That just shows you there is no pandemic, I mean between that and open borders that’s all the proof you need!!!
It’s a planned casedemic. The OCR test creates false positive cases.
The pandemic is over. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Or in other words, self-inflicted. Funny how you don’t need a vaccine to be on the subway but everywhere else in New York City!
This has all been planned and described in
The Great Reset written by the World Economic Forum.
The pandemic is being used to reform the world in their totalitarian views.
It’s very disturbing and extremely dangerous. Get ready for communism all around the globe unless you resist.
And as soon as us HUMANS realize that WE control TIME

We can take the power

We have already outsourced the means of production to China. That’s what you call capitalism. It’s cheaper and it’s the American business model. Hate libs and socialism but yet you’re complaining about capitalism? China is a communist country, yet they have many billionaires. So,,, ? The income per capita is nowhere near the United States, what are you even talking about? You’re pretending to be intelligent in the subject but it’s not working.

And now there’s evidence that this was man made. Interesting

The current world is perfect evidence. Stop being so blind to the reality of what’s actually going on in the world. This has and was never about the health of humans but always about control. I don’t think the people are strong enough to fight back. Everyday we get weaker, and by the time we say no more it will already be too late. There will be no big victories and there will be no little victories. Where there’s a will there’s a way my friend, however, with the mandatory mask and vaccinations people fell for it , so it really was all about control actually who they could not control.
This is disaster capitalism creeping into corporate fascism. This is not communism.
That Flag you have as your profile picture is the exact definition of capitalism. Free labor ran by 4 major families without any distribution in wealth. They started a war over capitalism. People died for a capitalist mentality but you folks seem to forget. And too many forget the MILLIONS dead and tortured by communism/fascism/socialism which are all Marxist philosophy. This will be our fault for sitting back and letting it happen.
My guess would be the simple act of knowing about it stops them. I mean, these people are so powerful that world leaders and all MSM are in on this plot yet they seem to be constantly foiled by simply sharing a post on Social media.
HOLY… S They are not hiding anymore First the patent from my previous tweet, now this

“While scoring systems are widely criticized and often discussed in dystopian contexts, the current global need to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 provides a decent case for considering social scoring systems.”
– rating and recommendation systems that help people choose where to eat or who to buy from; – social media metrics that help people choose who to trust or follow; – human resource systems that measure productivity or indicate which employees need support or attention; and – credit scores that determine our trustworthiness and fiscal responsibility. US20210082583 Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals (archive.is) “Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals” Social credit score + usual suspects HOLY FUCKING HELL
“In some embodiments of the invention, when deciding if to allow entry of a person into a crowded location, such as a sports arena or a shopping mall, a user may be required to show their rating.” “In some embodiments of the invention, as the device calculates the person’s score, it may generate a warning to the device owner to avoid or reduce certain behavior.” “A potential benefit of some embodiments of the invention is self-policing. If a person does not install suitable software for tracking movements, such person may receive a lower priority of treatment/vaccination.” “Similarly, if a person leaves their device off, then such off-time can be noted and used to affect the score, or even can be used as an indication that that person is not at risk.” “An aspect of some embodiments of the invention relates to the political issues involved in vaccination prioritization.” “In some embodiments of the invention, using an objective measure of risk due to behavior allows vaccination selection without (or less) a political fiat of selecting groups and/or reducing political pressure applied to prefer a particular group, …” “… as the individuals are treated by prioritization software as individuals and do are not identified as or treated as belonging to particular groups” “In some embodiments, individuals that use the dedicated software are those individuals that contribute to the overall benefit of the population, therefore are provided with vaccinations and/or prophylactic treatments before those who not.” “subjects that are prone to frequent religious or secular events, like in a synagogue, a church or a mosque or a dancing venue, where the people are in close proximity to each other, and talk, …”
“… pray, sing and/or breathe deeply and/or mingle more, will receive a higher score than those who do not frequent religious events.” ” In some embodiments, individuals having a high volume of movement data (and/or high usage of public transportation) in their historical geolocation data will receive a high score. ” “In some embodiments, the historical data is used to further assess a reliability of change in behavior of a subject, for example to determine if to increase score in cases where the actual geolocation data changes drastically “” historical medical data of each individual is assessed to provide a score. For example, as mentioned above, individuals with chronic coughing will receive a high score since they have potentially a higher chance to transmit the infectious disease/virus/pathogen.” Australia: “in view of the pandemic, the government may order the citizens to install a dedicated application on their smartphones (or other smart devices like tablets, smart watches, smart glasses, etc.) to help the government with the logistics of the vaccination procedures.” “In some embodiments, in view of the pandemic, the population is encouraged to install a dedicated app, where those that do install the app are rewarded. In some embodiments, the reward is priority to receive treatment.” “the behavior of the subject is monitored in relation to safety features performed by the subject, for example, wearing a mask (e.g., analyzing images taken during calls or other looking at screen of cellphone), washing his hands”
“… (e.g., analyzing sounds of water running or movement by a smartwatch), keeping social distancing (e.g., based on Bluetooth power levels and/or NFC detection), moving between multiple locations, etc.” “In some embodiments, simulations include the insertion of one or more of actual data received from individuals, simulated data of/from individuals …” ” In some embodiments, evaluations and models utilize one or more of neural networks, machine learning and dedicated simulations.”
“the simulations take under consideration and model the kind of population that a certain subject can potentially meet and the potential population those individuals will potentially meet afterwards.”
“during the development of vaccines for a certain disease, different vaccines comprising different vaccine potencies are developed …”
“…individuals that received and/or were identified as a high superspreading score by the system would be vaccinated with more potent vaccines, when compared with other individuals having lower superspreading scores.” HOLY HELL
David Roman @davidroman0O
Dems, all they want to do is cheat, steal, deceive, destroy, corrupt, infect, tear down, wreck, shatter, taint, violate, fleece, swindle, scam, defraud… have I summed them up?
IT’S N0T A J0B, IT’S ‘S T U P I D I T Y’ !
BOTTOMLINE: “treatment can be the use of Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc.”
Aretha Franklin – I Say A Little Prayer: her very best performance!