Ever since Al Gore…he made 100’s of millions off the ‘science’. Literally. From six feet distancing to three feet distancing to zero distancing. Cloth masks. Vaccines that don’t work unless everyone takes the vaccines that don’t work. Literally. From six feet distancing to three feet distancing to zero distancing. Cloth masks. Vaccines that don’t work unless everyone takes the vaccines that don’t work.
No, it means “we’re feeding you bullshit to control you until you figure it out and then we change it to new bullshit until you figure it out and then we change it to new bullshit until you… Vaccinated and unvaccinated. Is the new racism. Democrats need us divided. So their corruption and power grabbing can continue. Wake up America. You don’t need to be a genius to see we are being ruled
“Science” is used as a cudgel against those who disagree. “Science” is
a shield against critical thinking. PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t” (rumble.com) Yes and we’re the smart science peeps, but y’all are too dumb to understand. In truth, we know what is happening to our country. Allowing unvaccinated ppl into the US, inflation and the Afghanistan disaster are proven facts.
“Science” has become a crutch for weak minds.
Science without debate, isn’t science. So you can see…following the ‘science’ is rewarding…said every researcher getting grants and tenure.
They’ve constantly lied by omission, Used known incomplete models to fuel 90+% of the post-grad “research” papers & leveraged the media to report as fact/eventual outcomes. Following the money tends to find more truth than following the science. Well, there’s science, fake science and junk science; there’s just so much to choose from in this matter. What puzzles me is the people that just believe what they say Context missing…Sensationalized…
Dunno, that whole psyop skunk from day oneChicken

EXPOSED! FDA, CDC & WHO is hiding this from you? | Dr, Paul Marik FLCCC – Vijaya Viswanathan – YouTube
Why couldn’t he just stick to being a computer nerd? But this? This evolved evil?
What is going on: Hell he seemed like a good dude then.
Why Is Bill Gates Buying So Much Farmland? – Farmland Riches
Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?
In January 2021, Bill Gates became the largest owner of farmland in America,
now owning over 242,000 acres of farmland!
He is enacting the vision of the Sustainable Development Initiative, known as the Green New Deal. In the UN it is called Agenda 2030, hence the colloquial term “30 by 30”.
I heard they had a front man. Americans had no idea they were selling their farms to the CCP. Foreign ownership of land should never have been allowed. Foreign ownership has been allowed for a long time. It doesn’t surprise me one bit the way it’s been obtained.
China and Gates buying up land is disturbing as well.
Sorry if this scares you but she is 100% right. Food shortages are right around the corner.
Communists like Biden and democrats always tamper with the food supply. This always leads to mass murder. In the #dairy , #cattle and #beef #agriculture industry and there’s a lot of truth but when I saw that piece about #OSHA
If Dairy Cows Went On Vacation – Vox
I was startled. After checking it out, I found this.
Talk about making Americans into a bunch of pansies. People should listen well too. Because if people don’t stand up, the entire country is going to end up like a giant reservation. Then you will be fed fake sovereignty and the whole 9.
OSHA to Issue New Rules to Combat Heat When Heat Index Is Over 80 Degrees Fahrenheit
Bill Gates the largest farmland owner now! Look it up! By design!
It’s all a part of Agenda 21. The Great Reset!
They want to create a food shortage. Government crushing farmers at the same time it’s helping bill gates buy up all farmland with money from mandated vaccines. Its all orchestrated. Very true, this is the fact. This government is crushing the farmers by not giving them water for their farm lands and farm animals and at the same time hand in glove with the evil Bill, helping him buy farm lands, It is all orchestrated, something nefarious will befall. The USA woke up. Test | mTm Initiative
Go Beyond this Earth Day (beyondmeat.com)
‘Concerned about water usage? The Beyond Burger uses 99 percent less water than beef. For perspective, the amount of water in an average swimming pool can only produce 312 beef burgers, while the Beyond Burger clocks in at an impressive 60,837.’ Bill Gates and his evil globalist buddies have been buying up tons of farm land for may months, they are behind this scamdemic and ruining the economy makes the land cheap, it’s part of their takeover scheme that ends in billions of people dying.
The gave farmers $20,000,000,000 in subsidies last year.
Yes $20 Billion of taxpayers money so they can complain about something
that isn’t going to happen. Rich people welfare for ungrateful farmers.
Farmers made more money if their crops failed than if they had harvested it. It’s an incentive to produce less. There’s a madness to their method. The Left’s religion is government & the environment and Their God is Satan. Look at the Georgia Guidestones. They want to reduce the world people to 500M.Mass genocide is the http://plan.Is Covid & the jab part of the dominoes? Wake up non powerful/celebrity/rich. They despise us.
Governments today: invent and/or cause “problems” and sell the “solutions” with force, demanding more power, control and lots & lots of money… For many years the starvation in Ireland was blamed on crop failure. It wasn’t until modern times it was more evident it was a planned and orchestrated event by the British ruling class that resulted in genocide. Go vegan ? Think again …
Search YouTube ex-vegan Lots of good info here. @JrWoude
I have to admit 80 degrees seems awfully low and I have heard the rich and powerful are buying up huge amounts of land. To what end remains to be seen. Some, for example, have bought up lots of land in the Amazon so they could protect the rainforests. Not all things are evil… Not sure if you follow this guy already, but if not, then definitely look up Ice Age Farmer – YouTube He talks about the dangers to our food supply and it’s damn scary.
All done, boss! Your download link: http://thisvid.space/hardlove104.
Psst…your new downloads will always be there, even when I don’t reply. See http://thisvid.space/p/faq if you’ve got any questions. But it’s the same in every line of business. Stalin went for the farmers pretty early on. I thought farmers loved Socialism. Isn’t that why you take all the free money yearly. Please don’t preach fair markets when agriculture runs on the most broken system of handouts. More regulations = more oligopoly.

