Soon you will have to be vax to buy or sell and travel.
Revelation 13:17 – And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Open your eyes, your mind.
The National Guard are not required to take the jab until June of 2022.
Yet they are the ones replacing the nurses in NY who have refused the jab. This is not about a virus. The goal is to enact martial law and continue with the implementation of the New World Order & Communism.
It’s scary because they’re weeding all the “free thinkers” out of the military, law enforcement and the medical field. They want people in there that will simply do as they’re told. It’s pretty frightening to consider what they will be being told/ordered to do next. Especially in hospitals. If there is a mass casualty event that far exceeds the one pre-Covid Vaccine – how will they hide it? Call them all unvaxxed? No one in their right mind will believe it. Have a feeling the guard is going to replace the state troopers in Massachusetts. Have you heard which National Guard will be replacing the healthcare workers?
It appears there’s 2 different mandate dates.
The difference is active duty vs. Guard & Reservists.
Active duty are full time federal & Guard are State under a federal umbrella, Reservists are part time federal. This is not socialism, this is Authoritarianism. All socialism is either tyranny or authoritarianism, disguised as being for the people first, until it’s too late to stop it.
Socialism, Authoritarianism = Same difference Zionism aka Communism.
Right leaning Americans are brainwashed beyond any help at this point. They don’t know the meaning of the words socialism or communism. The US has been under a semi Marshall law. They are doing it slowly, like the frog in cold water, and turn the heat up slowly.
Not to mention that almost ALL of them are not trained as professional nurses.
Their medical experience typically consists of what is necessary on the battlefield for emergency triage and nothing more. Does this administration seem like it’s America First or AMERICANS first. Hell no! People have families and kids to feed. This is tyrannical. They are taking freedoms and they love it. Not only is our border being invaded, our healthcare system is soon to be run by sub par workers.
Industry by industry, evil is spreading fast.
If you want to unravel the mysteries of the 2020 election.
You must begin by asking a simple question: why were 78 million American votes from 800 counties in 7 states “handled” by a bankrupt Spanish company in Barcelona? America’s Elections Are Rigged (And Everybody Knows It) – by Emerald Robinson – Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way (substack.com)

It’s never been about health It’s about Power Money and Population Control Wake Up Stop Complying Stand For Freedom . Obama said he was going to fundamentally change our country. That’s the intent & he is still at the helm wreaking havoc. They have to do it fast to give no chance for resistance. The election of Trump took them off guard. They knew they had to get back in power & push all of it through fast. They cannot let another Trump in.
New world order is coming. Look at the food and supplies.
Soon you will have to be vax to buy or sell and travel. Revelation 13:17 – And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Open your eyes, your mind. “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.
We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. . . . Power is not a means; it is an end . . . not power over things, but over men.” — George Orwell, 1984
I wouldn’t saythis system is “Socialism”, but “Authoritarianism , Totalitarianism , Tyranny and even Fascism” are better words to describe what the NWO are trying to impose on the world. The entire last year and a half has been about socialism and the New World Order.
They want to destroy the country, gives Chyna the upper hand. And the National Guard are ‘citizen soldiers’ that have real jobs. And they WiLL ruin National Security and our Health Care at the same time.
Who will take their place in the workforce?
Big mistake for New Yorkers to comply from the beginning.
Doesn’t anyone stand up and fight for their principles anymore?
The vaccine doesn’t even guarantee that if you get Covid-19 that you will survive!
Fully Vaxed Michigan Couple die of COVID-19 Less Than One Minute Apart & While Holding Hands Vaccinated Michigan couple die of COVID-19 holding hands (nypost.com)

EVERY penny the government spends, it takes from you.
Democrat’s say everything is free but we pay for in the end.
Voting red doesn’t even matter anymore. Republicans have not proven to be the budget minded spendthrifts they make themselves out to be. It’s a given that Democrats will be horrible in this regard, but the republicans have done nothing to even stall the growth and expenditure of the government. With the exception of very few who appear not to be, they’re all corrupt and That is the truth!!!
This is why they want to raise minimum wages to get more tax money.
There is no such thing as government money. It’s ALL taxpayers money. Surprising how many people that pay taxes have zero idea of where exactly their HARD earned $ are going and EXACTLY what it’s being used FOR. So many of them couldn’t tell you the difference between their Gross pay and Net pay! Or even who/what the deductions are. People tend to ignore that simple fact.
They do take it and invest for what they want instead of letting you/me invest for what WE want/need. WAKE UP…With So many people thinking the vaccines are free,
and why the fuss. over our

