Totalitarians don’t like to leave choices in our hands!
We’re Not Going to Vote Our Way Out of This – America Out Loud
Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
Joseph Goebbels book burning speech… Jews always try to meme this book burning as horrid, but of course, you will NEVER hear this subbed on an official doc for obvious reasons
Lenin’s political pamphlet What Is to Be Done?, written in 1901, also helped to precipitate the Bolsheviks’ split from the Mensheviks. In Germany, the book was published in 1902, but in Russia, strict censorship outlawed its publication and distribution. One of the main points of Lenin’s writing was that a revolution can only be achieved by the strong leadership who would dedicate their entire lives to the cause. After the proposed revolution had successfully overthrown the government, this strong leadership would relinquish power to allow socialism to fully develop. Lenin said that if professional revolutionaries did not maintain control over the workers, then they would lose sight of the party’s objective and adopt opposing beliefs or even abandon the revolution entirely.
The pamphlet also showed that Lenin’s view of a socialist intelligentsia was in line with Marxist theory. For example, Lenin agreed with the Marxist ideal of social classes ceasing to be and for the eventual “withering away of the state“. Most party members considered unequal treatment of workers immoral and were loyal to the idea of a completely classless society. This pamphlet also showed that Lenin opposed another group of reformers, known as “Economists“, who were for economic reform while leaving the government relatively unchanged and who, in Lenin’s view, failed to recognize the importance of uniting the working population behind the party’s cause.
Serendipity – others call it luck or Divine Intervention – means a “fortunate happenstance” or “pleasant surprise.”
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it – George Orwell #FreeKyle #JusticeForAshli #DoNotComply
You have the strength to get through any obstacle you’re facing. You’ve overcome troubles in the past, you will again.
You may be burdened with trouble, delays, issues in finances or work/relationships. Be confident in the decisions you’re about to make.
”All Posts Are Made By My Own Views, And Religious Beliefs,” …
This Includes Views On:
Behalf Of Our Government”

The whole story of Covid, and our world affairs right now. (rumble.com)
Natural selection has apparently been selected against the common sense variant…
Dems are already Naturally Immune to Common Sense.
Manufacturers were forced to put warning labels on everything because of mentally challenged Democrats.
Now they are running the Whitehouse, Congress, DOD, CIA, DOJ, FBI blue states and of course the fake news. Mass LIB-steria and the LIBTARD variants of the WOKE20 are permanent illnesses spread through Schools, alleged NEWS outlets, CARTOONS MOVIES and social media.
The only current virus is the SCOTUS. Patriots, Why am I angry? No, why aren’t you? Now America is fighting to save its democracy, its soul, and it’s not time to calm down. Sound the alarms. EMAIL YOUR STATE SENATORS TO VOTE NO AND DO NOT PASS “H.R. 3684 — 117th Congress: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.” 2021 The common sense variant will start spreading after the communist regime of the demoncratic party takes effect and those who voted for this insane party realize they are enslaved to a system that they can’t get out of. Once the armed resistance begins. Which I’m afraid will never be. We’re outnumbered by next-level stupid and an overrun Karenstate. It won’t. The common sense variant is the only one the vaccine was effective at completely preventing. It’s already being exposed & eradicated

If you haven’t read this, do it. It’s long and uses two-dollar words, but it explains a helluva lot. “Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America” – Here Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ That’s Gone Viral | ZeroHedge This is an anonymously posted document by someone who calls themselves Spartacus. Because it’s anonymous, I can’t contact them to ask for permission to publish.
So I hesitated for a while, but it’s simply the best document I’ve seen on Covid, vaccines, etc. Whoever Spartacus is, they have a very elaborate knowledge in “the field”.
If you want to know a lot more about the no. 1 issue in the world today, read it. And don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word, neither do I. But I learned a lot.
The original PDF doc is here: Covid19 – The Spartacus LetterFollow the money. How many in the HHS/NIH are making money off these patents? I’ve lost count. Covid is here to stay. Vaccinating the whole fucking globe isn’t going to make it magically go away. It’s not a real vax, and it’s causing more harm than good. Wake up!
Yes, exactly… I just met with someone injured by the jab.
She now has stage 4 cancer.
She took the jab in Jan. If anyone regrets taking the jab, check out NanoSoma…

