathogens or hidden infections hiding in the body. The best heavy metal binder that doesn’t bind good minerals is Cell Core’s HM binder. Take it before saunas, etc. take it long term. Fiji water also detoxes aluminum in the brain. Those are starters!

COVID-19 booster shot’s side effects similar to 2nd vaccine dose, CDC study finds (msn.com) Most Educated States 2021 (worldpopulationreview.com)
Note: With the exception of “Total Score,” all of the columns in the table above depict the relative rank of that state, where a rank of 1 represents the best conditions for that metric category.
Most & Least Educated States in America (wallethub.com)
No Vaccine ~ song by Scott Kernaghan (rumble.com)
Understanding The SARS-CoV-2 Lifecycle & Potential Targets (covidviruslifecycle.com)
Crimes against humanity’: Over 5,000 doctors and scientists sign declaration blasting Covid policymakers – Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) (rsbnetwork.com)
COVID Live Update: 233,514,418 Cases and 4,777,758 Deaths from the Coronavirus – Worldometer (worldometers.info)
United States COVID: 44,048,453 Cases and 711,185 Deaths – Worldometer (worldometers.info)