Miracles. Miracles happen.
I knew of a man that thought he would try God and ask him to move a mountain so they could be a road, So he did, not long after the road was made into a freeway and man carve that mountain down to put the road through. In reality God can only do what he can do naturally.
Use of Ego, application of Ego, stuff like that. Slamming Ego is like slamming one’s arm. Who creates their own first thoughts? No one. Most people don’t know why they like peas over another vegetable but they do.
Come 2023 when covid Vaccine trials are officially complete,
I’m either going to be PROVEN RIGHT or PROVEN RIGHT.

Never say I told ya so, it’s not productive.
People are letting the GOVERNMENT convince them they know more about their health than their Doctors. Either they’ll be a dramatic drop in birth rates around the world + increased Deaths due to Vax / Depopulation Agenda or
I’m still going to be alive, proving I didn’t need the Vaccine… Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How? • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)
AMERICA FIRST – FREEDOM – TRUMP – PATRIOT “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” IFB ALL PATRIOTS.
For every 1000 ballots we cast, the left communists have 1003 balloots waiting. We must vote from the rooftops. They keep being able to cheat like Gavin Newsom..so it might be a civil war cause we can’t go on like this . No need to bother to persuade them, or vote them out, defeat them, wear them down to the ground. They deserve it.
Trump knows Unless this fraudulent voting system is corrected, millions of Trump supporters will never vote again. Not after what we witnessed 11/3 and the GA senate vote.
No, we tried that in 2020. We cannot vote our way out, but we can pray.
God is the only one who can change things.

Yes, with a 5 to 4 vote at SCOTUS confirming that the Nov 2020 election was so riddled with fraud and corruption the state legislatures have decertified, changed their electoral college votes giving Trump 270 or more votes and
declared Trump the winner of the presidential race.