Why would the government need to coerce everyone? They are free vax… No mate. We the taxpayers are paying for it all! …..& the Millions IN INVENTORY left in Afghanistan …. LIKE THE HELICOPTERS THAT THEY ARE HANGING PEOPLE FROM?! ….

Some people act like the government generates revenue by delivery of goods and services. They don’t. And all the debt they incur is your debt, and money you owe. When we have less and less money, we make cutbacks.
No more Starbucks or Coca Cola they will go bankrupt.
Wonder how woke they will feel being broke like the rest of us??
Taxes are a minor evil compared to the endless printing of fiat dollars.
The government can’t give money to a free loading iLLegal aLien until they’ve taken that money from a hard working American citizen. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp… Which does dilute the rest. Same effect, different mechanism from your grandkids.. Why do young people think everything needs to be free? They don’t understand how our taxes pay for it.
You mean there wiLL be no money fairy?

When The People grasp that they and ONLY they pay ALL taxes, directly or indirectly, @TheDemocrats will lose the vast majority of their support, and cabinet level depts will CLOSE!
It’s not just that, it causes everything to go up in price, honestly I’m cutting back and food is going up so fast, I’m at the point there’s nothing to cut back on. Government is a broke ass bitch. Always has it’s hand in your pockets. They are actually taking it from my grandchildren the way they are spending it! That’s what I keep saying it’s our hard earned $$$! The damn $$$ they gave us is every1 hard earned $$$! And printing more $$$ is not good ! Please bring back the gas pipeline ! I don’t want an electric car. I want gas please.
The gas price is too high now !
Whoever controls the money controls the planet

BUT GOD is in charge of the climate ! That’s all.
Executive Order 13139 – you are wrong.
They don’t have any choices about a damn thing.
Once you sign up, your ass belongs to them. Good luck.
Socialism and fascism both have the same end goal – world domination. In the end though, we are our own biggest threat. Third position philosophy – that is what is being tried again. The last people to try it were Italy & Germany. That has 2 options, racism – or nationalism.
Historically it always ends with, and fails due… to racism.
The Green Book By: Muammar Al Gaddafi – Bing video
Gaddafi also tried it – read The Green Book.. he was going the nationalist route and was in the process of trading only gold for oil. Even made his own currency… Right before he was drugged out of a sewer he was hiding in to have a sword shoved up his ass – that’s how that ended. Ain’t that a kick in the teeth to all the healthcare heroes who lost their jobs last night. Some on the left say they don’t want unvaxed healthcare workers treating them;
are they going to refuse service?

Were being replaced. Part of master plan. Collapse economies and essential services.
People need to Wake up. Please watch and share the first video (Dr. Reiner Fuellmich).
This video ties it all together. Your future depends on it.