Herd immunity is the only way. Covid going is no different than the flu. Flu changes the vaccine changes Covid is no different. Eventually the vaccine will be found that works. And once a year we will make the choice to get the shot or not. Like the Flu, Pneumonia and Hives.
It’s also not a real virus. Go down the ‘self-replicating carbon nanotubes’ rabbit hole for perspective. Been a threat for 15-20 yrs at least.
And here’s something from 2019, another breakthrough.
To say we’re lab rats is an understatement.
New Lifelike Biomaterial Self-Regenerates and Has a Metabolism (singularityhub.com)
Freaking stupid: They want you to get a vaccine for the Covid 19 when there are variants out there…
Let me know when the death rate is higher than 1% and maybe I’ll worry.
Exactly. If every single person got jabbed on the planet right now.
There would still be cases growing each week. Because the vaccines are shit.
The #CovidVaccine screws up the #ImmuneSystem!
People who took the jab are condemned to take #BoosterShots for the rest of their lives!
#antivaxxer #antivaxxers is a weaponized word that allows naïve people to dehumanize and debase other people, guilt-free and consequence-free.
Covid is a biological weapon engineered to evolve and bypass all possible restraints, including vaccines and prior natural immunity. So, you’re right. We’re all screwed. Moderna to recall COVID-19 doses in Japan after stainless steel contaminants found | Reuters
Meanwhile in Germany ..Germany’s government said Tuesday it will restrict the use of AstraZeneca PLC’s Covid-19 vaccine for people younger than 60 following fresh blood-clotting incidents… How many people knew that back in 2009, Pfizer received the largest fine in U.S. history of $2.3 billion for “Bribing doctors and Suppressing adverse trial results” Over 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for heart problems: Report | Toronto Sun I don’t believe that. Just need the world to wake up https://corona-ausschuss.de/en/
Polio vaccine ELIMINATED polio…NOBODY knows what THIS vaccine actually does!!….
2 SHOTS….WE need” a booster”??