We were coasting to victory in 2020. And our Republic leaders, Do nothing!! Mitch McConnell And other Rinos didn’t do or say anything. So fat chance we’ll win another national election.
I didn’t believe they would actually be able to pull off such a huge fraud.
September 24, 2021 ~ An independent audit confirms that Joe Biden won in AZ’s Maricopa county in 2020.” That’s False!!!
Not unless the same thing that happened in Maricopa county happens in Fulton county (GA) & counties of Detroit, Milwaukee, & Philadelphia for starters. Preferably Forensic audits w/ signature verification. Should’ve happened 20 yrs ago.
Won’t happen so no CaliforniaRecallElection should be Audited>that will tell you if we can or not we’ve felt for decades it was rigged here so maybe we should assume it is>Audit them all>attempt to keep it honest & burn ESS Computer voting machines>How do you think that Maduro won Looks in Venezuela now.
Trust me Venezuelans have been trying to vote the way out of socialism for 20 years and it doesn’t work. We were the Richest country in the world at one time. Sad to see where it is now. Balkanization. Police state. Civil war. There is a 100% chance we are headed for one of the three. That’s the only way. Get the bad sec’s of state indicted. True the vote and win next year. Then impeach Joe, Kamala, Nancy, Chuck, Adam- all the swamp. Let the House pick POTUS, and kill every EO Biden signed. Baby steps but democracy is slow on purpose .
We don’t have time to dick around with local elections.
Has voting ever worked the way it’s supposed to?
There won’t be a NATION left to save.
We’ll never know. But knowing what we know now about how corrupt the Democrat Slave Master Party is, and always has been, I doubt it… The GOP is corrupt also but I just don’t see their kind of corruption stooping to election rigging and physical intimidation.
No one is interested in fixing the voting system. They won’t even admit it’s broken. The GOP certified this fraudulent election. We’re toast. Yeah, by criminal investigations…the problem is way way deeper. you’ve got the whole unelected bureaucracy plus foreign government influence including the world government. Yes it’s there but not in its full form yet.
Just look no closer than here on Twitter sidebar it says,
Gaslighting 101….hard to fight that when everything is rigged for the Demoncrats…might have to look at other options…Unfortunately, no. We’re past the point of working this out w/ #woke Demoncrats. They know it, too. That’s why the fences go up around federal buildings. They know what they did. You mean put in a number to be voided by ten “mail in” ballots at least? From dead people, duplicate people, etc. Hell no. Voting means nothing at this point.
Trump won big. Newsom lost big. But here we are with…”voting.”
After what happened in California and the gaslighting by the MSM, I no longer think so.
Too many Rinos and bad actors on both sides, it’s a shame that they don’t follow history, in the end, they are fools for the establishment and of what’s to come.. When we sit still and allow our election integrity to be lost, we will never have any confidence again. Besides all this illegal immigration is simply vote buying. If you pick one cause to volunteer and spend your time on, I recommend election integrity, and local involvement in the election process.
We the people are the only way.
The democrats perfected the way to cheat and control elections because of the weak republicans. It’s over for our country. Not so sure either…..by the time mid term election arrives who knows what else the Democrats could change? or destroy! Guess we’ll find out in about a year. I am actually hopeful that we will. And if we don’t it will be civil war and the country will split. Unsure of the method of remedy other than it is our solemn duty…. To show a sign of impatience, is needed for those whose ideology (communism) is very patient.
In effect…They will gnaw forever, at a bone made of marble… our vote will be stolen. If nothing or no one is held accountable for the cheat, then I guess not. Unsure if patriots have that much patience. The lies from the Left and the MSM are trying people’s fortitude! California is fucked. America is on the brink of distinction. Paper ballots will never get you out of the situation you’re in. Nope not unless 2020 is fixed in all 50. Exposing ALL who are compromised is the only option. Or else!…. Faux-voting is how we got this faux-admin. Fix it or we’ll never get back our One Nation Under God Republic.
I am still holding out. We are still free on paper. We must start local and work our way up. There’s too much evil in this country and running this country to ever have a vote that counts again. If the 2020 cheat is not fully investigated and charged and soon, start learning Mandarin. Voting has been designed from the get go, to be manipulated. Sometimes they rig a little, and sometimes they rig a lot. We need a new way of delegating power. Or better yet, instead of delegating power, just hire contractors to do the jobs we need. No need for polls. Not without an overhaul on the entire voting system.
There is no way! The tentacles of the establishment are deep into our elections So many non-elected are bought and paid for via Soros. The only way out of this is war, and I have my doubts about that, 40 years ago it would have happened, before the Soyboy era. I pray that enough people has seen what is happening to our country and we can vote for people who actually care .
September 26, 2021 ~ Democrats Unveil Plan To Strip Presidency Of Powers As They Fear Trump May Return. (RoyalPatriot.com)-
House Democrats appear to be looking ahead to the possibility of a second Trump administration, with far-left House speaker Nancy Pelosi joining other Democrat lawmakers on Tuesday to announce the introduction of legislation that curtails the power of the president.
House Speaker Pelosi was joined by Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who is the chief sponsor of the bill, which is being titled the “Protecting Our Democracy Act.”
Notice how they always use language to falsely attribute characteristics to extremist legislation? This is by no means an effort to protect democracy, and nor is their “For the People Act” a piece of legislation that benefits the people.
Without making any specific reference to President Donald Trump’s unconstitutional acts – which there is no evidence he has ever even committed – Pelosi said that they are taking action to ensure that “no president of whatever party can ever assume that he or she has the power to usurp the power of the other branches of government.”
In short, she wants to make sure the House has more control when a president isn’t doing what she wants him to do.
She’s probably mad that she couldn’t stand in the way of funding the wall. President Donald Trump famously diverted $3.8 billion in Pentagon funding to pay for the wall, citing the obvious fact that mass migration of illegals over the border was a national security risk.
Under the Democrats’ new bill, the president’s pardon power would be limited, presidents would be required to provide their tax records, and a deadline for prosecuting former presidents and vice presidents for federal crimes while committed in office will be extended.
Do you see what they’re doing here?
The new legislation will effectively make it easy for Pelosi to force Trump to release his tax returns, and to prosecute him on non-crimes she accuses him of.
They’re so scared of Trump coming back that the Democrats are proposing legislation that will make it significantly easier for them to punish him when he does.
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Socialist They are bought off puppets who are propagandists no different than Joseph Goebbels. Biden warns that the debt crisis could trigger a recession, as he is pushing for a 3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that is full of everything but infrastructure projects.
Biden Admin Warns States That Federal Debt Crisis Could Trigger Recession | The Daily Wire
“If you’re on a free will, sovereign planet and you choose not to use your free will or sovereignty, who’s fault is that?” ~ Rion DeRouen
Please pray for This Global Spiritual War.
Pray that our country is able to retain the values and traditions intended by the founding fathers and that our great nation never succumbs–to those who wish to change our country into something we can never accept. Also pray that GOD allows America to emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.
He holds the foolish evildoers in derision and laughs at them!
Yes, it’s Biblical

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