They want everything federalized. Media schools social media police medical industry banking food supply energy. You name it, they want to control it. Only vaccinated National Guard are allowed to work at our hospital. It is so crazy how all last year I could be a front line caregiver and now I am a ‘risk’ . I kept thinking they were not going to really lay off everyone but they did!
Read Behold A Pale Horse, Tragedy & Hope, &, or, The Conspirators Hierarchy: the Committee of 300… you are absolutely right about the socialist totalitarian one world government tho… those books talk about this in detail. This all makes sense once you realize this has nothing 2 do w/ Covid, vaccines or health. This is about compliance. If this is allowed to continue, you will be required 2 take 1-2+ shots a year to remain in society. if u do not, you will be shut off from your money, jobs, phone etc.
Barbara Leo Fisher is one of the best. She’s been in the trenches for 40 years. She wastes no words here: Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game – NVIC Newsletter
There will be backlash over this soon as staffing decreases and hospitals start diverting and people start dying because they have to travel further to receive emergency care. Nurses worked before the vaccine.
Blame it on @potus. & checkout his Twitter Follower List. In case you all
have not seen the video of two white guys being harassed by two black girls at Arizona State University, then you need to have a look. One of the names of the girls is Sarra Tekola. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ejGz1q3dJfY…
Science tells us that viruses become less lethal as they mutate.
Problem #1 Covid hasn’t been identified as a virus? bacteria? parasite?
Problem #2 It’s not a true vaccine by definition mRNA Injected with every study failed because every animal in the study died!
Problem #3 Antibody Enhancement Syndrome when your body is exposed to the original a.k.a. your body had an insane massive inflammatory response that can’t be controlled Delta variant is the variant of the vaccinated…
Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide – katrinah.com
What are the spike protein detox protocols? My daughter works in a care home unvaxed.
She has been getting rashes and other issues from being around the vaxed.
Here’s part one. I’ll try to add more to it if I can. Milk Thistle, C60, Astaxanthin, and Ivermectin are some of the additional items not on the list.
The more that she can do the better. It’s not a one product that will fix all situations.
1/2 We’ll need to detox and have a variety of things in our medicine cabinets for the upcoming flu season. NAC N-Acetyl Lysine 750 mg., Glutathione, Pine Needle Tea aka Suranim, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Liposomal Vitamin C, Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily), Iodine, Activated Charcoal & HSeeCue.
To the above recipe for HSeeCue, you can add a big scoop of Turmeric and/or Ginger. Artemesia or sweet wormwood, Citrus fruit, Peppermint, Wheatgrass, Schizandra Berry, Triphala Terminalia chebula and belerica, Comfrey Leaf, Feverfew, Ginkgo Biloba, Leaf Fennel and Star Anise Tea @DeplorableRich5
Graphene oxide is causing people to become magnetic.
Something very unnatural is going on. I highly recommend that everyone does this test on a regular basis and if they come up positive, start doing the spike protein detox protocols. We don’t have to let this beat us. https://t.co/hB58NCVGtp” / Twitter
Deplorable Richie on Twitter: “@SorryNotaFan She is 100% correct and we’re going to lose a lot of people this flu season. The spike protein spreads to everyone so we’re all going to need to be prepared. Stock up on Ivermectin and learn how to make HSeeCue. Get some supplements too like Suranim aka Pine Needle Tea. https://t.co/ATuvJsNa4g” / Twitter
Deplorable Richie on Twitter: “Here’s a true lesson on the variants. They are the vaccine. https://t.co/jcODOSeC3r” / Twitter
The structure of your cells before and after the vax… – Bing
How I Became Magnetic! – YouTube
Here’s the video with scientific proof of those pictures if anyone wants to see it.
Horrific Findings In The Blood Of The Vaccinated (bitchute.com)
What is going on?! #Unvaccinated #unvaxxed
Dr. Scott Atlas: America’s COVID-19 Debacle “A Plague Upon Our House” (rumble.com)
David martin from January 5 2021 – Bing video
Mug with Color Inside | My Site 1 (charliepoet.com)
#VirusesDoNotExist #VaccinesArePoison
1. Your Body Needs Soluble and Insoluble Fiber—
Here’s the Difference, and How to Get Both From Healthy Foods
2. New Zealand’s COVID cases jump as its battles Delta variant (yahoo.com)
3. US COVID-19 Vaccine Progress Tracker | Vaccinations by State | USA Facts
4. This Increases Your Chances of “Breakthrough Infection” (msn.com)
5. Personal Trainers On The Perfect 5-Minute Workout For Your Butt
6. The Perfect 5-Minute Workout for Your Butt According to Personal Trainers
7. 16 Stretches for Flexibility to Add to Your Routine | The Thirty
8. 9 Yoga Poses That Just Might Cure Your Headaches (yahoo.com)
9. Yoga vs. Pilates: What’s the Difference & Which Is Right for Me?
10. Dani Schenone, RYT, – Bing images