It’s at best an ‘ok’ flu shot. Just to be clear, so there is no confusion; I am involved in both second gen SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development as well as repurposed drug development for COVID-19.
Four clinical trials starting shortly. Three large treatment trials (high dose famotidine + celecoxib) and one vax Ph1 Unrecorded Yak (Cassandra)
@aperfectst \range
That 2010 flu was horrible, it was the only time I was sick until March 2020 when I lost my sense of smell for 3 weeks, a few other mild symptoms, I had a cold as a child that was worse, but that 2010 flu was the worst sickness I have ever had….The other issue is the censorship of Dr. Campbell and studies of other potential treatments. Like hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, NAC, general health condition, etc. A blanket policy always fails.
British doctor giving coronavirus advice becomes unlikely YouTube star with 30m views – Mirror Online Now science has shown that millions of vaccines have been given wrong, Without drawing back needle to check for blood, if given into blood vessels , high chance of heart damage. Dr CAMPBELL UK told politicians of this but didn’t believe him. Now proven medical report, If the spike protein is toxic, wouldn’t high risk persons be safer with early treatment of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?
H1Bs are NAFTA to IT workers -@AdrienneM5 on GETTR
Anonymous Reply to
@RWMaloneMD friend of my Mom’s, was high risk (age, cancer survivor, etc.) and took the jab.
She was cancer free by recent screening.
She died 6 weeks after the jab from stage 4 cancer.
QUESTION FOR ALL ! Do you need large RCT trials for Governors / Presidents / Doctors to recommend gargle and nasal rinse with diluted H202 or Mouthwash? Isn’t this an extension of hand washing? Nothing is being swallowed. https://nature.com/articles/s41415-020-2476-8 Cetylpyridinium chloride-containing mouthwashes shown to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in oral cavity (news-medical.net) Right on the bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide, sold in every drugstore, it says for gargle or rinse.
Dentists have been doing this since 2020, the American Dental Association recommends.
The CDC website says H202 kills the virus. https://ada.org/en/publication
I am now a full blown “anti vaxxer”….vaccines have caused more harm than good.
With 15K+ deaths and 600K injuries from the injections in VAERS (<10% reported), how can you morally recommend the shots to anyone, let alone those most vulnerable?
Particularly when you know they have no positive effect on Delta.
What would you do now knowing about Uttar Pradesh, India with 1% used the Chinese vaccine issuing med kits of ivermectin issued by officials for early Tx? We have ivermectin….there’s no need for a damned vaccine. They do not ever confer the quality response from our immune system that will help with the next onslaught of viruses.
Vaccine theory is so fraudulent. Anyone still pushing vaccines is anti God. Viruses are most likely exosomes from poisoned cells or something similar. @RWMaloneMD
Was this the next #Event201? Is this what ‘they’ have planned next? #Spars2025 …https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf Historical Vaccine Scandals Suppressed by the Establishment – Snooze 2 Awaken
The problem is doc, I don’t think people are going to have trust in their physicians and pharma at all after this. I think actual anti-vax is going to go through the roof.
Riddle me this, why are you promoting Vax R&D when readily available treatment protocols exist? No need whatsoever for this cult-like behavior for vaccine development.
It has nothing to do with health & everything to do with big pharma. Natural immunity & healthy lifestyle. If you’re not an anti-vx-er then you still haven’t uncovered the entire story.
Natural Doctor explains what Clot Shots are doing. (rumble.com)
No injection on Earth brings about health.
None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. None, and none every will.
What is your expert advice for someone that is a breast cancer survivor for nearly 25 years (remission and recurrence over these years) but is doing well.
Takes medicine daily as the cancer is still in her body.
The best decision maker in the world is sure to fail if he is given unreliable information.
Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated – BBC News
Deaths due to West Nile virus are on the rise – how to stay safe (msn.com)
As bad as Covid has been the past +-two years it has shown me a lot.
Show me who my true friends are. Who will betray me in a second if asked to. It Gave me a new appreciation of nature, photography, and music. Lastly, it showed me that you have to enjoy life even in the bad times.
The last 2+/- years have also shown me who my friends are, and they are my family. They always have my back, love me unconditionally, and are there if I need them. Moving home to be nearer my true “safety net”. Agreed. It’s also shown many that you must take responsibility for your health and when prepping, make sure to stock up on s u p p l e m e n t s. It’s shown me that I want nothing to do with my peers, who mostly blindly accept the false science, lies and tyranny. I’m learning how to identify as something other than just my profession. I haven’t found it yet, but I’m sure there is a better life. That’s true for the longest time people identified themselves by their occupation so you never really got to know the full person.
Very well-articulated. I especially like the last paragraph. I’m currently in my 60s but I remember as a child being told this” It’s not the amount of years that you live it’s the quality of life that you live that’s important”
I totally agree

this is why America is the greatest country on earth

To jab or not to jab?

I don’t agree that we need a vax at all. Natural immunity is the only thing that ends this. Lock up the old people for a few months and let the young & healthy stop the virus dead by way of natural immunity. Done.
Thankyou Doc.. for being the voice of reason in this whole COVID hysteria! We cannot have #MandatoryVaccination if Fauci n CDC don’t recognize #naturalimmunity !
People are losing their careers over this madness.

Hopefully you are not using aborted fetal cell lines. Disgusting and the reason many of us won’t touch the vaccines. Thank God because now we’ve seen the disaster they are.
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine we already know work.
You’re not working with the Chinese or US military like some others we know? https://drasticresearch.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/main-document-preempt-volume-1-no-ess-hr00118s0017-ecohealth-alliance.pdf Why don’t you learn what actually makes people healthy instead of treating people like walking petri dishes and using chemicals to alter the manifestation of biochemistry.
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate.
Life is too short to be offended by differing opinions.
Try and consider their intent.
Were they trying to tear you down, advise you, or simply sharing their viewpoint?
So what you are really saying is we are going to have another variant ?
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.” ~I. Thomas
Stop focusing on the tail of the tiger. 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏᴮᵒᵒᵖ
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