They are not getting vaccinated because they know the truth. They have seen it all. They are in self preservation …You do realize these are the people who were already exposed while working the front lines? You do realize how moronic you’re being? Media silent about it-tried to develop mRNA vax for 30 yrs-but all fail long term safety studies.
Those safeguards were lifted just for Covid vax AND Pharma relieved of all liability for death & injuries. More have already died of this vax than all vax combined for 30 yrs. Understand-same long term problems that made it fail FDA safety requirements for decades STILL EXIST. Experimental vax. For virus 99.98% under 65 will survive w better immunity than vax gives.
No one responsible for any damage you may suffer means no one should be forced. You assume all risk. But also means EVERYONE has right to know truth abt it 1st. Healthcare workers do. Decision by significant % should be a red flag maybe they know something you don’t & look closer.
CDC: as of 9/17/21 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System reported 726,000+ adverse events-including 15,386 deaths, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations. Est <10% of adverse events reported. Just the tip of why no mRNA vax passed FDA requirements for 30 yrs-lifted for Covid vax.
Changed in 2 months. What will they know in 1 year. 5 years? 10, 30 etc.
We’re guinea pigs for an experimental vax though they try to downplay and hide that from us. We will be the ones to personally find out why no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use in humans in 30 yrs of trying-until the safeguard requirements designed to protect us-were removed. 70,000 health care workers in New York alone, worked through the whole Covid outbreak last year, were considered heroes, and are now willing to give up their careers rather than take the shot; aren’t you a bit curious as to why?…
So the vaccinated can still spread and still get sick from Covid, tell us again how this vax is supposed to be the end all! Silly sheep! Remember these are the freedom of choice for people who CHOOSE not to get vaccinated. Govt. has a responsibility to take all steps to protect their citizens and it is legal to require vaccines. They aren’t being fired; they have chosen not to meet the terms of employment. That would be true if it wasn’t all part of the plan. Look at NY firing the nurses to then bring in the military, Hegelian dialect.
No,.some misguided and irresponsible nurses are refusing to comply with the regulations related to the safe performance of their job. Firing nurses isn’t the answer. Y’all thought scare tactics would work and now it backfired. Hope you don’t need elective surgery anytime soon. Short staffed due to “Covid” You know,..like when you entered the military and were required to take multiple vaccines?
Yup, the people that were taking care of the sick before the vaccines … who’ve been exposed to the virus numerous times , and most likely have immunities to the virus … makes perfect sense to fire them all … or you might be an idiot … which is it ? I’ll choose an idiot …There was no vaccine when this all started and they stayed with it and did their job. Why force it on them when they can still get Covid?
They are humans and they have a power of free will. Let people be people about the pirate juice and make their own decisions. Then they fire the nurses and doctors, adding to the workload of the remaining staff causing patient care to suffer. Last step is to blame the people that they fired for the whole mess that they created, completing the cycle of
Libtarded victim-status desire.

I’ve been in Healthcare for 24 yrs and always got vaccinated for things but this is EXPERiMENTAL. Healthcare workers don’t want to be experimented on. If you can get Covid after Vax it means it doesn’t work!! But feel free to keep taking those boosters. sheri @spiccolo216
Call it what it is. An experimental death jab. Have you ever thought why they don’t want to take it…..they see the side effects first hand in the hospitals where they work.
Exactly how is being vaxxed related to a nurse safely doing the job? I’ve asked this of several today. So far no one has had an answer. They would be a primary hub of contagion if they were to become infected. They come into contact with many people, many unhealthy people with compromised immunity. It is malpractice to allow them to do their job without proof of immunity in some form.
Your answer is very inaccurate. The vax does not prevent them from getting it or spreading it, it does not provide 100% immunity, best it helps the vaxxed person have a milder case. So there’s no more guarantee of protection for being exposed to someone vaxxed vs unvaxxed. To take it even further all nurses consistently practice infection control with all patients to protect the patient & themselves, including wearing masks. There are multiple serious communicable diseases & anyone including nurses you come in contact with could have one of those.
If your friend told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? These are experimental vaccines. People aren’t anti-vax. They are wanting to see what happens after people take it. There is nothing wrong with being cautious. mRNA is not experimental. It’s been around since the early 90’s,.it just so happened to have an application that worked for Covid. There are multiple diseases that are using the same approach,.. cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and AIDS.
Maybe they know more than you do, Rose,& maybe they already have natural immunity. These aren’t the usual “vaccines’ ‘. They’re experimental technology & no one knows the long term effects but there’s already alarming data.2. They haven’t worked for 6 months. Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccines More Common Than CDC Claims, New Research Shows • Children’s Health Defense (children’s health defense.org)
So how many people can you go about discrediting using your inflammatory language against your fellow citizens in these Heroes that have already worked through over two years of pandemic?
