Then those nurses, policemen and whoever needs to get the vaccine as required to serve the public. It makes sense that all Congress have gotten the vaccine, but some refuse to tell their constituents the truth and continue to spread lies.
Firing health care workers after they’ve spent over 20 months of working with sick patients, trying to save lives while exposing themselves to COVID, is insane! The Dems who are high on control have lost their minds!
And hide the cure from everyone knowingly murdering people. If you know someone is going to die, why on god’s earth would you not simply give them Ivermectin??? I had a head nurse lie to me today from @texashealth said no research on it . I feel like we are going to see the end of big pharma and the hospitals when this is all over. It’s sick when you can’t trust a hospital to put your health above statistics and payoffs.
It is a planned action. If nurses and police quit they can call in the military to take their place then they will control us all. They had the National Guard leave their civilian job as doctors and nurses to replace healthy Doctors and Nurses. That’s ridiculous, it mathematically changes nothing.
Just when he thinks liberals couldn’t possibly make any worse decisions than they have the last 8 months, they keep making more!
Right, that’s what I said to aren’t we supposed to be in a pandemic?
I think it’s time to change the word Democrat to Commiecrat…
They doing the exact same thing in Canada.
Ivermectin: an award-winning drug with expected antiviral activity against COVID-19 (nih.gov)
They bring in unvaccinated foreign workers… Illegally
TheyU$£Dthese§£LFL£§§medicalPR0FF£§§10NAL§ ~THR0UGH0UTtheW0R§£period0fThePLAND£M1€ andAreNowU§1NG/ABU$1NGthemAGA1N
Always FoLLoWtheMoney
They want the national guard to take over hospitals so they can start federalizing medicine. Transportation and policing is next. The entire plan is to make the problems as bad as they can to convince people they have to accept their solutions. They know what they’re doing. Every time the situation starts getting better, they have to do something to keep the fire burning. It’s the only way their plan works… Fewer health care workers, more depopulation.
They want a reason to bring in the military. Then it will be using the military to “help” with the police shortage. How do you think the malpractice insurance companies will feel about replacing Doctors/Nurses with National Guardsmen??? They want the system to fail so they can implement phase two of “Obama Care” aka socialized medicine.Doesn’t make good sense to me… Help wanted signs everywhere, significant sign-on bonuses offered, Drs needed, medics needed, firefighters and police officers needed, airline workers in need, but yet we’re firing THESE folks because they exercised their right to say NO!
They are perfectly following their plan to destroy America. The idea is to have people they can control under them, not people who already discovered that they have evil plans. The real reason they’re firing nurses is because they won’t comply with big governments narrative of the unvaccinated dying and could possibly expose the entire most fraudulent vaccine hoax of all time
Crazy isn’t it.. firing those with natural immunity yet vaccinated have temporary “protection” . Makes more sense when you realize which one of those will be the reoccurring Pfizer customer $ . Politicians in free states should make it their mission to find the fired jobs in their states. We must take care of our own refugees. Natural immunity is free
Op-Ed: QAnon is a cult and a huge national security threat – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
You should follow Dr. Malone and read this from the recent Rome symposium https://globalcovidsummit.org/.amp/news/welc
On Righteous vs Wicked
God’s people praying for LT Col Scheller & Family
(18) iTweetBible on Twitter: ““A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish. It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury, much less for a slave to rule over princes.” Proverbs 19:9-10 ESV https://t.co/GwLrxmjlhc https://t.co/PmasFjBc6A” / Twitter(18) iTweetBible on Twitter: ““Stretch out your hand from on high; rescue me and deliver me from the many waters, from the hand of foreigners, whose mouths speak lies and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.” Psalm 144:7-8 ESV https://t.co/KJMqIL9FFI https://t.co/iql5BASwAU” / Twitter
Ecclesiastes 2:9 So I became great and surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem. Also my wisdom remained with me. | English Standard Version 2016 (ESV) | Download The Bible App NowPsalm 119:91-92 By your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants. If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. | English Standard Version 2016 (ESV) | Download The Bible App Now …
Tyranny & Coercion
DEMONCRATS They are calculating, they only want minions that comply.
All part of the plan My immigrant song! – YouTube