IT IS loose old Nazi methods guided by Francogermans – Bing
Bill Gates’ Investment Firm Buys Controlling Stake In Four Seasons Hotels For $2.2 Billion
Cry fucking harder but make sure you never accept government money that’s from tax payers. I’m all for free markets and fixing the handouts you get is one of them. Blaming Biden is silly and a distraction. Regulations have been around for Republican and Democrat presidents. Blame lobbyists that work for big businesses that write regulations to destroy the small farmer. Big $$ owns D.C. our lawmakers can barely spell their own names. With Biden and power they are accelerating the move to communism in control of every aspect of our lives.
I give farmers full credit. That is a tough job you have to do every single day. Most of us just magically believe “food appears in our supermarkets”. Biden isn’t doing anything, he’s asleep at the wheel. The Alt-meat market is doing plenty. That trash their peddling is going to do irreparable harm to the health of the country.
It’s a UN WEF agenda he is pushing all part of the 2030 agenda. People don’t think it’s real but it’s right there on both the UN and WEF websites. Biden is a puppet of their making like so many other installed *leaders around the world. Report 258 | Rainetta Jones on Targeting, Transhumanism, “Liquid Lucifer ” Nano, and Beating AI (bitchute.com)
Other than the CCP, Gates is the largest landowner in the United States.
This needs to be exposed!
Here’s part of the government’s hustle …
California drought: failed to significantly cut back their water consumption in July, foreshadowing difficult decisions for Newsom – ABC30 Fresno
Lookup Codex Alimentarius. This is an old video, but a must watch one. NCF Dr Rima Laibow Codex Alimentarius and the Nazi Agenda 21 depoulation plan – YouTube Understanding Codex Alimentarius (rumble.com)
Don’t you EVER stop speaking the truth. Say it louder! Love you, love what you’re doing,
and the vast majority of America is behind you!!

TicTok Stephnashmusic. https://tiktok.com/@stephnashmusic
Stephanie Nash – Time Changes: Story Behind the Song – YouTube