How about the creator of email?
His election results. Time to shame him now?
How does the vax save those around the ones that took it?
Please explain. Because it doesn’t.
According to the CDC, 60% of the U.S. is currently vaxxed, yet daily deaths from COVID are as high as in late Feb when fewer than 10% of Americans were vaxxed. What does that tell you?
That’s just a narrative the left is trying to push and gullible liberals like you believe it.
Pfizer is (Chinese Owned) exempt from liability but won’t let us know what’s in their mandatory cocktail. I’m not anti vax but this situation is making me consider it. Comply it’s their body The drug is out a year you have no idea what’s in it nor do they! Why is it a woman has a right to an abortion because it’s her body horse choice but you don’t have a right to do that with the vaccine? No thank you.
Sounds like the economy is doing amazing.
That’s how we measure the economy, right?
Joe Biden Is Not A Good Person Though (townhall.com)
When somebody says that they are going to do or not do something but then the situation or circumstances change, that’s not a lie. Allow me to help guide you. Viruses mutate. Viruses don’t do what we want them to do. They evolve. As our understanding of this NEW VIRUS AND ITS VARIANTS EVOLVE, SO MUST WE.
So by your logic, if nearly 700,000 COVID deaths is no biggie, then neither was 9/11 because, hey, less than 3,000 people died so who cares? I’m just curious — how many people have to die before you think someone should do something about it? How many is enough?
If you are paying more at the gas pump, he has raised your taxes, unnecessarily. Bidens new driving tax, if passed, will require you to pay $0.08/mile. *Avg. American drives around 14,000 miles per year (don’t get me started). If you are paying more at the supermarket, he has raised your taxes, intentionally (forcing supply chain reductions).
This tax is called a Hidden Tax.
When did he promise any of these things? Do you take every statement anyone makes as a promise? Or is Biden not the one lying regarding each of these supposed ‘promises’? His “plan” to stop CoVid included adults being responsible and getting vaccinated. It can only work if people stop throwing adolescent temper tantrum’s – Thus, the adults must treat the kids like babies w/mandates. It’s called PUBLIC SAFETY!
Let’s see. He had no way of knowing that there would be millions of recalcitrant belligerent, science-deniers who put other peoples’ lives at risk. His plan was to get nearly everyone vaccinated. He thought he could trust law enforcement to not be racist, violent, opportunists. Luckily, the worst of the Trumpie Troopers will be leaving their jobs because they won’t be vaccinated. We can replace them with new cops who know going in that they will be expected to protect and serve. And he could have jump started the economy,Biden couldn’t have anticipated Red State morons wouldn’t get vaccinated “to own the Libs”. They’ve chosen instead to die in droves. Treating them like adults was a mistake so now he’s had to treat them like children. And FYI the economy under Biden is stronger than under Trump.
Essentially what you just said was, “he promised no vaxx mandate, he had to enact one because we wouldn’t follow his plan to stop covid, and he said he would jumpstart the economy, because you wouldn’t follow my plan to stop covid”. Stop blaming him for something you did! We had a glut of nazis in Congress who decided not to block him in order to, in their words, “kill the Biden presidency in the crib”. Oh, yes. And the Nazis also urged people not to get vaccinated, even though a lot of them had themselves.
Any Questions????Biden can’t stop Covid or build the economy as long as people refuse the vaccine and wear a mask. The responsibility for what is happening to us is the virus and the people who refuse. This country or the world can move ahead as long as we can’t move the virus behind us. He had a plan to curtail covid and he didn’t want to mandate vaccines, unfortunately a bunch of rich vaccinated folks engaged in such a sustained campaign to have ordinary folks oppose the vaccine that he had to correct course. Also, I wouldn’t be boasting about having anything to do with an insurrectionist. He will be held to account. Consequences are coming… Maybe, stop being a fascist, do what’s best for the US and learn that lies are not normal, except in the terrorist organization known as the GQP
You lie There is no mandate. It’s, get vaccinated OR be tested. His plan to stop covid is working, except amongst the ignorant repubicans, so you lied again. The economy is doing so much better. Of course, ignorant red counties are behind BLUE counties because red politics harm…Right!!!
Biden: “If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised” | Americans for Tax Reform (atr.org)
He wouldn’t ban fracking. He wouldn’t halt the pipeline. People got “strapped” at the border. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. I will bring us together. Pay your fair share Trillionaires Hunter’s laptop was russian disinformation The infrastructure bill will cost $0 …….