Dr. Anthony Fauci: “I’m not denying at all that people who get infected and recover have a considerable degree of immunity.” Practically every policy of consequence is ignoring this. The disinformation has fomented the trust crisis. It’s important to get this right & trumpet it – you’re safe, it’s OK to return to normalcy, etc.
People still think you might get HIV from a toilet because of this buffoon…

A shot does not dramatically increase the recovered immunity. In fact, T-cell exhaustion has been seen. shot only increases circulating antibodies. which is expected when encountering covid. Natural immunity is perfect. Don’t Fuck with it. Fauci questions natural immunity but these questions also applies to the vaccines in use which haven’t been answered, yet they’re enforcing mandates,
Look, Fauci and our current illegitimate administration is here for profits

only and don’t care to educate anyone on SCIENCE or want to protect the American people! The sooner we all realize this fact, the better it is for all of us!
They “don’t know what the durability of protection is from natural immunity”, but the durability of protection from the lab made pharmaceutical is settled

I’m sick of hearing people excuse all the ignorance with excuses about it being a new virus. We have the top people in the world working on this for 18 months.
Why do we still have no answers to important questions?
They have been purposely ignoring the data because it goes against their agenda.
There’s data!

https://washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/… https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.27.21262741v1.full… https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full.pdf… https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.19.21262111v1… https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.20.21255670v1.full-text… https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.01.21258176v2…
https://cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(21)00203-2… https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0009551… https://nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03647-4.epdf
So we don’t have any idea about the durability of natural immunity, but we KNOW that this new vaccine that allows breakthrough infections and that we are pushing boosters for has better durability. But natural immunity can’t be monetized or controlled by the public health and pharmaceutical industries, so that ain’t gonna fly. How are Bill Gates, WEF, Fauci, Wen, Biden, et al gonna capitalize on natural immunity and good health?!
So he DOES have enough data to know everyone needs boosters b/c vaccine immunity isn’t anywhere near as robust/durable as the original data they “had enough of” predicted it would be, but DOESN’T have enough data to know how robust/durable natural immunity is…so mandates it is! My partner had a moderate case COVID? She had tested 5 months later with a good supply of antibodies. Tested again 12 months later & doubled her antibodies. Her doctor stated no need for a vaccine and he was deploying the vaccine at his clinic.
Natural immunity versus vaccine?
Fauci says previously-infected people should vaccinate because the government doesn’t yet know the durability of natural immunity. WORSE: The more people you vaccinate before tracking this, the smaller a pool you will have 4 it.
Immunity by overcoming all 29 proteins, or by just 1 out of 29 when vaccinated. (Sic. Spike protein). No wonder Israeli studies show that natural immunity is 13 times less likely to get Covid again compared to fully vaccinated, and 27 times less likely to get symptoms from it.
The discussion should have been largely about measuring and proliferating immunity from the beginning. How many of the 40 million in the US who recovered and did not succumb to covid-19 had more than sufficient antibody levels to prevent serious re-infection?
This is how he rolls: yes, natural immunity exists (3/2020), no, maybe we need to look into it (8/2021), yes (9/2021). My prediction, in a few months, those with prior infection won’t need vax cards. You claim you don’t know the duration of natural immunity all because it is cheap/free compared to the multibillion dollar vaccine industry hoax. You don’t know the durability of the vaccine either (clearly with boosters needed).
You don’t know the long term effects of vaccines either. But clearly that’s nothing they care about. But they care about the unknown durability of natural immunity, SMH!! One moment it is that apparently we have no data, the next he describes the relative degree of natural immunity with some precision. The broad thrust of the data doesn’t support this claim.
Vaccinating people who have had covid-19: why doesn’t natural immunity count in the US? | The BMJ
For the people in charge of responding to the largest international pandemic in modern history to NOT have the data on immunity for the covid recovered is downright intentional obfuscation. “I understand that vaccination offers stronger protections…”
Then you understand wrong, @jaketapper
. It’s well established through multiple large scale studies that natural protection offers broader and more durable immunity than vaccination. It’s no longer even up for debate. Physicians pushing unnecessary medical procedures is a SERIOUS ethical breach. Pushing vaccines on people with natural immunity is unnecessary. An infection recovery practically stops the virus from reinfection most people.
A vaccination practically stops people noticing they are transmitting an infection.
Exposing the virus to the vaccine may increase selection for vaccine resistance. “The findings appear to indicate increased protection from natural immunity over vaccine-conferred immunity. This may be due to a more extensive immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 proteins, compared with the immune activation provided by the vaccine, the researchers suggest.”
But we know the “durability” of the vaccine. 6 months. A third booster adds 12 days.
We also know that the vaccine only protects against one part of a specific spike protein from the original virus, hence ineffective against variants. Natural immunity provides broad immunity. He story changes everyday – we have a real life Marty Byrd Nor do we have the durability of vaccine immunity, especially against variants…but that’s ok apparently, because it’s not in support of the point currently being argued.
Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime (nature.com)
“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!” Psalm 150:1-2 ESV
Times Of Israel: Delta Variant “27 times More Likely to Breakthrough Pfizer Protection …than… Natural Immunity!” – NewsRescue.com
Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease – GreatGameIndia Psalm 150:1-2 Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! | English Standard Version 2016 (ESV) | Download The Bible App Now
#DoctorDoomFauci strikes again. This joker & liar should have resigned a long time ago bec flip flopping on Covid19 mask mandates, gain of function, vaccine mandate. He is truly an agent & benefactor recipient from the Big Pharma’s. he’s misleading again: acquired immunity is at least 7 times stronger than vaccine immunity! And it lasts much longer. According to a study, God made immunity is 13 times more efficient to fighting the virus than the man made vax. Dr. Evil Fauci to Guantanamo. I cannot listen to him talk about the durability of natural infection immunity as if the vaccine doesn’t offer at best six months of “durable” immunity. By considerable degree he meant natural immunity is 13 times more effective against Delta.
A Final Warning to Humanity from former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon.
He simply will not accept ANY prevention or treatment other than the vax.
He is evil & motivated in his message by greed & corrupt leadership here & abroad.
Any scientist would be open to exploring a multitude of options & celebrating their success. #FireFauci @FoxNews @MartyMakary
Re: vaccine immunity. In this opinion piece by a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Israel study from a few weeks shows that people with natural immunity were 27x less likely to get a 2nd infection compared to vaccinated individuals. There is no evidence that taking the vaccine after recovery improves the immune response at all, let alone “dramatically”. He’s making that up.
Are you just going to ignore that many who get Covid do NOT recover and die?
And many more have long term negative health effects. So comparing natural immunity AFTER infection, to the vaccine preventing the infection is apples and oranges.
Is “natural immunity” against Covid better than the vaccine? | DebunkLink
CDC: “The study of hundreds of Kentucky residents with previous infections through June 2021 found that those who were unvaccinated had 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with those who were fully vaccinated.” Our immune systems did not just suddenly crap out. Why is it so controversial to strengthen your immune system? Science is no longer evidence based. Fauci always assumed and not knowing for sure he subjected everyone to the adverse effects of experimental vaccines. It’s criminal. Like almost everything, the establishment shit-Lib narrative slowly but surely gets dismantled. Next is ‘FauciMectin” for 700 bucks a pop. Fauci talks like an extremely manipulative person talks. Watch some of his videos from when he was younger. Extremely extremely ambitious person. Borderline psychopathy. Look into Dr. Tony’s track record (particularly around AIDS). Breathe. Look again. Now respond…. The man is a fraud. Blatant lies. Studies show natural immunity is superior to the jab and others show no benefit to jabbing those with natural immunity. It definitely does not seem the vaccine is lasting longer than those who have had COVID, we are constantly reporting breakthrough cases, how many do you know who have got it twice? Fauci should be in jail. #FauciLied #FauciLiedMillionsDied
Natural immunity is 27times more protective according to an Israel study.
Fauci is the main advocate of the “Gain of function” virus research and the funding
for Wuhan research institute of virology to catch the Bats worldwide for GOF research.
Don’t let the Godfather of viruses on the loose! #firefauci #arrestFauci
Scott Morefield on Twitter: “Dr. Anthony Fauci: “I’m not denying at all that people who get infected and recover have a considerable degree of immunity.” https://t.co/kIZkJv5cA1″ / Twitter Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents Show | The Daily Caller
Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital | Science | AAAS Protection against Delta: Comparing vaccines and natural immunity (medicalnewstoday.com)
Watch: Fauci Pal Daszak Admits “Chinese Colleagues” Developing “Killer” Coronaviruses | ZeroHedge
Study: COVID recovery gave Israelis longer-lasting Delta defense than vaccines | The Times of Israel “Insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. moving closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people… You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers,” he adds. #ProvisionalHerdImmunity
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections | medRxiv.
What studies have been done in the U.S. comparing natural immunity vs vaxxed immunity levels? Fauci should already have this data. The recovery rate is over 98% so there are potentially tens of millions who recovered prior to taking the vaccine. Why is he hiding this?
@DrEricDing @DrLeanaWen @ScottGottliebMD
etc. are advocating boosters on @cnn
etc and so is msm in its vax marketing campaign. When will lawyers develop a spine to litigate injuries because people hear these pharma and go and get boostered and die? And how is it they are allowed to do this without any “misinformation” tags from fact checkers? Their guidance is directly contrary to an FDA vote….so how is this different to previous advice contrary to FDA or CDC guidelines?
History will show that Fauci is worse than Mengele.
If you look at the Texas border today and still believe that this little tyrant gives two figs about your health, you are beyond hope. Hundreds of thousands of people could have been saved with a simple medical protocol that would have cost penny’s . Fauci disregard them all, pushes vax that he held patents http://on.Pay for a virus, patent it, Vax,
NIH begins study of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and postpartum | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Immune T Cells May Offer Lasting Protection Against COVID-19 – NIH Director’s Blog.
New VAERS numbers are out. openvaers.com/covid-data
China carrying out Nazi-style experiments on Muslims with organs cut out & mystery injections, chilling report claims (the-sun.com)
The data is everywhere you troll!!
Fuck You Fauci!!